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Teaching Tool Combining Tangible
Interaction and Affordance of Paper
Mikko Pyykkönen, Jukka Riekki,
Marko Jurmu, Iván Sánchez Milara
ITS 2013 - Interactive Tabletops and
Surfaces, St Andrews, UK, October 6-9,
Pyykkönen M, Riekki J, Jurmu M, Sanchez I (2013) Activity Pad: Teaching Tool
Combining Tangible Interaction and Affordance of Paper. ACM International
Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS’13), October 6-9 2013,
St Andrews, United Kingdom. pp. 135-144.
 Active learning
 Observations in schools
 Activity Pad design process
 Prototype and demos
 Discussion and future work
What is active
learning environment?
 In pedagogical sense ”activities
involving students in doing
things and thinking about what
they are doing”
 Learning implies physical
movement and action
 Environment can be active as well
(i.e. produce responses)
2013 its activity_pad_pyykkonen_etal_v3
In our earlier work, we have
built several NFC-based
applications for children and
learning. E.g. we placed NFC
tags in a zoological museum to
augment animals with audio
and images. In a kindegarden
we helped early learners in
their first steps towards
We noticed that there is a
lack of devices that would let
teachers themselves build
and create applications for
Earlier work
Surveying schools
 Site survey
 Online survey
Conceptual design
Idea of a new kind of learning aid
Building mockups and
Maths with Activity Pad
English with Activity Pad
Discussion sessions with teachers
Analyzing discussions
 Impressions were positive
 Teachers liked the idea of using paper
 They thought that it would be easy to create content for the
 They thought that the target group of this device could be six
to nine years old children and children with learning
 Teachers considered learning with computers as lonely and
lacking support for motoric and haptic skills
 Activity Pad could support learning motoric skills
 Such a tangible learning aid can support the development of
social skills and encourage children towards face-to-face
 Teachers could transform already existing learning materials
to be used with Activity Pad
Designing mechanics and building
the first prototypes
2013 its activity_pad_pyykkonen_etal_v3
How Activity Pad works
Building demo applications
Future Work
 Audio feedback
 Connecting ActivityPad to external devices via
 Testing Activity Pad in real classrooms
If you want to know more, feel free send email

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2013 its activity_pad_pyykkonen_etal_v3

  • 1. ACTIVITY PAD: Teaching Tool Combining Tangible Interaction and Affordance of Paper Mikko Pyykkönen, Jukka Riekki, Marko Jurmu, Iván Sánchez Milara ITS 2013 - Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, St Andrews, UK, October 6-9, 2013 Pyykkönen M, Riekki J, Jurmu M, Sanchez I (2013) Activity Pad: Teaching Tool Combining Tangible Interaction and Affordance of Paper. ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS’13), October 6-9 2013, St Andrews, United Kingdom. pp. 135-144. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2512349.2512810
  • 2.  Active learning  Observations in schools  Activity Pad design process  Prototype and demos  Discussion and future work INTRODUCTION
  • 3. What is active learning environment?  In pedagogical sense ”activities involving students in doing things and thinking about what they are doing”  Learning implies physical movement and action  Environment can be active as well (i.e. produce responses)
  • 5. In our earlier work, we have built several NFC-based applications for children and learning. E.g. we placed NFC tags in a zoological museum to augment animals with audio and images. In a kindegarden we helped early learners in their first steps towards literacy. We noticed that there is a lack of devices that would let teachers themselves build and create applications for children. Earlier work
  • 6. Surveying schools  Site survey  Online survey
  • 7. Conceptual design Idea of a new kind of learning aid
  • 13.  Impressions were positive  Teachers liked the idea of using paper  They thought that it would be easy to create content for the device  They thought that the target group of this device could be six to nine years old children and children with learning disabilities  Teachers considered learning with computers as lonely and lacking support for motoric and haptic skills  Activity Pad could support learning motoric skills  Such a tangible learning aid can support the development of social skills and encourage children towards face-to-face communication  Teachers could transform already existing learning materials to be used with Activity Pad
  • 14. Designing mechanics and building the first prototypes
  • 16. How Activity Pad works VIDEO: vimeo.com/jpriekki/activitypad
  • 18. Future Work  Audio feedback  Connecting ActivityPad to external devices via Bluethooth  Testing Activity Pad in real classrooms
  • 19. QUESTIONS If you want to know more, feel free send email mpyykkon@ee.oulu.fi jukka.riekki@oulu.fi ?