O documento pede para os alunos tirarem 5 fotos explorando a perspectiva for?ada, aplicando a regra dos ter?os na composi??o. As fotos devem ser impressas em tamanho 15x21cm e entregues coladas em um álbum manual até o dia 1, 2 ou 3 de dezembro, dependendo do dia da aula de arte.
Carvalho, juliano; freire, adriana. augusto reynaldo, arquitetura residencial...Emerson Macêdo
Este documento discute a introdu??o e difus?o da arquitetura moderna residencial em Campina Grande, Paraíba, pelo arquiteto Augusto Reynaldo Alves entre os anos 1950 e 1958. Reynaldo projetou cinco residências na cidade durante esse período, contribuindo significativamente para a dissemina??o do estilo moderno fora dos grandes centros. O texto analisa o contexto histórico e arquitet?nico de Campina Grande, a obra de Reynaldo, e seu papel pioneiro na ado??o da linguagem moderna localmente.
O documento descreve as características e equipamentos necessários para a prática da asa-delta. A asa-delta é uma aeronave leve composta por tubos de alumínio e uma vela que fornece sustenta??o. O documento lista os equipamentos de seguran?a essenciais como arnês, capacete, mosquet?es e os instrumentos como vari?metro e altímetro.
The document discusses Handprint, a solution that allows companies to source, purchase, and monitor credible sustainability projects. It offers the following:
- Access to a portfolio of vetted regeneration projects around the world that companies can purchase units from to offset carbon emissions and support social and environmental causes.
- Digital tools to easily track project progress and outcomes over time for transparency and engagement of customers and employees.
- Consultation services to help companies curate customized portfolios of projects that align with their values and sustainability strategy.
Οι δραστηρι?τητε? με θ?μα το ηφα?στειο, τη? Σ?σα? Καραγιανν?δου - Π?ννα, ε?ναι δραστηρι?τητε? που ?χουν να κ?νουν με την εκμ?θηση και εμπ?δωση του ελληνικο? αλφ?βητου και ?χι μ?νο. Μπορο?ν να ξεκιν?σουν με αφορμ? την ενασχ?λησ? μα? με τα ηφα?στεια και στην συν?χεια τα παιδι? να υποδυθο?ν το ηφα?στειο και να πα?ξουν ?πω? περιγρ?φουν οι δραστηρι?τητε?, ζητ?ντα? απ? τα παιδι?, εκτ?? απ? αυτ? γρ?μματα, λ?ξει? κλπ, πληροφορ?ε? για τα ηφα?στεια. Τι ε?ναι το ηφα?στειο, τι ε?ναι η λ?βα, ποιο? ο Θε?? τη? φωτι??, κλπ.
Interpreting population pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic analyses – a clinical...Ming Chia Lee
Population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic analyses allow modeling of drug response data from multiple individuals to quantify variability between patients and identify factors influencing this variability. A typical population model includes three elements: 1) a structural model describing the average response over time, 2) a model of heterogeneity characterizing variability between individuals, and 3) a model of uncertainty accounting for residual differences from the model. Such analyses are useful for optimizing drug dosing, designing clinical trials, and identifying covariates like age, weight or organ function that influence a drug's effects. The significance of identified covariate relationships must consider biological plausibility, clinical importance, and statistical measures.
The document discusses Handprint, a solution that allows companies to source, purchase, and monitor credible sustainability projects. It offers the following:
- Access to a portfolio of vetted regeneration projects around the world that companies can purchase units from to offset carbon emissions and support social and environmental causes.
- Digital tools to easily track project progress and outcomes over time for transparency and engagement of customers and employees.
- Consultation services to help companies curate customized portfolios of projects that align with their values and sustainability strategy.
Οι δραστηρι?τητε? με θ?μα το ηφα?στειο, τη? Σ?σα? Καραγιανν?δου - Π?ννα, ε?ναι δραστηρι?τητε? που ?χουν να κ?νουν με την εκμ?θηση και εμπ?δωση του ελληνικο? αλφ?βητου και ?χι μ?νο. Μπορο?ν να ξεκιν?σουν με αφορμ? την ενασχ?λησ? μα? με τα ηφα?στεια και στην συν?χεια τα παιδι? να υποδυθο?ν το ηφα?στειο και να πα?ξουν ?πω? περιγρ?φουν οι δραστηρι?τητε?, ζητ?ντα? απ? τα παιδι?, εκτ?? απ? αυτ? γρ?μματα, λ?ξει? κλπ, πληροφορ?ε? για τα ηφα?στεια. Τι ε?ναι το ηφα?στειο, τι ε?ναι η λ?βα, ποιο? ο Θε?? τη? φωτι??, κλπ.
Interpreting population pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic analyses – a clinical...Ming Chia Lee
Population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic analyses allow modeling of drug response data from multiple individuals to quantify variability between patients and identify factors influencing this variability. A typical population model includes three elements: 1) a structural model describing the average response over time, 2) a model of heterogeneity characterizing variability between individuals, and 3) a model of uncertainty accounting for residual differences from the model. Such analyses are useful for optimizing drug dosing, designing clinical trials, and identifying covariates like age, weight or organ function that influence a drug's effects. The significance of identified covariate relationships must consider biological plausibility, clinical importance, and statistical measures.
Inhaled Corticosteroids Increase the Risk of Pneumonia in Patients with Chron...Ming Chia Lee
- The study examined the risk of pneumonia in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) using inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) using a national health insurance database in Taiwan.
- It found that ICS use was independently associated with an increased risk of pneumonia in a dose-dependent manner, even after controlling for COPD severity.
- The incidence of pneumonia was higher during periods of ICS use and decreased after discontinuing ICS, while the incidence of acute exacerbations continued to decrease.
- The results provide evidence that ICS should be judiciously prescribed in COPD patients due to the risk of increasing pneumonia.
Impact of DM and its control on the risk of developing TB in TaiwanMing Chia Lee
This study investigated the impact of diabetes mellitus (DM) and its control on the risk of developing active tuberculosis (TB) using Taiwan's National Health Insurance Research Database. The results showed that: (1) DM significantly increased the risk of TB and this effect persisted for at least 5 years, (2) the risk of TB was higher with worse DM control as measured by hospital admissions and medication doses, (3) better adherence to anti-DM medication was protective against TB. The study suggests that controlling DM may help prevent some cases of TB.