Тимофей Горшков. Об интернет-торговле, как о бизнесе InsalesUA
Тимофей Горшков, генеральный директор InSales, рассказывает, что интернет-торговле в первую очередь бизнес, потом уже торговля и в последнюю очередь интернет. О составляющих успешного бизнеса и интернет-магазина.
Тимофей Шиколенков. Об Уникальном Торговом Предложении (УТП) InsalesUA
Тимофей Шиколенков, директор по маркетингу Audiomania.ru, рассказывает, что такое УТП, как его создавать, зачем его создавать. Тимофей дает фундаментальные знания в области подготовки успешного интернет-магазина и создания преимуществ перед конкурентами.
В конце подключается Дмитрий Коробицин, генеральный директор "Поставщик Счастья", рассказывает про организацию логистики в своей компании.
Алексей Кириченко, про дизайн и юзабилити интернет-магазина InsalesUA
Алексей Кириченко, юзабилити-специалист компании Promodo, на примере неудачных вариантов показывает, каким должен быть дизайн интернет-магазина, что и где размещать, что такое "продающий дизайн" и почему не существует "идеального дизайна"
Логистика и доставка для интернет-магазинаInsalesUA
Тимофей Крамарев, продакт менеджер Новая Почта, раскрывает разницу между собственной доставкой и аутсорсингом. Презентует классные сервисы от Новой Почты и рассказывает как упростить жизнь предпринимателю, работаю с аутсорсингом.
Тимофей Горшков. Об интернет-торговле, как о бизнесе InsalesUA
Тимофей Горшков, генеральный директор InSales, рассказывает, что интернет-торговле в первую очередь бизнес, потом уже торговля и в последнюю очередь интернет. О составляющих успешного бизнеса и интернет-магазина.
Тимофей Шиколенков. Об Уникальном Торговом Предложении (УТП) InsalesUA
Тимофей Шиколенков, директор по маркетингу Audiomania.ru, рассказывает, что такое УТП, как его создавать, зачем его создавать. Тимофей дает фундаментальные знания в области подготовки успешного интернет-магазина и создания преимуществ перед конкурентами.
В конце подключается Дмитрий Коробицин, генеральный директор "Поставщик Счастья", рассказывает про организацию логистики в своей компании.
Алексей Кириченко, про дизайн и юзабилити интернет-магазина InsalesUA
Алексей Кириченко, юзабилити-специалист компании Promodo, на примере неудачных вариантов показывает, каким должен быть дизайн интернет-магазина, что и где размещать, что такое "продающий дизайн" и почему не существует "идеального дизайна"
Логистика и доставка для интернет-магазинаInsalesUA
Тимофей Крамарев, продакт менеджер Новая Почта, раскрывает разницу между собственной доставкой и аутсорсингом. Презентует классные сервисы от Новой Почты и рассказывает как упростить жизнь предпринимателю, работаю с аутсорсингом.
1) How great thou art
V1 V2 V3
2) Io厘爺貧議麼
Sing once --> Girls then Boys on verse, Chorus together --> repeat Chorus + Ending
3) 貧湊
Guitar intro (play melody, piano play chord, if possible) --> sing once --> read scripture below --> sing once + chorus
Read‐_R伊嫗 35~39/
(Susanna) l嬬聞厘c児興議杆^遂y祇頁纂yN進農Э瓏N進捻篤琵N進拍|IN進燃猊逵N進芭kUN進乃N
(Alex) 泌貧侭此偉蘢禝直絞K晩瓜■繁心厘泌墸議剪。 ̄隼遇遵广椎枸議壓@匯俳議並貧厘厮誼搜偃N阻。
4) 胆嶄囑低
Guitar intro (I say something) -> Praise team sing once --> all Sing 2 times + chours
1) How great thou art
I say: 鐙 89:1 厘勣梧蟹勳才A議竿曖岷欺喟h士厰喘笥低議佚cf旗。
V1 V2 V3
2) Io厘爺貧議麼
Sing once --> Girls then Boys on verse, Chorus together --> repeat Chorus + Ending
3) 貧湊
Guitar intro --> sing once --> read scripture below --> sing once + chorus
Read‐_R伊嫗 35~39/
(Susanna) l嬬聞厘c児興議杆^遂y祇頁纂yN進農Э瓏N進捻篤琵N進拍|IN進燃猊逵N進芭kUN進乃N
(Alex) 泌貧侭此偉蘢禝直絞K晩瓜■繁心厘泌墸議剪。 ̄隼遇遵广椎枸議壓@匯俳議並貧厘厮誼搜偃N阻。
4) 胆嶄囑低
Guitar intro (I say something) -> Praise team sing once --> all Sing 2 times + chours
Singe twice
This document contains the lyrics to several Christian worship songs in Chinese, with each song separated into sections of 3-6-5 syllables. The songs praise God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, and discuss relying on God for help, living out love, and being inspired by Jesus' love. They include references to worshipping God, preparing one's heart for worship, and dedicating one's life fully to God.
This document contains the lyrics to several Christian worship songs in Chinese, as well as the Apostles' Creed and the Lord's Prayer. The songs praise God, express gratitude for His forgiveness and salvation, and commitment to following Him. Key themes are God's love, grace, and guidance on the path of faith.
The document contains the lyrics to several Christian worship songs in Chinese, asking readers to prepare their hearts for worship, sing praises to God, and proclaim his salvation. It includes the lyrics to "I Look to the Hills", "Sing to the Lord a New Song", "Let the Son of God Enfold You", and "All for Jesus". It also contains the lyrics to the Apostles' Creed and the Lord's Prayer in Chinese. The overall message is encouraging Christians to worship and praise God through singing.
This document contains the lyrics to several Christian worship songs in Chinese, as well as the Lord's Prayer and Doxology. It encourages switching phones to silent mode to focus on worshipping God, and includes songs praising Jesus and expressing desire to love Him more deeply. The Apostles' Creed is also presented. Overall the document centers around worshipping and expressing faith in God.
This document contains the lyrics to several Christian worship songs in Chinese, including "I Look Up to the Hills", "Fullness of Joy", "Come Fill Me Now", "Precious Cross", "My Living Sacrifice", and "All for Jesus". It also includes the lyrics to the Apostles' Creed and the Lord's Prayer in Chinese. The document encourages switching phones to silent mode to prepare for worship and praise.
This document contains several Christian songs and prayers in Chinese, including:
1) A poem that says help comes from God who created heaven and earth.
2) Instructions to switch phones to silent mode and prepare hearts for worship.
3) Songs about Jesus' love on the cross, giving one's heart to God, and knowing God more.
4) The Apostles' Creed and songs dedicated to serving Jesus with one's whole life.
5) Prayers including the Lord's Prayer and doxology.
This document contains several Christian songs and prayers in Chinese, including:
1) A poem about seeking help from God who created heaven and earth.
2) Instructions to switch phones to silent for worship and songs praising God's grace.
3) The Apostles' Creed and Lord's Prayer in Chinese.
4) Several songs about offering oneself to God, God's love and blessings, and praising God.
This document contains the lyrics to several Christian worship songs in Chinese, summarizing themes of praising God, depending on God for help, opening one's heart to God, and dedicating one's whole being to serving Jesus. It also includes the Lord's Prayer and a benediction.
This document contains the lyrics to several Christian worship songs and prayers in Chinese, including lyrics praising God, asking for forgiveness, and referencing Jesus. It encourages switching phones to silent mode for worship, rejoicing at all times, and finding strength and comfort from God in both mountains and valleys. The Apostles' Creed and Lord's Prayer are also included. The overall message is focusing one's life, words, and actions on worshipping and serving God through Jesus Christ.
This document contains the lyrics to several Christian worship songs and prayers in Chinese. It includes songs praising God as the creator and giver of help and salvation. The songs express longing for God, commitment to serving God with one's whole being, and asking for God's blessing. Key prayers included are the Lord's Prayer and a doxology. The overall document shares messages of faith, worship, and devotion to God.
This document contains the lyrics to several Christian worship songs and prayers in Chinese. It includes songs praising God as the creator and giver of help and salvation. The songs express longing for God, commitment to serving God with one's whole being, and asking for God's blessing. Key prayers included are the Lord's Prayer and a doxology.
This document contains the lyrics to several Christian worship songs in Chinese, as well as the Lord's Prayer and Apostle's Creed. It encourages switching phones to silent mode to prepare one's heart for worship. The songs praise God, express desire to please Him through suffering, and offer one's whole being to serve Him. They reference streams of praise, crushing of olives and grapes to produce oil and wine, and increasing sweetness in praising God.
The document contains the lyrics to several Christian worship songs in Chinese, focusing on themes of praising God, following God, and offering oneself for service. It includes songs about looking to God for help, singing new songs of praise to God, proclaiming God's salvation, declaring God's glory, and more. The lyrics express devotion and worship for God and Jesus.
This document contains the lyrics to several Christian worship songs in Chinese, as well as the Lord's Prayer. It includes songs praising God, looking to Jesus for help and rest, dedicating one's life to following God, and doxology. The document encourages switching phones to silent mode to focus on worshipping God.
The document contains lyrics to Christian worship songs praising God. It discusses looking to God for help, preparing one's heart for worship, singing new songs unto the Lord, proclaiming God's salvation, declaring God's glory, amazing grace, how great our God is, offering one's whole being to serve Jesus, and closing with the Doxology and Lord's Prayer.
This document contains the lyrics to several Christian worship songs and hymns praising God. It discusses how God is the creator, Jesus' sacrifice to cleanse believers from sin, wanting to praise and serve God every day, rejoicing in the day that God has made, loving God with the Lord's love, praising God in his sanctuary, and concluding with the Lord's Prayer and a benediction.
This document contains lyrics and passages from Christian worship songs and prayers. It includes songs praising God and Jesus Christ as king and lord, calling people to worship, and dedicating one's life to serving God. Standard Christian prayers like the Lord's Prayer and Doxology are also included. The overall document focuses on worshiping and glorifying God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit through music and prayer.