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A Fun & Effective Program that takes place in your childs 
classroom at school. 
Eric Melchor 
Evelyn Shu 
Ernesto Saldivar
 Benefits of Children being more Active 
 What is Fly Movement (Fitness Lifestyles for Youths) 
 Team Introduction 
 Case Studies 
 Next Move 
What are the Benefits of Playing? 
Examples of Benefits & Skills 
developed while children are 
having fun playing: 
 Longer attention spans 
 IQ Growth 
 Stronger Social Interactions 
 Healthy Habits for Life 
 Lower the risk of becoming obese 
 Reduce risk for long-term chronic 
health conditions like asthma, heart 
disease and diabetes 
 Improved academics 
Sources: http://blog.zamzee.com/2013/10/23/the-importance-of-the-playground-recent-research
What isFlyMove 
A Movement to combat childhood obesity 
& increase student academic performance. 
The concept is simple: two 3rd grade classes voluntarily 
wear fitness bands for a period of time. The class that 
scores the most points (fitness moves) wins a prize.
Why do this? Why allow kids to 
voluntarily wear fitness bands? 
This is a simple wellness solution 
(disguised as a competition) 
All kids like games 
Kids like adults, like challenges 
This initiative could help improve test 
Research shows that higher physical 
activity improves academics
What is a Fitness Band? 
A fitness band records moves, steps, and miles 
using a 3D accelerometer. 
The band stores this data until plugged into a 
computer via USB. Data is downloaded in seconds. 
 Moreover, kids love wearing these bands.
Fitness activity is Recorded in a Dashboard 
that can be accessed via the Web
Positive Feedback from Teachers 
Natalie Sanchez  
Meador Elementary
Why 3rd Grade? 
 In Grade 3, students begin to learn the health 
benefits of physical activity (According to Texas 
Essential Knowledge and Skills for Physical Education: 
 If a child is overweight from the ages of 8-10, there is 
an 80% chance he or she will be overweight as an 
Team Introduction 
Eric Melchor 
Adjunct Professor  UHD, Board of 
Directors for Midtown Mgmt. District and 
Houston Hispanic Forum, 
Director  Frontier Utilities 
Email: Eric.Melchor@Fly-Movement.com 
Evelyn Shu 
Spin Instructor  LA Fitness 
AFAA Group Exercise Instructor 
Cross Fit Level 1 Trainer, Settlements 
Analyst  Direct Energy 
Email: Evelyn.Shu@Fly-Movement.com 
Ernesto Saldivar 
Market Researcher  Industrial Info 
University of Houston-Downtown 
student; class of 2014 
Email: Ernesto.Saldivar@Fly- 
Personal Contribution  Eric, Evelyn & Ernesto 
We dont intend to just watch from the sidelines, but rather 
contribute to the success of this initiative first-hand.
How it works
Next MOVE 
If we want win the battle against obesity, now is the time to 
act! Together, we can be a part of this groundbreaking 
initiative. Now is the time to take a leading role in healthy 
lifestyle achievement, which will not only improve kids 
health, but help them develop longer attention spans, 
grow their IQ, and help improve their test scores. 
Contact us to implement FLY Movement in your school. 
Eric Melchor - 832-594-8741  Eric.Melchor@Fly- 
Evelyn Shu  Evelyn.Shu@Fly-Movement.com 
Ernesto Saldivar  Ernestor.Saldivar@Fly-Movement.com
Case Studies 
 Students will track movements with MOVchallenge - 
 Chagrin Falls students walk 187,364 miles over three weeks 
- http://www.cleveland.com/chagrin-falls/ 
 The Importance of the Playground: recent research - 
 Teens Blame Michelle Obama for Their Nasty Tater Tot- 
Free Lunches http://news.yahoo.com/teens-blame-michelle- 
FAQs (Provided in Word Document) 
 What is a fitness band? 
 Does a student have to participate in the class competition? 
 Will a student have to weigh themselves or step onto a scale? 
 What are some examples of the prizes the students may win? 
 What information is required to register each student? Can a PE Instructor or Teacher perform 
the registration for each student? 
 Will students be responsible for connecting the fitness band to a computer to upload data? 
 Will the students have to install any programs on their personal computer? 
 How often does data need to be transferred? 
 How long is the battery life of each band? How often does a fitness band need to be recharged 
and how is it recharged? 
 How are movements tracked? (how are points earned) 
 Can a student or parent log into a program (website) to view their activity? 
 Will the other class be able to view the opposing class activity? 
 If a student loses or breaks their fitness band, will it be replaced? 
 Are the bands waterproof? 
 Will the bands be the property of the school, the students? 
 Will enthusiasm for the FLY Movement be shared via Facebook, Email and other channels? 
 Will the activity of each students be stored, shared, or displayed in any way? 
 Can one computer be used to upload all the data? (tailored platform) 
 Why 3rd Grade and what do the Teachers & Administrators have to do to incorporate this into 
childrens learning? 
 Do the parents have any responsibilities? 
 How will the data from the fitness bands be incorporated into learning?

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A Fun Kids Health Program

  • 1. A Fun & Effective Program that takes place in your childs classroom at school. Founders: Eric Melchor Evelyn Shu Ernesto Saldivar
  • 2. Agenda Benefits of Children being more Active What is Fly Movement (Fitness Lifestyles for Youths) Team Introduction Case Studies Next Move FAQs
  • 3. What are the Benefits of Playing? Examples of Benefits & Skills developed while children are having fun playing: Longer attention spans IQ Growth Stronger Social Interactions Healthy Habits for Life Lower the risk of becoming obese Reduce risk for long-term chronic health conditions like asthma, heart disease and diabetes Improved academics Sources: http://blog.zamzee.com/2013/10/23/the-importance-of-the-playground-recent-research
  • 4. What isFlyMove ment ? A Movement to combat childhood obesity & increase student academic performance. The concept is simple: two 3rd grade classes voluntarily wear fitness bands for a period of time. The class that scores the most points (fitness moves) wins a prize.
  • 5. Why do this? Why allow kids to voluntarily wear fitness bands? This is a simple wellness solution (disguised as a competition) All kids like games Kids like adults, like challenges This initiative could help improve test scores Research shows that higher physical activity improves academics
  • 6. What is a Fitness Band? A fitness band records moves, steps, and miles using a 3D accelerometer. The band stores this data until plugged into a computer via USB. Data is downloaded in seconds. Moreover, kids love wearing these bands.
  • 7. Fitness activity is Recorded in a Dashboard that can be accessed via the Web
  • 8. Positive Feedback from Teachers Natalie Sanchez Meador Elementary
  • 9. Why 3rd Grade? In Grade 3, students begin to learn the health benefits of physical activity (According to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Physical Education: http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter116/) If a child is overweight from the ages of 8-10, there is an 80% chance he or she will be overweight as an adult
  • 10. Team Introduction Eric Melchor Adjunct Professor UHD, Board of Directors for Midtown Mgmt. District and Houston Hispanic Forum, Director Frontier Utilities Email: Eric.Melchor@Fly-Movement.com Evelyn Shu Spin Instructor LA Fitness AFAA Group Exercise Instructor Cross Fit Level 1 Trainer, Settlements Analyst Direct Energy Email: Evelyn.Shu@Fly-Movement.com Ernesto Saldivar Market Researcher Industrial Info Resources University of Houston-Downtown student; class of 2014 Email: Ernesto.Saldivar@Fly- Movement.com
  • 11. Personal Contribution Eric, Evelyn & Ernesto We dont intend to just watch from the sidelines, but rather contribute to the success of this initiative first-hand.
  • 13. Next MOVE If we want win the battle against obesity, now is the time to act! Together, we can be a part of this groundbreaking initiative. Now is the time to take a leading role in healthy lifestyle achievement, which will not only improve kids health, but help them develop longer attention spans, grow their IQ, and help improve their test scores. Contact us to implement FLY Movement in your school. Eric Melchor - 832-594-8741 Eric.Melchor@Fly- Movement.com Evelyn Shu Evelyn.Shu@Fly-Movement.com Ernesto Saldivar Ernestor.Saldivar@Fly-Movement.com
  • 14. Case Studies Students will track movements with MOVchallenge - http://www.hudsonhubtimes.com/news%20local/2013/0 4/24/students-will-track-movements-with-movchallenge Chagrin Falls students walk 187,364 miles over three weeks - http://www.cleveland.com/chagrin-falls/ index.ssf/2011/11/chagrin_falls_students_walk_18.html The Importance of the Playground: recent research - http://blog.zamzee.com/2013/10/23/the-importance-of-the- playground-recent-research/ Teens Blame Michelle Obama for Their Nasty Tater Tot- Free Lunches http://news.yahoo.com/teens-blame-michelle- obama-nasty-tater-tot-free-130850939.html
  • 15. FAQs (Provided in Word Document) What is a fitness band? Does a student have to participate in the class competition? Will a student have to weigh themselves or step onto a scale? What are some examples of the prizes the students may win? What information is required to register each student? Can a PE Instructor or Teacher perform the registration for each student? Will students be responsible for connecting the fitness band to a computer to upload data? Will the students have to install any programs on their personal computer? How often does data need to be transferred? How long is the battery life of each band? How often does a fitness band need to be recharged and how is it recharged? How are movements tracked? (how are points earned) Can a student or parent log into a program (website) to view their activity? Will the other class be able to view the opposing class activity? If a student loses or breaks their fitness band, will it be replaced? Are the bands waterproof? Will the bands be the property of the school, the students? Will enthusiasm for the FLY Movement be shared via Facebook, Email and other channels? Will the activity of each students be stored, shared, or displayed in any way? Can one computer be used to upload all the data? (tailored platform) Why 3rd Grade and what do the Teachers & Administrators have to do to incorporate this into childrens learning? Do the parents have any responsibilities? How will the data from the fitness bands be incorporated into learning?

Editor's Notes

  • #4: http://blog.zamzee.com/2013/10/23/the-importance-of-the-playground-recent-research/
  • #7: http://www.startribune.com/local/blogs/240587761.html http://www.hudsonhubtimes.com/news%20local/2013/04/24/students-will-track-movements-with-movchallenge