Residents raised numerous questions for Overview and Scrutiny Committee to investigate. However due to Legislation limitations I organised an online discussion with Planning Cabinet Member to answer residents questions directly. This was successful in terms of engagement and improving understanding of the planning system.
2. ï‚ž You told us that
Planning is
important and you
have questions. The
Overview and
Scrutiny Committee
Chairman asked the
Cabinet Member for
Planning to get
involved in Hotseats
3. ï‚ž Councillor Shaun
Vincent is the
Portfolio Holder
for Planning.
 (He isn’t the chairman of the
Planning Committee)
4. ï‚ž Why are so many developments focused on 3
to 5 bedroom houses. What about single
occupants or small households?
ï‚ž How do you plan longer term in relation to
school capacity and facilities?
ï‚ž Can we have more sheltered housing?
ï‚ž Do you have plans to deliver more public
5.  How is a member’s voting ability impacted if
they have an interest in the application being
ï‚ž Will certain developers be favoured for
future planning permissions?
ï‚ž What is the solution agreed for Mill Lane
6. ï‚ž We need smaller developments
ï‚ž We need more smaller houses as part of the
larger developments being built
ï‚ž We need more public toilets
7. ï‚ž A general principle is to have a mix of
housing types available and reflect the
housing need of the specific area
ï‚ž Affordable Housing is built into part of new
developments and tend to be smaller houses
ï‚ž School provision is undertaken by Norfolk
County Council
ï‚ž We support sheltered housing, we hope to
expand provision in future
8. ï‚ž There is no planning requirement to provide
public toilets. However you can tell
developers through their consultation
process for applications
ï‚ž There are limited circumstances in which a
member would have an interest in an
application. The Member would have to leave
the room when the application is discussed.
9. ï‚ž In terms of Developer favouritism, each
application we receive is assessed on its own
ï‚ž With regards to Mill Lane, it was suggested a
resident liaison group would be formed to
work directly with the Developer.
10. ï‚ž Understand the role of Overview and Scrutiny
Committee by reading our FAQs.
ï‚ž Norfolk County Council information on
Schools and provision