The document outlines an agenda for a Customer Connect 201 meeting. It provides updates on the Customer Connect program, including that 599 centers have signed up, over 3 million customer records are in the database, and over 1.4 million email addresses have been collected. It also discusses sources for collecting and importing customer data, such as a website widget, league data, and other files. Finally, it discusses developing targeted marketing plans for customers in the database.
2. Customer Connect Update
Data Collection Sources
Website Widget
Importing USBC Data
Importing Other Data
Marketing Plan
Live Demo
3. Launched in January 2012
Currently 599 centers signed up
3,368,547 records in the database
1,467,031 email addresses
2,712 marketing plans developed
41,538 website visits
2013 Ave 205 centers per month using
Customer Connect Update
4. Currently 20 Ohio centers actively using
Over 127,000 records
Only 20 marketing plans to date
30 to 40 centers signed up
Customer Connect Update
5. Manual collection Individual People
Center Entry
Customer Entry (Widget)
Importing Groups of People
USBC certified league data
Kids Bowl Free
Excel, CSV, etc.
Data Collection Sources