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Integral	Coaching	and	Teal	management	
By	Anamaria	Aristizabal	
November	2015	
Last	month,	I	was	invited	to	teach	a	CTE	in	a	fast	grown	global	food	company	in	Spain.	The	assignment	
was	particularly	exciting	when	I	heard	their	motivation:	they	want	to	become	a	Teal	organization,	and	
they	think	Integral	Coaching?	is	the	way	to	go.	In	this	blog	post	I	unpack	why	I	think	this	is	significant	
for	our	Integral	Coaching?	community.	
A	year	ago,	from	three	different	people,	I	got	the	message	that	I	MUST	read	“Reinventing	
Organizations”	by	Frederick	Laloux.	Since	I	read	the	book,	I	keep	hearing	of	individuals	and	study	
groups	in	many	parts	of	the	world	(US,	Latin	America,	and	Europe)	investigating	the	topic	of	Teal	
organizations,	and	the	frameworks	proposed	by	the	book.	Frederick	has	become	a	frequent	speaker	at	
prestigious	management	conferences	like	MixMashUp.	
The	book	is	fascinating	to	read.	It	provides	a	developmental	framework	based	on	spiral	dynamics,	
from	the	work	of	Ken	Wilber,	to	analyze	the	level	of	consciousness	of	organizations.	Each	level	is	
depicted	by	a	color	and	the	descriptions	are	evocative	and	helpful,	I	have	found	it	to	be	a	good	
diagnostic	tool.	The	most	advanced	level	known	is	Teal,	and	that’s	where	the	future	of	management	is	
headed,	according	to	Laloux.	Their	leaders	are	described	as	follows1:	
They	are	mindful,	taming	the	needs	and	impulses	of	their	ego.	They	are	suspicious	of	their	own	
desires	—	to	control	their	environment,	to	be	successful,	to	look	good,	or	even	to	accomplish	good	
works.	Rejecting	fear,	they	listen	to	the	wisdom	of	other,	deeper	parts	of	themselves.	They	develop	
an	ethic	of	mutual	trust	and	assumed	abundance.	They	ground	their	decision	making	in	an	inner	
measure	of	integrity.	
I	was	surprised	to	hear	that	the	leadership	of	the	company	in	Spain	had	made	a	connection	between	
Teal	and	Integral	Coaching?.	After	giving	it	some	thought	it	made	perfect	sense.	Their	main	tenets	are	
Teal		-	3	main	pillars	 Integral	coaching?	outcomes	
? Self	management	
? Wholeness	
? Evolutionary	purpose	
? Self	correction	
? Self	generation	
? Long	term	excellence	
Self-management	is	achieved	by	the	capacity	for	self	correction	and	self-generation,	that	helps	us	
become	mindful	of	our	reactions	and	develop	the	capacity	to	constantly	self	observe,	to	refine	our	
instincts	and	respond	more	effectively	to	situations.	
Wholeness	is	another	term	for	“integral”.	Our	approach	is	not	to	leave	anything	out	and	to	work	with	
the	whole	human	being.	
Evolutionary	purpose,	as	defined	by	Laloux,	is	based	on	responding	to	what	the	world	is	asking	of	us.	
This	is	aligned	with	our	approach	as	well	as	with	the	developmental	invitation	we	offer	our	students	
and	clients	towards	vocation.	
This	compatibility	opens	many	possibilities	for	our	coaching	community.	First,	I	invite	you	to	join	me	
in	getting	wildly	enthusiastic	about	this	trend.	Companies	becoming	Teal	means	they	are	more	
humane,	socially	just,	and	environmentally	sustainable.	In	other	words,	they	truly	respond	to	what	the	
1	The	future	of	management	is	Teal,	by	Frederick	Laloux,	http://www.strategy-
world	is	asking	of	them.	This	is	good	news	for	humanity.	You	can	start	by	reading	the	book	and	joining	
the	conversation	about	Teal.	
Second,	there	will	be	many	opportunities	for	our	work	and	approach.	I	have	heard	of	many	integral	
coaches	who	work	inside	companies	and	corporations	who	have	to	adapt	to	the	culture	and	refrain	
from	fully	using	the	whole	of	our	methodology.	In	Teal	organizations	our	models,	sources,	and	integral	
response	is	welcome.	We	don’t	have	to	dread	doing	that	corporate	work	to	subsidize	the	juicy	integral	
work	with	individuals.	We	can	have	the	cake	and	eat	it	too.	
Third,	I	see	a	need	to	come	up	with	sources,	exercises,	case	studies,	and	additional	curricula	to	further	
encourage	this	trend.	During	the	CTE	I	showed	a	20-minute	short	film	called	“The	Butterfly	Circus”	
(available	on	Youtube).	I	did	not	anticipate	it	would	provide	a	bridge	between	Integral	Coaching?	and	
Teal.	The	main	character	of	the	clip,	Will,	(who	we	can	call	the	“client”)	moves	from	one	circus	to	
another,	of	radically	different	culture.	The	second	culture,	from	our	analysis,	is	Teal.	Another	
character,	Mendez,	we	could	say	plays	the	role	of	Integral	Coach?.	He	names	Will’s	current	and	new	
narrative,	and	promotes	a	set	of	collective	practices	that	are	fundamental	to	Will’s	development	and	
adaptation	to	the	Teal	culture	of	the	new	circus.	With	this	clip,	the	connection	between	Integral	
Coaching?	and	Teal	landed	for	the	participants	in	the	CTE	in	Spain.	I	am	eager	to	discover	other	
sources,	as	well	as	collaborately	develop	curricula	and	case	studies	to	further	illustrate	this	
connection	and	encourage	more	and	more	companies	to	take	part	in	this	exciting	trend.	
To	end,	I	would	like	to	share	some	insights	and	questions	from	the	CTE	in	Spain,	that	merit	further	
? Laloux	suggests	in	his	book	that	it	is	essential	that	the	CEO	and	board	of	the	organization	is	at	
the	level	of	Teal,	which	we	could	say	in	the	10	ways	is	conversations	or	power.	In	this	case	the	
CEO	is	probably	in	power,	but	the	board	is	not	there	yet.	This	is	a	source	of	challenge.	
? I	found	that	the	CEO	cannot	coerce	others	to	self-develop.	They	must	be	invited	to,	and	that	
takes	a	series	of	strategic	steps	to	open	the	door	for	this	new	conversation	at	the	company	and	
new	types	of	relationships.	
? Early	adopters	in	the	organization,	who	start	to	work	on	themselves	with	an	Integral	Coach?	
and	show	signs	of	development	are	important	champions	and	catalysts	for	the	conversion	
process	to	Teal	and	can	be	empowered	in	different	ways.	What	strategies	work?	
? Inside	the	companies	there	will	a	variety	of	people	in	different	developmental	levels,	and	for	
some	of	them,	the	prospect	of	opening	up	in	an	integral	way	is	intimidating.	How	to	custom	the	
messages	of	the	CTE	for	them?	What	other	offerings	different	from	the	CTE	could	bring	them	
on	board	at	their	pace?		
? It	is	powerful	to	give	examples	of	other	companies	that	have	made	the	switch	to	Teal	using	
Integral	Coaching?.	I	have	sent	the	group	some	articles	produced	by	the	South	African	Center	
for	Coaching.	Additional	examples	exist?	
If	you	find	this	topic	appealing,	please	email	me	to	start	a	study	group!	I	look	forward	to	where	this	
inquiry	leads	us.		
Anamaria	Aristizabal	

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2015- Integral Coaching and Teal Management