Hokkaido, a northern island of Japan, is situated in an area of mixed forest with coniferous and hardwood species between the cool-temperate and the sub-boreal zone. Single-tree selection system has been widely employed since the early 20th century as a major option to manage multi-aged and mixed forests. The University of Tokyo (UT) has owned and managed 23 thousand hectare of forests in the central part of Hokkaido since 1899. The stand-based silvicultural management system has been implemented at the UT Hokkaido Forest for over 50 years to maximize multiple public and economic functions of forest ecosystems. After a brief introduction of forest and forestry in Japan and Hokkaido, I will present recent practices and research activities at the UT Hokkaido Forest for managing conifer-hardwood mixed forests in northern Japan.
Source: Owari, T.: Management and research of conifer-hardwood mixed forests at the University of Tokyo Hokkaido Forest, northern Japan. ICAAM Seminar, University of Evora, Portugal, 13 Jul. 2012
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Management and Research of Conifer-Hardwood Mixed Forests at the University of Tokyo Hokkaido Forest, Northern Japan
1. Management and Research of Conifer-
Hardwood Mixed Forests at the University
of Tokyo Hokkaido Forest, Northern Japan
Dr. Toshiaki Owari
The University of Tokyo, Japan
2. Topics
? Forest and forestry in Japan
? The University of Tokyo (UT) Hokkaido Forest
? Management and research of conifer-hardwood mixed
forests at the UT Hokkaido Forest
2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T) 2
3. Forest and Forestry in Japanese?
? Forest
? Forestry
2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T) 3
13. Comparison of Japanese Forests
between 1952 and 2007
Year Area
(1000 ha)
(mil. m3)
Growing stock
per hectare
1952 24,745 1,722.87 70
2007 25,097 4,431.74 177
Source: Forestry Agency
2012/07/13 ICAAM Seminar (Owari T)
17. The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011
Source: Forestry Agency
2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T) 17
18. Topics
? Forest and forestry in Japan
? The University of Tokyo (UT) Hokkaido Forest
? Management and research of conifer-hardwood mixed
forests at the UT Hokkaido Forest
2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T) 18
19. The Univ. of Tokyo Hokkaido Forest
2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T) 19
? Located in Furano, Hokkaido
? 4310?- 20? N, 14220?-
40? E
? Between the cool-temperate and
the sub-boreal zone
? 22,717 ha of forestland
? Established in 1899
20. ICAAM Seminar (Owari T)
? Mixed forest with coniferous
and broad-leaved species
? Abies sachalinensis
? Picea jezoensis
? Quercus crispula
? Kalopanax pictus
? Fraxinus mandshurica
? Betura maximowicziana
? Tilia japonica
? The average standing
volume is 211 m3 ha-1
? The cutting volume was
23,000 m3 in 2011
2012/07/13 20
The Univ. of Tokyo Hokkaido Forest
33. Topics
? Forest and forestry in Japan
? The University of Tokyo (UT) Hokkaido Forest
? Management and research of conifer-hardwood mixed
forests at the UT Hokkaido Forest
2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T) 33
34. Stand-based Silvicultural Management
? has been used since 1958
? Management should be adaptive to
the conditions of each stand to
maximize the multiple public and
economic functions of the forest
ecosystems (Takahashi, 2001)
? uses a method of single-tree
selection cutting
? Cutting cycle: 15 or 20 years
? Rate of removals: 10C17% of the
growing stock
2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T) 34
Nobukiyo Takahashi
37. Spatially-explicit Classification
? serves as the basis for spatial
management planning on where
to be cut (Owari et al., 2007)
? identifies selection forests
where natural regeneration is
expectable so that selection
logging is applicable (Takahashi,
? In-depth ground surveys are
essential for spatial classification
(Owari et al., 2009)
2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T) 37
39. 2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T) 39
The Classification Tree Model of Spatially-
explicit Classification Decisions
Source: Owari et al. (in press)
40. Tree Marking for Harvest
? is an essential technique in
single-tree selection system
(Owari et al., 2010)
? involves the careful selection of
trees for harvest according to
forest management objectives
(OMNR, 2004)
? affects the growth, quality and
regeneration of a stand
2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T) 40
41. Tree Marking in a Selection Forest
2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T) 41
Note: Dark Green: Conifer, Light Green: Broad-leaves, Red: Harvest trees
Before Harvest After Harvest
42. 2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T) 42
Analysis of Tree Marking Decisions using
Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis
Source: Owari et al. (2010)
43. Tree Marking with GPS
2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T) 43
Fig. Harvest intensity
Source: Owari et al. (2011)
44. 2
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
n=906 n=1676 n=1185 n=1409MeanTreedensity(trees/ha)
2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T)
Fig. Change in species composition in terms of tree density
Long-term Effects of Selection System
Applications on Stand Structure
Tatsumi et al.
49. Variable
This study
(5,111 ha)
Hosaka et al. (2008)*
(207 ha)
Dwarf bamboo coverage -
Overstory Abies BA + +
Slope + +
HLI: heat load index +
Elevation -
Curvature +
Solar radiation +
TWI: topographic wetness index ns
2012/07/13ICAAM Seminar (Owari T) 49
Note: ?ns? indicates that the variable was not selected in the final model.
Tab. Results of the GLMM analysis
Relationships between Site Conditions
and Regeneration Abundance
Source: Owari (2012)
55. Future Research Topics
? Growth and yield models of conifer-hardwood mixed forests
? Economic analysis of multi-aged mixed forest management
? Ecosystem services of conifer-hardwood mixed forests
? Promotion of natural regeneration in managed forests
? Conversion from regular to irregular stand structure
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