In today's new ministries, the presentation answers whether or not the church should engage in social media, with whom it should engage and the basics of engagement. I also touch on potential pitfalls and the unintended consequences of social endorsement. There are businesses that will benefit from this presentation's section on "social endorsement" from a communications perspective, as well as, delineating the difference between organizational and leadership social accounts.
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2014 church-and-social-media-issachar-conference
1. Is it okay for the church to have a
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other social media account?
2. Introduction
Sold my 1st Ad banner in 1994
Put together my 1st Internet conference in 1995
Ran my own dot com for 5 years, before I sold it in
Interactive and Public Relations Director
Started volunteering here at Summit in 2009
6. The Noise
Estimated 30,000 marketing messages per day
(Forbes, 2011)
55% of adults in U.S. have a smartphone (comScore, 2014)
Access our smartphones 150 times per day (Meeker
Report, 2014)
60% of social media time takes place on smartphones
and tablets (Business Insider, 2014)
7. Engagement
55% of Internet traf鍖c originates from Mobile devices
(comScore, 2014)
47% of all Internet traf鍖c comes from Mobile Apps
(comScore, 2013)
Facebook is the #1 mobile app with a 76% user reach
11. 2014 Social Network Users
Google +
0 300000000 600000000 900000000 1200000000
12. Who uses social media?
Simple Answer: We do.
73% of Black/Non-Hispanic Internet Users access
social media sites (Pew Research, 2013)
75% have a college degree
68% have a household income of $75,000 or more
13. 1 Corinthians 9
22To the weak I became weak, to win the
weak. I have become all things to all people
so that by all possible means I might save
23I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I
may share in its blessings.
17. Relationships
Open a dialogue
Amplify your voice and message
Build a platform independent of location, corporate
size or budget
18. Getting started
Sign up for your accounts using the same handle
Choose one social platform and dedicate yourself to it
for 3 months
Post on a consistent schedule or around the same
time of day
19. Each platform has its strength
Facebook lends itself to longer post and content
Twitter invokes quick calls to action and can direct
followers to your content on other platforms
Instagram is very visual, but can be used to promote
and give an insider look at your relationships
Youtube allows for long format video and archiving of
key sermons and/or events
20. Avoid Unintended Outcomes
Recognize the need for a corporate social account and
a personal account for your leaders
Please understand that a like, retweet, favorite etc. is a
social endorsement
As a leader, review beyond a single post before you
21. Homework
Understand the Viral effect of Social media (sharing)
Identify what type of user you want to become: a
Creator, Curator, or Power User (each can create a
strong following)
22. Quick Review
Understand what your up against
More people are using mobile devices to access the Internet;
change your strategies accordingly
Meet your Partners where they reside
Social Media is an opportunity to start a one to many dialogue
Dont overthink a strategy
Pick a social network and start posting consistently