Intangible Assets for Systemic Changein Social EntrepreneurshipYutakaTanabe
This document discusses intangible assets and their relationship to systemic change. It defines intangible assets as non-physical assets like brands, intellectual property, and organizational culture. Intangible assets are characterized by being sunk costs, having spillover effects, being scalable, and creating synergies. The document proposes that intangible assets can contribute to systemic change through experience sharing and building followership, which can lead to cultural and behavioral changes in social systems. It argues more research is needed on the role of intangible assets in nonprofit organizations and driving sustainable development.
Defining the mindset of social entrepreneurshipYutakaTanabe
1. Introduction
2-1. A framework to define the mindset of social
2-2. Defining the mindset of social entrepreneurship
2-3. Difference between the definition of the mindset of
entrepreneurship and that of social entrepreneurship
3. Conclusion
A document discusses a meeting held on July 23, 2006 at 1819 hours. It notes the attendees initials and provides some details on topics discussed including action items, problems, solutions, and deadlines.
Defining the mindset of social entrepreneurshipYutakaTanabe
International Society for Thiird-Sector Research (ISTR)
13th International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands 10-13 JULY 2018
Session: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
Defining the mindset of social entrepreneurship
Game Changer Institute
Yutaka Tanabe (Japan)
Mindset, Social Entrepreneurship, Culture and SustainabilityYutakaTanabe
6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise 2017
the Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)
Session: F06 Profiles and trajectories of social enterprise leaders
Five Stages of Social EntrepreneurshipYutakaTanabe
ISTR (International Society for Third-sector Research)
12th International Conference
Stockholm, Sweden
Ersta Skondal University College
F12 Theorizing on Social Enterprise
39. ミッションが社会の広范を
It launches a big idea
that over time is likely
to change its ?eld on a
continental scale.
属する大陸全体に変革を ビル?ドレイトン氏
40. 狈笔翱単体では社会は変わらない
? 世界的企業のマッキンゼーが卒業生(出身者)を重視
“The 100 Most
Influential People in
the World” (TIME)
Cami Anderson 氏 Kevin Hu?man 氏
大石佳能子 氏 大前研一 氏
(社会起業家) (テネシー州教育長)
(医療企業経営) (コンサルタント) 40