Pusheen, a female office cat, is pushed to work overnight preparing for a last-minute presentation. Due to her rushed preparation and unkempt appearance, Pusheen does poorly in her presentation and is ridiculed by her coworkers. Overcome with frustration, Pusheen quits her job and becomes a stripper, hoping to find a career where women are appreciated. The comic explores the social psychology concepts of extrinsic motivation, the looking-glass self, sexism, displaced aggression, and self-fulfilling prophecies through Pusheen's experiences.
El documento trata sobre la relaci坦n entre la cultura de la comunidad y la cultura escolar. Se discuten tres puntos principales: 1) Los procesos de interacci坦n entre ambas culturas, 2) Las formas de participaci坦n instituidas entre la comunidad y la escuela, y 3) La valoraci坦n social de la escuela en la comunidad.
El documento describe los diferentes estados del agua como l鱈quido, s坦lido y gaseoso, y explica el ciclo del agua que incluye la precipitaci坦n, evaporaci坦n y condensaci坦n. Tambi辿n presenta la informaci坦n en ingl辿s.
El documento describe una serie de herramientas web 2.0 como Blogger para crear bit叩coras en l鱈nea, About.me para centralizar perfiles en redes sociales, Wordle para crear nubes de palabras, Educaplay para crear actividades educativas multimedia, Storybird para compartir cuentos con ilustraciones, Photofunia para agregar efectos a fotos, Flash-gear para crear rompecabezas con im叩genes, Photopeach para hacer presentaciones de fotos con m炭sica y texto, y 際際滷share para compartir presentaciones de PowerPoint.
El libro analiza los diferentes modos en que las personas se comunican y entienden el mundo a trav辿s de signos. Examina los signos primarios y secundarios, y c坦mo la semiolog鱈a y ling端鱈stica estudian los signos creados por el hombre para la comunicaci坦n. En particular, explora el concepto del signo ling端鱈stico propuesto por Saussure, que vincula un sonido a una imagen mental. Finalmente, discute la naturaleza arbitraria de los signos y su importancia para facilitar la comunicaci坦n entre individuos.
Este documento describe los 10 pasos para instalar SQL Server 2014 de manera sencilla. Inicialmente se registra como estudiante en DreamSpark para descargar el software. Luego se selecciona la versi坦n adecuada para el sistema y se especifica la carpeta de destino. Finalmente, se completa el proceso de instalaci坦n y configuraci坦n, asegur叩ndose de cambiar el idioma a espa単ol para evitar problemas durante la instalaci坦n.
Ranka Papi has over 15 years of experience in banking, starting as a Data Verification Officer and progressing to roles with increasing responsibility such as Telecollection Officer, Senior Administration Collection Officer, Organization and Process Specialist, and Senior Organization and Process Specialist. She has a degree in Management from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade and is proficient in English, Microsoft Office, Visio, Adonis, Lotus Notes, and proprietary banking software.
This document outlines the shots, timing, and camera angles for a film scene. It involves two girls doing photography work in a studio at night. When their camera is left on with night vision, it captures a figure (a ghost) that approaches the girls as they struggle to open a door, panicking. The ghost stares at the girls by the door then quickly looks away, causing the door to open and allowing the girls to escape, after which the ghost continues toward the now open door.
El documento describe el modelo de educaci坦n a distancia de la UCAB. Los estudiantes en l鱈nea son copart鱈cipes responsables de su aprendizaje y colaboran con sus compa単eros, mientras que los tutores facilitan y median este proceso. Las sesiones est叩n constituidas por periodos programados para completar actividades. Los estudiantes pueden acceder al aula virtual en cualquier momento y se espera que entreguen las actividades durante la sesi坦n. El tutor y la coordinaci坦n acad辿mica brindan apoyo, as鱈 como el Centro de Estudios en L鱈nea para d
The document summarizes audience feedback on a music video. Viewers liked the black and white cinematography, camera work, editing, and how it fit the song. They found the video convincing because it was filmed and cut well and matched the mood and message of the music. Some criticisms were that the artist didn't look like they were singing and there was too much repetitive walking. Based on this feedback, the creators concluded they should improve the lip syncing and add more scenes related to the train to make the story clearer and video more engaging.
This document outlines the pricing plans for a mobile service provider, listing the monthly access charge, monthly cost per mobile, and bundle details for each plan. The plans range from 70 to 950 per month and include an increasing number of minutes, texts, and data, along with rates for charges incurred after exceeding the bundle amounts. The most expensive plan provides up to 12,000 minutes, 35,000 texts, and 35,000MB of data.
Rod Rimando - Opportunities for advanced robotics in nuclear cleanupDaniel Huber
This document discusses the U.S. Department of Energy's Environmental Management (EM) mission to clean up legacy waste from nuclear weapons production and research dating back to the Manhattan Project. EM oversees cleanup at 16 major sites around the country with an estimated remaining cost of $235 billion to complete by 2065. The document outlines EM's interest in using robotics and remote systems to improve worker safety, efficiency, and performance for hazardous cleanup tasks including decontamination, demolition, inspections of underground storage tanks and tunnels, and handling of radioactive and hazardous materials. It also discusses various operating domains where robotics could be applied, such as gloveboxes, hot cells, underground facilities, underwater locations, and aerial inspections.
El documento describe la importancia de la ense単anza del espa単ol en la educaci坦n b叩sica. Se単ala que la escuela debe preparar a los estudiantes para comunicarse efectivamente en una sociedad plural. Tambi辿n indica que no existe un solo modelo de ense単anza debido a la diversidad cultural, por lo que los m辿todos deben adaptarse a cada contexto. Finalmente, enfatiza que la escuela debe fomentar pr叩cticas de lectura y escritura vivas para que los estudiantes puedan repensar el mundo y desarrollar su pensamiento cr鱈tico.
Este documento resume un cap鱈tulo sobre la autoridad y la igualdad en la educaci坦n. Explora las paradojas de ejercer la autoridad en un tiempo de transformaci坦n, donde la autoridad tradicional basada en el saber y el poder ya no es v叩lida. Propone que un maestro ignorante que trabaja junto a sus alumnos de manera igualitaria puede descubrir una nueva forma de autoridad pedag坦gica basada en la igualdad entre maestro y alumno.
El documento describe varios monumentos, iglesias y lugares hist坦ricos de la ciudad de Huelva, Espa単a. Entre ellos se encuentran la estatua de Crist坦bal Col坦n, el Monumento a la Fe Descubridora, el Monumento Virgen del Roc鱈o, el Convento Hermanas de la Cruz, la Iglesia de San Sebasti叩n, la Iglesia del Sagrado Coraz坦n, el Puerto, la Plaza de Toros de La Merced, la Casa Col坦n, la Plaza de las Monjas, el Estadio Nuevo Colombino y el Parque Moret. El document
Las instituciones religiosas, sanitarias, recreativas, expresivas-integrativas y educativas satisfacen necesidades sociales b叩sicas como regularizar las relaciones entre el hombre y lo divino, proveer salud, descanso, expresi坦n art鱈stica y transmitir la herencia cultural. Estas instituciones incluyen iglesias, hospitales, escuelas, museos, parques y organizaciones subsidiarias que cumplen funciones espec鱈ficas dentro de cada sector.
Ananth Ravishankar has over 9 years of experience developing web and distributed applications using Java/J2EE technologies. He has expertise in all phases of the software development lifecycle and experience working with agile methodologies. Ananth has worked on projects in various domains including retail, investment banking, and media research. He is proficient in technologies such as Java, JSP, Servlets, Struts, Hadoop, Hive, and relational databases.
This document outlines the shots, timing, and camera angles for a film scene. It involves two girls doing photography work in a studio at night. When their camera is left on with night vision, it captures a figure (a ghost) that approaches the girls as they struggle to open a door, panicking. The ghost stares at the girls by the door then quickly looks away, causing the door to open and allowing the girls to escape, after which the ghost continues toward the now open door.
El documento describe el modelo de educaci坦n a distancia de la UCAB. Los estudiantes en l鱈nea son copart鱈cipes responsables de su aprendizaje y colaboran con sus compa単eros, mientras que los tutores facilitan y median este proceso. Las sesiones est叩n constituidas por periodos programados para completar actividades. Los estudiantes pueden acceder al aula virtual en cualquier momento y se espera que entreguen las actividades durante la sesi坦n. El tutor y la coordinaci坦n acad辿mica brindan apoyo, as鱈 como el Centro de Estudios en L鱈nea para d
The document summarizes audience feedback on a music video. Viewers liked the black and white cinematography, camera work, editing, and how it fit the song. They found the video convincing because it was filmed and cut well and matched the mood and message of the music. Some criticisms were that the artist didn't look like they were singing and there was too much repetitive walking. Based on this feedback, the creators concluded they should improve the lip syncing and add more scenes related to the train to make the story clearer and video more engaging.
This document outlines the pricing plans for a mobile service provider, listing the monthly access charge, monthly cost per mobile, and bundle details for each plan. The plans range from 70 to 950 per month and include an increasing number of minutes, texts, and data, along with rates for charges incurred after exceeding the bundle amounts. The most expensive plan provides up to 12,000 minutes, 35,000 texts, and 35,000MB of data.
Rod Rimando - Opportunities for advanced robotics in nuclear cleanupDaniel Huber
This document discusses the U.S. Department of Energy's Environmental Management (EM) mission to clean up legacy waste from nuclear weapons production and research dating back to the Manhattan Project. EM oversees cleanup at 16 major sites around the country with an estimated remaining cost of $235 billion to complete by 2065. The document outlines EM's interest in using robotics and remote systems to improve worker safety, efficiency, and performance for hazardous cleanup tasks including decontamination, demolition, inspections of underground storage tanks and tunnels, and handling of radioactive and hazardous materials. It also discusses various operating domains where robotics could be applied, such as gloveboxes, hot cells, underground facilities, underwater locations, and aerial inspections.
El documento describe la importancia de la ense単anza del espa単ol en la educaci坦n b叩sica. Se単ala que la escuela debe preparar a los estudiantes para comunicarse efectivamente en una sociedad plural. Tambi辿n indica que no existe un solo modelo de ense単anza debido a la diversidad cultural, por lo que los m辿todos deben adaptarse a cada contexto. Finalmente, enfatiza que la escuela debe fomentar pr叩cticas de lectura y escritura vivas para que los estudiantes puedan repensar el mundo y desarrollar su pensamiento cr鱈tico.
Este documento resume un cap鱈tulo sobre la autoridad y la igualdad en la educaci坦n. Explora las paradojas de ejercer la autoridad en un tiempo de transformaci坦n, donde la autoridad tradicional basada en el saber y el poder ya no es v叩lida. Propone que un maestro ignorante que trabaja junto a sus alumnos de manera igualitaria puede descubrir una nueva forma de autoridad pedag坦gica basada en la igualdad entre maestro y alumno.
El documento describe varios monumentos, iglesias y lugares hist坦ricos de la ciudad de Huelva, Espa単a. Entre ellos se encuentran la estatua de Crist坦bal Col坦n, el Monumento a la Fe Descubridora, el Monumento Virgen del Roc鱈o, el Convento Hermanas de la Cruz, la Iglesia de San Sebasti叩n, la Iglesia del Sagrado Coraz坦n, el Puerto, la Plaza de Toros de La Merced, la Casa Col坦n, la Plaza de las Monjas, el Estadio Nuevo Colombino y el Parque Moret. El document
Las instituciones religiosas, sanitarias, recreativas, expresivas-integrativas y educativas satisfacen necesidades sociales b叩sicas como regularizar las relaciones entre el hombre y lo divino, proveer salud, descanso, expresi坦n art鱈stica y transmitir la herencia cultural. Estas instituciones incluyen iglesias, hospitales, escuelas, museos, parques y organizaciones subsidiarias que cumplen funciones espec鱈ficas dentro de cada sector.
Ananth Ravishankar has over 9 years of experience developing web and distributed applications using Java/J2EE technologies. He has expertise in all phases of the software development lifecycle and experience working with agile methodologies. Ananth has worked on projects in various domains including retail, investment banking, and media research. He is proficient in technologies such as Java, JSP, Servlets, Struts, Hadoop, Hive, and relational databases.