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Institute Advocacy
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Member View
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 Overall Engagement
1 Year
3 - 5 Years
More than 5
Challenges for 2014 and beyond
the Need
 Political Action Committee
 Seeking office
 Adams editorial AIA should strive to
be listed an an Open Secrets Heavy
Hitter - Heavy Hitters are the 140
biggest overall donors to federal
elections since the 1990 election
cycle, as compiled by the Center for
Responsive Politics. As time and
resources permit, we'll be adding
more organizations to the list - and we
welcome your suggestions for new
organizations to add. Keep in
mind, though, that the work involved
in compiling this data is enormous -
particularly since we're profiling
moving targets, as many of the
organizations bought, sold and
merged their way into ever-changing
entities during the 1990s and early
Political Action Committee
AIA 2012 / 2013
Eligible Class (AIA, FAIA, Assoc. AIA, National& Comp.
Percentage Solicited 100% via email / 10% via other method
Percentage who contributed (2012/2013) 1.9% or 1484 in 12 / 1.1% or 843 in 13
Total Raised 2012/2013 151,000 / 112,000
Average Contribution $105 / $128
Percentage who give the max 0 Zero None
Source: Public Affairs Council
Political Action Committee
 National Association of Business PACs Survey:
 Average Participation for an Association 14.8%
 Expense to Dollar ratio - 0.44 : 1
 1.9% participation
 Expense to Dollar ratio - .7 : 1 (PAC admin expenses have gone to
other but related projects
Political Action Committee
 Source Public Affairs Council
Political Action Committee
The $5000 Club Minimum Members (2011/2012)
ABC 24
Realtors 2 (NAR claims to have 33%
Political Action Committee
Political Donors
 Since 2000 about 15% of AIA
members have made an
itemized contribution to a
political candidate
 Contributions spread the
spectrum with top recipients
 Barack Obama
 Michelle Bachmann
 Act Blue
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
Source  Match of AIA data to voter file
 AIA members are slightly
behind in voter registration and
turnout nationwide
 However, in battle ground
states AIA members are slightly
2006 2008 2010 2012
Registered to Vote
Seeking Office
 Was the AIA helpful to your campaigning efforts?
The AIA was not helpful at all. I called them because there is [ArchiPAC, the] AIA political
action committee (PAC) that I have contributed to, but the AIA said its PAC wont offer
support at the state level. That was fine. I understood why our PAC money has to stay at
the federal level; there just isnt enough of a voice there, so thats where we need to spend
the dollars.
However, I thought the AIA would offer some sort of campaigning advice from architects
who had run for election before. When I called the national office about that, they took my
name and said they would have some people call me, but no one ever did. I probably
should have called to follow up, but practice and campaigning do take a lot of time.
 What could the AIA and its local chapters do to better help citizen architects?
We could do a better job of information sharing. I looked for some kind of guide for citizen
architects and never found anything helpful. The AIA could develop policy statements on
why architects make good leaders at the city, state and national levels, as well as some
speaking points for architects to campaign on. I would be willing to help with that effort, if
theres a way. I think architects could be very successful legislatorswe just need to
collaboratively help them get elected.
 From: http://www.architects.org/news/ten-questions-lonnie-laffen-aia-north-dakota
BSA Interview of Senator Lonnie Laffen, AIA from
North Dakota
Seeking Office
The Seattle Problem
Seeking Office
The Seattle Problem, Part 2
Seeking office
 Jefferson List  to help facilitate
support from the profession
 Push Back on the perception of
endorsement only because they
are architects
 Promote why architects in office
are so important
 Need to develop
acknowledgment mechanism and
support network for active
 Convention M&G in 2014
 Seven running for reelection to
state legislative office
 One running for state legislative
office for the first time
 Other major offices
Ways to support Candidates (2014)
 Grassroots Network
 Internship Program
 Advocacy Tools
 Trends in Grassroots
 Adams Editorial, AIA should be
able to develop a full key
contact network by the end of
2015, however the members
involved may not always be the
right member and the support
for this program needs to be
connected to repositioning.
Grassroots Network
Grassroots Network
Member of
Member of
AIA Member
Member of
Grassroots Network
 About 200 different individual advocates have signed up (a lot
of EPs)
 Alerted us to issues between Local and State components
 Looking to identify a national champion for the program to help
recruit leading voices in the profession, and seek buy in from
 Train and prepare members and components on what to
Grassroots Network
Most AIA members who vote do so regularly (have
voted 3 or more times in the past 12 years).
Have voted since
Voted 3 or more
Voted in a primary
since 2000
Voted in 3 or more
Internship Program
Advocacy Tools
Advocacy Tools
 Go mobile or go home
 AIA.org is not mobile
 AIADA = American Intl
Automobile Dealers
Overall Engagement
 PAC & Grassroots & Lobbying are synergized
 Civic Leadership Program needs a focus that is not being
carried by other areas
 CCL and Citizen Architect involvement in the Grassroots
 Increased effort to retain ArchiPAC donors & identify new
 Increase reach into AIA communications sources
Overall Engagement
 Programs in more than 6 state and regional conferences in the past 18
 20 active volunteers
 Volunteer effort that will discontinue without more active support
Overall Engagement
2006 2008 2010 2012 2013
Contributions to ArchiPAC
Overall Engagement
Participation Open Rate
Average Actions Taken
1 Action 2 to 4 Actions 5 to 10 Actions 11 + Actions
There were 33 different action alerts in the past 2 years that people engaged with.
Most people took less than 5 actions, but some super activists took 40, 80, or
more actions
Overall Engagement
Overall Engagement
 Inconsistent experience among components and members
 Hesitation to engage on local issues and with local officials
 947 ArchiPAC donors from 2012 have yet to renew
 Greg Kessler, FAIA
 Mary Cox, FAIA
 Steve Jernigan, FAIA
 Adam Melis
 Amanda Stratton  Grassroots
 Wendy Young - ArchiPAC

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2013 bac engagement

  • 2. + Overview Member View Uninformed Like Dont Like Political Grassroots Overall Engagement Discussion TIME TO IMPLEMENT 1 Year 3 - 5 Years More than 5 Other
  • 3. + Challenges for 2014 and beyond Resources Time Mobility Technology Understanding the Need Organizational Consistency
  • 4. + Political Political Action Committee Elections Seeking office Adams editorial AIA should strive to be listed an an Open Secrets Heavy Hitter - Heavy Hitters are the 140 biggest overall donors to federal elections since the 1990 election cycle, as compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. As time and resources permit, we'll be adding more organizations to the list - and we welcome your suggestions for new organizations to add. Keep in mind, though, that the work involved in compiling this data is enormous - particularly since we're profiling moving targets, as many of the organizations bought, sold and merged their way into ever-changing entities during the 1990s and early 2000s.
  • 5. + Political Action Committee AIA 2012 / 2013 Eligible Class (AIA, FAIA, Assoc. AIA, National& Comp. Staff) ~76,000 Percentage Solicited 100% via email / 10% via other method Percentage who contributed (2012/2013) 1.9% or 1484 in 12 / 1.1% or 843 in 13 Total Raised 2012/2013 151,000 / 112,000 Average Contribution $105 / $128 Percentage who give the max 0 Zero None Source: Public Affairs Council
  • 6. + Political Action Committee National Association of Business PACs Survey: Average Participation for an Association 14.8% Expense to Dollar ratio - 0.44 : 1 AIA 1.9% participation Expense to Dollar ratio - .7 : 1 (PAC admin expenses have gone to other but related projects
  • 7. + Political Action Committee Source Public Affairs Council
  • 8. + Political Action Committee The $5000 Club Minimum Members (2011/2012) AIA 0 NAHB 50 ABC 24 AGC 7 Realtors 2 (NAR claims to have 33% participation!)
  • 9. + Political Action Committee 15% 85% Political Donors Contributors Non- Contributors Since 2000 about 15% of AIA members have made an itemized contribution to a political candidate Contributions spread the spectrum with top recipients Including: Barack Obama Michelle Bachmann Act Blue
  • 15. + Elections AIA members are slightly behind in voter registration and turnout nationwide However, in battle ground states AIA members are slightly ahead 45% 61% 52% 57% 48% 64% 42% 62% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2006 2008 2010 2012 Members Public 71 76 0 20 40 60 80 100 Registered to Vote Members Public
  • 16. + Seeking Office Was the AIA helpful to your campaigning efforts? The AIA was not helpful at all. I called them because there is [ArchiPAC, the] AIA political action committee (PAC) that I have contributed to, but the AIA said its PAC wont offer support at the state level. That was fine. I understood why our PAC money has to stay at the federal level; there just isnt enough of a voice there, so thats where we need to spend the dollars. However, I thought the AIA would offer some sort of campaigning advice from architects who had run for election before. When I called the national office about that, they took my name and said they would have some people call me, but no one ever did. I probably should have called to follow up, but practice and campaigning do take a lot of time. What could the AIA and its local chapters do to better help citizen architects? We could do a better job of information sharing. I looked for some kind of guide for citizen architects and never found anything helpful. The AIA could develop policy statements on why architects make good leaders at the city, state and national levels, as well as some speaking points for architects to campaign on. I would be willing to help with that effort, if theres a way. I think architects could be very successful legislatorswe just need to collaboratively help them get elected. From: http://www.architects.org/news/ten-questions-lonnie-laffen-aia-north-dakota BSA Interview of Senator Lonnie Laffen, AIA from North Dakota
  • 18. + Seeking Office The Seattle Problem, Part 2
  • 19. + Seeking office Jefferson List to help facilitate support from the profession Push Back on the perception of endorsement only because they are architects Promote why architects in office are so important Need to develop acknowledgment mechanism and support network for active candidates Convention M&G in 2014 Seven running for reelection to state legislative office One running for state legislative office for the first time Other major offices Ways to support Candidates (2014)
  • 20. + Grassroots Grassroots Network Internship Program Advocacy Tools Trends in Grassroots Adams Editorial, AIA should be able to develop a full key contact network by the end of 2015, however the members involved may not always be the right member and the support for this program needs to be connected to repositioning.
  • 22. + Grassroots Network Member of Congress AIA GRO Member of Congress Constituent AIA Member Advocate Member of Congress AIA GRO
  • 23. + Grassroots Network About 200 different individual advocates have signed up (a lot of EPs) Alerted us to issues between Local and State components Looking to identify a national champion for the program to help recruit leading voices in the profession, and seek buy in from components Train and prepare members and components on what to do/expect
  • 24. + Grassroots Network Most AIA members who vote do so regularly (have voted 3 or more times in the past 12 years). 68% 61% 50% 29% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Have voted since 2000 Voted 3 or more times Voted in a primary since 2000 Voted in 3 or more primaries
  • 29. + Trends Go mobile or go home AIA.org is not mobile AIADA = American Intl Automobile Dealers
  • 32. + Overall Engagement PAC & Grassroots & Lobbying are synergized Civic Leadership Program needs a focus that is not being carried by other areas CCL and Citizen Architect involvement in the Grassroots Network Increased effort to retain ArchiPAC donors & identify new sources Increase reach into AIA communications sources
  • 33. + Overall Engagement Programs in more than 6 state and regional conferences in the past 18 months 20 active volunteers Volunteer effort that will discontinue without more active support
  • 34. + Overall Engagement 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 2006 2008 2010 2012 2013 Contributions to ArchiPAC Receipts
  • 35. + Overall Engagement 2012 2013 2.27% 1.57% 21.42% 26.18% Participation Open Rate 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2012 2013 Average Actions Taken
  • 36. + 1117 1344 286 52 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1 Action 2 to 4 Actions 5 to 10 Actions 11 + Actions There were 33 different action alerts in the past 2 years that people engaged with. Most people took less than 5 actions, but some super activists took 40, 80, or more actions Overall Engagement
  • 37. + Overall Engagement Inconsistent experience among components and members Hesitation to engage on local issues and with local officials 947 ArchiPAC donors from 2012 have yet to renew
  • 38. + Discussion Greg Kessler, FAIA Mary Cox, FAIA Steve Jernigan, FAIA Adam Melis Amanda Stratton Grassroots Wendy Young - ArchiPAC