Brandon oroxon per.1Boroxonga001The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand, living on the large island off the southeast coast of Australia. While some Maori continue traditional cultural practices like the ceremonial Haka war dance and Ta moko tattooing, others have adopted non-traditional modern lifestyles. Traditional Maori culture involves following customs from childhood through adulthood, but many Maori now struggle with issues like poverty and substance abuse due to the effects of colonization on their people.
OroxonBoroxonga001The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand, living on the large island off the southeast coast of Australia. While some Maori continue traditional cultural practices like the ceremonial Haka war dance and Ta moko tattooing, others have adopted non-traditional modern lifestyles. Traditional Maori culture involves following customs from childhood through adulthood, but many Maori now struggle with issues like poverty and substance abuse due to the effects of colonization on their people.
Contemporary traditional asmat_culture_part_2Boroxonga001Fumeripits was the first being to exist on earth and created the first ceremonial house called a jeu. Growing tired of being alone, he carved human figures from trees but they were inanimate. To bring them to life, Fumeripits created a drum from a hollowed tree and lizard skin, and when he played it, the figures came to life and danced, becoming the first people of Asmat.
Oroxon asmat prt. 1 per.1Boroxonga001The Asmat are an indigenous hunter-gatherer people living in West Papua, Indonesia, on the western half of the island north of Australia; they are one of the last remaining hunter-gatherer cultures in the world, with traditions including nose piercing and body painting for ceremonies and war, though their traditional way of life is threatened by deforestation, colonization and assimilation that are bringing an end to their culture.
ColonizationpresentationBoroxonga001People colonized other lands and peoples for exploitative reasons like capturing slaves, stealing natural resources and becoming wealthy. For example, the Spanish colonized much of the Americas to do this, and today Latin Americans have mixed European and Native American heritage. Similarly, the English colonized what is now the US by stealing land and bringing women, using Africans rather than Native Americans as slaves. Colonized peoples generally adopt the colonizers' language and religion. Globalization has continued expanding colonial influences, making the world more like Western cultures and threatening traditional ways of life.
M ydick !Boroxonga001European countries colonized other lands in the Americas in the 16th-17th centuries because many European nations were overpopulated and lacked natural resources at home, leading colonists to seek new opportunities abroad; however, the colonization had devastating consequences for native populations as European powers conquered their lands, spread diseases, and enslaved or killed millions of indigenous people in a violent process of colonial expansion.
Maori creation story_part_2Boroxonga001All humans descended from Rangi (Heaven) and Papa (Earth) who were closely clinging together in darkness. Rangi and Papa had six sons who represented forests, winds, fish, humans, uncultivated food, and cultivated food. The sons lived in darkness for a long time. After a battle between the sons, Tumatauenga (father of humans) ate four brothers and sprayed the father of winds, explaining modern human traits like war, eating plants and animals, and storms.
Sentences simple and compoundmissilviaThis document discusses different types of sentences: simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences. It defines each type and provides examples. For simple sentences, it describes sentences with a single subject and predicate, as well as compound subjects and predicates. For compound sentences, it explains how two independent clauses can be joined with a comma and conjunction. For complex sentences, it defines them as having an independent clause and dependent clause, noting the dependent clause can come at the beginning, middle, or end of the sentence and the punctuation changes based on its position. The document aims to teach the reader to identify and write these different sentence types.
Oroxon asmat prt. 1 per.1Boroxonga001The Asmat are an indigenous hunter-gatherer people living in West Papua, Indonesia, on the western half of the island north of Australia; they are one of the last remaining hunter-gatherer cultures in the world, with traditions including nose piercing and body painting for ceremonies and war, though their traditional way of life is threatened by deforestation, colonization and assimilation that are bringing an end to their culture.
ColonizationpresentationBoroxonga001People colonized other lands and peoples for exploitative reasons like capturing slaves, stealing natural resources and becoming wealthy. For example, the Spanish colonized much of the Americas to do this, and today Latin Americans have mixed European and Native American heritage. Similarly, the English colonized what is now the US by stealing land and bringing women, using Africans rather than Native Americans as slaves. Colonized peoples generally adopt the colonizers' language and religion. Globalization has continued expanding colonial influences, making the world more like Western cultures and threatening traditional ways of life.
M ydick !Boroxonga001European countries colonized other lands in the Americas in the 16th-17th centuries because many European nations were overpopulated and lacked natural resources at home, leading colonists to seek new opportunities abroad; however, the colonization had devastating consequences for native populations as European powers conquered their lands, spread diseases, and enslaved or killed millions of indigenous people in a violent process of colonial expansion.
Maori creation story_part_2Boroxonga001All humans descended from Rangi (Heaven) and Papa (Earth) who were closely clinging together in darkness. Rangi and Papa had six sons who represented forests, winds, fish, humans, uncultivated food, and cultivated food. The sons lived in darkness for a long time. After a battle between the sons, Tumatauenga (father of humans) ate four brothers and sprayed the father of winds, explaining modern human traits like war, eating plants and animals, and storms.
Sentences simple and compoundmissilviaThis document discusses different types of sentences: simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences. It defines each type and provides examples. For simple sentences, it describes sentences with a single subject and predicate, as well as compound subjects and predicates. For compound sentences, it explains how two independent clauses can be joined with a comma and conjunction. For complex sentences, it defines them as having an independent clause and dependent clause, noting the dependent clause can come at the beginning, middle, or end of the sentence and the punctuation changes based on its position. The document aims to teach the reader to identify and write these different sentence types.
2. Зачем?
•Лидерская школа
•Забота о теле
•Детские каникулы
•Древние места силы
•Удивительная природаПознание
5. Геленджик – город любви
• Символ города –Белая
• В центре города установлена
скульптура «Влюбленные на
земном шаре»
• ЗАГС Геленджика
расписывает влюбленных из
любых городов
6. Наши программы
7. Где будем жить?
Санаторий Дружба на берегу моря
•Расположен в центре города
•В вечнозеленом сосновом парке
•Имеется детская площадка
•Современная лечебно- оздоровительная база
8. Как будем жить:
С удовольствием !
•Комфортные номера Эконом, Стандарт и Семейные
•Питание «полный пансион»
10. Что рядом?
• бассейн с морской водой, дорожки 25 метров
• теннисный корт
• детский клуб
•прогулочные терренкуры по красивой набережной
•музей истории города
11. Новый Год 2015
•Новогодние купания (tводы +13)
•Елка среди вечнозеленых магнолий и пицундской сосны
•Салют над заливом
•Романтичное Рождество на побережье