3. 第6回全国電動義手研究会 2015年4月5日(日)@兵庫リハ
MEC (MyoElectric Control conference)
? 概要
– 1972年から開催されるシンポジウム
– 2002年から3年に1回の学会形式
– (ほぼ)電動義手だけ。シングルセッション3日間。
– 開催場所
? カナダ ニューブランズウィック州 フレデリクトン
– Since 1972, the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at the
University of New Brunswick has been hosting the MEC
Symposium in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. Since
2002, the it has been held triennially. The Symposium is
immediately preceded by various courses and workshops with
world leading content for clinicians and researchers.
25. 第6回全国電動義手研究会 2015年4月5日(日)@兵庫リハ
? A Comparison of the Effects of Electrode Implantation
and Targeting on Pattern Classification Accuracy for
Prosthesis Control
? Todd R. Farrell, Member, IEEE* and Richard F. ff. Weir,
Member, IEEE
? IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. Sep 2008; 55(9): 2198–2211.
26. 第6回全国電動義手研究会 2015年4月5日(日)@兵庫リハ
? A repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed that
when only EMG amplitude information was used from all
available EMG channels, the targeted surface, targeted
intramuscular, and untargeted surface electrodes
produced similar classification accuracies while the
untargeted intramuscular electrodes produced
significantly lower accuracies. However, no statistical
differences were observed between any of the electrode
conditions when additional features were extracted from
the EMG signal. It was concluded that the choice of
electrode should be driven by clinical factors, such as
signal robustness/stability, cost, etc., instead of by
classification accuracy.
30. 第6回全国電動義手研究会 2015年4月5日(日)@兵庫リハ
AOPA Statement on 3-D Printing in
Prosthetics and Frequent Errant Estimates
of the Average Cost of Upper and Lower
Limb Custom-Fabricated Prosthetic Devices
? America’s prosthetic and orthotic health professionals deliver patient – centered care
each day to persons of all ages whose mobility has been compromised by limb loss
and chronic limb impairment. This includes the commitment for trained, licensed and
accredited health professionals delivering cost efficient care that also meets all
patient protections established via federal and state statutes and rules, utilizing
devices that satisfy all FDA requirements. We are intrigued by the emerging 3-D
technologies outlined in several recent TV, print and Web-based media reports, while
noting that in many cases the care featured involves instances that do not fully
comply with FDA rules and/or federal or state licensure and accreditation
requirements. We must also underscore that these reports frequently include serious
inaccuracies in characterizing current costs of federally compliant advanced upper
extremity prosthetics as between $40,000 and $80,000, when actual costs are often
only about one-twentieth of those amounts ($1,500 to $5,000). All who share a true
commitment to quality care would strongly encourage media involved in preparing
and fact-checking such reports to be cognizant of these rampant inaccuracies, even
as we all watch with great interest how new and promising patient treatment options
may be evolving.
31. 第6回全国電動義手研究会 2015年4月5日(日)@兵庫リハ
AOPA Statement on 3-D Printing in
Prosthetics and Frequent Errant Estimates
of the Average Cost of Upper and Lower
Limb Custom-Fabricated Prosthetic Devices
? America’s prosthetic and orthotic health professionals deliver patient – centered care
each day to persons of all ages whose mobility has been compromised by limb loss
and chronic limb impairment. This includes the commitment for trained, licensed and
accredited health professionals delivering cost efficient care that also meets all
patient protections established via federal and state statutes and rules, utilizing
devices that satisfy all FDA requirements. We are intrigued by the emerging 3-D
technologies outlined in several recent TV, print and Web-based media reports, while
noting that in many cases the care featured involves instances that do not fully
comply with FDA rules and/or federal or state licensure and accreditation
requirements. We must also underscore that these reports frequently include serious
inaccuracies in characterizing current costs of federally compliant advanced upper
extremity prosthetics as between $40,000 and $80,000, when actual costs are often
only about one-twentieth of those amounts ($1,500 to $5,000). All who share a true
commitment to quality care would strongly encourage media involved in preparing
and fact-checking such reports to be cognizant of these rampant inaccuracies, even
as we all watch with great interest how new and promising patient treatment options
may be evolving.