34. EatWith : 餐飲界的 Airbnb
Diners must first join
the Association for
50 ($64), but they
get the first meal free,
which usually costs
39.90 ($51).
35. EatWith : Eat Like Locals, With Locals
Break Bread With The Locals In Their Own Homes
旅行就是要吃道地家常菜 !
36. Meal Sharing 是分享、交友與異質文化體驗
Invite people from all over the world to Eat With you!
Share with them your favorite dishes and unique cultural
54. The sharing economy is helping us pay the bills, work
flexible hours, meet new people or spend more time with
our families. We think it’s how the 21st century economy
should work, so we’re coming together to grow,
mainstream and protect the sharing economy.
55. The Sharing Economy
We share our cars, homes, skills and
time. Sharing creates new value, giving
us more flexibility and extra income.
Consuming directly from people we
can trust is more affordable, more
social, and less wasteful.
Catalyzing The Sharing Economy
56. And More …
At least 22 partners are providing funding to Peers
57. So Far:It’s a Rental Business
What’s mine is
yours…for a fee
《What's Mine Is Yours - The Rise of Collaborative
Consumption》 By Rachel Botsman, Roo Rogers