HUB International's Chief Compliance Officer, Sibyl Bogardus, delivers a comprehensive review of Health Care Reform & Benefit changes that are coming and what employers need to do to be prepared.
6. Ultimate Rewards
A Results-Driven Approach to Total Rewards:
Executive and broad-based compensation
Sales compensation and incentive plan designs
Compensation and performance management outsourcing
Ultimate Rewards quick view and assessment
Temporary assignments and permanent placement
8. Sibyl Bogardus provides compliance and consulting advice regarding employee benefits. Areas of
expertise include federal healthcare reform, HIPAA, ADA, wellness, labor laws, COBRA, ERISA,
FMLA, and compliance with tax requirements.
Sibyl has been named as one of the 100 Leading Women in insurance by Business Insurance and
one of the 25 Most Influential Business Women by the St. Louis Business Journal.
She is a nationally recognized speaker on healthcare reform, medical plan design trends, state and
federal laws, and human resources issues.
A widely-published author on healthcare reform, employee benefits, tax, and labor law issues,
Sibyl publishes articles each month in Health Reform Magazine. She is on the Editorial Advisory
Board of Benefits Quarterly, a publication of the International Society of Certified Employee Benefit
Specialists. She has given interviews for radio, magazines, and newspapers.
Chief Compliance
Advisor, Attorney
9. Click to edit Master title styleEmployee Benefits Legal Update:
Your Guide to Avoiding Legal Landmines
and Pitfalls in 2015
HUB International
Sibyl Bogardus
Chief Compliance Officer
息 All Rights Reserved 2015
10. 10
Tough - and valuable - lessons from 1/1/15 enrollments
and rollout of group health reform
Will technology catch up to legal requirements?
Effects of individual exchange enrollment, subsidies, and
premium payments
The Supreme Court case - key dates and likely outcomes
A Republican Congress - what we expect in 2015 & later
Increased DOL & IRS audit activity impact on you
Dealing with 2015's top five expected developments
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So, How Did THAT Feel?
Tough & valuable lessons from 1/1/15
enrollments & rollout of group health reform
o Benefit guide re-alignment
o Enrollment meetings (It lasted how long?)
o Typical employee questions and concerns
Enrollment percentages & changes
o Traditional core health plans
o Minimum value skinny
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So, How Did THAT Feel? (cont.)
Tough & valuable lessons from 1/1/15
enrollments & rollout of group health reform
Nontraditional plans
o ELAP (Medicare plus a percentage)
o Supplements
o Skeletons?
o No hospitalizationRIP
Renewals / rate changes
o Large group
o Small group
o Fixed costs for self-funded plans
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Key C-Suite Goal:
No Surprises on Additional Costs
Opportunities to minimize financial and administrative
o The challenge: Migraine inducing, right?
o One answer: Technology, but who is ready?
Standards for compliance in 2015/2016
o Budget for the offer
70% moving to 95%
Individual penalty impact
o Good faith on reporting
Making a business case
o Who will be your internal partner? External?
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Advance Planning Remains Crucial
Why and how to create a 3-5 year strategic
plan for healthcare reform
The grid to guide you
Work in flexibility
o Ongoing changes with agency interpretations
o Cadillac tax
o Need for fallback strategies
Financial analysis for self-funding
Monitor new benchmarks and approaches
15. 15
Are Your Systems Ready?
o Hours worked, PTO, FMLA, Military Leave, jury duty
o Changes in position or job status
Gathering date & reporting to employees & IRS
o Draft forms
o Impact as enforcement tool
Premium adjustments and other nuances
Will technology catch up to legal requirements?
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Staying on Top of Practical Issues
Variable hour and seasonal classifications
o Practical implications of premium collection
o Changing status of an employee:
Change to full-time (new hire or other?)
Change to part-time (variable hour or full-time?)
Wasnt there another rule on?
o Leaves of absence
o PTO accruals
o Rate of pay changes
o Changing measurement periods
Remember 70%! And remember toBreathe!
17. 17
Your employees are asking
What is happening?!
Effects of individual exchange enrollment,
subsidies, and premium payments
Inappropriate subsidies
Unique perspective of state exchanges
Pitfalls for the unwitting
o Uncoordinated & inadequate information
o Claw backs
Beware unions & staffing/temp/ PEO firms
Help me with $, information/advice, tax forms
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Keep Employee Engagement
Facilitate human capital management
in the midst of these changes
Cultural considerations
Matching processes internally
Avoid the Siren Song of public exchanges
Education -- re-focus and emergence of "new" tools
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What will the Court Say?
The Supreme Court case
o Subsidies for citizens in state exchange (not federal?)
o Current # of state exchanges
Key dates
o Arguments in March
o Decision before July 4th
Possible outcomes
o Subsidies in any exchange
o Subsidies only in state exchanges
Then what?
Likely outcomewait for itwait for it.
20. 20
Impact of Politics?
Republican Congress
o 2/3
Upcoming Presidential election
What we expect in 2015 & later
o Hours adjustment to 40?
o Penalty elimination
o Mandate elimination
o Repeal? Or repeal & replace?
o The big fix in July, August, later
21. 21
Implementation & Changing
of the Guard in 2016
Expect a push & prepare for disruptive changes
Want to get involved?
o Deal with facts: Regulatory agenda
o Federal requests for input
Comment if an issue is important to you
o Example: k-12 substitute teachers
Dual path -- compliance + advocacy
22. 22
An Audit How will that feel?
Increased DOL & IRS audit activity
o Foreshadowing!
o Complaints
o Reporting
o Timing
Immediate impact on you
o Cross-referrals
o Vendor impact
o The follow-through
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Staying Out of Trouble
How to avoid the scams and shams
the IRS will be targeting in audits
Individual policy payments or reimbursements
Unearthing skeletons in your benefits closet
Defined contribution software
Payroll tax avoidance schemes
More war stories
And dont forget the DOL
Employee communication
o Fiduciary responsibilities
Building your Fiduciary File
24. 24
Staying Ahead of the Curve
What works, what doesnt, and how to avoid
the wrong path
Consider pros & cons
Strong Trend: Collaboration
Using influence the solution solution
Sample considerations for Cadillac Tax
o Supplemental benefits
o Eliminating the health plan
o Skinny plan options not for everyone
o Self-funding
o Budgeting
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Sweat (& Document) the Small Stuff
Example: Affordability safe harbors
Three possible safe harbors
o W-2, Rate of Pay, Federal Poverty
Practical application
What about non-safe harbors?
Memorialize the path you have taken
Similar issues: waiting period, non-health eligibility,
measurement and coverage rules, transition relief for
effective date or delay, class outs, etc.
26. 26
Sweat (& Document) the Small Stuff
Example: Employee Categories
Variable hour, seasonal, and full-time
Elimination of other categories for health benefits
How to establish status
o With employees
o In HR documentation
Addressing other benefits
Memorialize the path you have taken
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Top 5 Expected Developments in 2015
1. Discrimination rules for insured plans
2. Final Forms 1095-C and related forms and instructions
for employee & IRS
3. Small employer guidance
Effective dates
Other like required notices?
4. Automatic enrollment (200+ employees plus)
5. Cadillac Tax
Perhaps as request for input