15. DigSee: Disease gene search engine with evidence sentences(version cancer)
Gold-standard data 煙 朱 evidence sentences襯
positive or negative evidence襦 覿襯
Positive : 覓語レ 豢豢 gene 企 event襯 螳螻 螻, 覦 蟯 蟆企朱
覲企ゼ 願 蟆曙
Ex) Significantly, down-regulation of SOX9 by siRNA in prostate cancer cells reduced endogenous AR protein levels,
and cell growth indicating that SOX9 contributes to AR regulation and decreased cellular proliferation.
Negative: 覓語レ 豢豢 gene 覦 蟯 蟆曙, 轟 豢豢 event螳 gene
轟 cancer 蟯 蟆曙
Ex) To determine the role of CD147 in the invasiveness properties of prostate cancer, we success- fully down-
regulated CD147 by RNA interference (RNAi) technology, in PC-3 cell line at high level of CD147 expression.
Event types
覦(gene expression), 譟一(regulation), 語壱(phosphorylation), 覦煙 誤
豺 (localization), 覦煙 危(protein catabolism), 覦煙 (binding),
(transcription) 覲 伎 豢豢
16. 1. Kim J, So S, Lee H-J, Park JC, Kim J-J, Lee H. DigSee: disease gene search
engine with evidence sentences (version cancer). Nucleic acids research.
2013;41(Web Server issue):W5107.
2. 螻蟇危, 蟲讌, 覦煙, 覦蠍一. 豌伎襴 蠍一 襷. 覲願骸讌