موضوعات البيزيك المرئي دوت نت لتدريب المعينين الجـددIbrahim CompexThis document provides an overview of topics to be covered in a 14-day Visual Basic.NET course. The first lesson introduces programming concepts like object-oriented programming and the .NET framework. It also demonstrates how to set up a basic project in Visual Studio with forms, controls, and code. The second lesson focuses on specific controls like labels, text boxes, buttons, and picture boxes, and their properties. Both lessons emphasize learning the interface and building basic applications without writing complex code.
البرمجة بلغة الفيجول بيسكLumah MadanyThe document describes various Visual Basic programming concepts including declaring variables, constants, conditional statements using IF/THEN/ELSE, and using GOTO statements. It defines variables like name and grade and assigns values. Conditional logic is demonstrated checking the grade variable against thresholds to set the Text1 variable value. GOTO statements are shown to transfer program flow to labeled lines.
Vb and asp.netsanjay joshiVB.NET and ASP.NET are Microsoft technologies for developing graphical and web applications. VB.NET is a programming language and environment for creating Windows applications with a graphical user interface. ASP.NET uses server controls, web forms and other features to simplify web application development. Both platforms use the .NET Framework, which provides common language runtime, libraries and compilers that generate Microsoft Intermediate Language code.
Vb.net (loop structure)Abhishek PachisiaThis document discusses VB.NET and looping structures in VB.NET. It defines VB.NET as Visual Basic for the .NET platform, developed by Microsoft. It notes there are three main types of loops in VB.NET: for loops, while loops, and do loops. For loops enable executing code a specified number of times, while loops execute until a condition is false, and do loops execute until or while a condition is true. Examples of each loop type are provided.
البرمجة بلغة الفيجول بيسكLumah MadanyThe document discusses various Visual Basic programming structures including declaring variables and constants, if/then statements, select case statements, goto statements, and subroutines. Key structures covered are declaring variables with Dim, constants with Const, if/then statements with single and multiple conditions, select case statements to evaluate expressions and ranges of values, and goto statements to transfer program control.
أدوات البرمجة بلغة فيجوال بيسك ستديوLumah MadanyThis document discusses different types of controls that can be used in a user interface, including text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, list boxes, and combo boxes. It lists various properties of each control type, such as name, text, font, location, size, checked/selected state, and variables used.
2016 أنشطة اللغة العربية للصف الأول الابتدائى لكتاب سلاح التلميذأمنية وجدىThe document discusses various topics but does not provide enough contextual information to summarize. It contains repetitive blank lines and sentences that do not clearly connect to form a coherent narrative. Therefore, a three sentence summary cannot be generated.
Renal calculi pptReeba Baby thomasThis document discusses renal calculi (kidney stones). It defines renal calculi and reviews the anatomy and physiology of the renal system. It examines the etiology, risk factors, and pathogenesis of renal calculi. It also describes the clinical manifestations, diagnostic studies, medical and surgical management, nursing management including nursing diagnoses, and prevention of renal calculi.
Build Features, Not AppsNatasha MurashevPresented at Tokyo iOS Meetup https://www.meetup.com/TokyoiOSMeetup/events/234405194/
Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJlyR8chDwo
Ms expressionOmar Computer TeacherEl documento presenta Microsoft Expression Web, un editor web que permite crear y diseñar páginas web. Ofrece herramientas para HTML, CSS, JavaScript y más. Incluye funciones como corrección ortográfica, autocompletado de código, aplicación de estilos y comportamientos interactivos.
Webexpration2007 iiOmar Computer TeacherOpening and closing Expression Web, creating new sites and pages, and using the main window and task panes are described. Key functions include opening Expression Web from the Start menu, creating new blank sites and pages, switching between views in the editing window, and opening and closing task panes. Interactive behaviors like adding buttons and hyperlinks are also covered. Finally, the use of cascading style sheets both internally and externally to control page presentation is summarized.
Module 2 a_win 7Omar Computer TeacherThis document provides an overview of Windows 7 and discusses various topics related to using Windows 7 including:
- The different versions of Windows 7 including Home Premium and Professional.
- Features of Windows 7 like Windows Aero and how to start Windows 7.
- How to manipulate windows like moving, resizing, maximizing and minimizing.
- Using the Start button and menu to run programs.
- Customizing the desktop background, screen saver, date/time, and sound settings.
- Using Windows Explorer to navigate folders and files.
- Installing and removing programs, creating shortcuts, and searching for files.
Module 2 b_win 7Omar Computer TeacherThis document discusses files, folders, disks, and the Windows Explorer program. It defines files as collections of data or programs stored on disks. Folders are used to organize files on disks in a similar way that documents are organized in file cabinets. The Windows Explorer allows users to view and manipulate files and folders stored on disks connected to their computer. Drives are assigned letters, such as C: for the main hard disk. Folders can be created, renamed, and deleted using commands in the Windows Explorer.
أدوات البرمجة بلغة فيجوال بيسك ستديوLumah MadanyThis document discusses different types of controls that can be used in a user interface, including text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, list boxes, and combo boxes. It lists various properties of each control type, such as name, text, font, location, size, checked/selected state, and variables used.
2016 أنشطة اللغة العربية للصف الأول الابتدائى لكتاب سلاح التلميذأمنية وجدىThe document discusses various topics but does not provide enough contextual information to summarize. It contains repetitive blank lines and sentences that do not clearly connect to form a coherent narrative. Therefore, a three sentence summary cannot be generated.
Renal calculi pptReeba Baby thomasThis document discusses renal calculi (kidney stones). It defines renal calculi and reviews the anatomy and physiology of the renal system. It examines the etiology, risk factors, and pathogenesis of renal calculi. It also describes the clinical manifestations, diagnostic studies, medical and surgical management, nursing management including nursing diagnoses, and prevention of renal calculi.
Build Features, Not AppsNatasha MurashevPresented at Tokyo iOS Meetup https://www.meetup.com/TokyoiOSMeetup/events/234405194/
Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJlyR8chDwo
Ms expressionOmar Computer TeacherEl documento presenta Microsoft Expression Web, un editor web que permite crear y diseñar páginas web. Ofrece herramientas para HTML, CSS, JavaScript y más. Incluye funciones como corrección ortográfica, autocompletado de código, aplicación de estilos y comportamientos interactivos.
Webexpration2007 iiOmar Computer TeacherOpening and closing Expression Web, creating new sites and pages, and using the main window and task panes are described. Key functions include opening Expression Web from the Start menu, creating new blank sites and pages, switching between views in the editing window, and opening and closing task panes. Interactive behaviors like adding buttons and hyperlinks are also covered. Finally, the use of cascading style sheets both internally and externally to control page presentation is summarized.
Module 2 a_win 7Omar Computer TeacherThis document provides an overview of Windows 7 and discusses various topics related to using Windows 7 including:
- The different versions of Windows 7 including Home Premium and Professional.
- Features of Windows 7 like Windows Aero and how to start Windows 7.
- How to manipulate windows like moving, resizing, maximizing and minimizing.
- Using the Start button and menu to run programs.
- Customizing the desktop background, screen saver, date/time, and sound settings.
- Using Windows Explorer to navigate folders and files.
- Installing and removing programs, creating shortcuts, and searching for files.
Module 2 b_win 7Omar Computer TeacherThis document discusses files, folders, disks, and the Windows Explorer program. It defines files as collections of data or programs stored on disks. Folders are used to organize files on disks in a similar way that documents are organized in file cabinets. The Windows Explorer allows users to view and manipulate files and folders stored on disks connected to their computer. Drives are assigned letters, such as C: for the main hard disk. Folders can be created, renamed, and deleted using commands in the Windows Explorer.
Module 3 word2010Omar Computer TeacherThis document provides an overview of basic functions in Microsoft Word 2010, including how to start Word, open and save documents, navigate through a document, select and format text, insert special characters and symbols, and format paragraphs. It describes the main Word screen components like the ribbon, tabs, groups and dialog box launcher. It also covers how to use views, templates, zoom and help functions in Word 2010.
Module 4 excel2010Omar Computer TeacherThis document provides an overview of basic Excel 2010 functions including starting Excel, navigating worksheets and workbooks, entering data, formatting cells, manipulating rows and columns, copying and moving data, and other common tasks. It describes functions such as selecting cells and ranges, saving workbooks, inserting and deleting rows and columns, resizing columns and rows, and using autofill to quickly populate cells. The document is intended to help users learn the fundamentals of using Excel 2010.
Module 5 access2010Omar Computer TeacherThe document provides an overview of database concepts, including definitions of key terms like database, table, record, field, data, and relational database. It explains that a database is an organized collection of data that can be stored across multiple tables. Each table contains rows (records) and columns (fields) to structure the data. Relational databases reduce data duplication by linking related information across tables.
Module 6 powerpoint2010Omar Computer TeacherThis document provides an overview of opening and using PowerPoint 2010. It describes how to open PowerPoint 2010 from the Start menu, open an existing presentation file, navigate between slides, and use different PowerPoint views. The document also covers how to search for help topics, use the help table of contents, save presentations, close presentations and PowerPoint, and open multiple presentations simultaneously.
Module 7 a_internet 1 (ie8)Omar Computer TeacherThis document provides an overview and instructions for using the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser. It covers topics such as opening and navigating Internet Explorer, searching the web using search engines, customizing browser settings and security, and printing web pages. The document is approved courseware for the European Computer Driving Licence certification program for using browsers and email clients. It was created by Cheltenham Courseware and is licensed for use at specific training sites.
Module 7 b_outlook_2010Omar Computer TeacherThis document provides an overview of help and navigation features in Microsoft Outlook 2010. It describes how to access Outlook help using the F1 key and search for specific topics. The document also explains how to print help sheets and use the navigation pane and ribbon interface. Basic terminology for email and concepts like security issues are defined. Instructions are provided for sending, receiving, and organizing emails and contacts.
Emotional Intelligence in Yoga philosophyRashmiTiwari72Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.