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Welcome - Pantec Insights
Global view
at Pantec Metrology
Javier O. Vera
Director of Business Development  N.A.
Who is Pantec Metrology?
Facts about Pantec Engineering Group
- Founded in 1990
- Technical Center/ HQ in Ruggell, Liechtenstein
- 5 Business Units
- 120 employees (80% engineers) and growing
- Customer Centers in Shanghai, Alzenau, Ruggell, Irvine
- Product development as well as engineering services  business
- Owner: Ronny Gst旦hl and Reinhard Braun (CEO)
- Board of Directors: Head卒s of BU
10.02.2015 3
Where is Pantec?
10.02.2015 4
Pantec's Mission
Implement the most innovative
and leading technologies for
industrial, production and
medical applications
10.02.2015 5
Controllers and accessories for tactile
and optical metrology
Integration of laser kits into
medical applications
Customized Motion Control systems for
industrial and medical applications
On and Offline refining systems
for the printing industry
Solution provider for machinery
and plant automation
Pantec Metrology Vision
By careful strategic operation and know-how in niche markets, Pantec has won
recognition as top supplier in such markets. Their service team market focus
excellence has gathering them award-winning recognition worldwide.
10.02.2015 7
Pantec Metrology vision is to be a globally responsible machine solution
Our competence is evident in the motion controllers for tactile and optical
metrology systems, accessories, advanced electronic engineering, and
application know-how. This competence, coupled with a high-level of service
orientation, makes Pantec Metrology the first-choice partner for OEM and
retrofitter of CMMs or VMMs worldwide.
Our product solutions are found the world over in a variety of dimensional
measuring equipment, keeping you a step ahead of industrial demands.
More about Pantec Metrology
Facts About Pantec Metrology
- 4 customer centers to connect with customers
- More than 12,000 controller installation base and
- 13 team members where: 5 are in production &
logistics, 5 in sales & service, 3 in R&D, and others who
consult as experts within the Pantec Group
10.02.2015 9
Our World Wide Customer Centers
10.02.2015 10
The Team
10.02.2015 11
Market Focus - Summarized
Customer Focus:
Product Focus:
Technical Focus:
 Multisensor CMM (or VMM)
 Milling CMM
 Horizontal Arm CMM
 Bridge Style CMM
 Double-Drive CMM
 Gear Inspection CMM
10.02.2015 12
Speed &
Ease of Use Flexibility
We Endeavor for the best in:
What will we provide you?
 Unbeatable measurement speed, fast commissioning, service &
support, delivery, and timely responses
 Through the latest technology break-through, we deliver the
highest accuracy in implementation and experience
 We ensure flexibility through a network of sensors, available end-
user softwares, accessories, cooperative relationships, well
developed business models, and timely deliveries
 The product(s) we offer provide the most intuitive manner of
operation providing ease-of-use in the product connectivity and
10.02.2015 13
10.02.2015 14
Our promise - to deliver excellence in
products and provide the best support
and service possible
Living Expertise
Vision and tactile CMM OEM's, retrofitters,
Reliable and highly accurate Motion control of
all kind of optical and tactile Coordinate
Measuring Machines
Motion controllers
Accessories like hand control units, scanner,
PANTEC METROLOGY: Motion control and sensors for
3D-Measurement technology
Product Hierarchy
 The controller
provides a
foundation for a
number of the
accessories that
are available
through the
Pantec offering
 The product
offering provides
the best source
for one-stop-shop
10.02.2015 16
Labels, Security & Packaging Industry
In-Line Refining
Hot foil and hologram embossing,
relief embossing, foil saving
Online and Offline machine systems for
efficient and high-quality refining of
printed products
PANTEC GS SYSTEMS: Efficient, high-quality refining for
the printing industry
PANTEC AUTOMATION: Control solutions for mechanical
and plant engineering
Service in conception, development, automation
systems and life cycle management
Control solutions based on automation platforms
of ABB and B&R
Automation solutions for machines and systems with
high demands of precision and dynamic
Product and systems development
Contract Manufacturing
Mechanical and medical engineering
Intelligent embedded systems for OEMs
and fabless companies with highest demands
of motion, functionality, design, complexity,
real time performance, ...
Customized drive solutions
Dentistry, Dermatology, Aesthetics,
Ophthalmology, Micro Surgery
Laser-based treatment of hard and soft tissue
Laser systems for medical engineering
Distribution and integration of 3mikron
technology components  ranging from
development to assembly of OEM modules or
complete OEM laser devices
Basic / Pro / High Power
Best in Class Gage R&R with high speed
- Sub-count interpolation
- High-end DSP (w/servo loop & frequency)
Powerful Versatility
- Capable of operating in double-drive, horizontal arm,
gear inspection, milling, and bridge CMMs
- Great number of probe types and combinations
- Connectable to a good number of other peripherals
Fit & Forget
 100% test QC provides well proven technology
 20 years of experience
 Strong PMAC know-how included in system
Ease of Tune
 Detail  step-by-step guided support tool
 Integrated GEC (Geometric Error Correction)
=> Developed to get the best out of your CMM by
applying the latest know-how
10.02.2015 21
Now with
CONDORTM MultiSensor
Basic & Pro (scan)
An all-in-one, plug & play capable system
 Up to 4 main axes and 2 secondary axes
 20 individually programmable LED sectors
Technical foundation based on EAGLE technology
- Sub-count interpolation
- High-end DSP (w/servo loop & frequency)
- 20 individually controllable LED channels
Ease of Tune
 Detail  step-by-step guided support tool
 Integrated GEC (Geometric Error Correction)
=> Developed to provide a reliably successful
integration of all components into an all-in-
one, plug & play controller
10.02.2015 22
Now with
- Reliable and persistent joystick
- Ergonomic and lightweight
- Robust
- Several functions included to
provide comprehensive CMM
=> Developed to offer an easy
entry level joystick for easy CMM
10.02.2015 23
- Lightweight, ergonomic
- Wireless (safe TCP/IP connection)
- Developing Wi-Fi distance limits
- Robust capacitive 4.3 capacity
touch screen
- Gives the end-user immediate
access to the most important
parameters  software or
- Available with individual
comprehensive software support
package (SDK) for customization
=> Developed to set the bar for
uncompromised user friendliness
10.02.2015 24
Eagle.SmartPad Client GUI Design
10.02.2015 25
Eagle.SmartPad Client GUI Design
10.02.2015 26
Eagle.SmartPad Client GUI Design
10.02.2015 27
10.02.2015 28
EAGLE.Head family
- Complete Probe head and
Probing set (TT & scanning)
- High flexibility due to strong
rotation torque (0.6 Nm)
- Unbeatable speed (7.5属 in 1s,
90属 in 2 sec)
Technical Features
Eagle.Head-m PKJ Eagle.Head-m M8
Positional repeatability 0.5袖m at 100 mm 0.5袖m at 100 mm
Angular movement
- Increment
- Orientation axis A (Tilt)
- Orientation axis B (Rotation)
0属 to 105属
賊 180属
0属 to 105属
賊 180属
Rotational speed 7.5属 in 1s, 90属 in 2s 7.5属 in 1s, 90属 in 2s
Rotational torque 0.6Nm 0.6Nm
Weight (probe head alone) 796g 796g
Length of probe extensions < 300 mm up to 450 mm <300 mm up to 450 mm
Probe connection
Kinematic Joint
- Any probe with a PKJ coupling device
(example: tactile scanning probes,
Perceptron or Steinbichler laser, etc.)
Eagle.ap M8 adapter
- Any probe that has M8 thread
PFA adapter
- Renishaw Autojoint
Eagle.ap M8 adapter
- Any probe that has M8 thread
Operation conditions: Temperature 25属C 賊 10属C 25属C 賊 10属C
Operation conditions: Relative humidity 50% 賊 10属% 50% 賊 10属%
Operation limits:Temperature range 10属C to 40属C 10属C to 40属C
Operation limits: Relative humidity <80%, non-condensing <80%, non-condensing
Storage conditions: Temperature range -30属C to +60属C -30属C to +60属C
Storage conditions: Maximum humidity 100% 100%
10.02.2015 29
Difference between the heads
Eagle.Head-m PKJ Eagle.Head-m M8
Connectivity &
10.02.2015 31
Systematic geometric errors of CMMs
Per axis: 6
- Positioning (linearity) 1
- Vertical & horizontal straightness 2
- Pitch, roll, yaw 3
Portal-CMM with 3 axes: 21
- 3 axes 18
- Rectangularity between axes 3
10.02.2015 32
Before Compensation After Compensation
CAA  Error Correction
- Customer demand drives
error correction map into
- A robust component of error
correction integrating 21
and 23 degrees of freedom
- Supports the most common
lasers, for error mapping
with our intuitive EAGLE
support software
T-Bus Temperature sensor
- Absolute accuracy +/- 0,1属C
- Delivers absolute temperature
values for temperature
- Up to 16 temperature sensors on
Makes lighter machine
constructions and compensate
measuring uncertainties
10.02.2015 34
Additional support services
- Training
- By means of comprehensive workshops that deep-dive into common and not so
common scenarios
- Support
- A worldwide cooperative support network to optimize controller functions
- Troubleshooting
- Real-time machine testing and evaluating for optimal machine performance
- Consulting Services
- Through strategic customer understanding of issues, provide performance
improvement and value chain transformation of the controller on the machine
- Special technical adaptions
plus any other service that helps you be as competitive as possible!
10.02.2015 35
10.02.2015 36
Lets work together on next steps
- Are you interested in furthering your training?
- Can we provide a local product demonstration?
- Can we help with quotation?
- How many controllers or accessories can we quote?
- Can Pantec Associate visit for further discussions?
- Youre always welcome to visit Pantec Engineering!
Thank you for your attention
10.02.2015 38

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  • 1. Welcome - Pantec Insights Global view at Pantec Metrology Javier O. Vera Director of Business Development N.A.
  • 2. Who is Pantec Metrology?
  • 3. Facts about Pantec Engineering Group - Founded in 1990 - Technical Center/ HQ in Ruggell, Liechtenstein - 5 Business Units - 120 employees (80% engineers) and growing - Customer Centers in Shanghai, Alzenau, Ruggell, Irvine - Product development as well as engineering services business - Owner: Ronny Gst旦hl and Reinhard Braun (CEO) - Board of Directors: Head卒s of BU www.pantec.com 10.02.2015 3
  • 4. Where is Pantec? 10.02.2015 4 www.theodora.com/maps
  • 5. Pantec's Mission Implement the most innovative and leading technologies for industrial, production and medical applications 10.02.2015 5
  • 6. Controllers and accessories for tactile and optical metrology Integration of laser kits into medical applications Customized Motion Control systems for industrial and medical applications On and Offline refining systems for the printing industry Solution provider for machinery and plant automation
  • 7. Pantec Metrology Vision By careful strategic operation and know-how in niche markets, Pantec has won recognition as top supplier in such markets. Their service team market focus excellence has gathering them award-winning recognition worldwide. 10.02.2015 7 Pantec Metrology vision is to be a globally responsible machine solution provider. Our competence is evident in the motion controllers for tactile and optical metrology systems, accessories, advanced electronic engineering, and application know-how. This competence, coupled with a high-level of service orientation, makes Pantec Metrology the first-choice partner for OEM and retrofitter of CMMs or VMMs worldwide. Our product solutions are found the world over in a variety of dimensional measuring equipment, keeping you a step ahead of industrial demands.
  • 8. More about Pantec Metrology
  • 9. Facts About Pantec Metrology - 4 customer centers to connect with customers worldwide - More than 12,000 controller installation base and growing - 13 team members where: 5 are in production & logistics, 5 in sales & service, 3 in R&D, and others who consult as experts within the Pantec Group www.pantecmetrology.com 10.02.2015 9
  • 10. Our World Wide Customer Centers 10.02.2015 10
  • 12. Market Focus - Summarized Customer Focus: OEMs Retrofitters Product Focus: Controllers Sensors Accessories Technical Focus: Multisensor CMM (or VMM) Milling CMM Horizontal Arm CMM Bridge Style CMM Double-Drive CMM Gear Inspection CMM 10.02.2015 12 Speed & Accuracy Ease of Use Flexibility We Endeavor for the best in:
  • 13. What will we provide you? Unbeatable measurement speed, fast commissioning, service & support, delivery, and timely responses Through the latest technology break-through, we deliver the highest accuracy in implementation and experience We ensure flexibility through a network of sensors, available end- user softwares, accessories, cooperative relationships, well developed business models, and timely deliveries The product(s) we offer provide the most intuitive manner of operation providing ease-of-use in the product connectivity and commissioning 10.02.2015 13
  • 14. 10.02.2015 14 Our promise - to deliver excellence in products and provide the best support and service possible Living Expertise
  • 15. MARKETS: Vision and tactile CMM OEM's, retrofitters, APPLICATIONS: Reliable and highly accurate Motion control of all kind of optical and tactile Coordinate Measuring Machines Motion controllers Accessories like hand control units, scanner, PANTEC METROLOGY: Motion control and sensors for 3D-Measurement technology PRODUCTS & SOLUTIONS
  • 16. Product Hierarchy The controller provides a foundation for a number of the accessories that are available through the Pantec offering The product offering provides the best source for one-stop-shop 10.02.2015 16
  • 17. MARKETS: Labels, Security & Packaging Industry APPLICATIONS: In-Line Refining Hot foil and hologram embossing, relief embossing, foil saving Online and Offline machine systems for efficient and high-quality refining of printed products PANTEC GS SYSTEMS: Efficient, high-quality refining for the printing industry
  • 18. PANTEC AUTOMATION: Control solutions for mechanical and plant engineering Service in conception, development, automation systems and life cycle management Control solutions based on automation platforms of ABB and B&R Automation solutions for machines and systems with high demands of precision and dynamic
  • 19. Product and systems development Reengineering Contract Manufacturing MARKETS: Mechanical and medical engineering APPLICATIONS: Intelligent embedded systems for OEMs and fabless companies with highest demands of motion, functionality, design, complexity, real time performance, ... PANTEC DYNAMICS: Customized drive solutions
  • 20. MARKETS: Dentistry, Dermatology, Aesthetics, Ophthalmology, Micro Surgery APPLICATIONS: Laser-based treatment of hard and soft tissue PANTEC MEDICAL LASER Laser systems for medical engineering Distribution and integration of 3mikron technology components ranging from development to assembly of OEM modules or complete OEM laser devices
  • 21. EAGLETM Basic / Pro / High Power Best in Class Gage R&R with high speed - Sub-count interpolation - High-end DSP (w/servo loop & frequency) Powerful Versatility - Capable of operating in double-drive, horizontal arm, gear inspection, milling, and bridge CMMs - Great number of probe types and combinations - Connectable to a good number of other peripherals Fit & Forget 100% test QC provides well proven technology 20 years of experience Strong PMAC know-how included in system Ease of Tune Detail step-by-step guided support tool Integrated GEC (Geometric Error Correction) => Developed to get the best out of your CMM by applying the latest know-how 10.02.2015 21 Now with integrated GEC
  • 22. CONDORTM MultiSensor Basic & Pro (scan) An all-in-one, plug & play capable system Up to 4 main axes and 2 secondary axes 20 individually programmable LED sectors Technical foundation based on EAGLE technology - Sub-count interpolation - High-end DSP (w/servo loop & frequency) - 20 individually controllable LED channels Ease of Tune Detail step-by-step guided support tool Integrated GEC (Geometric Error Correction) => Developed to provide a reliably successful integration of all components into an all-in- one, plug & play controller 10.02.2015 22 Now with integrated GEC
  • 23. EaglepadTM - Reliable and persistent joystick - Ergonomic and lightweight - Robust - Several functions included to provide comprehensive CMM operation => Developed to offer an easy entry level joystick for easy CMM operation 10.02.2015 23
  • 24. Smartpad - Lightweight, ergonomic - Wireless (safe TCP/IP connection) - Developing Wi-Fi distance limits - Robust capacitive 4.3 capacity touch screen - Gives the end-user immediate access to the most important parameters software or controller - Available with individual comprehensive software support package (SDK) for customization => Developed to set the bar for uncompromised user friendliness 10.02.2015 24
  • 25. Eagle.SmartPad Client GUI Design 10.02.2015 25
  • 26. Eagle.SmartPad Client GUI Design 10.02.2015 26
  • 27. Eagle.SmartPad Client GUI Design 10.02.2015 27
  • 28. 10.02.2015 28 EAGLE.Head family - Complete Probe head and Probing set (TT & scanning) 7.5属 - High flexibility due to strong rotation torque (0.6 Nm) - Unbeatable speed (7.5属 in 1s, 90属 in 2 sec)
  • 29. Technical Features Eagle.Head-m PKJ Eagle.Head-m M8 Positional repeatability 0.5袖m at 100 mm 0.5袖m at 100 mm Angular movement - Increment - Orientation axis A (Tilt) - Orientation axis B (Rotation) 7.5属 0属 to 105属 賊 180属 7.5属 0属 to 105属 賊 180属 Rotational speed 7.5属 in 1s, 90属 in 2s 7.5属 in 1s, 90属 in 2s Rotational torque 0.6Nm 0.6Nm Weight (probe head alone) 796g 796g Length of probe extensions < 300 mm up to 450 mm <300 mm up to 450 mm Probe connection Kinematic Joint - Any probe with a PKJ coupling device (example: tactile scanning probes, Perceptron or Steinbichler laser, etc.) Eagle.ap M8 adapter - Any probe that has M8 thread PFA adapter - Renishaw Autojoint Eagle.ap M8 adapter - Any probe that has M8 thread Operation conditions: Temperature 25属C 賊 10属C 25属C 賊 10属C Operation conditions: Relative humidity 50% 賊 10属% 50% 賊 10属% Operation limits:Temperature range 10属C to 40属C 10属C to 40属C Operation limits: Relative humidity <80%, non-condensing <80%, non-condensing Storage conditions: Temperature range -30属C to +60属C -30属C to +60属C Storage conditions: Maximum humidity 100% 100% 10.02.2015 29
  • 30. Difference between the heads Eagle.Head-m PKJ Eagle.Head-m M8
  • 32. Systematic geometric errors of CMMs Per axis: 6 - Positioning (linearity) 1 - Vertical & horizontal straightness 2 - Pitch, roll, yaw 3 Portal-CMM with 3 axes: 21 - 3 axes 18 - Rectangularity between axes 3 10.02.2015 32 Before Compensation After Compensation
  • 33. CAA Error Correction - Customer demand drives error correction map into controller - A robust component of error correction integrating 21 and 23 degrees of freedom correction - Supports the most common lasers, for error mapping with our intuitive EAGLE support software
  • 34. T-Bus Temperature sensor - Absolute accuracy +/- 0,1属C - Delivers absolute temperature values for temperature compensation - Up to 16 temperature sensors on T-Bus Makes lighter machine constructions and compensate measuring uncertainties manageable 10.02.2015 34
  • 35. Additional support services offered - Training - By means of comprehensive workshops that deep-dive into common and not so common scenarios - Support - A worldwide cooperative support network to optimize controller functions - Troubleshooting - Real-time machine testing and evaluating for optimal machine performance - Consulting Services - Through strategic customer understanding of issues, provide performance improvement and value chain transformation of the controller on the machine - Special technical adaptions plus any other service that helps you be as competitive as possible! 10.02.2015 35
  • 36. 10.02.2015 36 Lets work together on next steps - Are you interested in furthering your training? - Can we provide a local product demonstration? - Can we help with quotation? - How many controllers or accessories can we quote? - Can Pantec Associate visit for further discussions? - Youre always welcome to visit Pantec Engineering!
  • 37. Thank you for your attention 10.02.2015 38