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31st National Conference of Unit Valuation States
San Antonio, Texas
October 27  29, 2015
Unitary Valuation: Economic
Obsolescence Adjustment
Conundrum in the Cost Approach
Bwembya Chikolwa
Staff Appraiser
Property Tax Assistance Division
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
The statements made or opinions expressed by the
author/presenter in this presentation or related materials do
not necessarily represent a policy position of the Texas
Comptroller of Public Accounts Property Tax Assistance
Materials presented on the subject topic are neither definitive
nor exhaustive and only present matters the author/presenter
believes to salient.
As such, the presented material should not be quoted without
prior consent of the author/presenter.
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
 Cost approach model
 Economic obsolescence defined
 Tests for economic obsolescence
 Economic obsolescence models
 Regulatory framework for the utility, pipeline, railroad,
telecommunication industries
 Investment returns by asset class
 Take aways
 Case study appraisals
 Roundtable discussion
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Cost approach model
Property Cost and Obsolescence Components
Source: Reilly , R. 2012. Functional Obsolescence and Economic Obsolescence Considerations in the Property Tax Valuation. Insights
magazine, Summer 2012. Chicago: Willamette Management Associates
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Economic obsolescence defined
 Economic obsolescence, also referred to as external obsolescence, is the loss in value
resulting from influences external to the property itself
 International, national, industry-based, or local in origin
 Subject propertys inability to generate a market-based rate of return on investment (ROI)
Source: American Society of Appraisers (2011), Valuing Machinery and Equipment: The Fundaments of Appraising Machinery and
Technical Assets, 3rd Ed., Washington, D.C., . pp. 76
 Economic obsolescence is loss in value caused by negative externalities, i.e., factors
outside a property
 Temporary or permanent
 Almost always incurable
 Marketwide effect and influences a whole class of properties
Source: Appraisal Institute (2013), The Appraisal of Real Estate, 14th Ed., Chicago. pp. 632
 Economic obsolescence has been interpreted as changes in demand and requirements
of public authorities in some court cases
 e.g., PacificCorp v. State of Montana, 253 P.3d at 854
Source: Code of Federal Regulations, 2007
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Test for economic obsolescence
 Conditions that may indicate existence of economic obsolescence
 Income approach value < Cost approach value
 Market approach value < Cost approach value
 Decrease in the following factors in recent years for the subject and the industry:
 Cash flow
 Product pricing
 Profit margins
 Returns on investment
 Increase of competition in recent years for the subject and the industry
Source: Reilly , R. 2012. Functional Obsolescence and Economic Obsolescence Considerations in the Property Tax Valuation.
Insights magazine, Summer 2012. Chicago: Willamette Management Associates
 Conditions that may indicate existence of economic obsolescence
 Reduced demand for the companys products
 Overcapacity in the industry
 Dislocation of raw material supplies
 Increasing cost of raw materials, labor, utilities, or transportation, while the selling price of the product
remains fixed or increases at a much lower rate
 Government regulations that require capital expenditures to be made with little or no return on the new
 Environmental considerations that require capital expenditures to be made with little or no return on the
new investment
Source: Remsha, M.J. 2010. Identifying and Quantifying Economic Obsolescence. American Appraisal
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Economic obsolescence models
 Utilization Analysis
 Equity-to-Book Ratio Analysis
 Best of the Best (Blue-Chip) Technique
 Income Shortfall Analysis
 Government Regulations Analysis
 Market-Derived Approach
 Income Approach
 Return-on-Capital Analysis
 Gross Margin Analysis
 EO can be quantified using many different methods:
 Model selection depends on data availability and type of asset being valued
The last two methods are not extensively used in unitary valuation. Some of methods discussed in this presentation are derivations of
market and income methods
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Utilization method
 Calculating economic obsolescence using the Utilization method.
 Whenever the operating level of an asset is significantly less than its rated or design
capability the asset is less valuable than it would otherwise be
Source: American Society of Appraisers (2011), Valuing Machinery and Equipment: The Fundaments of
Appraising Machinery and Technical Assets, 3rd Ed., Washington, D.C.
 Inutility Formula:
 X = scale factor  6/10ths Formula used
 Capacity A: Design/Supply; Capacity B: Current/Demand
 Used in:
- Telecommunications industry
- Pipeline industry:
BP Pipelines (Alaska) Inc. v. State of Alaska, Department of Revenue, ---P.3d---, 2014 WL
685986 (Alaska Feb. 19, 2014)
 Audited financial data v. Internal unaudited data
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Equity-to-book ratio method
 Calculating economic obsolescence using the Equity-to-book ratio method.
 Derived from sales approach: market-to-book ratio in excess of one implies a sale price in
excess of book value; vice versa is also true
Source: American Society of Appraisers (2011), Valuing Machinery and Equipment: The Fundaments of
Appraising Machinery and Technical Assets, 3rd Ed., Washington, D.C.
 Used to check if economic obsolescence exists:
- PacifiCorp v. State of Montana, Dept. of Revenue, 253 P.3d 847 (Mont. 2011)
 Stock & Debt method arguments:
- Discounts and premiums
- Investor intent
BK Value MK Value MK to BK Book Market MK to BK
Per Share Per Share Ratio Value Value Ratio
Company Name Ticker A B C = B/A D E F = E/D
Sunoco Logistics Partners L.P. SXL 58.51 48.93 0.8362 1,589,000,000 1,732,000,000 1.0900
Enbridge Energy Partners LP EEP 14.69 29.02 1.9754 5,701,700,000 6,604,500,000 1.1583
Magellan Midstream Partners LP MMP 6.70 50.59 7.5495 2,323,408,000 2,721,985,000 1.1715
Nustar Energy LP NS 33.03 45.59 1.3804 2,411,004,000 2,377,120,000 0.9859
Buckeye Partners, L.P. BPL 24.12 47.77 1.9803 2,941,444,000 3,074,862,000 1.0454
Enterprise Products EPD 14.60 51.75 3.5449 14,655,200,000 14,655,200,000 1.0000
Kinder Morgan Egy Ptnrs L.P. KMP 30.34 81.26 2.6779 17,330,000,000 18,911,000,000 1.0912
Plains All American PL LP PAA 19.80 52.62 2.6581 6,320,000,000 7,300,000,000 1.1551
Average Book to Market: 2.8253 Average Book to Market: 1.0872
Equity 74.00% x 2.83 = 2.09
Debt 26.00% x 1.09 = 0.28
100.00% 2.37
M/B Ratio = 2.38
A: Book value per share = (total equity - preferred equity - noncontrolling interest) / Outstanding shares
B: Market value per share = share price from Yahoo Finance/NYSE, etc.
D&E: Company financials show outstanding long term debt and its fair value.
Industry Market Capital Structure
Book to Market - Common Equity Per Share Book to Market - Long-Term Debt
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Blue-chip technique
 Calculating economic obsolescence using the Best of the best method.
 EO involves selecting several economic performance indicators for comparable
companies, such as rate of return, gross or net margins, and utilization, among others, for
comparison against the subject
 Used in electric coop industry
 Was used in railroad industry
 Relevance v. Hodgepodge
Center Point H (T&D) 35.6882 0.0235 0.0663 0.3504 0.0007
Oncor Electric D (T&D) 34.7092 0.0194 0.0791 0.5729 0.0006
TNMP (T&D) 34.4549 0.0157 0.0639 0.3877 0.0005
Entergy Texas, Inc. (FI) 53.2518 0.0201 0.1301 0.6728 0.0004
Southwestern Electric Co. (FI) 54.3288 0.0236 0.1078 0.3908 0.0004
Southwestern Public Serv. (FI) 73.4368 0.0392 0.0938 0.7817 0.0005
Mean - All 47.6450 0.0236 0.0902 0.5261 0.0005
Mean - FI Only 60.3391 0.0276 0.1106 0.6151 0.0004
Subject Property % Good Calculation IOU Standards
% GOOD 1 (MWH/CUST/ 60.33914 ) = 0.334104
% GOOD 2 (MWH/NDTP/ 0.02764 ) = 0.198514
% GOOD 3 (MWH/OPEX/ 0.11056 ) = 0.444839
% GOOD 4 (MWH/DTEX/ 0.61511 ) = 0.177044
% GOOD 5 (CUST/NDTP/ 0.00045 ) = 0.606548
AVG % GOOD 0.352210
Net Book Value = 1,171,800,535
LESS: Economic Obsolescence (1 - 0.35221) 759,081,101
412,719,434Indicated Value
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Income shortfall method (1)
 Calculating economic obsolescence using the Income shortfall method.
 Percentage return differential between the projected allowed (regulated) rate of return and
a hypothetical market (unregulated) rate of return, which is then discounted to present
Based on
Projected Return-
to-Net Book
Based on Previous
Year's Return-to-
Net Book
YE 2014 YE 2013
Net Book Value 908,505,802 848,159,633
Cap Rate (x) 8.90% 8.90%
Expected Income 80,857,016 75,486,207
Projected Income (a) / Prior Year's Income (b)
(-) 47,234,634 (a) 40,192,652 (b)
Income Shortfall 33,622,382 35,293,555
Cap Rate (歎) 8.90% 8.90%
377,779,574 396,556,802
Net Book 908,505,802 908,505,802
Less Economic Obsolescence (c & d):
1 - ( 377,779,574 歎 908,505,802) (-) 377,779,574 ('c) 424,771,636 (d)
1 - ( 396,556,802 歎 848,159,633)
Market Value 530,726,228 483,734,166
Adopted Market Value 507,230,197
equals that
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Income shortfall method (2)
 Legal precedents against/for the Income shortfall method.
 Recent court rulings on method though inclined against, show that issue is not settled with certainty.
1971 Northern Natural Gas v. Deweyer, 208 Kansas 337, 492 P.2d 147
1976 In re: Onondaga County Water District v. Board of Assessors of Minetto, 39 N.Y.2d 601, 350 N.E.2d
1979 Consumer's Power Co. v. Port Seldon Township, 91 Mich. App. 180, 183 N.W.2d 680
1979 Utah Power & Light Co. v. Utah State Tax Commn., 590 P.2d 332 (Ut. 1979)
1988 AT&T Communications v. Department of Revenue, Wash, BTA Bo. 33619
1988 Transcon. Gas Pipe Line Corp. v. Bernards Twp., 545 A2.d 746, 754 (N.J. 1988)
1989 United Telephone Co. v. Dep't of Revenue, 770 P2d. 43
1989 Pacific Power & Light Co. v. Dept. of Revenue, State of Oregon, 775 P.2d 303 (Or. 1989)
1990 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. v. Dep't of Treasury, Michigan Tax Tribunal, Docket No. 90553
1994 aff'd Michigan Bell Tel. Co. v. Department of Treasury, 445 Mich. 470, 518 N.W.2d 808
1997 Alta Pac. Assoc., Ltd. v. Utah State Tax Comm'n., 931 P.2d 103, 112 (Ut. 1997)
1999 Delta Air Lines, Inc. v. Dept. of Revenue, State of Oregon, 984 P.2d 836, 849 (Or. 1999).
2008 Eurofresh, Inc. v. Graham County, 187 P.3d 530, 537 (Ariz. App. 2008)
2009 Quest v. State of Montana, Department of Revenue, SPT 2008-2 (Nov 30, 2009, on appeal).
2011 PacifiCorp v. State of Montana, Dept. of Revenue, 253 P.3d 847 (Mont. 2011).
2011 Jones v. Southern Natural Gas Co., 63 So.3d 1080 (La. Ct. App. 2011)
2012 Southwest Airlines Co. v. Arizona Dept. of Revenue, 2012 WL 3041179 (Ariz. App. 2012)
1980 Burlington Northern, Inc. v. Dept of Revenue, 291 Ore. 729
1998 Canal Square Limited Partnership v. State Board of Tax Commissioners, 694 N.E.2d 801(Indiana
1994 GTE North Incorporated v. Indiana Board of Tax Commissioners, 634 N.E.2d 882
2011 United Airlines, Inc. v. Prop. Tax Adm'r (Colo. Bd. of Assessment, App., N. 53259, Oct. 19, 2011)
2012 PacifiCorp v. Idaho State Tax Commission, 291 P.3d 442 (Supreme Court of Idaho 2012)
2012 Boston Gas Co. v. Board of Assessors of Boston, 82 Mass.App.Ct. 517, 976 N.E.2d 176
(Mass.App.Ct., 2012), 10/3/12.
2012 Beaver County v. Property Tax Division of the Utah State Tax Comm'n, No. 080905451 (3rd Dist. Ct.
Utah, Feb. 15, 2012)
2014 BP Pipelines (Alaska) Inc. v. State of Alaska, Department of Revenue, ---P.3d---, 2014 WL 685986
(Alaska Feb. 19, 2014)
2015 State of Alaska, Department of Revenue v. BP Pipelines (Alaska) Inc, ---P.3d---, 2015 WL 5061652
(Alaska August 28, 2015)
-Tariff regulation is not a form of economic obsolescence
-Excess capacity is a form of economic obsolescence
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Govt. regulations method (1)
 Calculating economic obsolescence using the Govt. regulations method.
 Loss in earnings resulting from the regulatory lag, i.e., the allowed rate of return was not
permitted to be increased fast enough, and the utility was not being given the opportunity
to earn on its rate base at current market rates
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Govt. regulations method (2)
EO =
 基基基基基基基基基基基 告告告告告告告告告告告    告告告告告告告告告告告
 基基基基基基基基基基基 告告告告告告告告告告告
 Salient facts on govt. regulation:
 Social/regulatory compact v. Regulatory capture
 Just and reasonable principle  Zone of reasonableness
 Earned ROEs  Allowed ROEs
 Govt. regulators do not determine market value, market participants do
 Govt. regulations influence property values
 Ability to recover and earn returns and a conducive regulatory framework heavily impact
credit ratings, e.g. Moodys Investor Service weights 50% for the two in utility industry
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Govt. regulations method (3)
 AEP Texas North Company
Year-End 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Allowed Rate of Return 7.72% 8.01% 7.89% 7.21% 7.23% PUCT Allowed Return (WACC)
Current Desired Rate of Return 9.75% 9.24% 8.23% 8.97% 8.90% Capitalization Rate
Indicated Fraction Non-Obsolete 79.16% 86.63% 95.87% 80.36% 81.24%
Regulatory Analysis Economic
20.84% 13.37% 4.13% 19.64% 18.76% = 1 - ((Market Return - Allowed
Return)/Market Return)
1. Capitalization rate is a proxy for market return or desired rate of return.
2. PUCTEarnings Report, Sch. V. Allowed ROE 9.96% on 12/13/2007, Docket No. 33309.
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Govt. regulations method (4)
 Some utilities are able to tie their ROE with regulatory lag
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Govt. Regulation: For v. Against
 To be truly successful, free markets
require common-sense regulation to
prevent manipulation and deceit
Robert Shiller, 2013 Nobel Laurette
in Economics. Faith in an Unregulated
Free Market? Dont Fall for It, NY Times,
Upshot, Oct. 9., 2015
 Markets Can Be Very, Very Wrong
Paul Krugman, 2008 Nobel Laurette
in Economics. The Conscience of a
Liberal, NY Times, Sept. 30, 2011
 Actual market prices are, on the
basis of all available information,
best estimates of intrinsic values
Eugene F. Fama, 2013 Nobel Laurette
in Economics, father of the efficient
markets hypothesis
 Governments never learn. Only
people learn
Milton Friedman, 1976 Nobel Laurette
in Economics, grandmaster of
free-market economic theory
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Govt. Regulation: Electric/Gas Distribution Industries
 Regulatory agencies:
 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission - Federal
 Railroad Commission of Texas  State  Gas Distribution
 Public Utility Commission (PUC)  State
 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Federal
 North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
 Cost-of-service/cost-based rates
 Environmental protection
 M&A approval
 Recent events:
 FERC Order 1000  To increase competition in electric transmission industry
 EPAs Clean Power Plan  Reduction of carbon pollution from the power section
 Cyber & Grid Security  Issues, impacts, and costs associated with the risks of cyber-physical attacks on
power infrastructure
 Coal to gas switching
 Renewables  ~17% of operating generating capacity, 65% of new capacity
 Smart grid/Smart meter technology/Grid neutrality/Microgrids
 Economics of storage  Tesla and SolarCity story, et. al
 Rate recovery mechanisms:
 Forward test years
 Test questions on economic obsolescence:
 What, where & how
 Negative impact
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Govt. Regulation: Pipeline Industry
 Regulatory agencies:
 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) - Federal
 Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC)  State, Texas only
 U.S. Dept. of Transport, PHMSA  Federal
 U.S. Dept. of Transport, STB  Federal, Ammonia
 EPA  Federal: Clean Water Act, Oil Pollution Act, Clean Air Act, et. al
 Cost-of-service/cost-based rates
 M&A approval
 Environmental protection
 Recent events:
 Shale play pipeline build out
 Pipeline ruptures
 Test questions on economic obsolescence:
 What, where & how
 Negative impact
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Govt. Regulation: Railroad Industry
 Regulatory agencies:
 Surface Transportation Board (STB) - Federal
 Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)  Federal
 U.S. Dept. of Transport, PHMSA  Federal
 Authorized rates/Revenue adequacy
 M&A approval
 Rail abandonment
 Recent events:
 Positive train control  Dec. 31, 2015 deadline
 Crude-by-rail (CBR)  ~5-6% of revenue
 New rules: Robust tank cars; lower speed limits; electronically
controlled brakes
 Coal volumes  ~15-20% of revenue
 Alabama DoR v. CSX  4R-Act:Comparison with competitors to determine if tax is
 Rate protection for certain captive shippers
 Test questions on economic obsolescence:
 What, where & how
 Negative impact
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Govt. Regulation: Telecommunications Industry
 Regulatory agencies:
 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - Federal
 Public Utility Commission (PUC)  State
 Authorized rates
 Universal service fund
 M&A approval
 Recent events:
 AT&Ts Project Velocity IP  FCC application to shut-down or divest its copper network
 Title II of Communications Act  Reclassification of broadband as a utility
 Net Neutrality
 FCCs Connect America Funding Phase II  2015 support for broadband deployment
 Wireless spectrum auctions & wars
 Convergence in the Telecom Industry
 Test questions on economic obsolescence:
 What, where & how
 Negative impact
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Investment Returns: Electrics
 Where are utilities relative to the S&P 500?
 Just and reasonable principle
Investors with a low risk appetite in search of income favor the utility sector, as utility stocks
have low beta and offer attractive yields
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Investment Returns: MLPs
 10-year performance value of $1,000 invested
Source: AMZ/Alerian MLP Index fact sheet as of June 30, 2015
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Take Aways (1)
 At trial, Go Big or Go Home
 ..The district court noted that it was especially impressed by
Mr. Tegarden and found his testimony and opinions to be
more credible, more reliable, more persuasive, and entitled to
greater weight than the testimony and opinions of the
witnesses for the Tax Commission
Source: PacifiCorp v. Idaho State Tax Commission, 291 P.3d 442 (Supreme
Court of Idaho 2012)
 Bearer of the burden of proof: Taxpayer v. Assessor
 Additional reductions of adjustments might be made if a
taxpayer could show that additional depreciable value existed
Source: PacifiCorp v. State of Montana, Dept. of Revenue, 253 P.3d 847
(Mont. 2011)
 Submission of competent evidence
 Establishment of factors comprising the claimed obsolescence
 Identification of affected assets
 Quantification of the amount of obsolescence for each asset
 Tariff income is not a primary driver of economic value. Excess
capacity is a form of economic obsolescence
Source: BP Pipelines (Alaska) Inc. v. State of Alaska, Department of Revenue, -
--P.3d---, 2014 WL 685986 (Alaska Feb. 19, 2014)
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
Take Aways (2)
 Economic obsolescence, by definition, does not occur to a strong and growing
company, but rather in one that is a victim of external forces which hamper its income
earning capacity
Source: PacifiCorp v. State of Montana, Dept. of Revenue, 253 P.3d 847 (Mont. 2011)
 FERC definition of depreciation
 Depreciation studies occur every 4  5 years
 May not incorporate all forms of obsolescence
 Decision to deduct for external obsolescence is a product of appraisal judgement
Source: PacifiCorp v. Idaho State Tax Commission, 291 P.3d 442 (Supreme Court of Idaho 2012)
 The Income shortfall method, if not tied to the income approach result, is a valid
methodology provided it is correctly applied
Source: 息2015 Bwembya Chikolwa
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent.
For more information please contact
Bwembya Chikolwa
Staff Appraiser
Property Tax Assistance Division
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
(512) 475 5677
Additional Disclaimers
 Apologies for putting too many details on slides
 No political persuasion is being advanced
 This discussion/presentation is irrelevant as everything
has been/will be decided by the courts of law. However:
 Its prudent to question our redundancy
 To explore ways of changing our minnow status
 Presentation is based on assumption after assumption:
 Holmesian Mysteries
 Acting as a polemicist in this presentation
息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa Not to be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent
CBR ~5-6% of
railroad revenue
~15-20% of railroad
~50-60% carbon dioxide
cut for each MWH
Cheaper fuel generation
4.5 times saferEPA mercury
and air toxics
emission rules

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2015 NCUVS Conference - Economic Obsolescence_Bwembya Chikolwa

  • 1. 31st National Conference of Unit Valuation States San Antonio, Texas October 27 29, 2015 Unitary Valuation: Economic Obsolescence Adjustment Conundrum in the Cost Approach Bwembya Chikolwa Staff Appraiser Property Tax Assistance Division Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
  • 2. Disclaimers The statements made or opinions expressed by the author/presenter in this presentation or related materials do not necessarily represent a policy position of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Property Tax Assistance Division. Materials presented on the subject topic are neither definitive nor exhaustive and only present matters the author/presenter believes to salient. As such, the presented material should not be quoted without prior consent of the author/presenter.
  • 3. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Topics 3 Cost approach model Economic obsolescence defined Tests for economic obsolescence Economic obsolescence models Regulatory framework for the utility, pipeline, railroad, telecommunication industries Investment returns by asset class Take aways Case study appraisals Roundtable discussion
  • 4. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Cost approach model Property Cost and Obsolescence Components Source: Reilly , R. 2012. Functional Obsolescence and Economic Obsolescence Considerations in the Property Tax Valuation. Insights magazine, Summer 2012. Chicago: Willamette Management Associates 4
  • 5. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Economic obsolescence defined Economic obsolescence, also referred to as external obsolescence, is the loss in value resulting from influences external to the property itself International, national, industry-based, or local in origin Incurable Subject propertys inability to generate a market-based rate of return on investment (ROI) Source: American Society of Appraisers (2011), Valuing Machinery and Equipment: The Fundaments of Appraising Machinery and Technical Assets, 3rd Ed., Washington, D.C., . pp. 76 Economic obsolescence is loss in value caused by negative externalities, i.e., factors outside a property Temporary or permanent Almost always incurable Marketwide effect and influences a whole class of properties Source: Appraisal Institute (2013), The Appraisal of Real Estate, 14th Ed., Chicago. pp. 632 Economic obsolescence has been interpreted as changes in demand and requirements of public authorities in some court cases e.g., PacificCorp v. State of Montana, 253 P.3d at 854 Source: Code of Federal Regulations, 2007 5
  • 6. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Test for economic obsolescence Conditions that may indicate existence of economic obsolescence Income approach value < Cost approach value Market approach value < Cost approach value Decrease in the following factors in recent years for the subject and the industry: Revenue Profitability Cash flow Product pricing Profit margins Returns on investment Increase of competition in recent years for the subject and the industry Source: Reilly , R. 2012. Functional Obsolescence and Economic Obsolescence Considerations in the Property Tax Valuation. Insights magazine, Summer 2012. Chicago: Willamette Management Associates Conditions that may indicate existence of economic obsolescence Reduced demand for the companys products Overcapacity in the industry Dislocation of raw material supplies Increasing cost of raw materials, labor, utilities, or transportation, while the selling price of the product remains fixed or increases at a much lower rate Government regulations that require capital expenditures to be made with little or no return on the new investment Environmental considerations that require capital expenditures to be made with little or no return on the new investment Source: Remsha, M.J. 2010. Identifying and Quantifying Economic Obsolescence. American Appraisal 6
  • 7. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Economic obsolescence models Utilization Analysis Equity-to-Book Ratio Analysis Best of the Best (Blue-Chip) Technique Income Shortfall Analysis Government Regulations Analysis Market-Derived Approach Income Approach Return-on-Capital Analysis Gross Margin Analysis 7 EO can be quantified using many different methods: Model selection depends on data availability and type of asset being valued Note: The last two methods are not extensively used in unitary valuation. Some of methods discussed in this presentation are derivations of market and income methods
  • 8. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Utilization method Calculating economic obsolescence using the Utilization method. Whenever the operating level of an asset is significantly less than its rated or design capability the asset is less valuable than it would otherwise be Source: American Society of Appraisers (2011), Valuing Machinery and Equipment: The Fundaments of Appraising Machinery and Technical Assets, 3rd Ed., Washington, D.C. Inutility Formula: 8 X = scale factor 6/10ths Formula used Capacity A: Design/Supply; Capacity B: Current/Demand Used in: - Telecommunications industry - Pipeline industry: BP Pipelines (Alaska) Inc. v. State of Alaska, Department of Revenue, ---P.3d---, 2014 WL 685986 (Alaska Feb. 19, 2014) Audited financial data v. Internal unaudited data
  • 9. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Equity-to-book ratio method Calculating economic obsolescence using the Equity-to-book ratio method. Derived from sales approach: market-to-book ratio in excess of one implies a sale price in excess of book value; vice versa is also true Source: American Society of Appraisers (2011), Valuing Machinery and Equipment: The Fundaments of Appraising Machinery and Technical Assets, 3rd Ed., Washington, D.C. 9 Used to check if economic obsolescence exists: - PacifiCorp v. State of Montana, Dept. of Revenue, 253 P.3d 847 (Mont. 2011) Stock & Debt method arguments: - Discounts and premiums - Investor intent BK Value MK Value MK to BK Book Market MK to BK Per Share Per Share Ratio Value Value Ratio Company Name Ticker A B C = B/A D E F = E/D Sunoco Logistics Partners L.P. SXL 58.51 48.93 0.8362 1,589,000,000 1,732,000,000 1.0900 Enbridge Energy Partners LP EEP 14.69 29.02 1.9754 5,701,700,000 6,604,500,000 1.1583 Magellan Midstream Partners LP MMP 6.70 50.59 7.5495 2,323,408,000 2,721,985,000 1.1715 Nustar Energy LP NS 33.03 45.59 1.3804 2,411,004,000 2,377,120,000 0.9859 Buckeye Partners, L.P. BPL 24.12 47.77 1.9803 2,941,444,000 3,074,862,000 1.0454 Enterprise Products EPD 14.60 51.75 3.5449 14,655,200,000 14,655,200,000 1.0000 Kinder Morgan Egy Ptnrs L.P. KMP 30.34 81.26 2.6779 17,330,000,000 18,911,000,000 1.0912 Plains All American PL LP PAA 19.80 52.62 2.6581 6,320,000,000 7,300,000,000 1.1551 Average Book to Market: 2.8253 Average Book to Market: 1.0872 Equity 74.00% x 2.83 = 2.09 Debt 26.00% x 1.09 = 0.28 100.00% 2.37 M/B Ratio = 2.38 Notes: A: Book value per share = (total equity - preferred equity - noncontrolling interest) / Outstanding shares B: Market value per share = share price from Yahoo Finance/NYSE, etc. D&E: Company financials show outstanding long term debt and its fair value. Industry Market Capital Structure PIPELINE INDUSTRY Book to Market - Common Equity Per Share Book to Market - Long-Term Debt
  • 10. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Blue-chip technique Calculating economic obsolescence using the Best of the best method. EO involves selecting several economic performance indicators for comparable companies, such as rate of return, gross or net margins, and utilization, among others, for comparison against the subject 10 Used in electric coop industry Was used in railroad industry RCLD v. HCLD Relevance v. Hodgepodge STANDARD #1 STANDARD #2 STANDARD #3 STANDARD #4 STANDARD #5 MWH / MWH / NET MWH / O & M EXP. MWH / DIST. CUSTOMERS / COMPANY CUSTOMER DIST. PLANT Less POWER EXP. O & M EXP. NET DIST. Center Point H (T&D) 35.6882 0.0235 0.0663 0.3504 0.0007 Oncor Electric D (T&D) 34.7092 0.0194 0.0791 0.5729 0.0006 TNMP (T&D) 34.4549 0.0157 0.0639 0.3877 0.0005 Entergy Texas, Inc. (FI) 53.2518 0.0201 0.1301 0.6728 0.0004 Southwestern Electric Co. (FI) 54.3288 0.0236 0.1078 0.3908 0.0004 Southwestern Public Serv. (FI) 73.4368 0.0392 0.0938 0.7817 0.0005 Mean - All 47.6450 0.0236 0.0902 0.5261 0.0005 Mean - FI Only 60.3391 0.0276 0.1106 0.6151 0.0004 Subject Property % Good Calculation IOU Standards % GOOD 1 (MWH/CUST/ 60.33914 ) = 0.334104 % GOOD 2 (MWH/NDTP/ 0.02764 ) = 0.198514 % GOOD 3 (MWH/OPEX/ 0.11056 ) = 0.444839 % GOOD 4 (MWH/DTEX/ 0.61511 ) = 0.177044 % GOOD 5 (CUST/NDTP/ 0.00045 ) = 0.606548 AVG % GOOD 0.352210 Net Book Value = 1,171,800,535 LESS: Economic Obsolescence (1 - 0.35221) 759,081,101 412,719,434Indicated Value
  • 11. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Income shortfall method (1) Calculating economic obsolescence using the Income shortfall method. Percentage return differential between the projected allowed (regulated) rate of return and a hypothetical market (unregulated) rate of return, which is then discounted to present value. 11 Based on Projected Return- to-Net Book Based on Previous Year's Return-to- Net Book YE 2014 YE 2013 Net Book Value 908,505,802 848,159,633 Cap Rate (x) 8.90% 8.90% Expected Income 80,857,016 75,486,207 Projected Income (a) / Prior Year's Income (b) (-) 47,234,634 (a) 40,192,652 (b) Income Shortfall 33,622,382 35,293,555 Cap Rate (歎) 8.90% 8.90% 377,779,574 396,556,802 Net Book 908,505,802 908,505,802 Less Economic Obsolescence (c & d): 1 - ( 377,779,574 歎 908,505,802) (-) 377,779,574 ('c) 424,771,636 (d) 1 - ( 396,556,802 歎 848,159,633) Market Value 530,726,228 483,734,166 Adopted Market Value 507,230,197 Value always equals that from Income Approach
  • 12. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Income shortfall method (2) Legal precedents against/for the Income shortfall method. Recent court rulings on method though inclined against, show that issue is not settled with certainty. 12 AGAINST 1971 Northern Natural Gas v. Deweyer, 208 Kansas 337, 492 P.2d 147 1976 In re: Onondaga County Water District v. Board of Assessors of Minetto, 39 N.Y.2d 601, 350 N.E.2d 390 1979 Consumer's Power Co. v. Port Seldon Township, 91 Mich. App. 180, 183 N.W.2d 680 1979 Utah Power & Light Co. v. Utah State Tax Commn., 590 P.2d 332 (Ut. 1979) 1988 AT&T Communications v. Department of Revenue, Wash, BTA Bo. 33619 1988 Transcon. Gas Pipe Line Corp. v. Bernards Twp., 545 A2.d 746, 754 (N.J. 1988) 1989 United Telephone Co. v. Dep't of Revenue, 770 P2d. 43 1989 Pacific Power & Light Co. v. Dept. of Revenue, State of Oregon, 775 P.2d 303 (Or. 1989) 1990 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. v. Dep't of Treasury, Michigan Tax Tribunal, Docket No. 90553 1994 aff'd Michigan Bell Tel. Co. v. Department of Treasury, 445 Mich. 470, 518 N.W.2d 808 1997 Alta Pac. Assoc., Ltd. v. Utah State Tax Comm'n., 931 P.2d 103, 112 (Ut. 1997) 1999 Delta Air Lines, Inc. v. Dept. of Revenue, State of Oregon, 984 P.2d 836, 849 (Or. 1999). 2008 Eurofresh, Inc. v. Graham County, 187 P.3d 530, 537 (Ariz. App. 2008) 2009 Quest v. State of Montana, Department of Revenue, SPT 2008-2 (Nov 30, 2009, on appeal). 2011 PacifiCorp v. State of Montana, Dept. of Revenue, 253 P.3d 847 (Mont. 2011). 2011 Jones v. Southern Natural Gas Co., 63 So.3d 1080 (La. Ct. App. 2011) 2012 Southwest Airlines Co. v. Arizona Dept. of Revenue, 2012 WL 3041179 (Ariz. App. 2012) FOR 1980 Burlington Northern, Inc. v. Dept of Revenue, 291 Ore. 729 1998 Canal Square Limited Partnership v. State Board of Tax Commissioners, 694 N.E.2d 801(Indiana 1998) 1994 GTE North Incorporated v. Indiana Board of Tax Commissioners, 634 N.E.2d 882 2011 United Airlines, Inc. v. Prop. Tax Adm'r (Colo. Bd. of Assessment, App., N. 53259, Oct. 19, 2011) 2012 PacifiCorp v. Idaho State Tax Commission, 291 P.3d 442 (Supreme Court of Idaho 2012) 2012 Boston Gas Co. v. Board of Assessors of Boston, 82 Mass.App.Ct. 517, 976 N.E.2d 176 (Mass.App.Ct., 2012), 10/3/12. 2012 Beaver County v. Property Tax Division of the Utah State Tax Comm'n, No. 080905451 (3rd Dist. Ct. Utah, Feb. 15, 2012) 2014 BP Pipelines (Alaska) Inc. v. State of Alaska, Department of Revenue, ---P.3d---, 2014 WL 685986 (Alaska Feb. 19, 2014) 2015 State of Alaska, Department of Revenue v. BP Pipelines (Alaska) Inc, ---P.3d---, 2015 WL 5061652 (Alaska August 28, 2015) -Tariff regulation is not a form of economic obsolescence -Excess capacity is a form of economic obsolescence
  • 13. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Govt. regulations method (1) Calculating economic obsolescence using the Govt. regulations method. Loss in earnings resulting from the regulatory lag, i.e., the allowed rate of return was not permitted to be increased fast enough, and the utility was not being given the opportunity to earn on its rate base at current market rates 13
  • 14. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Govt. regulations method (2) Formula: EO = 基基基基基基基基基基基 告告告告告告告告告告告 告告告告告告告告告告告 基基基基基基基基基基基 告告告告告告告告告告告 Salient facts on govt. regulation: Social/regulatory compact v. Regulatory capture Just and reasonable principle Zone of reasonableness Earned ROEs Allowed ROEs Govt. regulators do not determine market value, market participants do Govt. regulations influence property values Ability to recover and earn returns and a conducive regulatory framework heavily impact credit ratings, e.g. Moodys Investor Service weights 50% for the two in utility industry ratings 14
  • 15. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Govt. regulations method (3) AEP Texas North Company 15 Year-End 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Allowed Rate of Return 7.72% 8.01% 7.89% 7.21% 7.23% PUCT Allowed Return (WACC) Current Desired Rate of Return 9.75% 9.24% 8.23% 8.97% 8.90% Capitalization Rate Indicated Fraction Non-Obsolete 79.16% 86.63% 95.87% 80.36% 81.24% Regulatory Analysis Economic Obsolescence 20.84% 13.37% 4.13% 19.64% 18.76% = 1 - ((Market Return - Allowed Return)/Market Return) Notes: 1. Capitalization rate is a proxy for market return or desired rate of return. 2. PUCTEarnings Report, Sch. V. Allowed ROE 9.96% on 12/13/2007, Docket No. 33309.
  • 16. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Govt. regulations method (4) Some utilities are able to tie their ROE with regulatory lag 16
  • 17. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Govt. Regulation: For v. Against For: To be truly successful, free markets require common-sense regulation to prevent manipulation and deceit Robert Shiller, 2013 Nobel Laurette in Economics. Faith in an Unregulated Free Market? Dont Fall for It, NY Times, Upshot, Oct. 9., 2015 Markets Can Be Very, Very Wrong Paul Krugman, 2008 Nobel Laurette in Economics. The Conscience of a Liberal, NY Times, Sept. 30, 2011 17 Against: Actual market prices are, on the basis of all available information, best estimates of intrinsic values Eugene F. Fama, 2013 Nobel Laurette in Economics, father of the efficient markets hypothesis Governments never learn. Only people learn Milton Friedman, 1976 Nobel Laurette in Economics, grandmaster of free-market economic theory
  • 18. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Govt. Regulation: Electric/Gas Distribution Industries Regulatory agencies: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission - Federal Railroad Commission of Texas State Gas Distribution Public Utility Commission (PUC) State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Federal North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Mandates: Cost-of-service/cost-based rates Safety Reliability Environmental protection M&A approval Recent events: FERC Order 1000 To increase competition in electric transmission industry EPAs Clean Power Plan Reduction of carbon pollution from the power section Cyber & Grid Security Issues, impacts, and costs associated with the risks of cyber-physical attacks on power infrastructure Coal to gas switching Renewables ~17% of operating generating capacity, 65% of new capacity Smart grid/Smart meter technology/Grid neutrality/Microgrids Economics of storage Tesla and SolarCity story, et. al Rate recovery mechanisms: Riders Trackers Factors Clauses Forward test years 18 Test questions on economic obsolescence: What, where & how Negative impact
  • 19. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Govt. Regulation: Pipeline Industry Regulatory agencies: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) - Federal Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) State, Texas only U.S. Dept. of Transport, PHMSA Federal U.S. Dept. of Transport, STB Federal, Ammonia EPA Federal: Clean Water Act, Oil Pollution Act, Clean Air Act, et. al Mandates: Cost-of-service/cost-based rates Safety M&A approval Environmental protection Recent events: Shale play pipeline build out Pipeline ruptures 19 Test questions on economic obsolescence: What, where & how Negative impact
  • 20. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Govt. Regulation: Railroad Industry Regulatory agencies: Surface Transportation Board (STB) - Federal Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Federal U.S. Dept. of Transport, PHMSA Federal Mandates: Authorized rates/Revenue adequacy M&A approval Rail abandonment Safety Recent events: Positive train control Dec. 31, 2015 deadline Crude-by-rail (CBR) ~5-6% of revenue New rules: Robust tank cars; lower speed limits; electronically controlled brakes Coal volumes ~15-20% of revenue Alabama DoR v. CSX 4R-Act:Comparison with competitors to determine if tax is discriminatory Rate protection for certain captive shippers 20 Test questions on economic obsolescence: What, where & how Negative impact
  • 21. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Govt. Regulation: Telecommunications Industry Regulatory agencies: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - Federal Public Utility Commission (PUC) State Mandates: Authorized rates Universal service fund M&A approval Recent events: AT&Ts Project Velocity IP FCC application to shut-down or divest its copper network Title II of Communications Act Reclassification of broadband as a utility Net Neutrality FCCs Connect America Funding Phase II 2015 support for broadband deployment Wireless spectrum auctions & wars Convergence in the Telecom Industry Test questions on economic obsolescence: What, where & how Negative impact 21
  • 22. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Investment Returns: Electrics Where are utilities relative to the S&P 500? Just and reasonable principle 22 Investors with a low risk appetite in search of income favor the utility sector, as utility stocks have low beta and offer attractive yields
  • 23. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Investment Returns: MLPs 10-year performance value of $1,000 invested 23 Source: AMZ/Alerian MLP Index fact sheet as of June 30, 2015
  • 24. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Take Aways (1) At trial, Go Big or Go Home ..The district court noted that it was especially impressed by Mr. Tegarden and found his testimony and opinions to be more credible, more reliable, more persuasive, and entitled to greater weight than the testimony and opinions of the witnesses for the Tax Commission Source: PacifiCorp v. Idaho State Tax Commission, 291 P.3d 442 (Supreme Court of Idaho 2012) Bearer of the burden of proof: Taxpayer v. Assessor Additional reductions of adjustments might be made if a taxpayer could show that additional depreciable value existed Source: PacifiCorp v. State of Montana, Dept. of Revenue, 253 P.3d 847 (Mont. 2011) Submission of competent evidence Establishment of factors comprising the claimed obsolescence Identification of affected assets Quantification of the amount of obsolescence for each asset Tariff income is not a primary driver of economic value. Excess capacity is a form of economic obsolescence Source: BP Pipelines (Alaska) Inc. v. State of Alaska, Department of Revenue, - --P.3d---, 2014 WL 685986 (Alaska Feb. 19, 2014) 24
  • 25. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. Take Aways (2) Economic obsolescence, by definition, does not occur to a strong and growing company, but rather in one that is a victim of external forces which hamper its income earning capacity Source: PacifiCorp v. State of Montana, Dept. of Revenue, 253 P.3d 847 (Mont. 2011) FERC definition of depreciation Depreciation studies occur every 4 5 years May not incorporate all forms of obsolescence Decision to deduct for external obsolescence is a product of appraisal judgement Source: PacifiCorp v. Idaho State Tax Commission, 291 P.3d 442 (Supreme Court of Idaho 2012) The Income shortfall method, if not tied to the income approach result, is a valid methodology provided it is correctly applied Source: 息2015 Bwembya Chikolwa 25
  • 26. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa No portion of this presentation may be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent. For more information please contact Bwembya Chikolwa Staff Appraiser Property Tax Assistance Division Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (512) 475 5677 bwembya.chikolwa@cpa.texas.gov 26
  • 27. Additional Disclaimers Apologies for putting too many details on slides No political persuasion is being advanced This discussion/presentation is irrelevant as everything has been/will be decided by the courts of law. However: Its prudent to question our redundancy To explore ways of changing our minnow status Presentation is based on assumption after assumption: Holmesian Mysteries Acting as a polemicist in this presentation
  • 28. 息 2015 Bwembya Chikolwa Not to be reproduced, reused, or otherwise distributed in any form without prior written consent RAILROADS PIPELINES ELECTRICS/GAS DISTRIBUTION TELECOM/ TECHNOLOGY POSITIVE TRAIN CONTROL GIS MAPPING/ SAFETY REMOTE SENSING & IMAGING SMART TECH/ CYBER SECURITY CBR ~5-6% of railroad revenue ~15-20% of railroad revenue ~50-60% carbon dioxide cut for each MWH Cheaper fuel generation cost 4.5 times saferEPA mercury and air toxics standards COMPLEX PROPERTY APPRAISAL EPA/state methane emission rules