The document provides advertising specifications for the 2012-2013 Buffalo Chip Gazette-Sturgis Rider News. It outlines sizes and prices for full page, half page, quarter page, and classified ads. Acceptable file formats for ads are high-resolution PDFs. Key deadlines are April 12th for ad closing, May 10th for artwork due date, and first full week of July for distribution date. The specifications also provide guidelines on formatting bleed ads, image resolution, color profiles, and contact information.
7. Ad Specifications
Ad Closing Date April 12, 2013 Art Materials Due May 10, 2013 Distribution Date First Full Week in July terms and conditions
Copyright Protection & Ownership. The 2012-
2013 Buffalo Chip Gazette-Sturgis Rider News is
1/3 published by the Buffalo Chip Campground, LLC,
copyright Buffalo Chip Campground, LLC, 2012-
2013. The Buffalo Chip Campground and its
SPREAD (with bleed) (non-bleed) VERT publication are independent, privately owned
1/2 and have no affiliation with Sturgis Motorcycle
1/2 ISLAND Rally, Inc., the Sturgis Chamber of Commerce,
HORIZONTAL the City of Sturgis, or any agent thereof. No part
of the 2012-2013 Buffalo Chip Gazette Sturgis
Rider News may be reproduced in its entirety or in
part without the express written consent of the
Buffalo Chip Campground, LLC.
Two-Page Spread: Acceptable File Formats:
Publishers Protection Clause. Acceptance of
(with bleed) 22.25 w x 15.375 h Please submit digital ads as high resolution PDF files. all advertising is subject to Publishers approval and
(without bleed) 20.75 w x 13.625 h PDF files must be CMYK composite, professionally created either with Acrobat agreement by the Advertiser to indemnify and
Full Page: Distiller or in QuarkXpress or InDesign, as a PDF with high resolution images and all protect the Publisher from loss or expense on
claims or suits based on contents of Advertisers
(with bleed) 11.375 w x 15.375 h fonts embedded. Do not use RGB, JPEG, or nested EPS files. advertisement. This includes, but is not limited
(without bleed) 9.875 w x 13.625 h Files must be submitted without alteration or repair. Ads not meeting this require- to libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement or unauthor-
2/3 Page Vertical: 6.5 w x 13.625 h ment will be altered or repaired by the publisher at an agency rate of $75 per hour. ized use of any persons or propertys name or likeness.
1/2 Page Horizontal: 9.875 w x 6.625 h Errors, Omissions and Corrections. Every
1/2 Page Island: 6.5 w x 9.5 h file preparation: effort has been made to provide readers and
1/3 Page Vertical: 3.125 w x 13.625 h advertisers with accurate information, but errors
Keep all art elements and type NOT INTENDED TO BLEED 3/8 in from trim on all four do occur. The Buffalo Chip Gazette- Sturgis Rider
1/3 Page Square: 6.5 w x 6.625 h sides. For bleed ads, 1/4 excess image must be provided on all four sides. News hereby disclaims any liability alleged in whole
1/6 Page Vertical: 3.125 w x 6.625 h or part to result from errors or omissions in any
advertisement or editorial content.
For optimal color output when printing
Trim Size: 10.875 w x 14.875 h on newsprint, please use the following Web Ad Specs: Cancellation Policy. Cancellations or changes
Live Area: 0.375 in from trim on all four sides: Skyscraper Banner Ad: in orders must be submitted in writing and are not
mixes when using these colors: accepted after advertising close date.
top, bottom, face & gutter. Rich Black: 30 Cyan 100 Black Animated Flash, GIF, HTML, or JPEG
Bleed: 0.25 extra outside trim on all four sides. Red: 100 Magenta 70 Yellow RGB, Dimensions: 158w X 598h Photographs and Artwork. Every effort
will be made to return advertisers photographs
Available only on Full Page ads and Two-Page Spreads. Blue: 100 Cyan 70 Magenta and artwork upon request, however the Buffalo
Image Resolution: 300 dpi Total Ink mix should not exceed 250. Video Ad Specs: Chip Gazette-Sturgis Rider News is not responsible
Colors: 4/C Process; CMYK all pages. Non Audio, .mov or .avi file for returning photographs, digital artwork and
Dimensions: 720 x 480, Aspect Ratio: 4:3 any-or all materials submitted by the Advertiser to the
Paper: Newsprint -- 40# GW 80 email ads and or questions to: Publisher for inclusion into the Buffalo Chip Gazette-
Binding: Saddle Stitch Sturgis Rider News.
Buffalo chip campground, llc 20622 131st Ave., Sturgis, SD 57785 Phone: (605) 347-9000 Fax: (605) 720-1120
息 2012-2013 Buffalo Chip Campground, LLC. 7
8. The Motorcycle Marketplace section of
the Buffalo Chip Gazette-Sturgis Rider News
offers a high visibility, cost-conscious method
of exposing your product or service in a
customer-focused environment within
the publication.
ad specifications:
4.75 x 5.25: $475
4.75 x 2.5: $350
2.25 x 2.5: $265
Ad Closing Date April 12, 2013
Art Materials Due May 10, 2013
Distribution Date First Full Week in July
Please see page 7 for art requirements.
Seize This
Cost Effective
Advertising Opportunity
for the Sturgis Rally
Buffalo chip campground, llc 20622 131st Ave., Sturgis, SD 57785 Phone: (605) 347-9000 Fax: (605) 720-1120
息 2012-2013 Buffalo Chip Campground, LLC. 8