The document provides information about an upcoming election for a Member Nominated Trustee Director position for the Citi UK Pension Plan. It outlines the nomination and election process, the responsibilities and time commitment involved in being a Trustee Director, and the required training. Members are invited to nominate themselves for the position by submitting an application supported by two other members by a specified deadline. If an election is needed, all members will vote and the candidate with the most votes will fill the open Trustee Director role for a three-year term.
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2013 member nominated trustee notice of election
1. FEBRUARY 2013 Pensions >>
Notice of Election
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Member Nominated Trustee Director Vacancy
Citi UK Pension Plan
There is one Member Nominated Administrators, investment may need to undertake online
Trustee Director position to be filled. managers and professional advisors training modules or attend training
Members of the Citi UK Pension Plan are appointed by the Trustee to sessions on specific subjects to
(Plan) are invited to apply to assist the Trustee Directors with ensure they are able to carry out the
register as a nominee for election their duties. The Plan Secretary and role effectively.
as a Member Nominated Trustee the Trustees Investment Officer
Director. Applications are invited assist the Trustee Directors in What else do I need to know?
from all active members of the Plan, monitoring the service and advice The successful candidate will hold
and deferred members of the Plan given by these providers. the post for three years, unless they
with at least five years qualifying choose to stand down as a Trustee
As well as attending at least four
service. Those who would like to Director within that period or cease
Trustee meetings a year, likely to last
stand for election must have their to be entitled to benefit under the
about three hours, Trustee Directors
applications supported by two other Plan (for example, transfer benefits
will be expected to take part in
members of the Plan. elsewhere). At the end of the three-
various sub-committee meetings
from time to time. year period, the Member Nominated
What is involved in being a Trustee Director may stand for
All Trustee Directors, whether re-election.
Trustee Director?
appointed by the Company or
Trusteeship is a demanding and Trustee Directors of the Plan are not
elected by Members, share the same
time consuming role, not to be paid for their time and carry out the
responsibilities. They cannot
undertaken lightly. It is important role in addition to their normal
represent specific groups of
that all applicants fully understand employment duties (where
members as they have an obligation
what they would be undertaking. applicable). Due to the time
to protect all members interests,
The Trustee holds the Plan assets thus ensuring that all members are commitments that the role would
(within the Trust) for the treated equitably. demand it would be sensible to
beneficiaries of the Plan and is discuss taking on the role with your
responsible for ensuring that the manager before you decide to apply.
What training/knowledge will
Plan is run properly and that If you are currently employed
I require? outside Citi you should seek
members benefits are secure.
The Pensions Regulator expects
approval from your current
Trust law sets out a number of pension trustees to complete the
employer before deciding to apply.
fiduciary duties for a Trustee/ Regulators toolkit within 6 months
Trustee Director: of taking office. The toolkit is an Due to the specific nature of
online training resource covering Trusteeship all Trustee Directors are
Acting in the best interests of the
many aspects of Trusteeship. The required to sign a confidentiality
Plan beneficiaries
toolkit is split into modules that end agreement.
Acting in line with the trust deed with a short test, to pass the module. For more information, or to discuss
and rules The successful candidate will be the role of Trustee Director further,
Acting prudently, responsibly and provided with formal training in the please contact the Plan Secretary
honestly general role and duties of a Trustee (
and the specific provisions of the
Acting impartially Scheme. In addition new Trustees
2. Process for the Election of Member Nominated Trustee Directors (MNTDs)
1. Nomination annually but in any event no later 4. Other matters
To register a nomination a nominee than 3 years afterwards unless As and when any requirement to
must put forward an application there is a significant increase in appoint a new MNTD arises, the
supported by two other members of membership of over 10%. nomination and selection processes
the Plan. described above will be carried out
2. Election within six months.
The application will allow the
In the event of an election being
nominee to write a statement in An MNTD who ceases to be entitled
required, ballot papers and the
support of their election of up to to benefits under the Plan will no
written statement from each
150 words. The written statement longer be entitled to remain as an
nominee will be sent out by
will be reviewed by the Plan MNTD and a vacancy will be deemed
Electoral Reform Services (ERS) to
Secretary to ensure accuracy of to have arisen.
all members of the Plan.
facts and is within the maximum
Where an MNTD who is an active
permitted length. Each member will have one vote per
member leaves employment and
Trustee Director vacancy i.e. if there
The Plan Administrators will check becomes a deferred member,
is only one vacancy the member will
eligibility of the nominees and their confirmation will be required from
have one vote, if there are two
supporters. any new employer that sufficient
vacancies the member will have two
time will be granted for the MNTD
Should the nominee selected be a votes.
to carry out their Trustee duties,
deferred member, they will be
Each member shall be permitted to including attendance at Trustee
required to confirm to the Plan
vote for any candidate they choose meetings.
Secretary prior to the election that
but will only be able to vote for each
they have informed their current An MNTD may resign as allowed
candidate once.
employer of their intention to seek under the Plans rules, but
election as a Trustee Director (and Ballot papers will be returned to otherwise cannot be removed from
received their current employers ERS, who will compile the results office (other than at the end of his
approval). and forward details to the Plan or her term) without the agreement
Secretary. of all other Trustee Directors.
An election will only take place if
more valid nominations are received The term of office for an MNTD will
3. Results
than vacancies. Otherwise, those be three years.
The Plan Secretary will
nominated will be automatically
elected. Inform Applicants and the Trustee
of the outcome; and
Should there be unfilled vacancies
after the nomination process, the Arrange for the results to be
Trustee will re-run the nomination made available to the
and selection process preferably membership within a reasonable
period of time.
How do I apply
You can obtain a Nomination The timetable
Form from: Closing date for nominations:
Customer Services Electoral ERS must receive nomination forms no later than 1 March 2013
Reform Services Issuing ballot papers to members:
The Election Centre ERS will issue the ballot papers unless there is only
33 Clarendon Road one application in which case the Plan Secretary will
London N8 ONW contact the candidate to tell them the result 15 March 2013
Telephone: 020 8889 9203 Closing date for ballot:
Email: customerservices@ You must return your ballot paper to ERS by: 5 April 2013 Results to candidates:
You will be required to quote the The Plan Secretary will contact the candidates to tell
full name of the pension Plan: them the result 12 April 2013
Citi (UK) Pension Plan Term of office for the Member Nominated
Trustee Director begins 19 April 2013