Amazon Web Services will appoint a Chief Reliability Officer in response to outages that disrupted service for customers. Both public and private cloud options will remain popular, as will hybrid models combining the two. The OpenStack Foundation and CloudStack will cooperate more closely in developing open-source cloud software, and both aim to work more with Amazon Web Services. Government agencies have begun transitioning to cloud computing to realize cost savings.
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2013 cloud predictions
1. Stung by continued outages that cut service to
customers, including a highly publicized
Christmas disruption that caused Netflix to go
down, Amazon Web Services will appoint a
Chief Reliability Officer.
Amazon Changes Its Ways
Businesses are ready to move to the
cloud, but on their own terms. As a
consequence, they are taking advan-
tage of the myriad private cloud options
now being adopted. Public clouds,
offered by leaders such as Amazon Web
Services, will continue to be popular, as
will mixed private and public clouds.
Everybody Gets A Private Cloud
The OpenStack Foundation will enter
into a cooperative agreement with cloud
open-source rival CloudStack, and both
organizations will develop closer
relations with Amazon Web Services.
OpenStack, CloudStack Come Together
In 2012, federal, state and local
governments began to move toward
cloud computing as they realized the
cost savings it could achieve.
Government Gets On Board
Hewlett-Packard, which designated its
Converged Cloud strategy a top priority in
September, will make noise in 2013 by moving
as much of its business as possible to a cloud
services delivery model.
HP Moves Radically To The Cloud
Leading cloud storage vendors Amazon Web Service,
Google and Dropbox engaged in a price war in the
waning months of 2012 in an attempt to capture
market share.
New Storage Strategies
SMBs have cited security, complexity
and cost as reasons to stay hesitant
about delving into cloud services.
SMBs Move To The Cloud
Chinese hackers have been attacking
Internet-based companies, particularly
Google, for several years.
The Cloud Will Cause An
International Incident
In 2012, infrastructure-as-a-service providers led the
development of cloud computing as Amazon Web
Services, Rackspace, Terremark and others offered
customers access to hosting and computing.
From IaaS To PaaS
This will be the year that solution providers capitalize on
the opportunity presented by the cloud to become
brokers to move businesses to a hosted IT environment.
Solution Providers Finally
Become Cloud Brokers