This document summarizes a study on the influence of dynamics and metallicity on the formation and evolution of black hole binaries in star clusters. The study used direct N-body simulations of star clusters with different metallicities to model the dynamics and stellar evolution. The results show that lower metallicity leads to heavier black holes forming and black hole binaries assembling earlier. Dynamics enhances the formation of black hole binaries through exchanges and hardening. While the average number of black hole binaries is independent of metallicity, their lifetimes are longer at lower metallicity due to the heavier black holes formed. The orbital properties and chirp masses of the black hole binaries also depend on the metallicity through its effect on the black hole masses.
This document summarizes a 1967 paper by Partridge and Peebles that modeled the formation and early evolution of galaxies to assess the possibility of detecting young galaxies. The model predicted that galaxies would go through a brief but very luminous phase after about 100 million years, with luminosities over 100 times their current brightness. However, searches failed to find these predicted bright young galaxies. Later models incorporating dark matter found that galaxies would assemble more gradually, be less massive, and have lower and more complex luminosities than the original model predicted.
This document summarizes recent research on how the sizes and densities of galaxies have changed over time. Studies have found that galaxies at high redshift had smaller sizes than present-day galaxies of the same mass, often by a factor of 2-3 within 1 kpc and over 100 times within the effective radius. Various mechanisms are discussed for how galaxies could have grown, including minor mergers which could increase size more than mass over time. The document also examines constraints on the amount of growth massive galaxies could have experienced through mergers between redshifts of 0.8 to 0.1 based on the luminosity and stellar mass functions remaining largely unchanged over this period.
1) The galaxy merger rate over cosmic time is a fundamental measure of galaxy evolution. Mergers are thought to drive galaxy assembly, rapid star formation, and the formation of spheroidal galaxies and supermassive black holes.
2) While simulations predict that the dark matter halo merger rate increases strongly with redshift, the theoretical predictions for the galaxy merger rate remain uncertain due to the complex relationship between galaxies and dark matter halos.
3) The paper aims to address this problem by calibrating three observational galaxy merger rate estimators - close galaxy pairs, G-M20 morphology, and asymmetry - using hydrodynamic merger simulations. This allows them to determine merger timescales and consistently apply them to observed merger fractions up to
As recent and future galaxy surveys map the large-scale structure of the universe with unprecedented pace and precision, it is worthwhile to consider innovative data analysis methods beyond traditional Gaussian 2-point statistics to extract more cosmological information from those datasets. Such efforts are often plagued by substantially increased complexity of the analysis. Hoping to improve this, I will present simple, nearly optimal methods to measure 3-point statistics as easily as 2-point statistics, by cross-correlating the mass density with specific quadratic fields [arXiv:1411.6595]. Inspired by these results, I will argue that BAO reconstructions already combine 2-point statistics with certain 3- and 4-point functions automatically [arXiv:1508.06972]. I will present several new Eulerian and Lagrangian reconstruction algorithms and discuss their performance in simulations.
A spectroscopic sample_of_massive_galaxiesS辿rgio Sacani
This document describes a study of 16 massive galaxies at z ~ 2 selected from the 3D-HST spectroscopic survey based on the detection of a strong 4000 Angstrom break in their spectra. Spectroscopy and imaging from HST/WFC3 are used to determine accurate redshifts, stellar population properties, and structural parameters. The sample significantly increases the number of spectroscopically confirmed evolved galaxies at z ~ 2 with robust size measurements. The analysis populates the mass-size relation and finds it is consistent with local relations but with smaller sizes by a factor of 2-3. A model is presented where the observed size evolution is explained by quenching of increasingly larger star-forming galaxies at a rate set by
The Evolving Relation between Star Formation Rates and Stellar Mass Russell Johnston
Quantifying the interplay between star formation and stellar mass is a crucial component to understanding the build up of galaxies over cosmic time. There have been many investigations of this relationship, using both observations and simulations, with the aim of shedding light on how it connects with the underlying physical processes governing galaxy evolution.
In this talk I will present recent work where we have examined the star formation rate (SFR) - stellar mass (M) relation of star-forming galaxies in the XMM-LSS field to z 3.0 using the near-infrared data from the VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations (VIDEO) survey. Combining VIDEO with broad-band photometry, we have used the SED fitting algorithm CIGALE to derive SFRs and M and have adapted it to account for the full photometric redshift PDF uncertainty.
We have also compared our results to a range of simulations where I will show that the analytical scaling relation approaches, that invoke an equilibrium model, a good fit to our data. Within a simplified framework, such a model does not include the modelling of e.g. halos, cooling, or galaxy mergers, suggesting that a continual smooth accretion regulated by continual outflows may be a key driver in the overall growth of SFGs.
1) Pulsar timing arrays are searching for gravitational waves from massive black hole binaries in the nanohertz frequency range.
2) Current pulsar timing array efforts have not detected a gravitational wave signal but are placing increasingly stringent upper limits.
3) Future and more sensitive radio telescopes like FAST, MeerKAT, and the Square Kilometre Array will improve the prospects for a direct detection of gravitational waves from massive black hole binaries within the next decade.
The discovery of a giant arc associated with the galaxy cluster IDCS J1426.5+3508 at z=1.75 is reported. HST imaging reveals an arc-like object with a length-to-width ratio greater than 10, located near the brightest cluster galaxy. Attempts to measure the redshift of the arc through spectroscopy were unsuccessful. The existence of such a massive, strongly lensing cluster at this early epoch poses challenges for the standard CDM model of structure formation.
This document summarizes the PhD work of Brunetto M. Ziosi on simulating the formation and evolution of compact object binaries in young star clusters. Using N-body simulations with stellar evolution at different metallicities, Ziosi found that:
1) The number of black hole-black hole binaries formed depends only slightly on metallicity, but lower metallicity leads to earlier formation of more stable binaries.
2) Orbital properties of binaries span a wide range, with neutron star-neutron star binaries having smaller minimum separations critical for merger.
3) Higher black hole masses are allowed at lower metallicity due to direct collapse, leading to higher chirp masses.
4) Only a small fraction
Ads/cft and double monolayer semimetalsNamshik Kim
Namshik Kim presents work using holographic duality to study exciton condensates in double monolayer systems. The model involves a probe D5-brane and anti-D5-brane pair in an AdS background. Results show that at strong coupling an interlayer condensate only occurs when the layer charge densities are balanced, in contrast to weak coupling where a range of densities allows condensation. Perfect nesting of Fermi surfaces also seems to occur spontaneously with multiple fermion species. Symmetry breaking patterns are observed in current-current correlation functions.
Himmetoglu presents research on modeling polarons and their effects in complex oxide materials like YTiO3 using first-principles calculations. Small polarons form when holes become self-trapped due to strong electron-phonon coupling, leading to localized distortions around the hole. Calculations find two stable configurations for a single hole - a small polaron state and a delocalized hole state. The transition between these states is attributed to the 0.6eV onset seen in optical absorption measurements, rather than representing the fundamental band gap. Accounting for small polaron formation reconciles theoretical predictions of band gaps around 2eV with experimental observations.
The Physics of Gas Sloshing in Galaxy ClustersJohn ZuHone
1) The document discusses gas sloshing in galaxy clusters, which occurs when cool core gas is uplifted from the gravitational potential minimum and forms a contact discontinuity with hotter, less dense gas.
2) Simulations of galaxy cluster mergers show that interactions with subclusters can cause gas sloshing by accelerating the gas and dark matter components differently.
3) Observations reveal spiral-shaped cold fronts in galaxy clusters that are evidence of gas sloshing. Magnetic fields may stabilize these fronts by being draped across the interfaces.
Using the Milky Way satellites to study interactions between cold dark matter...GOASA
The document discusses using simulations of cold dark matter (CDM) interacting with radiation (photons or neutrinos) to study its impact on the number of satellite galaxies around the Milky Way. It finds that including such interactions leads to a dramatic reduction in satellite galaxies that could help alleviate tensions between the CDM model and observations. The methodology allows stronger constraints on dark matter interactions than from cosmic microwave background data alone. Simulations of CDM interacting with photons show a reduced number of subhalos around Milky Way-sized halos for interaction cross sections allowed by CMB data, demonstrating this physics may be important for small-scale structure formation predictions.
This document summarizes research on the impact of allowing for general isocurvature perturbations and cosmic curvature in analyses of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) as a probe of dark energy. The key points are:
1) Accounting for general isocurvature modes could bias dark energy parameter estimates from stage III-IV surveys by over 7 sigma, incorrectly measuring w0 and up to 23 sigma for wa.
2) Including isocurvature modes degrades the dark energy figure of merit from BAO data by at least 50% for experiments like BOSS.
3) BAO provide stronger constraints on the primordial perturbations than CMB alone. Allowing dynamical dark energy and curvature adds little
This document discusses the nature of dark matter, whether it is warm or cold. It provides evidence from simulations and observations that both support and cast doubt on the standard cold dark matter (CDM) model. On small scales, CDM simulations predict more substructure than observed, and cuspy dark matter density profiles rather than cored profiles as suggested by some observations of dwarf galaxies. Warm dark matter is proposed as an alternative to address these issues, but current constraints from Lyman-alpha forests limit the mass of warm dark matter particles. Future weak lensing surveys like Euclid may help constrain the nature of dark matter.
Structures of circumbinary disks by using ideal MHD numerical simulationsTomoakiMatsumoto2
This document summarizes numerical simulations examining the structure of circumbinary disks using ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The simulations find:
1) Two types of outflows are reproduced - slow outflows from the circumbinary disk and fast outflows from the circumstellar disks.
2) Magnetic resonance instability is excited in the circumbinary disk, leading to turbulence.
3) Gas advection due to gravitational torques from the binary stars is the dominant mechanism for angular momentum redistribution in the circumbinary disk.
4) Real binary systems likely exist between the ideal hydrodynamic and MHD models due to magnetic diffusion effects not captured.
O centro da nossa Via L叩ctea 辿 um lugar misterioso. N達o somente est叩 a milhares de anos-luz de dist但ncia, mas est叩 tamb辿m escondido sob grande quantidade de poeira de modo que a maior parte das estrelas em seu interior s達o invis鱈veis. Pesquisadores de Harvard, est達o propondo uma nova maneira de limpar a neblina e registrar as estrelas ali escondidas. Eles sugerem observar os comprimentos de onda de r叩dio provenientes das estrelas supers担nicas.
Existem muitas, n坦s n達o sabemos sobre o centro gal叩ctico, e n坦s queremos aprender muito, disse o principal autor do estudo Idan Ginsburg do Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). Usando essa t辿cnica, n坦s podemos encontrar estrelas que ningu辿m observou antes.
A grande trajet坦ria do centro da nossa gal叩xia para a Terra 辿 repleta de tanta poeira que at辿 mesmo dos trilh探es de f坦tons de luz vis鱈vel que veem em nossa dire巽達o, somente um f坦ton atingir叩 nossos telesc坦pios. Ondas de r叩dio, de uma diferente parte do espectro eletromagn辿tico, possui energia mais baixa e comprimentos de onda maiores. Elas podem passar pela poeira de forma ilesa.
This document summarizes a presentation on modeling the synthetic spectral signatures of hierarchically collapsing cores. It begins with background on the present understanding of cores as quasi-static, gravoturbulent structures. It then describes a simulation of hierarchical collapse, showing the development of density and velocity profiles. Radiative transfer modeling was performed on timesteps from the simulation to generate optically thick and thin spectral line profiles. The results included measurements of asymmetry in self-absorbed lines and the ratio of blue and red peak intensities, both indicators of infall motions developing prior to the prestellar stage.
The broad lined_type_ic_sn_2012_ap_and_the_nature_of_relatvistic_supernovae_l...S辿rgio Sacani
Artigo mostra como os astr担nomos deduziram que a supernova SN 2012ap, 辿 o elo perdido que faltava para a constru巽達o completa da 叩rvore geneal坦gica das supernovas.
Presentation in the Science Coffee hosted by the Advanced Concepts Team of the European Space Agency on the 12.01.2024.
Speaker: Benoit Famaey (CNRS - Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg)
Title: Modified Newtonian Dynamics
Abstract: Presentation around the topic of MOND / tests of MOND
This document summarizes a computational study on the structural, electrical, and optical properties of pure and transition metal-doped boron nanoclusters (B6 and B8). Density functional theory was used to optimize geometries and calculate properties. Results showed that doping with transition metals like titanium, zirconium, and hafnium increased the stability, dipole moments, and band gaps of the clusters compared to the pure structures. UV-vis spectra indicated doped structures could absorb ultraviolet light with potential medical applications. Circular dichroism spectra also demonstrated chirality in the doped structures. In conclusion, transition metal doping was found to significantly alter and improve the properties of boron nanoclusters.
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Similar to 2013-11-08-Gravasco-Ziosi_NO_appendix (20)
1) Pulsar timing arrays are searching for gravitational waves from massive black hole binaries in the nanohertz frequency range.
2) Current pulsar timing array efforts have not detected a gravitational wave signal but are placing increasingly stringent upper limits.
3) Future and more sensitive radio telescopes like FAST, MeerKAT, and the Square Kilometre Array will improve the prospects for a direct detection of gravitational waves from massive black hole binaries within the next decade.
The discovery of a giant arc associated with the galaxy cluster IDCS J1426.5+3508 at z=1.75 is reported. HST imaging reveals an arc-like object with a length-to-width ratio greater than 10, located near the brightest cluster galaxy. Attempts to measure the redshift of the arc through spectroscopy were unsuccessful. The existence of such a massive, strongly lensing cluster at this early epoch poses challenges for the standard CDM model of structure formation.
This document summarizes the PhD work of Brunetto M. Ziosi on simulating the formation and evolution of compact object binaries in young star clusters. Using N-body simulations with stellar evolution at different metallicities, Ziosi found that:
1) The number of black hole-black hole binaries formed depends only slightly on metallicity, but lower metallicity leads to earlier formation of more stable binaries.
2) Orbital properties of binaries span a wide range, with neutron star-neutron star binaries having smaller minimum separations critical for merger.
3) Higher black hole masses are allowed at lower metallicity due to direct collapse, leading to higher chirp masses.
4) Only a small fraction
Ads/cft and double monolayer semimetalsNamshik Kim
Namshik Kim presents work using holographic duality to study exciton condensates in double monolayer systems. The model involves a probe D5-brane and anti-D5-brane pair in an AdS background. Results show that at strong coupling an interlayer condensate only occurs when the layer charge densities are balanced, in contrast to weak coupling where a range of densities allows condensation. Perfect nesting of Fermi surfaces also seems to occur spontaneously with multiple fermion species. Symmetry breaking patterns are observed in current-current correlation functions.
Himmetoglu presents research on modeling polarons and their effects in complex oxide materials like YTiO3 using first-principles calculations. Small polarons form when holes become self-trapped due to strong electron-phonon coupling, leading to localized distortions around the hole. Calculations find two stable configurations for a single hole - a small polaron state and a delocalized hole state. The transition between these states is attributed to the 0.6eV onset seen in optical absorption measurements, rather than representing the fundamental band gap. Accounting for small polaron formation reconciles theoretical predictions of band gaps around 2eV with experimental observations.
The Physics of Gas Sloshing in Galaxy ClustersJohn ZuHone
1) The document discusses gas sloshing in galaxy clusters, which occurs when cool core gas is uplifted from the gravitational potential minimum and forms a contact discontinuity with hotter, less dense gas.
2) Simulations of galaxy cluster mergers show that interactions with subclusters can cause gas sloshing by accelerating the gas and dark matter components differently.
3) Observations reveal spiral-shaped cold fronts in galaxy clusters that are evidence of gas sloshing. Magnetic fields may stabilize these fronts by being draped across the interfaces.
Using the Milky Way satellites to study interactions between cold dark matter...GOASA
The document discusses using simulations of cold dark matter (CDM) interacting with radiation (photons or neutrinos) to study its impact on the number of satellite galaxies around the Milky Way. It finds that including such interactions leads to a dramatic reduction in satellite galaxies that could help alleviate tensions between the CDM model and observations. The methodology allows stronger constraints on dark matter interactions than from cosmic microwave background data alone. Simulations of CDM interacting with photons show a reduced number of subhalos around Milky Way-sized halos for interaction cross sections allowed by CMB data, demonstrating this physics may be important for small-scale structure formation predictions.
This document summarizes research on the impact of allowing for general isocurvature perturbations and cosmic curvature in analyses of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) as a probe of dark energy. The key points are:
1) Accounting for general isocurvature modes could bias dark energy parameter estimates from stage III-IV surveys by over 7 sigma, incorrectly measuring w0 and up to 23 sigma for wa.
2) Including isocurvature modes degrades the dark energy figure of merit from BAO data by at least 50% for experiments like BOSS.
3) BAO provide stronger constraints on the primordial perturbations than CMB alone. Allowing dynamical dark energy and curvature adds little
This document discusses the nature of dark matter, whether it is warm or cold. It provides evidence from simulations and observations that both support and cast doubt on the standard cold dark matter (CDM) model. On small scales, CDM simulations predict more substructure than observed, and cuspy dark matter density profiles rather than cored profiles as suggested by some observations of dwarf galaxies. Warm dark matter is proposed as an alternative to address these issues, but current constraints from Lyman-alpha forests limit the mass of warm dark matter particles. Future weak lensing surveys like Euclid may help constrain the nature of dark matter.
Structures of circumbinary disks by using ideal MHD numerical simulationsTomoakiMatsumoto2
This document summarizes numerical simulations examining the structure of circumbinary disks using ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The simulations find:
1) Two types of outflows are reproduced - slow outflows from the circumbinary disk and fast outflows from the circumstellar disks.
2) Magnetic resonance instability is excited in the circumbinary disk, leading to turbulence.
3) Gas advection due to gravitational torques from the binary stars is the dominant mechanism for angular momentum redistribution in the circumbinary disk.
4) Real binary systems likely exist between the ideal hydrodynamic and MHD models due to magnetic diffusion effects not captured.
O centro da nossa Via L叩ctea 辿 um lugar misterioso. N達o somente est叩 a milhares de anos-luz de dist但ncia, mas est叩 tamb辿m escondido sob grande quantidade de poeira de modo que a maior parte das estrelas em seu interior s達o invis鱈veis. Pesquisadores de Harvard, est達o propondo uma nova maneira de limpar a neblina e registrar as estrelas ali escondidas. Eles sugerem observar os comprimentos de onda de r叩dio provenientes das estrelas supers担nicas.
Existem muitas, n坦s n達o sabemos sobre o centro gal叩ctico, e n坦s queremos aprender muito, disse o principal autor do estudo Idan Ginsburg do Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). Usando essa t辿cnica, n坦s podemos encontrar estrelas que ningu辿m observou antes.
A grande trajet坦ria do centro da nossa gal叩xia para a Terra 辿 repleta de tanta poeira que at辿 mesmo dos trilh探es de f坦tons de luz vis鱈vel que veem em nossa dire巽達o, somente um f坦ton atingir叩 nossos telesc坦pios. Ondas de r叩dio, de uma diferente parte do espectro eletromagn辿tico, possui energia mais baixa e comprimentos de onda maiores. Elas podem passar pela poeira de forma ilesa.
This document summarizes a presentation on modeling the synthetic spectral signatures of hierarchically collapsing cores. It begins with background on the present understanding of cores as quasi-static, gravoturbulent structures. It then describes a simulation of hierarchical collapse, showing the development of density and velocity profiles. Radiative transfer modeling was performed on timesteps from the simulation to generate optically thick and thin spectral line profiles. The results included measurements of asymmetry in self-absorbed lines and the ratio of blue and red peak intensities, both indicators of infall motions developing prior to the prestellar stage.
The broad lined_type_ic_sn_2012_ap_and_the_nature_of_relatvistic_supernovae_l...S辿rgio Sacani
Artigo mostra como os astr担nomos deduziram que a supernova SN 2012ap, 辿 o elo perdido que faltava para a constru巽達o completa da 叩rvore geneal坦gica das supernovas.
Presentation in the Science Coffee hosted by the Advanced Concepts Team of the European Space Agency on the 12.01.2024.
Speaker: Benoit Famaey (CNRS - Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg)
Title: Modified Newtonian Dynamics
Abstract: Presentation around the topic of MOND / tests of MOND
This document summarizes a computational study on the structural, electrical, and optical properties of pure and transition metal-doped boron nanoclusters (B6 and B8). Density functional theory was used to optimize geometries and calculate properties. Results showed that doping with transition metals like titanium, zirconium, and hafnium increased the stability, dipole moments, and band gaps of the clusters compared to the pure structures. UV-vis spectra indicated doped structures could absorb ultraviolet light with potential medical applications. Circular dichroism spectra also demonstrated chirality in the doped structures. In conclusion, transition metal doping was found to significantly alter and improve the properties of boron nanoclusters.
1. In鍖uence of dynamics and metallicity
on the formation and evolution of
black-hole binaries in star clusters
Brunetto M. Ziosi
(University of Padova, INAF-Padova)
Collaborators: Michela Mapelli (INAF-Padova), Marica Branchesi
(University of Urbino), Giuseppe Tormen (Univ. Padova)
Gravasco, W2 workshop
Paris, 2013-11-08
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08
2. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs
1 Overview
DCOBs and GWs
Stellar evolution and BH mass
Star cluster dynamics
2 Tools
Direct N-body simulations
3 Results
DCOB population
Life-times & Exchanges
Orbital properties distribution
Mass distribution
Coalescence times
4 Conclusions
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08
3. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Overview
Why DCOBs?
DCO binaries during inspiral and
merger events produce GWs we
could observe in the near future
Simulations provide theoretical
models to interpret Advanced
Virgo/LIGO upcoming data
Key quantities:
Number of DCOBs
BH mass spectrum
Binary orbital properties
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 1 / 12
4. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Overview
Why stellar evolution and metallicity (Z)?
Massive stars lose mass by stellar
Winds e鍖ciency depends on
Stars with M鍖n 40M are
expected to collapse to a BH
without SN explosion
(Fryer 1999, Fryer&Kalogera 2001)
BHs formed from direct collapse
are more massive than BHs
formed from SN
Metal-poor stars lose less mass by
stellar winds more likely to
collapse to BH directly
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 2 / 12
5. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Overview
Why dynamics? Why YSCs?
YSCs are birthplace for > 80% of
stars in the local universe (Lada&Lada, 2003)
(Collisional) YSCs are
young (< 100 Myr)
relatively massive (103
M ),
dense (103
groups of stars
YSCs are sites of intense dynamical
activity: central trelax < 10 Myr
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 3 / 12
6. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Overview
Why dynamics? Why YSCs?
Focus on 3-body encounters: close
encounters between a single object and
a binary
If kinetic energy is tranferred from the
binary to the single object SMA
decrease (hardening)
Hard binary: Gm1m2
a 1
2 m 2
Hard binaries tend to become harder,
soft binaries tend to become softer as
e鍖ect of three-body encounters
(Heggie 1975)
If msingle m2 the single star can
take the place of one of the stars in the
binary exchange
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 3 / 12
7. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Overview
Why dynamics? Why YSCs?
Dynamics enhances the formation of
hard compact-object binaries
(exhanges also produces very high
eccentricity binaries)
Key processes:
mass segregation
3-body exchanges
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 3 / 12
8. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Tools
200 N-body realizations of the same cluster
for each Z = 0.01, 0.1, 1Z
StarLab: Kira (GPU) + SeBa (CPU)
(Portegies Zwart et al. 2001)
Our simulations combines dynamics +
up-to-date recipes for Z-dependent
stellar evolution
Custom recipes:
accurate metallicity-dependent
stellar evolution (Hurley et al. 2000) and
stellar winds (Vink et al. 2001; Vink & de Koter
2005; Belczynski et al. 2010)
the possibility of massive BHs
formation by direct collapse (Fryer et al.
2012; Mapelli et al. 2013)
600 simulations
Parameter Value
W0 5
N 5500
Mtot 3500M
rc [pc] 0.4
c = rt/rc 1.03
IMF Kroupa (2001)
mmin [M ] 0.1
mmax [M ] 150
fPB 0.1
Z [Z ] 0.01, 0.1, 1
Sim. time 100 Myr
MW typical, e.g. Orion Nebula Cluster
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 4 / 12
9. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Results
DCOB population
DBH distribution
Mean number of DBHs: 3
Max number of DBHs: 18
# NS 4 # BH but
# DBH 10 # DNS due to
Negligible dependence on Z,
but... (see after)
Ziosi et al., in prep
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 5 / 12
10. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Results
DBH population in time
Low-Z case vs higher metallicities:
Build up the DBH population before high-Z case
Higher DBH mass allowed earlier DBHBs formation
But mean # and mean # in time of DBHs do not agree
Higher DBH mass allowed more stable binaries & longer lifetime
Ziosi et al., in prep
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 6 / 12
11. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Results
DBH population in time
Low-Z case vs higher metallicities:
Build up the DBH population before high-Z case
Higher DBH mass allowed earlier DBHBs formation
But mean # and mean # in time of DBHs do not agree
Higher DBH mass allowed more stable binaries & longer lifetime
Ziosi et al., in prep
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 6 / 12
12. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Results
Exchanges & mean DCOB life time
Z=0.01 Z DBHBs live longer
than at higher Z but the avg
number of exchanges is similar
Z=0.1, 1 Z DBHBs tend to
DNS are 10 times less
numerous but are much more
Avg exchanges per CO and Z
Type 0.01Z 0.1 Z Z
DBH 9.92 9.91 10.14
DNS 0.00 0.5 0.26
97% of all the DBHBs come
from exchanges
Distribution of DBHBs lifetimes
Ziosi et al., in prep
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 7 / 12
13. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Results
Orbital properties
Distribution of orbital
parameters at minimum
semi-major axis
Critical for coalescence times
and mergers detection
SMA and period span a wide
Eccentricity follows the
thermal distribution
f (e) 2e but
excess in e 0: GW and tidal
DNS (grey) are 10 times less
numerous but have small SMA
and short periods
Ziosi et al., in prep
Z=0.01 Z犢
sma [AU]
Z=0.01 Z犢
period [yr]
Z=0.01 Z犢
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
sma [AU]
period [yr]
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
sma [AU]
period [yr]
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 8 / 12
14. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Results
High BH masses because of direct collapse at low metallicity
Chirp mass mchirp = (m1m2)3/5
Why chirp mass:
僚GW m
chirp, hGW m
So from observations we can reconstruct mchirp
In our model mchirp strongly depends on Z
Z-dependent BH mass model test
But: in black chirp mass distribution of the best merger-candidates
Ziosi et al., in prep
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 9 / 12
15. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Results
Coalescence times
Time to reach SMA=0
considering only GW
tGW a4
(Peters, 1964)
GW emission: SMA shrink
and orbit circularization
Dynamical outlier: signal
detectability depends on e
7 DBHs with tGW < 13
Gyr (0 for Z=Z )
17 DNSs with tGW < 13
Gyr, 11 DNS mergers
during the simulations
Ziosi et al., in prep
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 10 / 12
16. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Conclusions
DCOBs during mergers emits GWs likely to be detected in the near future
Metallicity is important:
Heavier BHs form at low Z
They tend to form DBHBs at early times
and these binaries are more stable BHBs lifetimes are longer at low
Dynamics is important
Dynamics enhances the formation of DCOBs: 97% of DBHBs come
from exchanges
Dynamics hardens binaries and can modify the eccentricity
increase detection probability
DNSBs are 10 times less numerous but are harder
Fewer exchanges and shorter coalescence times than DBHBs
Selection e鍖ect
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 11 / 12
17. Dynamics, Z and DCOBs Conclusions
Thank you
B. Ziosi (Univ. of Padova) W2, 2013-11-08 12 / 12