This document discusses various technology tools available to Coast Guard Auxiliary members and different proficiency levels for those tools. It outlines tools like the AuxDirectory, Online 7028 and 7029 forms, Auxiliary Learning Management System, and AuxData. For each tool, it describes basic proficiency expectations for members, advanced proficiency for leaders, and highest proficiency for staff with specialized roles. The goal is to help members and leaders increase their proficiency with these tools through training.
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2. This deck is posted as a
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Website > directorates > logistics
11. The power exists in the
we use together´
´our shared
12. D13 technology proficiency model
Member proficiency:
What we want assure each member knows via
training, workshops, etc.
Elected/Appointed leadership proficiency:
What we want to assure each leader knows via training,
workshops, etc.
Advanced (role based) proficiency:
What we want to work/train to assure specific members
know based on role
13. Helping you and your
members reach
proficiency with tools
through training
is our objective
14. Helping you and your
members reach
proficiency with tools
through training
is our objective
15. Coast Guard Supported Aux Supported Member Solutions
AuxDATA AuxDirectory Personal Email
AuxINFO Online Forms Collaboration
AuxLMS Skills Bank Remote conf.
POMS National Web Social networks
pushbutton websites
Online Classroom
17. Application Application name
Application What
looks like
Member proficiency
? Member items
What we¨ll review for each tool Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Leader items
Advanced proficiency
? Advanced role items
Login type Shown when members
have a proficiency
http://Application URL
18. Help us by completing the proficiency
assessment as we review´
your feedback will guide our next
steps to support members
19. AuxDirectory/AuxOfficer
Member proficiency
? Get a login
? Search/Look up another
? Verify personal record and
make changes via online 7028
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Search leadership & staff by
? Search by qualification
? Search by state/zip
? Capture an email list
Advanced proficiency
? Understand when to use the
skills base
20. Online 7028: Change of Member Info
Member proficiency
? Ability to update using online
? Maintain accurate member
info including skills bank
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Promote use/update
Advanced proficiency
? IS Staff C Dashboard
21. Online 7028 Dashboard
Member proficiency
? None required
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? None required
Advanced proficiency
? IS officer C maintain no more
than one week backlog of
dashboard updates
22. National PE Database
Member proficiency
? None required
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? None required
Advanced proficiency
? PE officer/Instructors
C list classes
23. Online 7029: Member Activity
Member proficiency
? Log hours using online 7029
? Do it every month
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Promote time reporting
Advanced proficiency
? IS Staff C Understand
? IS Staff C No more than one
week backlog of entry into
AUXDATA of the 7029 data
24. Auxiliary Order Management
Member proficiency
? Facility owners & operators
are required to use the system
for orders
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? None additional
Advanced proficiency
? OP Staff C manage orders via
? AV Staff C manage orders via
? ASC/AUC C work with
AUXLOs/OIA to manage order
approval & reimbursement
25. Online training preface´
Aux Online Classroom
AUX managed AUX courses
Coast Guard managed AUX Courses
courses and testing + access to
Gold Side courses and testing
Aux National Testing Center
AUX managed online testing
Courses & Tests
26. Auxiliary Online Classroom
Member proficiency
? Ability to login
? Ability to take courses
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Promote online learning
Advanced proficiency
? None
27. Auxiliary National Testing Center
Member proficiency
? Ability to login
? Ability to take a test
? Understand difference
between NTC and AuxLMS
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Promote online testing
? Explain difference between
Advanced proficiency
? None C results reported
28. Auxiliary Learning Management System
Member proficiency
? Gain & maintain login
? Take mandated training
? Understand additional oppty.
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Promote mandated training
Advanced proficiency
? None results reported
29. Skills Bank Dashboard
Member proficiency
? None required
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Leaders promote skill entry via
online 7028
? Useful at the District level
Advanced proficiency
? ASC/AUC C able to use at
request of the gold side
? ASC/AUC C work to provide
access to AUXLO
30. Everbridge/AIMS
Member proficiency
? Understand system exists -
receive and act on messages
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Assist with member
understanding of AIMS
Advanced proficiency
? District Sr. leadership/staff
understand use and policy
? District Everbridge admin C
Sync with AuxData
Member proficiency
? None required
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Basic familiarity
? Know what reports to request
of IS staff
? You may request a read only
Advanced proficiency
? IS Staff C Fully trained in
Member proficiency
? None required
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Basic familiarity
? Basic ability to self serve
Advanced proficiency
? IS Staff C Fully trained in
33. Canned AUXINFO reports
Member proficiency
? None required
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Easy access to basic
AUXINFO reporting specific to
Advanced proficiency
? As above > members >
resources > AUXINFO reports
34. WOW: Pushbutton Websites
Member proficiency
? None required
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Ability to post to your WOW
site area
Advanced proficiency
? CS Staff C Ability to setup and
manage a WOW site
? CS Staff C Ability to meet web
policy and maintain approval
of unit site
35. AUX Help Desk
Member proficiency
? One stop shop for Q&A
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? As above
? OPSEC issues
37. Our personal email accounts
Member proficiency
? Unique email account for
every member (no shared
? Care in use of Aux signature
? Responsible use of email with
shipmates & others (Core
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Additional care in use of Aux
? Understanding how to
contribute value in email
Advanced proficiency
? None additional
38. Our personal email accounts & D13
D13 Aliases: Every D13 district staff
officer has an alias in the form of We swap
the targets when offices change. This
gives folks an easy to remember
address for each officer.
39. Recommendation: Document
Member proficiency
? None required
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Understand the benefits of
document collaboration
? Google Drive (was Docs) for
Advanced proficiency (examples)
? Use of collaboration for
? Use of collaboration for PB
40. Demo: Google Drive
Schedule an event
Revision history
Real time collaboration
Work on a document
41. Document Storage: District level >
District site
Member proficiency
? Awareness
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? District: Manage your
Advanced proficiency (examples)
? As above
43. Recommendation: Online conferencing
Keep it Member proficiency
simple´ ? None required
Leader (elected/staff) proficiency
? Find a service and try it
Free audio Advanced proficiency
? ´
45. Growth of the Auxiliary IT Architecture
? Member zone login
? More mission reporting ^forms ̄ online
? Direct entry C IS officers check rather
than enter data into AUXDATA
46. Simplicity of use
? One National website logically
? National documents organized and
maintained for currency
? More interactive and video based
? Clearer member communications
47. Continued consumerization of IT
? More members with advanced plug-
and-play devices
? Real video ^presence ̄
? More mobile applications
49. The power exists in the
we use together´
´our shared
50. Your to-do list as a leader is
long enough´
´a few specific
52. Promote the Skills Bank
and encourage your
6 members to update their
record with skills info via
the Online 7028 Webform
53. Be aggressive in your
support of the mandatory
training on AuxLMS C
encourage members to
explore other opportunities
on the AuxLMS.
54. Use the training modules
related to these tools in
4 your Flotilla MT.
Do demos of the tools.
Tell us what is missing.
55. Tell us what you need:
? What are your pain
? What does not work?
56. Share your successes´
? What is most helpful in
your toolbox?
? Which of your members
is doing something
57. Support USCG & Aux
leadership focus on
1 proficiency in all areas
(including technology) ´
tell the proficiency story.
58. Commandant Papp C Shipmates 23:
Proficiency in craft, proficiency in
leadership, disciplined initiative
RADM Taylor¨s Watchwords:
People, Pride, & Professionalism
COMO Malison¨s NACO Watchwords:
Training, Communication, & Members
COMO Wimer¨s DCO Watchwords:
Members, Innovation, & Proficiency
59. This deck is posted as a
PDF on the District
Website > directorates > logistics
62. Participation results
The following slides detail the feedback
from the assessment form and the Post-
It exercise @ our Feb 2013 District
63. February 2013 District meeting session survey results:
Tell us the percentage of your membership currently meeting
the member proficiency level, as described in the
presentation, for each of the following:
AuxDirectory/AuxOfficer 15 13 10 2
Online 7028 7 23 6 4
Online 7029 2 6 13 13 5
Auxiliary Order Management 15 13 5 2
Auxiliary Online Classroom 4 27 6 4
Auxiliary National Testing Center 4 14 23 7 4
Auxiliary Learning Management System 10 24 4 2
Everbridge 16 8 12 1
Please note, this is an informal survey of a small audience. Results should be considered as directional only.
64. February 2013 District meeting session survey results:
Tell us if you feel proficient to the elected/staff leadership
level, as described in the presentation.
AuxDirectory/AuxOfficer 23% 73%
Online 7028 31% 21% 49%
Online 7029 5% 8% 88%
Auxiliary Order Management 65% 24% 11%
Auxiliary Online Classroom 24% 46% 29%
Auxiliary National Testing Center 12% 36% 52% Somewhat
Auxiliary Learning Management System 27% 49% 24%
Everbridge 47% 39% 14%
AuxDATA 13% 40% 48%
AuxINFO 5% 38% 56%
WOW 53% 42% 6%
Please note, this is an informal survey of a small audience. Results should be considered as directional only.
65. February 2013 District meeting session survey results:
Training priority ranking (count of rankings)
Priority: Priority: Priority: 5-
1 or 2 3 or 4 11
AuxDirectory/AuxOfficer 14 3 2
Online 7028 4 4 11
Online 7029 13 0 5
Auxiliary Order Management 2 5 10
Auxiliary Online Classroom 2 6 10
Auxiliary National Testing Center 4 6 8
Auxiliary Learning Management System 2 5 9
Everbridge 0 2 12
AuxDATA 1 4 9
AuxINFO 0 2 10
WOW 0 1 12
Please note, this is an informal survey of a small audience. Results should be considered as directional only.