Este documento resume los eventos principales del Festival de Verano de Bogotá en 2016. Incluye conciertos en el Parque Simón Bolívar, una ciclovía nocturna, actividades deportivas en el Parque El Salitre, y una media maratón con participantes de diferentes países. También menciona que el festival de cometas en el Parque El Tunal fue la actividad favorita del autor, y que le gustaría participar en la ciclovía nocturna en la Avenida Boyacá.
El documento discute el uso de las TIC en la educación de la primera infancia. Explica que los ni?os de hoy son "nativos digitales" que interactúan naturalmente con la tecnología. También describe las diferencias entre nativos digitales e inmigrantes digitales y argumenta que el cerebro de los nativos digitales puede haberse desarrollado de manera diferente debido a los estímulos digitales. Finalmente, se?ala que los juegos de aprendizaje bien dise?ados pueden conducir al aprendizaje y la motivación si son atract
A presentation I recently gave to to the Hoppers Business network in Preston. Giving a quick overview of Nugent Sante Insurance Consultants.
An independent business that offers outstanding service with some of the biggest insurance providers worldwide, without loosing that personal, friendly touch.
Bats are omnivorous mammals that eat plants, animals, insects, and small vertebrates. They are nocturnal hunters that use echolocation to navigate and find prey in darkness. While most bat species eat insects, some tropical bats eat fruit and nectar, and three species drink blood. Bats face threats from habitat loss as forests are cut down and caves destroyed, as well as direct killing from humans for food, medicine, and out of misunderstanding. Conservation efforts aim to protect bat populations and combat myths that contribute to their endangerment.
This document provides an overview of cleanroom and facility cleaning services for various industries. It lists project estimation, protocol training, monitoring, cleaning, certification, and consumable management among its sustained cleanroom services. Critical environment services include super cleans, testing, particle data collection, and gowning management. Mission critical IT services cover vacuuming, testing, and remediation. The company also offers construction cleaning, site services, and final facility cleaning. Target industries served include pharmaceutical, semiconductor, data centers, retail, and commercial buildings. Notable customers are also listed.
Este documento presenta los resultados de la 16a jornada de la 2a regional infantil masculina de fútbol en la categoría sub-12. Santa Ana Albal C.F. "A" lidera la tabla con 42 puntos tras ganar 4-0 sobre F.B.C.D. Catarroja "A". CD.B. Massanassa "A" se ubica tercero con 37 puntos luego de vencer 0-7 a F.B. D'Alcasser. Union Benetuser-Fabara C.F. "A" derrotó 3-0 a Paiporta C.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para crear infografías en PowerPoint. Explica las herramientas básicas como relleno, línea, efectos y estilos que se pueden usar para dise?ar esquemas de color e iconos. Además, ofrece consejos como dividir la infografía en secciones usando diferentes estilos, no dejar mucho espacio en blanco, y guardar la diapositiva como una imagen PNG una vez terminada. El objetivo final es producir infografías atractivas y de alta calidad para compartir información de manera visual.
The document discusses cultural competence in healthcare. It identifies key aspects of culture that influence healthcare like beliefs, communication, and food. It also examines the increasing diversity of the US population and existing health disparities between racial and ethnic groups. The document provides resources for becoming culturally competent and inclusive as well as measuring diversity and inclusion within an organization.
This document discusses an image search system called TsoKaDo that aims to reduce the semantic gap between a user's search query and the images they want to find. TsoKaDo uses the Color and Edge Directivity Descriptor (CEDD) to extract color and texture features from images. It then classifies images using Self Growing and Self Organized Neural Gas Network (SGONG) and k-means clustering. Potential tags are identified using semantic similarity and WordNet. TsoKaDo seeks to improve image search by providing tags that better match images based on their visual content.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para crear infografías en PowerPoint. Explica las herramientas básicas como relleno, línea, efectos y estilos que se pueden usar para dise?ar esquemas de color e iconos. Además, ofrece consejos como dividir la infografía en secciones usando diferentes estilos, no dejar mucho espacio en blanco, y guardar la diapositiva como una imagen PNG una vez terminada. El objetivo final es producir infografías atractivas y de alta calidad para compartir información de manera visual.
The document discusses cultural competence in healthcare. It identifies key aspects of culture that influence healthcare like beliefs, communication, and food. It also examines the increasing diversity of the US population and existing health disparities between racial and ethnic groups. The document provides resources for becoming culturally competent and inclusive as well as measuring diversity and inclusion within an organization.
This document discusses an image search system called TsoKaDo that aims to reduce the semantic gap between a user's search query and the images they want to find. TsoKaDo uses the Color and Edge Directivity Descriptor (CEDD) to extract color and texture features from images. It then classifies images using Self Growing and Self Organized Neural Gas Network (SGONG) and k-means clustering. Potential tags are identified using semantic similarity and WordNet. TsoKaDo seeks to improve image search by providing tags that better match images based on their visual content.