Sk컴즈 행복화실 8주 - 수채화 매일 그리기Jinho JungThis document discusses a weekly happiness workshop and provides links to Flickr photo albums about daily drawing. It encourages daily drawing by linking to albums on Flickr that show how drawing every day can become a fun habit. The links showcase photo collections from different Flickr users dedicated to their daily drawing practices over time.
Sk컴즈 행복화실 8주 - 수채화 매일 그리기Jinho JungThis document discusses a weekly happiness workshop and provides links to Flickr photo albums about daily drawing. It encourages daily drawing by linking to albums on Flickr that show how drawing every day can become a fun habit. The links showcase photo collections from different Flickr users dedicated to their daily drawing practices over time.
SK컴즈 행복화실 9주 과정 전체Jinho JungThis document contains a series of images without captions or context. The images depict rural landscapes and scenes of peasants working in fields, as well as some abstract patterns.
27. 다음 주는 색연필을 꼭 가져오세요
28. 색연필 고르기
- 물에 녹아요, 수채화 흉내를 낼 수 있어요 케이스에 수채물감이
그려져 있어요 : 수성
- 발색 좋아요 찐해요 이뻐요!
- 12, 24, 36, 72, 120
- 브랜드별로 색상이 달라요
- 낱개 구입 가능
유성, 나무 연필 모양으로 구입하세요
- 종이, 플라스틱 형태 안돼요
자동연필깍기 사용 주의!