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How do I turn my idea
                                                   into a health app
                                                   (and 10 things you might
                                                   not have thought about)

Healthcare Apps  Maximising Impact
Liverpool, 1st February 2013
Devices 4 Limited. Registered in England & Wales.
Registered Charity No. 1135435. Registered Company No. 07110788.     CONFIDENTIAL | www.d4.org.uk
Registered Office: 275 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TX, UK

                                                                                  20101214 MHIR presentation
Talk about 3 things

1. d4
2. The Idea  The App
3. 10 other things to think about

息 2013 d4  www.d4.org.uk           20130201 Liverpool HIEC   1
Introducing d4

Devices 4 Limited. Registered in England & Wales.
Registered Charity No. 1135435. Registered Company No. 07110788.
Registered Office: 275 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TX, UK

                                                                     20101214 MHIR presentation
What is d4?

 Non-profit with registered charity status since April 2010
 Our mission is to improve patient care by placing modern
  technology in the hands of doctors, nurses and other
  health professionals
 Our strategy is to act as a central organisation that
  enables the growing trend of consumerisation of
  healthcare IT
   Hardware (e.g. mobile devices)
   Software (e.g. mobile applications)
   Leveraging bulk purchasing power from key suppliers
   Using a non-profit vehicle for trust and tax efficiency

息 2013 d4  www.d4.org.uk                          20130201 Liverpool HIEC   3
Who am I, and why am I here?

 LinkedIn孫: Consultant and entrepreneur
 Frustrated patient (and friend to frustrated Doctors)
 Mersey Burns
 Regulation of Healthcare Apps: a practical guide族

1. http://uk.linkedin.com/in/jarss/
2. http://www.d4.org.uk/research/

息 2013 d4  www.d4.org.uk                          20130201 Liverpool HIEC   4
Taking an idea,
                                                   making an app

Devices 4 Limited. Registered in England & Wales.
Registered Charity No. 1135435. Registered Company No. 07110788.
Registered Office: 275 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TX, UK

                                                                     20101214 MHIR presentation
Take a moment

 Why are you doing this?

 What will it take?

 Who do you know?

 How much time, money, energy will you expend?

息 2013 d4  www.d4.org.uk                    20130201 Liverpool HIEC   6
At least three things need to come together

                            The                The
                            Idea             Developer


息 2013 d4  www.d4.org.uk                                20130201 Liverpool HIEC   7
Initial approach to developer  part 1

                            Hey, Ive got this awesome
                            idea for an iPhone app,
                            wanna make it for me and
                            split it 50-50?

                                            Person with the idea

息 2013 d4  www.d4.org.uk                                           20130201 Liverpool HIEC   8
Initial approach to developer  part 2

                            Can you do all the work, so
                            I can take half the money?

                                         What the developer hears

息 2013 d4  www.d4.org.uk                                            20130201 Liverpool HIEC   9
Get practitioner involvement

                            [of the] apps identified, more
                            than half had no stated
                            medical professional
                            involvement There are
                            significant concerns with
                            regard to the reliability of
                            information provided by apps
                                         A Comparison of the Reliability of
                                  Smartphone Apps for Opioid Conversion
                                Haffey F, Brady RR, Maxwell S. (Jan 2013)
                                    Drug safety : an international journal of
                                   medical toxicology and drug experience

息 2013 d4  www.d4.org.uk                                                       20130201 Liverpool HIEC   10
Health apps in context (as of Feb 1st 2013)

            Food & Drink
      Social Networking
                  Medical            16,614
  Healthcare & Fitness                20,649

                               0   20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000

息 2013 d4  www.d4.org.uk                                                  20130201 Liverpool HIEC   11
息 2013 d4  www.d4.org.uk   20130201 Liverpool HIEC   12
Write your marketing plan now

  Choice is great  but bewildering
  Theres no quality control  yet
  Classification is superficial  and at worst
  Anyone can write a review  but thats also a
  But perhaps the biggest challenge is this:
 Popular is not synonymous with Useful
息 2013 d4  www.d4.org.uk                     20130201 Liverpool HIEC   13
Prototype, Prototype, Prototype

                                  Paper mock-ups are
                                   extremely powerful
                                    Pictures are worth a
                                     1,000 words
                                    Will make it a lot
                                     easier to write a spec
                                  Digital mock-ups arent
                                    Keynote / PowerPoint
                                    HTML/CSS  iUI
Iterate. Get feedback. Repeat.
息 2013 d4  www.d4.org.uk                         20130201 Liverpool HIEC   14
10 other things

Devices 4 Limited. Registered in England & Wales.
Registered Charity No. 1135435. Registered Company No. 07110788.
Registered Office: 275 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TX, UK

                                                                     20101214 MHIR presentation
10 tion! A simple checklist for an app novice

1. Innovation  how original is your idea?
2. Conversation  talk to the (right) people
3. Collaboration  open up the kimono
4. Evolution  make your app better
5. Legislation  get Limited!
6. Promotion  tell the world
7. Protection  for your (?) idea
8. Regulation  a medical device?
9. Revision  manage your rank
10. Dedication  stick at it. Its worth it.

息 2013 d4  www.d4.org.uk                      20130201 Liverpool HIEC   16
Like us on                      Follow us
                                     Facebook.com                    on Twitter
                                     /devices4                       @devices4

                                                   Thanks for staying
                                                   to the end!


                                                                     with me on
Devices 4 Limited. Registered in England & Wales.                    LinkedIn
Registered Charity No. 1135435. Registered Company No. 07110788.
Registered Office: 275 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TX, UK

                                                                          20101214 MHIR presentation

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How do I turn my idea into a health app (and 10 things you might not have thought about)

  • 1. How do I turn my idea into a health app (and 10 things you might not have thought about) Healthcare Apps Maximising Impact Liverpool, 1st February 2013 Devices 4 Limited. Registered in England & Wales. Registered Charity No. 1135435. Registered Company No. 07110788. CONFIDENTIAL | www.d4.org.uk Registered Office: 275 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TX, UK 20101214 MHIR presentation
  • 2. Talk about 3 things 1. d4 2. The Idea The App 3. 10 other things to think about 息 2013 d4 www.d4.org.uk 20130201 Liverpool HIEC 1
  • 3. Introducing d4 Devices 4 Limited. Registered in England & Wales. Registered Charity No. 1135435. Registered Company No. 07110788. Registered Office: 275 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TX, UK 20101214 MHIR presentation
  • 4. What is d4? Non-profit with registered charity status since April 2010 Our mission is to improve patient care by placing modern technology in the hands of doctors, nurses and other health professionals Our strategy is to act as a central organisation that enables the growing trend of consumerisation of healthcare IT Hardware (e.g. mobile devices) Software (e.g. mobile applications) Leveraging bulk purchasing power from key suppliers Using a non-profit vehicle for trust and tax efficiency 息 2013 d4 www.d4.org.uk 20130201 Liverpool HIEC 3
  • 5. Who am I, and why am I here? LinkedIn孫: Consultant and entrepreneur Frustrated patient (and friend to frustrated Doctors) d4 Mersey Burns Regulation of Healthcare Apps: a practical guide族 1. http://uk.linkedin.com/in/jarss/ 2. http://www.d4.org.uk/research/ 息 2013 d4 www.d4.org.uk 20130201 Liverpool HIEC 4
  • 6. Taking an idea, making an app Devices 4 Limited. Registered in England & Wales. Registered Charity No. 1135435. Registered Company No. 07110788. Registered Office: 275 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TX, UK 20101214 MHIR presentation
  • 7. Take a moment Why are you doing this? What will it take? Who do you know? How much time, money, energy will you expend? 息 2013 d4 www.d4.org.uk 20130201 Liverpool HIEC 6
  • 8. At least three things need to come together The The Idea Developer The Practitioner 息 2013 d4 www.d4.org.uk 20130201 Liverpool HIEC 7
  • 9. Initial approach to developer part 1 Hey, Ive got this awesome idea for an iPhone app, wanna make it for me and split it 50-50? Person with the idea 息 2013 d4 www.d4.org.uk 20130201 Liverpool HIEC 8
  • 10. Initial approach to developer part 2 Can you do all the work, so I can take half the money? What the developer hears 息 2013 d4 www.d4.org.uk 20130201 Liverpool HIEC 9
  • 11. Get practitioner involvement [of the] apps identified, more than half had no stated medical professional involvement There are significant concerns with regard to the reliability of information provided by apps A Comparison of the Reliability of Smartphone Apps for Opioid Conversion Haffey F, Brady RR, Maxwell S. (Jan 2013) Drug safety : an international journal of medical toxicology and drug experience 息 2013 d4 www.d4.org.uk 20130201 Liverpool HIEC 10
  • 12. Health apps in context (as of Feb 1st 2013) Catalogs Weather Food & Drink Navigation Social Networking Medical 16,614 Finance Photography Healthcare & Fitness 20,649 News Productivity Sports Reference Music Travel Utilities Business Books Lifestyle Entertainment Education Games 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 息 2013 d4 www.d4.org.uk 20130201 Liverpool HIEC 11
  • 13. 息 2013 d4 www.d4.org.uk 20130201 Liverpool HIEC 12
  • 14. Write your marketing plan now Choice is great but bewildering Theres no quality control yet Classification is superficial and at worst misleading Anyone can write a review but thats also a problem But perhaps the biggest challenge is this: Popular is not synonymous with Useful 息 2013 d4 www.d4.org.uk 20130201 Liverpool HIEC 13
  • 15. Prototype, Prototype, Prototype Paper mock-ups are extremely powerful Pictures are worth a 1,000 words Will make it a lot easier to write a spec Digital mock-ups arent impossible Keynote / PowerPoint iMockup HTML/CSS iUI Iterate. Get feedback. Repeat. 息 2013 d4 www.d4.org.uk 20130201 Liverpool HIEC 14
  • 16. 10 other things Devices 4 Limited. Registered in England & Wales. Registered Charity No. 1135435. Registered Company No. 07110788. Registered Office: 275 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TX, UK 20101214 MHIR presentation
  • 17. 10 tion! A simple checklist for an app novice 1. Innovation how original is your idea? 2. Conversation talk to the (right) people 3. Collaboration open up the kimono 4. Evolution make your app better 5. Legislation get Limited! 6. Promotion tell the world 7. Protection for your (?) idea 8. Regulation a medical device? 9. Revision manage your rank 10. Dedication stick at it. Its worth it. 息 2013 d4 www.d4.org.uk 20130201 Liverpool HIEC 16
  • 18. Like us on Follow us Facebook.com on Twitter /devices4 @devices4 Thanks for staying to the end! http://www.d4.org.uk Connect with me on Devices 4 Limited. Registered in England & Wales. LinkedIn Registered Charity No. 1135435. Registered Company No. 07110788. Registered Office: 275 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TX, UK 20101214 MHIR presentation