Twitter & Facebook for Emergencies and OutreachMisty Montano
The document discusses best practices for using social media like Twitter and Facebook for emergency outreach. It recommends establishing an organization's social media policy and goals before deciding which networks to use. During emergencies, social media can provide timely updates but organizations should be the authoritative source of information. Some tips include developing communities on Facebook and followers on Twitter, using hashtags, and mapping incidents. It's important for organizations to invest time to build social media presence so they are seen as the leader in their community during emergencies.
This document discusses various social media tools that can be used for reporting, including Facebook, Twitter, and apps. It provides information on using hashtags and lists on Facebook and Twitter, how to search each platform, trends features, alerts, and mapping tools to find sources. The document also lists several apps that can be helpful for tasks like listening to police scanners, tracking social media chatter, editing video, recording interviews, note-taking, and translating.
Twitter & Facebook for Emergencies and OutreachMisty Montano
The document discusses best practices for using social media like Twitter and Facebook for emergency outreach. It recommends establishing an organization's social media policy and goals before deciding which networks to use. During emergencies, social media can provide timely updates but organizations should be the authoritative source of information. Some tips include developing communities on Facebook and followers on Twitter, using hashtags, and mapping incidents. It's important for organizations to invest time to build social media presence so they are seen as the leader in their community during emergencies.
This document discusses various social media tools that can be used for reporting, including Facebook, Twitter, and apps. It provides information on using hashtags and lists on Facebook and Twitter, how to search each platform, trends features, alerts, and mapping tools to find sources. The document also lists several apps that can be helpful for tasks like listening to police scanners, tracking social media chatter, editing video, recording interviews, note-taking, and translating.
Este manual tiene como objetivo establecer una metodologa general para que los departamentos y organismos de la Administracin General del Estado puedan revisar sus procedimientos desde la ptica de la simplificacin administrativa y la reduccin de cargas. El manual propone cuatro fases para este proceso: 1) descripcin del procedimiento actual, 2) reingeniera del procedimiento para simplificarlo y reducir cargas, 3) implantacin de los cambios y cuantificacin de ahorros, y 4) evaluacin continua mediante indicadores.
El documento habla sobre el uso de la tecnologa digital e Internet en la ense?anza de las ciencias sociales. Menciona pginas web y recursos digitales tiles para ense?ar historia e incluye una discusin sobre las facilidades y complicaciones del uso de las TIC en el aula, como la falta de preparacin tcnica de los maestros y la sobrecarga de informacin para los estudiantes. Tambin analiza cmo los ni?os pueden hacer inferencias a partir de fuentes histricas.
El documento resume la teora del autor sobre la naturaleza humana. Propone que los seres humanos son energa pura que forma parte del universo. Se han moldeado para cumplir ciertos objetivos a travs de reencarnaciones, purificando el alma para integrarse al universo. Las religiones han manipulado a la humanidad con miedos y culpas en lugar de permitir que las personas asuman responsabilidad por sus propias acciones. El autor cree que los seres humanos experimentan el "cielo e infierno" a travs de sus v
Our classroom aims to promote student health through developing knowledge, understanding, and practical skills related to physical and mental well-being. Students explore topics like feelings, emotions, identity, health, decision making, teamwork, and community through activities that build skills, foster friendships, and encourage students to do their best while having fun.
This experiment studied standing waves by measuring the length of an air column needed in a tube for a sound to be heard from different tuning forks. The length increased as the tuning fork period increased. A linear relationship was found between the tuning fork period and average air column length. The experiment could be improved by using more tuning forks and tubes of varying diameters to collect more data points and analyze additional variables.
Web 3.0 refers to the next stage of development of the World Wide Web, characterized by greater integration between online and real world experiences. Groupon is seen as an example of Web 3.0 by combining social networking features, location-based deals, and reviews all in a single online location. However, Web 3.0's future is uncertain as the internet continues to rapidly change and new technologies could emerge that transform how people interact with the virtual and real world. Both potential pros like encouraging real world interactions and cons like overdependence on the internet are discussed.
PDHPE in primary schools teaches children about healthy lifestyles, relationships, and their own growth and development. It explores the importance of physical activity, healthy eating, and understanding how the body works. PDHPE also addresses social and emotional topics like bullying and adapting to change. The goal is to educate children to make positive health choices now and in the future through engaging lessons that are fun and interactive.
The document provides an overview of the respiratory system including what it includes, how it works, why we need it, common diseases and illnesses, and ways to protect the respiratory system. The respiratory system includes the lungs, airways, diaphragm, windpipe, throat, mouth, and nasal passages. It works by bringing air into the lungs through the nose and mouth, distributing it through the bronchi and into the blood, and then removing carbon dioxide through exhalation. We need the respiratory system to provide oxygen to all our cells. Common respiratory illnesses include asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Ways to protect the respiratory system include not smoking, avoiding air pollution, and regular exercise.
This document discusses shifts that are occurring in platform making. These shifts include moving from organizing activity to aligning with a shared purpose, from consumers to community co-generation, from management to curation and culture, from rule-based systems to design-based systems, from being finance-driven to being rich data-driven, from focusing on shareholder value to stakeholder value, and from decision power to empowering people to take action. The document advocates for these shifts in how platforms are created and structured.
Electronic medical records (EMR) are software tools that contain a patient's health information and can be accessed by healthcare professionals from any location within a healthcare system. EMRs replace paper medical records by providing a searchable database for patient data, a means of communication between providers, and tools that can improve documentation, order management, and quality of patient care. While EMRs offer benefits like increased accessibility and flexibility, their adoption faces challenges such as potential privacy violations, inadequate staff training on complex systems, and technology issues. Overall, EMRs are seen as important for the future of healthcare in providing effective clinical documentation, services, and patient outcomes.
This document provides information about two individuals, Claudia Santos and Paul Spencer, and discusses a mobile application for real-time targeted advertising. It introduces Claudia as a Brazilian cinema manager living in Portugal, and Paul as an American student also living in Portugal. The document then outlines the mobile application's features for customer discovery, retention, and merchant efficiency, as well as targeting ads based on location, personalization, and privacy controls. It proposes targeting cinemas, restaurants, and last-minute deals and generating revenue through partnerships, events, and commissions.
privacy protection law and patent filings practice. Key provisions in an Amended Act and its oractical implications in Korea. Responsibiltie of Patent Attorneys and companies when filing patent applications of employees.
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A person is identifiable if additional information can be obtained without
unreasonable effort, allowing the identification of the data subject by
name and any means. - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights,
Council of Europe, "Handbook on European data protection law" 2013
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