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How to Prepare A Case Report Presentation
2015/3/12 (四) 17:10~19:10 @台北醫學大學
新光吳火獅紀念醫院 劉人瑋/張婷雅藥師新光吳火獅紀念醫院 劉人瑋藥師
} 檔案在這裡
} [幫助一] 馬上就會用到,實習一定會有病例報告 (case
} [幫助二] 從教室走向病房,教室只有學生、病房只有病
人,如何快速掌握病情? 彙整病人的問題,甚至提出解決
} [幫助三] 什麼是「DTP」? 怎麼寫「SOAP」? 如果你不
} “Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient-
Focused Approach, 8th Edition (2011)”
} [特色]:
- 由美國將近100個機構,超過190位藥師撰寫
- 配合教科書章節擬訂,每個病例都有清楚的學習目標、參
} [意義]:
- 可學到道地且精準的病例繕寫
- 提供初學者快速上手的一本書
} 哪裡可以取得?
- [書籍] 合記書局 售價1,125元 (ISBN 9780-0717-46267)
- [網路] Access Pharmacy
} [主訴 Chief Complaint]:
- "This is the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.“
} [最近病史 HPI]:
- Gary Roberts is a 68-year-old man admitted to the
ED complaining of chest pressure/pain lasting 20~30
minutes occurring at rest. He describes the pain as
substernal, crushing, and pressurelike that radiates
病例報告 - CC & HPI
} [最近病史 HPI]:
to his jaw and is accompanied by nausea and
diaphoresis. The pain first started approximately 6
hours ago after he ate breakfast and was unrelieved
by antacids or SL NTG x 3. He also states he has
been experiencing intermittent chest pain over the
past 3~4 weeks with minimal exertion.
病例報告 - HPI
} [過去病史 PMH]:
- Type 2 DM
- Dyslipidemia
- CAD with PCI with a bare metal stent 10 years ago
過去病史最好包括疾病、嚴重度/分期、曾經接受的治療 及
治療反應 (是否達治療目標),例如:
“Chronic kidney disease (Stage VI): eGFR 18 ml/min/
1.73 m2 two weeks ago.”
病例報告 - PMH
} [家族史 FH]:
- Father died from heart failure at age 75 and mother
is alive at age 88 with HTN and type 2 DM.
可,以直系血親為主 (感染性疾病除外)
} [社交史 SH]:
- (+) Tobacco x 20 years but quit when he received his
BMS 10 years ago; drinks beer usually on weekends;
denies illicit drug use.
病例報告 - FH
} [家族史 FH]: 家族樹 (family tree) 通常沒什麼幫助!
病例報告 - FH
Coronary artery disease
Traffic accident
Note 車禍也掛了~
} [用藥史 Meds]:
- Aspirin 81 mg po daily
- Metoprolol tartrate 25 mg po BID
- Simvastatin 40 mg po QHS
- Metformin 500 mg po BID
} [過敏史 All]: NKDA (no know drug allergy)
病例報告 - 用藥史
} [系統總覽 ROS]:
- Positive for some baseline CP on exertion for the
past 3~4 weeks, now with CP at rest
} [理學檢查 PE]:
- Gen: WDWN man, A & O x 3, still with ongoing chest
pain, somewhat anxious
- VS: BP 145/92, P 89, RR 18, T 37.1; Wt 95 kg, Ht
170 cm
- HEENT: PERRLA, EOMI, fundi benign; TMs intact
- Neck: No bruits; mild JVD; no thyromegaly
病例報告 - ROS & PE
} [理學檢查 PE]:
- Lungs: Few dependent inspiratory crackles; bi-
basilar rales; no wheezes
- CV: Normal S1 and S2, no MRG
- Abd: Soft, nontender; liver span 10~12 cm; no bruits
- Genit/Rect: Deferred
- MS/Ext: Normal ROM; muscle strength on right 5/5
UE/LE; on left 4/5 UE/LE; pulses 2+; no femoral
bruits or peripheral edema
- Neuro: CNs II–XII intact; DTRs decreased on left;
negative Babinski's sign
病例報告 - PE
查結果代表的意義,及這項檢查想要偵測的是什麼? 例如:
- Lungs: Few dependent inspiratory crackles; bi-
basilar rales; no wheezes
[解析] 醫師藉由聽診得知病人可能有肺水腫 (pulmonary
edema) 的問題,因此將安排胸部X光 或 心臟超音波檢查
病例報告 - PE
} [實驗室檢驗 LAB]:
- Na 134 mEq/L Ca 9.8 mg/dL K 4.4 mEq/L Mg 2.0
mg/dL Cl 102 mEq/L PO4 2.4 mg/dL
- Hgb 14.0 g/dL Hct 44% WBC 5.0 x 103/mm3 Plt 268 x
- PT 12.5 sec aPTT 32.4 sec INR 1.0
- T. chol 159 mg/dL Trig 92 mg/dL LDL 105 mg/dL
HDL 36 mg/dL
- AST 22 U/L ALT 30 U/L BUN 15 mg/dL SCr 1.0
mg/dL Alk Phos 75 U/L HbA1c 7.6% Glu 140 mg/dL
Troponin I 8.6 ng/mL
病例報告 - LAB
沒有頭腦的大盤趨勢圖 或 會計報表,而著重於某項 (或某
些) 檢驗值的異常 (或正常) 所代表的意義,例如:
- Troponin I 8.6 ng/ml (0~0.50 ng/ml) [異常]
[解析] Troponin是心肌受損時釋放出來的蛋白質,作為心肌
- PT 12.5 sec aPTT 32.4 sec INR 1.0 [正常]
[解析] 凝血功能將影響治療策略,決定是否使用抗凝血藥物
病例報告 - LAB
} [心電圖 ECG]:
- ECG taken on arrival in the ED showing ST-segment
elevation in leads II, III, and aVF.
病例報告 - Others
} [評估 Assessment]:
- Acute inferior STEMI
書中並非使用「診斷 (diagnosis)」一字,而是使用「評估
} [問題 Questions]:
- Problem identification - Outcome evaluation
- Desired outcome - Patient education
- Therapeutic alternatives
- Optimal plan
病例報告 - A & Q
} 什麼是藥物相關問題 (drug-related problem)?
- 藥物相關問題分類:
國際上藥物相關問題分類眾多,包括ASHP、PCNE等 (Ann
Pharmacother. 2004; 38: 859-67. PMID 15054145)
應監測 (治療前)
應監測 (治療後)
} [問題 Questions]:
- Problem identification
- Which findings in this patient's case history are
consistent with acute STEMI?
- What risk factors for the development of coronary
artery disease are present in this patient?
一步抽絲剝繭列出危險因子;最好能根據症狀 (symptom)/
病徵 (sign) 等線索排列;症狀通常是主觀的,而病徵通常是
病例問題 – 病例內容
} 病歷閱讀/SOAP繕寫
- S-O-A-P是一種「思考」,不是一種「表格」
常見錯誤: 寫 (抄) 的跟醫師一樣 (把診斷當作評估)、沒有問
題為導向 (不知道自己在寫什麼)
醫師版 藥師版
S (主觀) 病患主觀描述、外觀/症狀 同
O (客觀) 病患病史、檢查結果,實驗
A (評估) 診斷或臆測疾病 評估藥物相關問題
P (計畫) 治療或診斷 (疾病) 計畫 治療或診斷 (藥物不良
反應) 計畫
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- Symptoms: A substernal, crushing, and pressure-
like chest pain that radiates to his jaw and is
accompanied by nausea and diaphoresis occurring
at rest
- Signs: High troponin I level, abnormal ECG findings
(ST-segment elevation in inferior leads, and right
bundle branches block)
診斷/治療指引 (不要只抄 !!)
病例問題 – 病例內容
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- Modifiable risk factors of this patient:
- Lifestyle: Smoking
- Medical: Hyperlipidemia, type II DM, HTN and Hx of
- Risk factors cannot be modified:
- Age
- Family Hx of CHD
病例問題 – 病例內容
} [問題 Questions]:
- Desired Outcome
- What is the immediate goal of therapy in this patient?
- How can this goal be achieved using
應避免空洞的目標: 治癒病人 (cure the patient)、緩解症
狀 (relieve the symptoms) 等
或過度窄化的目標: 醣化血色素 (HbA1c) <7%、血壓
(SBP/DBP) <135/80 mmHg
病例問題 – 病例內容
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- The short-term goals of treatment for the ACS are:
- Early restoration of blood flow to the infarct-related
artery to prevent infarct expansion
- Prevention of death and other MI complications
- Prevention of coronary artery re-occlusion with re-
- Relief of ischemic chest discomfort
- Resolution of ST-segment and T-wave changes on
病例問題 – 病例內容
} Medical problem: chest pain, not relieved by rest.
A: ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI),
additional therapy needed.
這個是診斷 (diagnosis)
這是藥物相關問題 (drug-related problem)
} [問題 Questions]:
- Therapeutic Alternatives
- What nonpharmacologic therapeutic alternative can
also achieve the immediate goal in this patient?
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- Initial therapy: oxygen (all patients for first 6 hours,
and then as needed to maintain SaO2 >90%)
- Immediate primary PCI: balloon angioplasty or
placement of a bare-metal or drug-eluting intra-
coronary stent)
病例問題 – 病例內容
} [問題 Questions]:
- Therapeutic Alternatives
- What is the role of adjunctive anticoagulant therapy
during PCI, and how should these therapies be
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- Parenteral anticoagulants should be used to patients
undergoing PCI (ACCF/AHA Class I, Level C)
- Consider using enoxaparin at time of PCI in patients
who have not received prior antithrombin therapy
(ACCF/AHA Class IIb, Level B)
病例問題 – 病例內容
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- Monitor parameters of parenteral anticoagulants:
- Efficacy:
- Safety: S&S of bleeding (e.g. uncontrolled bleeding
from injection sites, hemoglobin drop of unknown
病例問題 – 病例內容
Anticoagulant Parameters
Unfractioned heparin (UFH) aPTT
Low-molecule weight heparin (LMWH) Anti-Xa
Fondaparinux Anti-Xa
Bivalirudin aPTT or ACT除了療效更應該有安全性指標
} [問題 Questions]:
- Therapeutic Alternatives
- What is the role of adjunctive antiplatelet therapy
before, during, and after PCI, and how should these
therapies be monitored?
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- Aspirin 162-325 mg should be given (chewed) on
first day of STEMI and continued indefinitely at 75-
162 mg once daily unless “true aspirin allergy”
(ACC/AHA Class I, Level A)
病例問題 – 病例內容
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- Clopidogrel 75 mg orally once daily recommended in
addition to aspirin in patients with STEMI whether or
not they have reperfusion therapy (including
fibrinolytic therapy) (ACC/AHA Class I, Level A),
duration at least 14 days and up to 1 year
- Alternatives to clopidogrel include:
- Prasugrel (Effient) in patients having PCI
(ACCF/AHA Class I, Level B)
- Ticagrelor (Brilinta) 180 mg then 90 mg twice daily
(ACCF/AHA Class I, Level B)
病例問題 – 病例內容
} [問題 Questions]:
- Therapeutic Alternatives
- What are other important goals of therapy in this
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- The long-term goals following MI are to
- Control modifiable CHD risk factors
- Prevent the development of systolic HF
- Prevent recurrent MI and stroke
- Prevent death, including sudden cardiac death
病例問題 – 病例內容
} [問題 Questions]:
- Therapeutic Alternatives
- Based on the history and presentation, what initial
drug therapy is indicated in this patient?
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- The initial drug therapy of this patient would be:
- Aspirin 300 mg ST followed by 100 mg PO QD
- Clopidogrel 300 mg ST followed by 100 mg PO QD
- Enoxparin 1 mg/kg (a maximum dose of 100 mg is
recommended for the first 2 doses) SQ Q12H
病例問題 – 病例內容
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- Nitroglycerin 10 mcg/min IVF for persistent
discomfort due to ischemia, control of high blood
pressure, or treatment of pulmonary edema
- Carvedilol 12.5 mg PO BID
- Captopril 6.25 mg PO TID
- Atorvastatin 10 mg PO QD
- Metformin 500 mg PO BID (resume after PCI)
病例問題 – 病例內容
} [問題 Questions]:
- Outcome Evaluation
- How should the recommended therapy be
monitored for efficacy and adverse effects?
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- Efficacy:
- Relief of ischemic discomfort
- Return of ECG changes to baseline
- Absence or resolution of HF signs
病例問題 – 病例內容
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- Adverse effects:
病例問題 – 病例內容
Drug Adverse effects Monitoring
Aspirin Dyspepsia,
bleeding, gastritis
Clinical signs of bleeding,
gastrointestinal upset;
baseline CBC and platelet
count; CBC platelet count
Clopidogrel Bleeding, diarrhea,
rash, TTP (rare)
Same as aspirin
IV Nitrates Hypotension,
flushing, headache,
BP and HR Q2H
} [參考答案 Answers]:
病例問題 – 病例內容
Drug Adverse effects Monitoring
Enoxaparin Bleeding, heparin-
Clinical signs of bleeding;
baseline SCr, aPTT, INR,
CBC and platelet count;
daily CBC, daily CBC and
Carvedilol Hypotension,
bradycardia, heart
block, broncho-
spasm, acute heart
failure, fatigue
BP, HR, and clinical signs
of heart failure every shift
during oral administration
during hospitalization,
then BP and HR Q6M
following hospital
} [參考答案 Answers]:
病例問題 – 病例內容
Drug Adverse effects Monitoring
Captopril Hypotension,
cough, hyper-
azotemia, acute
renal failure,
BP Q2H x 3 for first dose,
then every shift during oral
administration during
hospitalization, then once
Q6M following hospital
discharge; baseline SCr and
K; daily SCr and K while
Atorvastatin GI upset,
LFT at baseline, at 6 wks, and
after titration to highest dose,
then annually thereafter;
counsel patient on myalgia
} [療程 Clinical Course]:
病例導讀 – 病例內容
2/18 15:40 2/21 9:002/18 14:40
ED PCI Echocardio-
Dx of
2/18 8:00
2/18 14:00
pain onset
Post-PCI care
2/18 16:20
and metoprolol
} [問題 Questions]:
- Patient Education
- Based on his hospital course, which discharge
medications would be most appropriate for this
- What education should you provide to this patient?
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- For secondary prevention of myocardial infarction,
those are this patient needed…
病例問題 – 病例內容
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- To prevention LV remodeling following MI
- ACEIs, beta-blockers, and selective aldosterone
receptor antagonists have been shown to prevent it
and reduce mortality of these patients
病例問題 – 病例內容
} [參考答案 Answers]:
- Aspirin 100 mg PO QD indefinitely
- Clopidogrel 100 mg PO QD at least 1 month
- Carvedilol 12.5 mg PO BID
- Lisinopril 20 mg PO QD
- Atorvastatin 10 mg PO QD
- Metformin 1 gm PO BID
短期 (緩解心肌缺血症狀) 與長期 (預防再次心肌梗塞) 藥物
病例問題 – 病例內容
} [療程 Clinical Course]:
- Six months later, he states that he is really trying to
exercise more and eat better. He has been taking all
of his medications.
- He states there are some pain in his calves and
thighs, and he thinks at he has it is due to his
walking exercise
regimen he started 4 months ago.
- It is bothering him enough that he has had to stop
walking every day.
病例導讀 – 病例內容
} [療程 Clinical Course]:
- Labs reveal the following:
- TC 135 mg/dL TG 89 mg/dL HDL 39 mg/dL
LDL 78 mg/dL
- CK 450 IU/L
- Vitals: BP 130/80 mmHg and P 65 bpm.
} [後續問題 Follow-Up Question]:
- What is the cause of this patient's myopathy and
how should his regimen be modified taking into
consideration his adverse effects and his goal LDL?
病例導讀 – 病例內容
} 內文:
- 字型大小: 10人以上「24」以上為佳
- 字型挑選: 勿使用太細、太扭曲的字體
- 內文呈現: 條列式,勿長篇大論
- 內容數量: 30分鐘約30~35張、50分鐘約40~45張、60分
} 圖表:
- 大小適中: 填半版以上至少需300x400大小
- 務必清晰: PDF檔向量擷圖最清晰
} 上台前:
- 放鬆活動: 全身放鬆一下!走走動動會比坐在原地緊張好
- 內容提示: 在投影片中放內容提示比寫稿子死背好
} 演講時:
- 肢體眼神: 肢體 (手為主) 活動較能聚焦,眼神與聽眾要能
接觸 (別只看著螢幕或某個奇怪的地方)
- 語調聲音: 輕重緩急、發音清楚
} 演講後:
- 回答問題: 掌握記錄、點頭、重覆與回覆四項要點
- 解決問題: 擱置爭議、聲東擊西、反問聽眾
} 提供準備病例報告同學建議:
- 至少花時間練習1~2個病例
- 第1個通常只拿50分,但第2個可以進步到75分
- 從定義、症狀、診斷、治療到預後 [別只看治療]
「從準備報告中學習」才是報告最大 的目的

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  • 9. } [最近病史 HPI]: to his jaw and is accompanied by nausea and diaphoresis. The pain first started approximately 6 hours ago after he ate breakfast and was unrelieved by antacids or SL NTG x 3. He also states he has been experiencing intermittent chest pain over the past 3~4 weeks with minimal exertion. 最近病史描述的是與本次就診有關的故事,會進一步描述主 訴,包括症狀、發生時間、相關處置等等 病例報告 - HPI 9 Note
  • 10. } [過去病史 PMH]: - HTN - Type 2 DM - Dyslipidemia - CAD with PCI with a bare metal stent 10 years ago 過去病史最好包括疾病、嚴重度/分期、曾經接受的治療 及 治療反應 (是否達治療目標),例如: “Chronic kidney disease (Stage VI): eGFR 18 ml/min/ 1.73 m2 two weeks ago.” 病例報告 - PMH 10 Note
  • 11. } [家族史 FH]: - Father died from heart failure at age 75 and mother is alive at age 88 with HTN and type 2 DM. 家族史並非族譜,僅需描述與疾病相關之家族成員狀況即 可,以直系血親為主 (感染性疾病除外) } [社交史 SH]: - (+) Tobacco x 20 years but quit when he received his BMS 10 years ago; drinks beer usually on weekends; denies illicit drug use. 病例報告 - FH 11 Note 社交史描述的重點是生活型態
  • 12. } [家族史 FH]: 家族樹 (family tree) 通常沒什麼幫助! 請記錄與「健康」有關的事項,其他的…就… 病例報告 - FH 12 冠狀動脈血管疾病掛了! I II III Coronary artery disease Traffic accident 男的 女的 Note 車禍也掛了~
  • 13. } [用藥史 Meds]: - Aspirin 81 mg po daily - Metoprolol tartrate 25 mg po BID - Simvastatin 40 mg po QHS - Metformin 500 mg po BID - SL NTG PRN CP } [過敏史 All]: NKDA (no know drug allergy) 用藥史/過敏史必須詳盡,用藥史最好包括遵醫囑性,過敏史 最好包括症狀甚至是再暴露反應,這些都是連續性照護重點 病例報告 - 用藥史 13 用藥史應包括藥名、劑量、頻次、用法 Note
  • 14. } [系統總覽 ROS]: - Positive for some baseline CP on exertion for the past 3~4 weeks, now with CP at rest } [理學檢查 PE]: - Gen: WDWN man, A & O x 3, still with ongoing chest pain, somewhat anxious - VS: BP 145/92, P 89, RR 18, T 37.1; Wt 95 kg, Ht 170 cm - HEENT: PERRLA, EOMI, fundi benign; TMs intact - Neck: No bruits; mild JVD; no thyromegaly 病例報告 - ROS & PE 14 系統總覽描述的是醫療人員對病人的「印象」
  • 15. } [理學檢查 PE]: - Lungs: Few dependent inspiratory crackles; bi- basilar rales; no wheezes - CV: Normal S1 and S2, no MRG - Abd: Soft, nontender; liver span 10~12 cm; no bruits - Genit/Rect: Deferred - MS/Ext: Normal ROM; muscle strength on right 5/5 UE/LE; on left 4/5 UE/LE; pulses 2+; no femoral bruits or peripheral edema - Neuro: CNs II–XII intact; DTRs decreased on left; negative Babinski's sign 病例報告 - PE 15
  • 16. 理學檢查是同學們最不熟悉的部份,試著去了解每項理學檢 查結果代表的意義,及這項檢查想要偵測的是什麼? 例如: - Lungs: Few dependent inspiratory crackles; bi- basilar rales; no wheezes 代表聽診時,病人吸氣時出現雜音,兩側肺底部有囉音,但 沒有哮喘音 [解析] 醫師藉由聽診得知病人可能有肺水腫 (pulmonary edema) 的問題,因此將安排胸部X光 或 心臟超音波檢查 病例報告 - PE 16 Note
  • 17. } [實驗室檢驗 LAB]: - Na 134 mEq/L Ca 9.8 mg/dL K 4.4 mEq/L Mg 2.0 mg/dL Cl 102 mEq/L PO4 2.4 mg/dL - Hgb 14.0 g/dL Hct 44% WBC 5.0 x 103/mm3 Plt 268 x 103/mm3 - PT 12.5 sec aPTT 32.4 sec INR 1.0 - T. chol 159 mg/dL Trig 92 mg/dL LDL 105 mg/dL HDL 36 mg/dL - AST 22 U/L ALT 30 U/L BUN 15 mg/dL SCr 1.0 mg/dL Alk Phos 75 U/L HbA1c 7.6% Glu 140 mg/dL Troponin I 8.6 ng/mL 病例報告 - LAB 17
  • 18. 實驗室檢驗值的重點在於判讀,而非高低,因此,應該避免 沒有頭腦的大盤趨勢圖 或 會計報表,而著重於某項 (或某 些) 檢驗值的異常 (或正常) 所代表的意義,例如: - Troponin I 8.6 ng/ml (0~0.50 ng/ml) [異常] [解析] Troponin是心肌受損時釋放出來的蛋白質,作為心肌 梗塞診斷與預後指標 - PT 12.5 sec aPTT 32.4 sec INR 1.0 [正常] [解析] 凝血功能將影響治療策略,決定是否使用抗凝血藥物 病例報告 - LAB 18 Note
  • 19. } [心電圖 ECG]: - ECG taken on arrival in the ED showing ST-segment elevation in leads II, III, and aVF. 病例報告 - Others 19
  • 20. } [評估 Assessment]: - Acute inferior STEMI 書中並非使用「診斷 (diagnosis)」一字,而是使用「評估 (assessment)」,避免僅列出病名,而非整體評估 } [問題 Questions]: - Problem identification - Outcome evaluation - Desired outcome - Patient education - Therapeutic alternatives - Optimal plan 病例報告 - A & Q 20 Note
  • 21. 藥物相關問題 } 什麼是藥物相關問題 (drug-related problem)? - 藥物相關問題分類: 國際上藥物相關問題分類眾多,包括ASHP、PCNE等 (Ann Pharmacother. 2004; 38: 859-67. PMID 15054145) 給藥後給藥前 未治療之適應症 應監測 (治療前) 無適應症治療 劑量、療程、用法不當 應監測 (治療後) 藥物、疾病交互作用 效果不佳、重複處方 有衛教需求 Note 21
  • 22. } [問題 Questions]: - Problem identification - Which findings in this patient's case history are consistent with acute STEMI? - What risk factors for the development of coronary artery disease are present in this patient? 這些問題多著重於讓同學們練習擷取並整理相關資訊,並進 一步抽絲剝繭列出危險因子;最好能根據症狀 (symptom)/ 病徵 (sign) 等線索排列;症狀通常是主觀的,而病徵通常是 客觀的 病例問題 – 病例內容 22 練習將病例資訊與疾病相呼應 判斷與疾病有關之危險因子Note
  • 23. 怎麼寫「SOAP」? } 病歷閱讀/SOAP繕寫 - S-O-A-P是一種「思考」,不是一種「表格」 常見錯誤: 寫 (抄) 的跟醫師一樣 (把診斷當作評估)、沒有問 題為導向 (不知道自己在寫什麼) 醫師版 藥師版 S (主觀) 病患主觀描述、外觀/症狀 同 O (客觀) 病患病史、檢查結果,實驗 室與相關檢查 同,更著重用藥史 A (評估) 診斷或臆測疾病 評估藥物相關問題 P (計畫) 治療或診斷 (疾病) 計畫 治療或診斷 (藥物不良 反應) 計畫 我跟你寫得不太一樣喔!! Note 23
  • 24. } [參考答案 Answers]: - Symptoms: A substernal, crushing, and pressure- like chest pain that radiates to his jaw and is accompanied by nausea and diaphoresis occurring at rest - Signs: High troponin I level, abnormal ECG findings (ST-segment elevation in inferior leads, and right bundle branches block) 建議可參考疾病診斷標準作答,參考資料包括教科書與疾病 診斷/治療指引 (不要只抄 !!) 病例問題 – 病例內容 24 Note 就是「SOAP」中的S&O
  • 25. } [參考答案 Answers]: - Modifiable risk factors of this patient: - Lifestyle: Smoking - Medical: Hyperlipidemia, type II DM, HTN and Hx of CAD - Risk factors cannot be modified: - Age - Family Hx of CHD 一個重要待常被忽略掉的危險因子是「藥物」,藥師們應試 著篩選是否有藥物可能誘發或導致該疾病的可能性 病例問題 – 病例內容 25 Note 應包括可改變與不可改變的危險因子
  • 26. } [問題 Questions]: - Desired Outcome - What is the immediate goal of therapy in this patient? - How can this goal be achieved using pharmacotherapy? 應避免空洞的目標: 治癒病人 (cure the patient)、緩解症 狀 (relieve the symptoms) 等 或過度窄化的目標: 醣化血色素 (HbA1c) <7%、血壓 (SBP/DBP) <135/80 mmHg 病例問題 – 病例內容 26 練習列出目前治療目標 針對該目標建議藥物治療 Note
  • 27. } [參考答案 Answers]: - The short-term goals of treatment for the ACS are: - Early restoration of blood flow to the infarct-related artery to prevent infarct expansion - Prevention of death and other MI complications - Prevention of coronary artery re-occlusion with re- infarction - Relief of ischemic chest discomfort - Resolution of ST-segment and T-wave changes on ECG 病例問題 – 病例內容 27
  • 28. 怎麼寫「SOAP」? } Medical problem: chest pain, not relieved by rest. S: O: A: ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI), additional therapy needed. P: 藥師版「SOAP」的重點是指出「藥物相關問題」,且之後 的計畫應該根據這個問題擬定目標與對策 28 這個是診斷 (diagnosis) 這是藥物相關問題 (drug-related problem) Note
  • 29. } [問題 Questions]: - Therapeutic Alternatives - What nonpharmacologic therapeutic alternative can also achieve the immediate goal in this patient? } [參考答案 Answers]: - Initial therapy: oxygen (all patients for first 6 hours, and then as needed to maintain SaO2 >90%) - Immediate primary PCI: balloon angioplasty or placement of a bare-metal or drug-eluting intra- coronary stent) 病例問題 – 病例內容 29
  • 30. } [問題 Questions]: - Therapeutic Alternatives - What is the role of adjunctive anticoagulant therapy during PCI, and how should these therapies be monitored? } [參考答案 Answers]: - Parenteral anticoagulants should be used to patients undergoing PCI (ACCF/AHA Class I, Level C) - Consider using enoxaparin at time of PCI in patients who have not received prior antithrombin therapy (ACCF/AHA Class IIb, Level B) 病例問題 – 病例內容 30
  • 31. } [參考答案 Answers]: - Monitor parameters of parenteral anticoagulants: - Efficacy: - Safety: S&S of bleeding (e.g. uncontrolled bleeding from injection sites, hemoglobin drop of unknown cause) 病例問題 – 病例內容 31 Anticoagulant Parameters Unfractioned heparin (UFH) aPTT Low-molecule weight heparin (LMWH) Anti-Xa Fondaparinux Anti-Xa Bivalirudin aPTT or ACT除了療效更應該有安全性指標
  • 32. } [問題 Questions]: - Therapeutic Alternatives - What is the role of adjunctive antiplatelet therapy before, during, and after PCI, and how should these therapies be monitored? } [參考答案 Answers]: - Aspirin 162-325 mg should be given (chewed) on first day of STEMI and continued indefinitely at 75- 162 mg once daily unless “true aspirin allergy” (ACC/AHA Class I, Level A) 病例問題 – 病例內容 32 藥物治療建議常遺漏「療程」
  • 33. } [參考答案 Answers]: - Clopidogrel 75 mg orally once daily recommended in addition to aspirin in patients with STEMI whether or not they have reperfusion therapy (including fibrinolytic therapy) (ACC/AHA Class I, Level A), duration at least 14 days and up to 1 year - Alternatives to clopidogrel include: - Prasugrel (Effient) in patients having PCI (ACCF/AHA Class I, Level B) - Ticagrelor (Brilinta) 180 mg then 90 mg twice daily (ACCF/AHA Class I, Level B) 病例問題 – 病例內容 33
  • 34. } [問題 Questions]: - Therapeutic Alternatives - What are other important goals of therapy in this patient? } [參考答案 Answers]: - The long-term goals following MI are to - Control modifiable CHD risk factors - Prevent the development of systolic HF - Prevent recurrent MI and stroke - Prevent death, including sudden cardiac death 病例問題 – 病例內容 34
  • 35. } [問題 Questions]: - Therapeutic Alternatives - Based on the history and presentation, what initial drug therapy is indicated in this patient? } [參考答案 Answers]: - The initial drug therapy of this patient would be: - Aspirin 300 mg ST followed by 100 mg PO QD - Clopidogrel 300 mg ST followed by 100 mg PO QD - Enoxparin 1 mg/kg (a maximum dose of 100 mg is recommended for the first 2 doses) SQ Q12H 病例問題 – 病例內容 35
  • 36. } [參考答案 Answers]: - Nitroglycerin 10 mcg/min IVF for persistent discomfort due to ischemia, control of high blood pressure, or treatment of pulmonary edema - Carvedilol 12.5 mg PO BID - Captopril 6.25 mg PO TID - Atorvastatin 10 mg PO QD - Metformin 500 mg PO BID (resume after PCI) 藥物治療應有詳盡的藥名、劑量、途徑、頻次,有特定使用 方式則說明 病例問題 – 病例內容 36 Note
  • 37. } [問題 Questions]: - Outcome Evaluation - How should the recommended therapy be monitored for efficacy and adverse effects? } [參考答案 Answers]: - Efficacy: - Relief of ischemic discomfort - Return of ECG changes to baseline - Absence or resolution of HF signs 病例問題 – 病例內容 37
  • 38. } [參考答案 Answers]: - Adverse effects: 病例問題 – 病例內容 38 Drug Adverse effects Monitoring Aspirin Dyspepsia, bleeding, gastritis Clinical signs of bleeding, gastrointestinal upset; baseline CBC and platelet count; CBC platelet count Q6M Clopidogrel Bleeding, diarrhea, rash, TTP (rare) Same as aspirin IV Nitrates Hypotension, flushing, headache, tachycardia BP and HR Q2H 針對每一種藥物列出追蹤指標 有追蹤頻率將會更好
  • 39. } [參考答案 Answers]: 病例問題 – 病例內容 39 Drug Adverse effects Monitoring Enoxaparin Bleeding, heparin- induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) Clinical signs of bleeding; baseline SCr, aPTT, INR, CBC and platelet count; daily CBC, daily CBC and SCr Carvedilol Hypotension, bradycardia, heart block, broncho- spasm, acute heart failure, fatigue BP, HR, and clinical signs of heart failure every shift during oral administration during hospitalization, then BP and HR Q6M following hospital discharge
  • 40. } [參考答案 Answers]: 病例問題 – 病例內容 40 Drug Adverse effects Monitoring Captopril Hypotension, cough, hyper- kalemia, prerenal azotemia, acute renal failure, angioedema BP Q2H x 3 for first dose, then every shift during oral administration during hospitalization, then once Q6M following hospital discharge; baseline SCr and K; daily SCr and K while hospitalized Atorvastatin GI upset, myopathy, hepatotoxicity LFT at baseline, at 6 wks, and after titration to highest dose, then annually thereafter; counsel patient on myalgia
  • 41. } [療程 Clinical Course]: 病例導讀 – 病例內容 41 2/18 15:40 2/21 9:002/18 14:40 ED PCI Echocardio- graphy Dx of STEMI 2/18 8:00 Breakfast 2/18 14:00 Chest pain onset Discharged Post-PCI care 2/18 16:20 PCI Eptifabatide MONA, UFH, and metoprolol Clopidogrel
  • 42. } [問題 Questions]: - Patient Education - Based on his hospital course, which discharge medications would be most appropriate for this patient? - What education should you provide to this patient? } [參考答案 Answers]: - For secondary prevention of myocardial infarction, those are this patient needed… 病例問題 – 病例內容 42
  • 43. } [參考答案 Answers]: - To prevention LV remodeling following MI - ACEIs, beta-blockers, and selective aldosterone receptor antagonists have been shown to prevent it and reduce mortality of these patients 病例問題 – 病例內容 43
  • 44. } [參考答案 Answers]: - Aspirin 100 mg PO QD indefinitely - Clopidogrel 100 mg PO QD at least 1 month - Carvedilol 12.5 mg PO BID - Lisinopril 20 mg PO QD - Atorvastatin 10 mg PO QD - Metformin 1 gm PO BID 短期 (緩解心肌缺血症狀) 與長期 (預防再次心肌梗塞) 藥物 治療目標不同,應針對目標而有不同治療策略 病例問題 – 病例內容 44 Note
  • 45. } [療程 Clinical Course]: - Six months later, he states that he is really trying to exercise more and eat better. He has been taking all of his medications. - He states there are some pain in his calves and thighs, and he thinks at he has it is due to his walking exercise regimen he started 4 months ago. - It is bothering him enough that he has had to stop walking every day. 病例導讀 – 病例內容 45
  • 46. } [療程 Clinical Course]: - Labs reveal the following: - TC 135 mg/dL TG 89 mg/dL HDL 39 mg/dL LDL 78 mg/dL - CK 450 IU/L - Vitals: BP 130/80 mmHg and P 65 bpm. } [後續問題 Follow-Up Question]: - What is the cause of this patient's myopathy and how should his regimen be modified taking into consideration his adverse effects and his goal LDL? 病例導讀 – 病例內容 46
  • 47. } 內文: - 字型大小: 10人以上「24」以上為佳 - 字型挑選: 勿使用太細、太扭曲的字體 - 內文呈現: 條列式,勿長篇大論 - 內容數量: 30分鐘約30~35張、50分鐘約40~45張、60分 鐘不要超過50張 } 圖表: - 大小適中: 填半版以上至少需300x400大小 - 務必清晰: PDF檔向量擷圖最清晰 簡報製作 47 標題重點是「你想告訴聽眾什麼?」
  • 48. } 上台前: - 放鬆活動: 全身放鬆一下!走走動動會比坐在原地緊張好 - 內容提示: 在投影片中放內容提示比寫稿子死背好 } 演講時: - 肢體眼神: 肢體 (手為主) 活動較能聚焦,眼神與聽眾要能 接觸 (別只看著螢幕或某個奇怪的地方) - 語調聲音: 輕重緩急、發音清楚 } 演講後: - 回答問題: 掌握記錄、點頭、重覆與回覆四項要點 - 解決問題: 擱置爭議、聲東擊西、反問聽眾 演講技巧 48
  • 49. } 提供準備病例報告同學建議: - 至少花時間練習1~2個病例 - 第1個通常只拿50分,但第2個可以進步到75分 建議參考教科書,並配合最新治療指引 - 從定義、症狀、診斷、治療到預後 [別只看治療] 想要贏在起跑點,只有早點起跑 「從準備報告中學習」才是報告最大 的目的 結語 49 1 2 3