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2013.11.19 Seminar on Born Globals
Rizwan Ahmad Khan
Afsheen Akhtar
Shazia Naureen
Born Global  Sequence
Rizwan Ahmed Khan Afsheen Akhter Shazia Naureen
 Concept Success Factors Opportunities
 Definition Dimensions Threats
 Why & How? UPPSALA Model Survival Capacity
 Characteristics International Examples Future Research
 Types Examples from Pakistan Conclusion
Born Global  Concept
 Individual, independent companies having vision and
strategy to become global.
 Mostly small technology-oriented companies.
 The time at which they decided to become global, varies
from immediate to 3 years.
 The firms having an export share of at least 25% of total
sales during, at least 2, of the fist 5 years.
 A minimum 2 number of countries being served outside
the home country.
 The company size is irrelevant and whole world is the
Born Global  Concept (Contd.)
 These firms start international activities right from their
inception and enter very distant markets in multiple
countries at once.
 They are quite capable of forming joint ventures without
prior experience.
 Such firms are labeled as;
o High Technology Start-up Firms
o International New Ventures
o Infant-Multinationals
o Global Start-ups
o Instant Internationals or
Born Global  Definition
 (In fact no single, generally accepted definition of BORN GLOBALS is
found in the literature, yet.)
 Oviatt and McDougall (1994) defined Born Global
A business organization that, from inception seeks to
derive significant competitive advantage from the use
of resources and the sale of outputs in multiple
 Knight (1997) termed Born Global as;
A company which, from or near to its founding, seeks
to derive a substantial proportion of its revenue from
the sale of its products in international markets.
Born Global  Why?
The Reasons for Emergence of Born Global Firms
 Globalization of market conditions.
 Development of technology.
 Capability development of people and small firms.
 Home market conditions.
 Regulatory environment at home market.
 Emergence of innovative products.
 BG firms are highly entrepreneurial in their international
activities and not opposed to risk-taking abroad.
 Eventually, foreign markets are perceived as more
profitable than domestic.
Born Global  How?
Born Global  Characteristics
 There are three main noticeable categories of
Internationalization processes:
(a) The traditional exporters, who's internationalization
pattern can be described and explained by traditional
stages models of internationalization. (e.g. UPPSLA Model)
(b) The firms that leapfrog some stages, e.g., Late starters
that have only domestic sales for many years, but then
suddenly invest in a distant foreign markets.
(c) The BORN GLOBAL firms.
 Although the BORN GLOBAL firms are smaller in size than
traditional MNEs, yet they incorporate similar characteristics
i.e., target international markets and scatter value-adding
 These are relatively young and entrepreneurial (aim to cater
international markets from inception), so their revenues are
generated mostly in foreign markets rather than in their
home market. 10
Born Global  Characteristics (Contd.)
 Since BORN GLOBALS operate on very internationalized
markets, they have to think globally when deciding about
their activities;
 i.e., they have to incorporate considerations about other foreign markets
when they take decision about one particular foreign market.
 Frequently characterized as knowledge-intensive
organizations that sell mainly innovative, self-developed
technology-based products.
 Have fewer financial and other resources than traditional
 Heavy use of information and communications technologies
Born Global  Types
The intensity of the way in which these firms take on
international business can differ in following ways;
 DYNAMIC BORN GLOBALS - Some firms quickly reach a
high level of international activity which continues.
 Others reach the same level just as quickly as the Dynamic
ones but then slow down and then stabilize  STEADY
 VOLATILE BORN GLOBALS - Some experience fluctuations
in international activities, but have high levels of
internationalization during their early growth phase.
 Some young firms with initial high levels of
internationalization activities may voluntarily (or
involuntarily) decrease their international business 
Born Global  Success Factors
 The success of Born Global firms could be attributed to a
number of factors;
oUniqueness (market niche).
oTechnology Development.
oCommunication Breakthroughs.
oGlobal networking and alliances.
 Success in business is achieved in organizations whose
senior management is committed to continuously upgrading
their technology strengths through innovations, while
realizing their business strategic goals.
Born Global  Success Factors (Contd.)
 In addition, the entrepreneur is singled out as the most significant
actor within any Globalization.
 The characteristics of entrepreneurs and their related attributes
oGlobal vision
oManagerial commitment
oInternational experience and
oPersonal relationships
are relevant variables for understanding BG firms.
 Due to the lack of tangible resources, Born Globals control their
other intangible resources, these include;
oMarketing orientations.
oSkills, know-how and
oPrevious experiences.
Born Global - Dimensions
Born Global  Dimensions
 Starting Time: The Product may be innovative, but not the only
venture on earth that is offering a service that solves a given
problem. The decision on how you will manage your market entry
depends on the magnitude of internal resources (financial and
 Scale of Internationalization: How big has the market entry to
be? It is not only a question of liquid resources but more
importantly there are many strategic effects behind a large or
small scale market entries.
Born Global  Dimensions (Contd.)
 Market Scope: What kinds of products have global market
potential. They must have a Distinct Differentiation Strategy
as compared to products that are already on the market.
oSuch products must have either unique technology and/or
superior design or unique product/service.
oThe know-how, the systems or other highly specialized
competence, including new production methods.
Born Global  Dimensions (Contd.)
Entry Mode
The six major modes of international business are :
1. Imports and exports,
2. Tourism and transportation,
3. Licensing and franchising,
4. Turnkey operations,
5. Management contracts, and
6. Direct and portfolio investment
Born Global  Vs. UPPSALA Model
 phenomenon of Born Global firms contradicts the UPPSALA
gradual process of internationalization.
 It is now presumed that gradual internationalization is dead.
 the shorter product life cycles and the emergence of global
demand cause born global firms to adopt an international
perspective regardless of age and size .
 The need to reach markets of sufficient size and exploit first
movers advantages are motivation for firms to internationalize
Born Global  Straight Examples
 F-Secure Corporation: An anti-virus content and computer
security company based in Finland. It has 20 country offices and
presence in more than 100 countries, with Security Lab
operations in Finland and Malaysia. F-Secure claims that it was
the first antivirus vendor to establish a presence on the World
Wide Web. http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/home
 Amazon: Online shopping portal for Electronics, Apparels,
Computers, Books, DVDs & more (http://www.amazon.com/)
Amazon started off as a BORN GLOBAL and used the Internet to
grow very fast. It is now even leveraging its customer base by
renting its customers to affiliates and partners.
Amazon Pakistan: http://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=4907
is an online portal for shopping variety of books in Pakistan.
Born Global  Straight Examples (Contd.)
 Stonesoft Corporation: A publicly owned vendor of network security
solutions based in, Finland. Its product portfolio include firewall/VPN
devices, IPS (Internet Detection & Prevention Systems) etc.
 Other famous Examples Include:
Born Global  Treaty Examples
Licensing: A focal firm that grants the right to the foreign
partner to use certain intellectual property in exchange for
some royalties.
 Mega Bloks (Canadian toymaker) signed an agreement with
Disney that gives it the right to manufacture toys that feature
Disney characters like Winnie the Pooh, Power Rangers etc.
 Franchising: A Focal firm grants the right to the foreign
partner to use an entire business system in exchange for fees
and royalties.
 For firms like Subway or KFC, its an efficient way to
internationalize. In China, Subway is the third-largest U.S.
fast-food chain.
Born Global  Examples from Pakistan
 Founded in 2009
 Head office is in Lahore, Pakistan.
 Offers products and services including CRM solutions, web
solutions and mobile software solutions.
 Providing its products and services in Australia, Europe and
 Annual turnover rate is PKR 32.54 M.
 At present 9 employees are working in the company.
Born Global  Examples from Pakistan
 Software company situated in Lahore, Pakistan.
 Founded in 2009 and serving the markets in Australia,
Thailand and United Arab Emirates.
 Currently 8 employees are working with annual turnover of
PKR 10.57 M.
 Products and services are related to web designing and web
Born Global  Opportunities
 Because of their young age, BORN GLOBALS tend to be
mainly micro or small enterprises.
 Entrepreneurs and staff in born globals are highly skilled
and educated, particularly in their knowledge of
technology and languages.
 Due to their relationships with other firms and their way of
doing business (e.g., outsourcing) their products/services
have global reach which creates large enough revenues
and cash flows rapidly, to flourish and grow.
 Their business strategies that are not arrogant, but
confident and cautious.
 Born global firms are swift learning organizations.
Born Global  Opportunities (Contd.)
 Build new markets by serving unmet needs or specialist
 Geographic distance can become an advantage through
the smart application of information and communications
technologies and by taking advantage of world time zones.
 Born Globals offer an avenue for new venture success in
rapidly globalizing industries.
Born Global  Threats
 The pioneering character in terms of young age and lack
of established presence on the market presents significant
challenges for the capacity of Born Globals to survive.
 They not only have to master the development of an
innovative product suitable for international markets, but
also to do it rapidly.
 This requires high levels of technical and managerial
expertise, familiarity with procedures and markets and a
high level of commitment and engagement.
 Furthermore, a comparatively high level of capital is
needed to achieve these multiple tasks.
 Since BGs dont possess sufficient resources at start-up
time to stand up to a serious business mistake, any such
mistake heavily damages their personal asset base.
 Consequently, born globals tend to be vulnerable to
economic developments and need government support to
realise their full potential.
Born Global  Threats (Contd.)
 In theory, any risk-averse firm would not commit its
resources to international markets until it reaches a
degree of maturity in its home market. However, the home
market is frequently negligible for born globals, as many
of them sell their first product in foreign markets.
 Global start ups are riskier than domestic startups.
Born Global  Survival Capacity
 The survival of born globals depends on how quickly they
manage to make a profit while at the same time needing
to get investment in untested products or processes.
 The establishment of internationally oriented business
incubators can provide a comprehensive set of services,
including business networking, training, peer review
opportunities, and sometimes even with access to
potential investors.
 Other examples are granting tax incentives or premiums
in public tenders if they outsource some of their business
functions to born globals.
Born Global  Survival Capacity
Social Networking Capital:
 A generally accepted characteristic of born globals is that
the founder and management team have international
networks which play a crucial role in the design and
implementation of the business model and create social
capital for the firm.
 Consequently, the social capital through networks not only
triggers rapid internationalization but also enables
continuation and further development of international
 As born global enterprises lack abundant tangible capital
compared to large MNEs, they may compensate for this
via intangible capital through their existing networks
Born Global  Future Research
 In the future researchers should the first attempt to be
made is to reach a generally accepted definition of the
Born Globals to be studied. As we have seen, the same
phenomenon has been given many different names, of
which we have adopted the name Born Global in this
 For many Born Globals it is a special challenge that they
often have to choose hybrid forms of governance
structures in their export channels.
 An interesting research question is certainly to analyse
how even small firms may make effective use of strategic
alliances and networking activities on a worldwide scale.
Clearly, this is not an easy task and hence it is a very
important managerial issue.
 While the phenomenon of born global firms is
becoming increasingly common, a comprehensive
theory explaining its existence is still lacking.
o Some scholars focus on international mobility of
know-how and on entrepreneurial vision and
o others highlight the importance of informal
networks as a catalyst for internationalization.
o while still others suggest combining various schools
of thought.
 To create a global mindset among future
entrepreneurs, educational initiatives that familiarize
the young people with the importance of foreign trade
for the national economy will be helpful.
Communicate @ Email
Rizwan Ahmad Khan rizwan.ahmed.khan@live.co.uk
Afsheen Akhtar sheenriaz1@gmail.com
Shazia Naureen shazianoreen@hotmail.com

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2013.11.19 Seminar on Born Globals

  • 2. THE BORN GLOBALS Rizwan Ahmad Khan Afsheen Akhtar Shazia Naureen
  • 4. Born Global Sequence Rizwan Ahmed Khan Afsheen Akhter Shazia Naureen Concept Success Factors Opportunities Definition Dimensions Threats Why & How? UPPSALA Model Survival Capacity Characteristics International Examples Future Research Types Examples from Pakistan Conclusion 4
  • 5. Born Global Concept Individual, independent companies having vision and strategy to become global. Mostly small technology-oriented companies. The time at which they decided to become global, varies from immediate to 3 years. The firms having an export share of at least 25% of total sales during, at least 2, of the fist 5 years. A minimum 2 number of countries being served outside the home country. The company size is irrelevant and whole world is the marketplace. 5
  • 6. Born Global Concept (Contd.) These firms start international activities right from their inception and enter very distant markets in multiple countries at once. They are quite capable of forming joint ventures without prior experience. Such firms are labeled as; o High Technology Start-up Firms o International New Ventures o Infant-Multinationals o Global Start-ups o Instant Internationals or o The BORN GLOBALS 6
  • 7. Born Global Definition (In fact no single, generally accepted definition of BORN GLOBALS is found in the literature, yet.) Oviatt and McDougall (1994) defined Born Global as; A business organization that, from inception seeks to derive significant competitive advantage from the use of resources and the sale of outputs in multiple countries. Knight (1997) termed Born Global as; A company which, from or near to its founding, seeks to derive a substantial proportion of its revenue from the sale of its products in international markets. 7
  • 8. Born Global Why? The Reasons for Emergence of Born Global Firms Globalization of market conditions. Development of technology. Capability development of people and small firms. Home market conditions. Regulatory environment at home market. Emergence of innovative products. BG firms are highly entrepreneurial in their international activities and not opposed to risk-taking abroad. Eventually, foreign markets are perceived as more profitable than domestic. 8
  • 9. Born Global How? 9
  • 10. Born Global Characteristics There are three main noticeable categories of Internationalization processes: (a) The traditional exporters, who's internationalization pattern can be described and explained by traditional stages models of internationalization. (e.g. UPPSLA Model) (b) The firms that leapfrog some stages, e.g., Late starters that have only domestic sales for many years, but then suddenly invest in a distant foreign markets. (c) The BORN GLOBAL firms. Although the BORN GLOBAL firms are smaller in size than traditional MNEs, yet they incorporate similar characteristics i.e., target international markets and scatter value-adding activities. These are relatively young and entrepreneurial (aim to cater international markets from inception), so their revenues are generated mostly in foreign markets rather than in their home market. 10
  • 11. Born Global Characteristics (Contd.) Since BORN GLOBALS operate on very internationalized markets, they have to think globally when deciding about their activities; i.e., they have to incorporate considerations about other foreign markets when they take decision about one particular foreign market. Frequently characterized as knowledge-intensive organizations that sell mainly innovative, self-developed technology-based products. Have fewer financial and other resources than traditional MNEs. Heavy use of information and communications technologies 11
  • 12. 12
  • 13. Born Global Types The intensity of the way in which these firms take on international business can differ in following ways; DYNAMIC BORN GLOBALS - Some firms quickly reach a high level of international activity which continues. Others reach the same level just as quickly as the Dynamic ones but then slow down and then stabilize STEADY BORN GLOBALS. VOLATILE BORN GLOBALS - Some experience fluctuations in international activities, but have high levels of internationalization during their early growth phase. Some young firms with initial high levels of internationalization activities may voluntarily (or involuntarily) decrease their international business DECREASING BORN GLOBALS. 13
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. Born Global Success Factors The success of Born Global firms could be attributed to a number of factors; oUniqueness (market niche). oTechnology Development. oCommunication Breakthroughs. oGlobal networking and alliances. Success in business is achieved in organizations whose senior management is committed to continuously upgrading their technology strengths through innovations, while realizing their business strategic goals. 16
  • 17. Born Global Success Factors (Contd.) In addition, the entrepreneur is singled out as the most significant actor within any Globalization. The characteristics of entrepreneurs and their related attributes like; oGlobal vision oManagerial commitment oInternational experience and oPersonal relationships are relevant variables for understanding BG firms. Due to the lack of tangible resources, Born Globals control their other intangible resources, these include; oStrategies. oMarketing orientations. oSkills, know-how and oPrevious experiences. 17
  • 18. Born Global - Dimensions 18
  • 19. Born Global Dimensions Starting Time: The Product may be innovative, but not the only venture on earth that is offering a service that solves a given problem. The decision on how you will manage your market entry depends on the magnitude of internal resources (financial and organizational) Scale of Internationalization: How big has the market entry to be? It is not only a question of liquid resources but more importantly there are many strategic effects behind a large or small scale market entries. 19
  • 20. Born Global Dimensions (Contd.) Market Scope: What kinds of products have global market potential. They must have a Distinct Differentiation Strategy as compared to products that are already on the market. oSuch products must have either unique technology and/or superior design or unique product/service. oThe know-how, the systems or other highly specialized competence, including new production methods. 20
  • 21. Born Global Dimensions (Contd.) Entry Mode The six major modes of international business are : 1. Imports and exports, 2. Tourism and transportation, 3. Licensing and franchising, 4. Turnkey operations, 5. Management contracts, and 6. Direct and portfolio investment
  • 22. Born Global Vs. UPPSALA Model phenomenon of Born Global firms contradicts the UPPSALA gradual process of internationalization. It is now presumed that gradual internationalization is dead. the shorter product life cycles and the emergence of global demand cause born global firms to adopt an international perspective regardless of age and size . The need to reach markets of sufficient size and exploit first movers advantages are motivation for firms to internationalize rapidly. 22
  • 23. Born Global Straight Examples F-Secure Corporation: An anti-virus content and computer security company based in Finland. It has 20 country offices and presence in more than 100 countries, with Security Lab operations in Finland and Malaysia. F-Secure claims that it was the first antivirus vendor to establish a presence on the World Wide Web. http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/home Amazon: Online shopping portal for Electronics, Apparels, Computers, Books, DVDs & more (http://www.amazon.com/) Amazon started off as a BORN GLOBAL and used the Internet to grow very fast. It is now even leveraging its customer base by renting its customers to affiliates and partners. Amazon Pakistan: http://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=4907 is an online portal for shopping variety of books in Pakistan. 23
  • 24. Born Global Straight Examples (Contd.) Stonesoft Corporation: A publicly owned vendor of network security solutions based in, Finland. Its product portfolio include firewall/VPN devices, IPS (Internet Detection & Prevention Systems) etc. http://www.stonesoft.com/en/ Other famous Examples Include: 24
  • 25. Born Global Treaty Examples Licensing: A focal firm that grants the right to the foreign partner to use certain intellectual property in exchange for some royalties. Mega Bloks (Canadian toymaker) signed an agreement with Disney that gives it the right to manufacture toys that feature Disney characters like Winnie the Pooh, Power Rangers etc. Franchising: A Focal firm grants the right to the foreign partner to use an entire business system in exchange for fees and royalties. For firms like Subway or KFC, its an efficient way to internationalize. In China, Subway is the third-largest U.S. fast-food chain. 25
  • 26. Born Global Examples from Pakistan Founded in 2009 Head office is in Lahore, Pakistan. Offers products and services including CRM solutions, web solutions and mobile software solutions. Providing its products and services in Australia, Europe and America. Annual turnover rate is PKR 32.54 M. At present 9 employees are working in the company. 26
  • 27. Born Global Examples from Pakistan Software company situated in Lahore, Pakistan. Founded in 2009 and serving the markets in Australia, Thailand and United Arab Emirates. Currently 8 employees are working with annual turnover of PKR 10.57 M. Products and services are related to web designing and web development. 27
  • 28. Born Global Opportunities Because of their young age, BORN GLOBALS tend to be mainly micro or small enterprises. Entrepreneurs and staff in born globals are highly skilled and educated, particularly in their knowledge of technology and languages. Due to their relationships with other firms and their way of doing business (e.g., outsourcing) their products/services have global reach which creates large enough revenues and cash flows rapidly, to flourish and grow. Their business strategies that are not arrogant, but confident and cautious. Born global firms are swift learning organizations. 28
  • 29. Born Global Opportunities (Contd.) Build new markets by serving unmet needs or specialist niches. Geographic distance can become an advantage through the smart application of information and communications technologies and by taking advantage of world time zones. Born Globals offer an avenue for new venture success in rapidly globalizing industries. 29
  • 30. Born Global Threats The pioneering character in terms of young age and lack of established presence on the market presents significant challenges for the capacity of Born Globals to survive. They not only have to master the development of an innovative product suitable for international markets, but also to do it rapidly. This requires high levels of technical and managerial expertise, familiarity with procedures and markets and a high level of commitment and engagement. Furthermore, a comparatively high level of capital is needed to achieve these multiple tasks. Since BGs dont possess sufficient resources at start-up time to stand up to a serious business mistake, any such mistake heavily damages their personal asset base. Consequently, born globals tend to be vulnerable to economic developments and need government support to realise their full potential. 30
  • 31. Born Global Threats (Contd.) In theory, any risk-averse firm would not commit its resources to international markets until it reaches a degree of maturity in its home market. However, the home market is frequently negligible for born globals, as many of them sell their first product in foreign markets. Global start ups are riskier than domestic startups. 31
  • 32. Born Global Survival Capacity The survival of born globals depends on how quickly they manage to make a profit while at the same time needing to get investment in untested products or processes. The establishment of internationally oriented business incubators can provide a comprehensive set of services, including business networking, training, peer review opportunities, and sometimes even with access to potential investors. Other examples are granting tax incentives or premiums in public tenders if they outsource some of their business functions to born globals. 32
  • 33. Born Global Survival Capacity Social Networking Capital: A generally accepted characteristic of born globals is that the founder and management team have international networks which play a crucial role in the design and implementation of the business model and create social capital for the firm. Consequently, the social capital through networks not only triggers rapid internationalization but also enables continuation and further development of international activity As born global enterprises lack abundant tangible capital compared to large MNEs, they may compensate for this via intangible capital through their existing networks 33
  • 34. Born Global Future Research In the future researchers should the first attempt to be made is to reach a generally accepted definition of the Born Globals to be studied. As we have seen, the same phenomenon has been given many different names, of which we have adopted the name Born Global in this article. For many Born Globals it is a special challenge that they often have to choose hybrid forms of governance structures in their export channels. An interesting research question is certainly to analyse how even small firms may make effective use of strategic alliances and networking activities on a worldwide scale. Clearly, this is not an easy task and hence it is a very important managerial issue. 34
  • 35. CONCLUSION While the phenomenon of born global firms is becoming increasingly common, a comprehensive theory explaining its existence is still lacking. o Some scholars focus on international mobility of know-how and on entrepreneurial vision and capabilities. o others highlight the importance of informal networks as a catalyst for internationalization. o while still others suggest combining various schools of thought. To create a global mindset among future entrepreneurs, educational initiatives that familiarize the young people with the importance of foreign trade for the national economy will be helpful. 35
  • 37. Contacts Communicate @ Email Rizwan Ahmad Khan rizwan.ahmed.khan@live.co.uk Afsheen Akhtar sheenriaz1@gmail.com Shazia Naureen shazianoreen@hotmail.com 37 Thanks

Editor's Notes

  • #3: Or Title Page 2 (Without Photographs)
  • #25: Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important. Introduce each of the major topics. To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  • #37: Microsoft Confidential