1. Vliv oteven辿ho p鱈stupu na pedplatn辿
vdeck箪ch asopis哲
Mgr. Daniela Tka鱈kov叩
stedn鱈 knihovna
VB-Technick叩 univerzita Ostrava
Nkolik pozn叩mek k problematice
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
2. Oteven箪 p鱈stup a vdeck辿 asopisy
Big Deal a ceny
Politiky oteven辿ho p鱈stupu
Konverze TA asopis哲 na OA asopisy
Vznik nov箪ch asopis哲 (megajournals aj.)
Hybridn鱈 asopisy
Double dipping
Article Processing Charges (APCs)
4. Hybridn鱈 asopisy (HOA)
Hybridn鱈 asopisy jsou prim叩rn dostupn辿 na z叩klad pedplatn辿ho,
tzn. 転e jejich vydavatel辿 z鱈sk叩vaj鱈 finann鱈 prostedky z pedplatn辿ho,
souasn v邸ak nab鱈zej鱈 autor哲m mo転nost zaplatit za oteven箪 p鱈stup
ke sv辿mu l叩nku ten叩哲m i mimo okruh pedplatitel哲.
Hybridn鱈 model asopisu umo転uje oteven箪 p鱈stup pouze k tm
l叩nk哲m, za kter辿 autoi zaplatili vydavatelem po転adovan箪 poplatek
(APC). V tomto p鱈pad tedy nejde o oteven p鱈stupn辿 asopisy,
n箪br転 o oteven p鱈stupn辿 l叩nky!
Tento model zavedli tradin鱈 komern鱈 vydavatel辿 vt邸inou jako reakci
na politiky poskytovatel哲 finann鱈ch prostedk哲 na v箪zkum, kte鱈
vy転aduj鱈, aby l叩nky, je転 jsou v箪sledkem e邸en鱈 projekt哲, byly oteven
p鱈stupn辿. C鱈lem je umo転nit autor哲m, aby tyto podm鱈nky splnili, a
souasn snaha vyj鱈t vst鱈c poteb autor哲 publikovat v renomovan箪ch
5. HOA a tradin鱈 vydavatel辿
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge
v鱈ce ne転 200 hybridn鱈ch asopis哲
Elsevier: Contains Open Access:
1662 hybridn鱈 asopisy
v鱈ce informac鱈 na:
6. Oteven辿 asopisy tradin鱈ch
De Gruyter Open: 350 asopis哲
EDP Open: 14 asopis哲
Cambridge University Press: 12 asopis哲
Elsevier Open Access Journals: 406 asopis哲
Karger Open access: 19 asopis哲
Oxford University Press: Oxford Open: Fully Open Access
Journals: 30 asopis哲
Pure Gold Open Access Journals at SAGE (36 asopis哲)
SpringerOpen Journals (160+ asopis哲; 20 titul哲 s IF)
SpringerLink: searching within the Open Access Articles
package (300 490 l叩nk哲)
Taylor & Francis Open journals
Cogent OA: 18 asopis哲
Wiley Open Access Journals: 51 asopis
7. Open Access: An STM Journal
Publishers Perspective
Open Access Symposium, University of North Texas, May 18, 2010,
8. Double Dipping
Zjednodu邸en: Double dipping znamen叩 finann鱈
p鱈jem za tut辿転 vc i slu転bu ze dvou r哲zn箪ch zdroj哲.
Jsou-li n叩klady na publikov叩n鱈 t辿ho転 l叩nku hrazeny
dvakr叩t, jednou prostednictv鱈m pedplatn辿ho na
asopis jako celek, ale souasn tak辿
prostednictv鱈m poplatk哲 od autor哲 (APCs)
u nkter箪ch l叩nk哲, jejich転 autoi si pej鱈, aby byl
k jejich l叩nk哲m oteven箪 p鱈stup, pak se jedn叩 o tzv.
double dipping.
K tomu doch叩z鱈 u hybridn鱈ch asopis哲.
Vydavatel, kter箪 nepraktikuje double dipping, by ml
vz鱈t v 炭vahu pod鱈l p鱈spvk哲 publikovan箪ch jako
oteven p鱈stupn辿 pi stanoven鱈 v箪邸e pedplatn辿ho
v p鱈邸t鱈m roce.
11. Springer's open access track record
12. Zaj鱈mav叩 studie
Larivi竪re, Vincent, Stefanie Haustein, Philippe Mongeon.
The oligopoly of academic publishers in the digital era.
PLoS ONE. 2015, 10(6), e0127502.
CBS News:
Reed-Elsevier, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Wiley-Blackwell,
Wolters Kluwer
13. Open Access: Is a National Licence
the answer?
UK universities can effectively pay
publishing costs twice: first through
journal subscriptions and, then again,
through Article Processing Charges for
the publication of individual articles in
the same journals.
The national licence would cover
access by any Internet Protocol
address connected with a UK internet
service provider so, by extension, any
person online in the UK.
Higher Education Policy Institute,
The UK's only independent think tank
devoted to higher education.
30. 3. 2015: http://www.hepi.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/openaccess_v3_web.pdf
14. Open access: a national licence is not
the answer
Stephen Curry,
Mike Taylor (1 Apr): Heaven protect us from a UK
national licence, http://svpow.com/2015/04/01/heaven-
David Kernohan (2 Apr): A local licence for Henley (a
response to @HEPI_news),
Adam Tickell, Michael Jubb (12 Apr): A national licence
would set back the Open Access cause,
15. The Imaginary Journal of Poetic
Heather Morrison
Dramatic Growth of Open Access 2015 first quarter,
Sustaining the Knowledge Commons - Open Access
Scholarship, http://sustainingknowledgecommons.org/
DOAJ, Impact Factor and APCs
Two-thirds of DOAJ journals do not have article
processing charges,