The document defines a mission statement as a paragraph or sentence that shows an organization's vision and values. It explains that a mission statement should include the organization's values, strengths, purposes, and sometimes a motto. It provides Honolulu's mission statement as an example and asks the reader to identify keywords that show Honolulu's values, purposes, and strengths.
This document outlines how to craft an effective corporate volunteer program that appeals to partners. It discusses why companies care about corporate social responsibility (CSR) and employee volunteer programs (EVPs), and the human capital benefits they provide. EVPs can help retain, recruit, engage and train employees while enhancing reputation. The document stresses the importance of creating transformational volunteer experiences that engage people's hands, hearts and minds over just transactional experiences. It also emphasizes demonstrating the impact of volunteering and how it can help achieve Sustainable Development Goals by thinking globally and acting locally.
The document summarizes the Asia Emerging Leaders Summit that took place in Bali, Indonesia in March 2007. The summit aimed to 1) define a new paradigm for Asian leadership, 2) build a community of courageous servant leaders, and 3) facilitate intergenerational conversations to transition leadership and discern God's plan for Asia. The summit focused on developing courageous, servant leadership that pushes boundaries and transforms communities in a holistic way.
This document outlines a 6-step process for true north leadership. Step 1 involves communicating a clear vision of the future. Step 2 develops strategies to achieve that vision. Step 3 describes organizational values to guide decision making. Step 4 develops a people strategy, and Step 5 integrates that strategy into the business culture. Step 6 leads the journey to achieving the vision. The document also quotes Bill George saying successful leaders lead with empathy, compassion, courage and establish deep trust through relationships.
K辰rin Primuth : Asian Church Leaders ForumvisionSynergy
The document discusses partnerships between groups and provides guidance on forming partnerships. It defines partnership as two or more groups working together and contributing resources to achieve a shared vision. It recommends considering partnership when a task is too great for one group alone or when potential partners share a common vision and values. The document outlines steps to explore partnership opportunities, formally establish a partnership, and operate the partnership. It lists 15 key principles for successful partnerships, including having prayer, vision, objectives, champions, trust, and structure.
The document discusses the past, present, and future of an organization called Kin. It notes that in the past the organization struggled in the 80s and 90s and made isolated efforts to address issues. In the new millennium, the organization is focusing on establishing its mission, vision, and values. The document outlines a vision for the future where the organization has clear identity and niche, is nimble and relevant, and has over 20,000 members across 600 clubs.
This document discusses the past, present, and future of an organization called Kin. It reflects on where the organization has come from in the past decade and attempts at strategic planning. It discusses establishing a vision and values for the future. It examines the organization's mission, strategies, and how to connect its various parts to move forward. It considers questions about the organization's identity and how to adapt to changes while maintaining its core values of community involvement and helping others. The document calls members to focus on building a stronger future together through open communication and commitment to the organization's mission.
LDS2014: Responsible, Global Leaders Outputlizzaiesecuk
This document discusses key leadership concepts including organizational happiness, leadership profile, values and perspectives, skills and competencies, and global awareness. It defines leadership as having values like courage and empathy, and skills like communication and problem solving. Global awareness is defined as having cultural competence including knowledge of different cultures. Responsibility is defined as having a duty to deal with issues and thinking about how one's actions impact others. The document suggests activities for developing future leadership, global awareness, and sense of responsibility.
The document discusses strategies for building an effective and engaged leadership team. It outlines objectives like engagement, composition, and dynamics. It defines different types of governance like fiduciary, strategic, and generative. It emphasizes the importance of CEO and board engagement, as well as developing a culture of inquiry through fostering authenticity and trust. It also provides tips for board revitalization such as rotating members, evaluating performance, and cultivating new leaders.
The document summarizes a community leadership session on developing an economic development and marketing strategy for Hoosick, NY. The objectives included explaining the project, discussing economic development trends, the importance of community leadership, and recruiting social media advocates. Participants were tasked with identifying new community leaders, recruiting 5 new people to the next meeting, and thinking of ways to obtain private funding to support the economic development plan.
This document provides tips and guidance for keeping nonprofit boards energized and effective. It discusses onboarding new board members, conducting board meetings and retreats, clarifying board member roles related to fundraising and donor relationships, and the importance of team building and recognizing accomplishments. The overall message is that nonprofits should provide board members with clear expectations and the information and support they need to fulfill governance and fundraising duties.
What is a leader? - A better way to understand leadershipSimon Smyth
According to Simple English Wikipedia, A leader is someone who has the authority to tell a group of people what to do somebody whom people follow.
However, is being in charge what defines you as a leader? Maybe our idea of leadership has changed over time and perhaps it goes slightly deeper than that.
Caitlin Dartez created an infographic to explore career options that align with her values of helping people achieve goals through creativity, planning, design, and innovation. Her strengths in associates, implementation, leadership, and service point towards careers that allow her to use her creativity to help others through planning, design, and innovation in a way that supports her values and interests.
The document discusses leadership principles and provides definitions of leadership. It describes leadership as a relationship, a process of self-development that is learned, and something that makes a positive difference. It also outlines five practices of exemplary leadership: model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart. Each practice is explained in one to two sentences.
Change management top down and bottom up in your sscJamie DAVIES
This document discusses challenges faced by shared service center (SSC) leaders and presents an integrated approach using continuous improvement (CI) and team coaching to address issues. It identifies common problems SSCs face such as lack of shared purpose, ineffective collaboration, and disengaged employees. The proposed approach involves leadership dialogue at all levels integrated with CI to turn problems into projects. The goal is to work with natural organizational dynamics to improve value and customer service over time by building capacity rather than just fixing isolated issues.
This amazing infographic rich short e-book takes you on a quick ride on the evolution of leadership styles across decades and how CEO priorities have changed. You are free to download this valuable document add use it for your personal & commercial use.
This document provides an introduction to a capstone project focused on finding one's passion and talent. It discusses how passion has evolved from suffering to love and pleasure, and finding one's passion is a journey from endurance to enjoyment. Talent reflects how one is hard-wired and results in consistent patterns of behavior. The document prompts reflection on one's unique talents and how collaboration can improve upon them. It stresses that to create lasting change, an economic engine is needed for sustainability and scaling beyond personal impact alone.
The document discusses the concept of a movement and what is needed to start one. It states that a movement is when many people feel connected and energized to work towards something better. Movements are thrilling and easier than ever to create using online tools. However, what is often missing is leadership to transform a shared interest into a goal, provide the tools for better communication, and help the movement grow. Great leaders empower groups to communicate and make connections with each other, which allows a movement to take off when ideas are shared and people support each other in enacting change.
This document advertises a program called Entrepreneurs Walkabout that provides experienced entrepreneurs a community and process for reflection and personal and professional growth. The program involves solo hiking, river rafting, and engaging with others in nature and dialogue to renew, discover, and envision next steps while guided by facilitators with over 20 years of business experience. Previous participants found value in the solitude, wisdom shared in community, and time for reflection on life, work and future choices.
Effective leadership is defined by four characteristics: volume, variety, variation, and visibility. It is about taking on many responsibilities, managing different types of responsibilities, adapting to changing levels of responsibilities over time, and being transparent in one's work. An ineffective leader focuses too much on details and control, is manipulative rather than supportive, and leads through fear rather than inspiration. The key is for a manager to develop leadership skills by embracing these four characteristics and helping subordinates grow as empowered individuals.
Servant leadership was coined by Robert Greenleaf in 1977 and expanded on by Spears in 1995. It focuses on serving others and prioritizing employees' needs. The core concept is that leaders should serve others rather than focusing on power or status. Servant leaders demonstrate 10 key characteristics including listening, empathy, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, and commitment to employee growth and community building. Advantages include strong leader-follower relationships, organizational effectiveness, and positively influencing society. Disadvantages include the difficulty of fulfilling all 10 characteristics and the time needed to fully implement servant leadership.
The AZSHRM Annual Conference is the largest human resource-focused conference in the state of Arizona. It provides fantastic keynote speakers, great educational sessions, networking opportunities, and exposure to the newest HR products, techniques and services. Open to all HR professionals looking for an affordable, dynamic program that can help you earn re-certification credits. Business owners and managers can learn from top keynote speakers and leading experts nationwide.
This years conference is being held at the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass.
This is the presentation Network Chair, Garrett Jacobs gave on April 26, 2015 to update chapter leaders of the development and Steering Committee work over the past two and a half months.
Panel Session: Reaching and Engaging Millennials & Generation Z Hilary Ip
The document lists the leadership team for an organization's panel session on reaching and engaging millennials and generation Z, including Kathryn Sforcina as Co-Founder and CEO, Jaden Harris as Co-Founder and COO, Siobhan Hayes as Co-Founder and Head of Marketing, and others in director, social media, and chair positions.
This document discusses individual leadership and how to develop your own leadership abilities. It states that leadership comes from within and knowing yourself. A good leader communicates their vision, builds trust, and takes effective action. Developing personal leadership involves leading with what you have now, having a vision for positive change, influencing others through your presence and values, enabling others' leadership, and making a meaningful contribution. The document invites the reader to focus on strengthening one leadership trait each day for 30 days to discover their strengths.
PBS Fundraising masters - What does it look like when core purpose permeate...Donald Derheim
What does it look like when core purpose and mission permeate a station culture, and when development practitioners articulate donor-centered communications via all platforms based on core values?
California Society of Association Executives: Talking Up Elevating Board Perf...Holly Duckworth
(1) Holly Duckworth discussed strategies for elevating board conversations to unleash board performance, including inspiring the right people and skills in volunteer leader roles, building a business plan tied to key organizational drivers, and structuring follow-up meeting agendas strategically.
(2) An effective board educates, connects, inspires, and decides how to achieve organizational goals by putting the right people in seats with clear job descriptions, sharing the vision and goals, and keeping conversations focused on strategic issues.
(3) Duckworth provided tips for strategic board conversations including asking the right questions, documenting goals and processes, and celebrating successes.
RGH Turning vision to reality - Ms book on vision Reynaldo Halili
The document provides an overview of the book "Shaping Vision to Reality" by Rey G. Halili. The book discusses how individuals can develop visions and turn them into concrete realities through various processes. It explores how passion and dreams can be shaped into visions, and how envisioning skills can be learned and improved. The book also presents case studies of organizations that successfully implemented strategic planning processes to achieve their shared visions.
The document discusses strategies for building an effective and engaged leadership team. It outlines objectives like engagement, composition, and dynamics. It defines different types of governance like fiduciary, strategic, and generative. It emphasizes the importance of CEO and board engagement, as well as developing a culture of inquiry through fostering authenticity and trust. It also provides tips for board revitalization such as rotating members, evaluating performance, and cultivating new leaders.
The document summarizes a community leadership session on developing an economic development and marketing strategy for Hoosick, NY. The objectives included explaining the project, discussing economic development trends, the importance of community leadership, and recruiting social media advocates. Participants were tasked with identifying new community leaders, recruiting 5 new people to the next meeting, and thinking of ways to obtain private funding to support the economic development plan.
This document provides tips and guidance for keeping nonprofit boards energized and effective. It discusses onboarding new board members, conducting board meetings and retreats, clarifying board member roles related to fundraising and donor relationships, and the importance of team building and recognizing accomplishments. The overall message is that nonprofits should provide board members with clear expectations and the information and support they need to fulfill governance and fundraising duties.
What is a leader? - A better way to understand leadershipSimon Smyth
According to Simple English Wikipedia, A leader is someone who has the authority to tell a group of people what to do somebody whom people follow.
However, is being in charge what defines you as a leader? Maybe our idea of leadership has changed over time and perhaps it goes slightly deeper than that.
Caitlin Dartez created an infographic to explore career options that align with her values of helping people achieve goals through creativity, planning, design, and innovation. Her strengths in associates, implementation, leadership, and service point towards careers that allow her to use her creativity to help others through planning, design, and innovation in a way that supports her values and interests.
The document discusses leadership principles and provides definitions of leadership. It describes leadership as a relationship, a process of self-development that is learned, and something that makes a positive difference. It also outlines five practices of exemplary leadership: model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart. Each practice is explained in one to two sentences.
Change management top down and bottom up in your sscJamie DAVIES
This document discusses challenges faced by shared service center (SSC) leaders and presents an integrated approach using continuous improvement (CI) and team coaching to address issues. It identifies common problems SSCs face such as lack of shared purpose, ineffective collaboration, and disengaged employees. The proposed approach involves leadership dialogue at all levels integrated with CI to turn problems into projects. The goal is to work with natural organizational dynamics to improve value and customer service over time by building capacity rather than just fixing isolated issues.
This amazing infographic rich short e-book takes you on a quick ride on the evolution of leadership styles across decades and how CEO priorities have changed. You are free to download this valuable document add use it for your personal & commercial use.
This document provides an introduction to a capstone project focused on finding one's passion and talent. It discusses how passion has evolved from suffering to love and pleasure, and finding one's passion is a journey from endurance to enjoyment. Talent reflects how one is hard-wired and results in consistent patterns of behavior. The document prompts reflection on one's unique talents and how collaboration can improve upon them. It stresses that to create lasting change, an economic engine is needed for sustainability and scaling beyond personal impact alone.
The document discusses the concept of a movement and what is needed to start one. It states that a movement is when many people feel connected and energized to work towards something better. Movements are thrilling and easier than ever to create using online tools. However, what is often missing is leadership to transform a shared interest into a goal, provide the tools for better communication, and help the movement grow. Great leaders empower groups to communicate and make connections with each other, which allows a movement to take off when ideas are shared and people support each other in enacting change.
This document advertises a program called Entrepreneurs Walkabout that provides experienced entrepreneurs a community and process for reflection and personal and professional growth. The program involves solo hiking, river rafting, and engaging with others in nature and dialogue to renew, discover, and envision next steps while guided by facilitators with over 20 years of business experience. Previous participants found value in the solitude, wisdom shared in community, and time for reflection on life, work and future choices.
Effective leadership is defined by four characteristics: volume, variety, variation, and visibility. It is about taking on many responsibilities, managing different types of responsibilities, adapting to changing levels of responsibilities over time, and being transparent in one's work. An ineffective leader focuses too much on details and control, is manipulative rather than supportive, and leads through fear rather than inspiration. The key is for a manager to develop leadership skills by embracing these four characteristics and helping subordinates grow as empowered individuals.
Servant leadership was coined by Robert Greenleaf in 1977 and expanded on by Spears in 1995. It focuses on serving others and prioritizing employees' needs. The core concept is that leaders should serve others rather than focusing on power or status. Servant leaders demonstrate 10 key characteristics including listening, empathy, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, and commitment to employee growth and community building. Advantages include strong leader-follower relationships, organizational effectiveness, and positively influencing society. Disadvantages include the difficulty of fulfilling all 10 characteristics and the time needed to fully implement servant leadership.
The AZSHRM Annual Conference is the largest human resource-focused conference in the state of Arizona. It provides fantastic keynote speakers, great educational sessions, networking opportunities, and exposure to the newest HR products, techniques and services. Open to all HR professionals looking for an affordable, dynamic program that can help you earn re-certification credits. Business owners and managers can learn from top keynote speakers and leading experts nationwide.
This years conference is being held at the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass.
This is the presentation Network Chair, Garrett Jacobs gave on April 26, 2015 to update chapter leaders of the development and Steering Committee work over the past two and a half months.
Panel Session: Reaching and Engaging Millennials & Generation Z Hilary Ip
The document lists the leadership team for an organization's panel session on reaching and engaging millennials and generation Z, including Kathryn Sforcina as Co-Founder and CEO, Jaden Harris as Co-Founder and COO, Siobhan Hayes as Co-Founder and Head of Marketing, and others in director, social media, and chair positions.
This document discusses individual leadership and how to develop your own leadership abilities. It states that leadership comes from within and knowing yourself. A good leader communicates their vision, builds trust, and takes effective action. Developing personal leadership involves leading with what you have now, having a vision for positive change, influencing others through your presence and values, enabling others' leadership, and making a meaningful contribution. The document invites the reader to focus on strengthening one leadership trait each day for 30 days to discover their strengths.
PBS Fundraising masters - What does it look like when core purpose permeate...Donald Derheim
What does it look like when core purpose and mission permeate a station culture, and when development practitioners articulate donor-centered communications via all platforms based on core values?
California Society of Association Executives: Talking Up Elevating Board Perf...Holly Duckworth
(1) Holly Duckworth discussed strategies for elevating board conversations to unleash board performance, including inspiring the right people and skills in volunteer leader roles, building a business plan tied to key organizational drivers, and structuring follow-up meeting agendas strategically.
(2) An effective board educates, connects, inspires, and decides how to achieve organizational goals by putting the right people in seats with clear job descriptions, sharing the vision and goals, and keeping conversations focused on strategic issues.
(3) Duckworth provided tips for strategic board conversations including asking the right questions, documenting goals and processes, and celebrating successes.
RGH Turning vision to reality - Ms book on vision Reynaldo Halili
The document provides an overview of the book "Shaping Vision to Reality" by Rey G. Halili. The book discusses how individuals can develop visions and turn them into concrete realities through various processes. It explores how passion and dreams can be shaped into visions, and how envisioning skills can be learned and improved. The book also presents case studies of organizations that successfully implemented strategic planning processes to achieve their shared visions.
This document provides an overview and table of contents for a book titled "Shaping Vision to Reality" by Rey G. Halili and contributors.
The book discusses how to take passions, dreams, and visions and shape them into concrete realities through various processes. It includes case studies of visionary leaders and organizations. The introduction gives examples of how individuals like Dr. Jose Rizal and leaders in the Philippines had visions that drove them. The book aims to teach readers techniques for scenario planning, organizational learning, and mapping strategic change processes to implement visions. It covers developing vision and mission statements, and translating visions into strategic plans and action.
Personal Mastery Programs is a team based in Michigan that aims to transform organizations by helping individuals achieve personal growth and commit to shared visions and goals. They do this through workshops and months of coaching to create sustainable breakthroughs in effectiveness. The document outlines various exercises and concepts discussed in a conference to help participants strengthen their commitments, clarify visions, and develop strategies for achieving goals through overcoming challenges to their "success strategies".
Tell me again_ difference between Vision Mission and StrategyAndrew Scantland
- The document discusses the differences between an organization's vision, mission, and strategy.
- A vision is the organization's aspiration or ideal future state. A mission defines the organization's purpose and answers questions like what it does and for whom. Strategy outlines how resources will be allocated to accomplish the mission.
- While not strictly necessary, developing a clear vision and mission can help provide employees with clarity around their roles, improve decision making, and motivate teams by allowing them to understand how their work contributes to larger goals.
The annual report summarizes ESCC's activities and accomplishments in 2009. Despite challenges from the recession, ESCC provided capacity-building services to more nonprofits, completing over 80 projects and increasing its volunteer base to over 100. Key accomplishments included partnering with organizations like Cincinnati Public Schools, Freestore Foodbank, and Talbert House to provide strategic planning, leadership development, and other consulting services. The report highlights ESCC's mission, programs, projects, donors, and goals to continue empowering nonprofits through affordable consulting services.
Administrative Cohort Implementation Case Study 2021Lynn Walder
Kimberly Cotton implemented an Administrative Cohort, called the Leadership Support Team (LST), at her company Jack Henry & Associates. She was inspired by Lynn Walder's concept of an Admin Cohort model. The LST brings together administrative staff who support executive leadership. It aims to build relationships, share knowledge, align processes, and collaborate across the company. Kimberly introduced the concept in 2017 and has continued evolving the model. It has helped elevate administrative roles by giving them influence, recognition as change agents, and a platform to work together.
This document provides an overview of developing and implementing an organizational vision. It discusses defining an organization's mission, values, and vision statement. It also covers developing strategies and action plans to work towards the vision. Key points include:
- A mission statement defines the organization's current purpose and activities, while the vision looks to the future. Values shape the organization's culture and priorities.
- Strategic planning involves analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, then developing strategies, structures, skills and systems to achieve the vision.
- Effective vision casting includes sharing, incubating, verbalizing and implementing the vision carefully over time. Obstacles must also be considered.
The document discusses the process of developing an organizational vision from conceptualizing the vision, mission, and values to creating a strategic plan and structure. It provides definitions and explanations for key elements of the process including vision, mission, values, and strategies. Diagrams and models are presented to illustrate how the different components relate and how the process flows from developing the vision to implementing action plans.
This document summarizes a presentation about volunteer management. It discusses setting intentions and structuring volunteer roles. Effective volunteer recruitment involves direct asks tailored to individuals. Volunteers should receive training, support, and appreciation. Tracking goals and evaluations helps recognize successes and improves the volunteer program over time. The overall aim is to inspire volunteers and make the most of their contributions.
This document discusses how to craft mission, vision, and value statements to become a high performance organization. It defines a mission as describing an organization's overall purpose and reason for existing. A vision is a guiding image of future success that inspires people to work together. Values are the shared beliefs that guide how an organization's members perform their work. The document provides criteria for developing effective mission, vision, and value statements, such as making the vision compelling and focusing on serving clients. It emphasizes that a systematic strategy development process including crafting these statements can help align an organization's environment, leadership, and employee behaviors to create value.
This newsletter provides information about upcoming events for ICF Colorado members. It discusses the growth in ICF Colorado membership over the past year. The president encourages members to consider getting more involved by joining the board or volunteering. Upcoming events include the October monthly meeting featuring a presentation on authentic leadership, a fall conference at Red Rocks, and various special interest group meetings.
The array of foundations can be distilled into two categories operational and grantmaking foundations. Grantmaking foundations, whether private or community, have unique demands on their missions and their boards. Healthy and intentional governance leadership at foundations, like any nonprofit organization, is essential for successful service to the mission.
Whether you are part of a family foundation, a corporate foundation, or your local community foundation, join this webinar to take a closer look at governance essentials for grantmaking foundation boards and learn how to set the board up for success. We will explore key findings from Leading With Intent, BoardSources governance index, to identify trends in foundations board performance and impact. Combining current trends with established best practices in governance, learn what is needed for your board to thrive.
Seeing and assessing leadership culture Charles Palus
With Sarah Stawiski, Chuck Palus, & John McGuire
Join us for a conversation about seeing and assessing leadership culture. In the previous webinar we explored how leadership culture is key to change leadership. This week we take a closer look at leadership culture: What it is, how to see it, and how to engage and begin to transform it.
We define the basic terms, and share the background of theory and practice
We review and experience several practical tools for seeing, assessing, and transforming leadership culture
We look at case studies, with implications for your own context
What is the CONNECTED Community, and why is relational leadership important? Click here for resources
Leaderonomics is a social enterprise that believes in developing strong leaders both within and outside of the organization. They aim to create an optimum workplace environment for their employees, or "Leaderonomers", by focusing on highly engaged people, continuous learning and growth, rewards and recognition, workplace layout, and work-life balance. Employee engagement is essential at Leaderonomics and directly impacts productivity and growth. The organization strives to align personal and organizational goals to ensure employee wellbeing.
This document contains information related to developing mission and vision statements, corporate strategy, competitive strategy, and strategic planning. It includes sample mission and vision statements, discusses the key characteristics and components of effective statements, and outlines some of the main questions that should be considered when developing strategies. The document provides guidance on defining an organization's purpose, goals, values, and direction to help guide decision-making.
LoriJacobwith ExpandYourReachEngageYourBoard Nonprofit Day Erie PA_oct2012Ignited Fundraising
際際滷s from October 10, 2012 Nonprofit Day 2012 hosted by Nonprofit Partnership in Erie, PA. Handouts reference in the session can be accessed via the Dropbox link posted in the slides.
Module 2 session 2 importance of statement of intentJohn Pisapia
This session of the strategic leadership workshop describes the theory and components of a statement of intent. it describes the difference between visions and aspirations, core values and principles, cascade planning and flexible planning
This presentation on the recommendations identified in the Evolving Southgate Area Redevelopment Plan was shared at a community meeting on February 26, 2025.
For more information, please visit
2025 - The DFARS - Part 204 - Administrative And Information MattersJSchaus & Associates
2025 - JSchaus & Associates in Washington DC present a complimentary webinar series covering The DFARS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. Learn about US Federal Government Contracting with The Department of Defense, DoD. Defense Contracting. Defense Acquisition. Federal Contracting.
Link To Video:
Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel for complimentary access to US Federal Government Contracting videos:
Visit our website to learn more about US Federal Government Contracting and subscribe to our FREE Government Contracting Webinars
Advertise with us or Sponsor our Webinar Series - Contact
2025 - JSchaus & Associates in Washington DC present a complimentary webinar series covering The DFARS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. Learn about US Federal Government Contracting with The Department of Defense, DoD. Defense Contracting. Defense Acquisition. Federal Contracting.
Link To Video:
Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel for complimentary access to US Federal Government Contracting videos:
Visit our website to learn more about US Federal Government Contracting and subscribe to our FREE Government Contracting Webinars
Advertise with us or Sponsor our Webinar Series - Contact
2025 - The DFARS - Part 203 - Improper Business Practices And Personal Confl...JSchaus & Associates
2025 - JSchaus & Associates in Washington DC present a complimentary webinar series covering The DFARS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. Learn about US Federal Government Contracting with The Department of Defense, DoD. Defense Contracting. Defense Acquisition. Federal Contracting.
Link To Video:
Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel for complimentary access to US Federal Government Contracting videos:
Visit our website to learn more about US Federal Government Contracting and subscribe to our FREE Government Contracting Webinars
Advertise with us or Sponsor our Webinar Series - Contact
10th International Government Relations Forumwhitezefir2018
Step into the premier gathering of professionals in Government Relations, lobbying, advocacy, political communications, and regulatory strategy. The 10th Annual International Government Relations Forum, organized by IGAPA (International Government Affairs Professional Association), brings together over 600 experts from 16 countries to define the future of the field.
For over a decade, IGAPA has been the leading platform for professionals in government relations, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the advancement of a transparent and effective global Government Relations agenda. This milestone event in Washington, D.C., will bring together experts, policymakers, and industry leaders to engage in critical discussions on the development of transparent dialogue between business, society, and the state. Attendees will gain actionable insights, explore emerging trends, and build strategic connections that drive meaningful change.
From Global Peace Now to to Global Peace Yes--GAMIP ALC
In our crisis-ridden modern world beset by so much division, conflict, and violence, what does
it take for an ordinary global citizen to become a powerful peace champion and an uplifting,
unifying force for humankind? How can one transcend hopelessness and helplessness? How
can people from every walk of life develop the muscles of peace required to stay peaceful,
kind and mentally healthy no matter what comes their way?
ARCGIS Storymaps: Redefining Communication: Empowering Hamilton to create impactful, accessible, and engaging digital resources. CityLAB Hamilton-Fall 2024 Semester in Residence
The Next Democracy: Reimagining how we govern ourselves through the power of ...DonkeyRepublic
The Next Democracy: Reimagining how we govern ourselves through the power of data and markets
This is a book that sets out visions for future of democracy with radical suggestions for transformation.
2013 cp conference pp-klb building and effective board cp conference 2013-1(3) (2)
1. Steps to Visioning a Board of Directors Strategic Planning Retreat
Developed from ideas previously presented by Edgar Stoesz and
Glenna Shepherd
Kirk Lyman-Barner, Director
The Fuller Center for Housing US Field Operations
Covenant Partner Conference 2013
Developing an
Effective Board
Identify covenant partner needs
Explore the idea of a strategic planning retreat
Be prepared to ask a facilitator to organize a
board retreat
Develop measuring and follow-up tools
Other hopes?
The Fuller Center for Housing, faith-driven
and Christ-centered, promotes
collaborative and innovative partnerships
with individuals and organizations in an
unrelenting quest to provide adequate
shelter for all people in need worldwide.
Say it in your own words.
Say it in less than twenty words.
What is key? Essential? Engaging?
How do we see ourselves now?
[Each participant write descriptive words on Post-Its]
Why do we want/need to change or develop our
Who do we see ourselves becoming?
What makes us and our work distinctive?
How would you describe the overall culture of your
covenant partner?
Is it hopeful? Stuck? Productive? Sedentary?
What are your cultural goals?
What needs to shift to produce the culture that will
support the mission?
As we think about organizing, building, and
growing, what can we identify as our primary
What encourages us?
What attracts others to our work?
What do we need to do to accomplish our goals?
Whose work is it?
What can we identify as obstacles that we need to
navigate in order to accomplish our goals and live
out our mission?
What needs to change to begin the transition?
Leadership Retreat
Who are we looking for?
What stories would attract the people that we
need to accomplish our work and inspire others?
Where might we find them?
What is the best way to tell the story?
Engaging in multiple ways/with multiple media
How do we target those we need to join us?
Doing the ask.
Investment in the mission and the organization
Formulating essential roles & job descriptions
Building community of leaders
Invested in development
A Strategic Plan
Making the Contacts
The Players People who can lead
Good People=Good Job Descriptions
The Script
A Timeline
Role of Chairs Focus, Both Affirmation and Dissent Is
Heard.. This I must say.
Strategies are always about choices.
About Focus and Message
About Media and Management
Strategies and Objectives that are SMART
Specific / Measureable / Achievable / Realistic / Time-bound
Choose a project of The Fuller Center.
Then ask, What is the purpose?
When did it begin?
What were the assumptions or
understandings of the organizations
environment at the time?
Are these still valid today?