I organised and facilitated an online discussion with the Overview and Scrutiny Chairman as part of the ongoing social media engagement pilot. This presents a summary of that online discussion and next steps.
2.  We’re starting a
series of
‘Hotseats’ with our
residents, online,
to explain the role
of Overview and
Scrutiny at the
3. ï‚ž A Hotseat is when
an expert or key
individual is
invited online for a
set period of time
to answer
questions and
discuss a
particular subject
4. ï‚ž We want to explain the purpose, role and
process for Overview and Scrutiny at
Broadland District Council
ï‚ž The Chairman will answer your questions.
Questions about his role as Chairman of the
Committee; the role of the Committee; or
their work programme.
5. ï‚ž What does the Committee do?
ï‚ž How does the Committee link to others like
Cabinet, audit, planning or finance?
ï‚ž Can you reconsider recycling provision?
ï‚ž Can you improve road and path conditions?
ï‚ž What influence do you have over
6. ï‚ž Town centres are looking drab and uncared
for, can you convert old shops into housing?
ï‚ž Who do I talk to about disability access?
7.  I’m setting up a website hosting links to
videos showing the accessibility of anything
and everything. It’s called
 There’s too many empty shops in market
 I’m worried about the character of Broadland
changing for the worse
8. ï‚ž We are there to advise the cabinet
ï‚ž Our views are reported to full Council
ï‚ž Broadland does not have a finance committee
ï‚ž Audit Committee are responsible for audit
decisions and the Annual Governance
ï‚ž Planning Committee have separate legislation.
We do not work with them directly
9. ï‚ž The Committee is consulted in policy
development, this occasionally includes
planning policy.
ï‚ž Our Recycling Scheme is changing later this
year. The range of materials taken will be
ï‚ž Bottle Bank services are expected to be
reviewed after the new recycling scheme is
10. ï‚ž Footpath maintenance is the responsibility of
Norfolk County Council
ï‚ž Road conditions are reported to Norfolk
County Council and monitored by the
Highways department
ï‚ž Committee has a say on future development
plans through the Site Allocations
11. ï‚ž Change of building use is considered by the
Planning Committee and is not something
Overview and Scrutiny can influence
ï‚ž Our Economic Development team can help
you develop your business and CNC Building
Control based at South Norfolk Council
ensure buildings are DDA Compliant.
12. ï‚ž You can report damaged paths/roads directly
to Norfolk County Council: