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51 Northvale Road, Markham, Ontario L6B 1H3
Home Phone (905) 554-3592
Cell Phone (647) 232-7978
 Excellent knowledge of the Rules of Civil Procedure, Court of Appeal,
Divisional Court and Federal Court Rules
 Excellent knowledge of Quicklaw & related research data bases
 Excellent knowledge of PC Law Pro, docketing and account preparation
 Proficient in the use and maintenance of the Summation database
 Ability to work with large volumes of documents within tight deadlines
 Proficient on Microsoft Word and Word Perfect Applications, familiar
with Power Point, Excel and Isis Draw (chemical drawing program)
 Hard working, resourceful, with superior communication and inter
personal skills
 Organized, focused, confident, adaptable, self-motivated and enthusiastic
 Striving to improve knowledge and work efficiently through taking part in
seminars and courses offered by the firm
 Involved in firm sponsored events, activities and functions
O.S.G.D. Riverdale Collegiate Institute
Law Clerk Certificate (Estates), George Brown College
Law Clerk Certificate (Corporate), George Brown College
Law Clerk Certificate (Real Estate), George Brown College
Law Clerk Certificate (Litigation), George Brown College
Law Clerk Diploma, Toronto School of Business
Ordinary Member, The Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario
April 2012-Present Law Clerk, Papazian Heisey Myers LLP
Management of multiple types of insurance litigation files
Preparation of various forms of pleadings in accordance with court rules
Preparation of Affidavit of Documents, Statement of Issues and Pre-Trial
Reviewing Transcripts and completing Undertaking, Refusals, etc.
Prepare Memos for/liaise with external clients
Working together with counsel and corporate clients in managing litigation
involving the corporate clients both in Ontario and across Canada
January 2011-February 2012 Law Clerk, Sun Life Financial (Mat. Leave
Management of multiple types of insurance litigation files
Preparation of various forms of pleadings in accordance with court rules
Preparation of Affidavit of Documents, Mediation and Pre-Trial Briefs
Reviewing Transcripts and completing Undertaking, Refusals, etc.
Prepare Memos for/liaise with internal clients
Working together with in-house counsel and outside counsel managing litigation
involving the company both in Ontario and across Canada
June 2010- December 2010 Law Clerk, WeirFoulds LLP (Six Month
Management of multiple types of litigation files
Preparation of various forms of originating processes in accordance with court
Preparation of pleadings for filing
Maintain, input and update files in Summation
Reviewing Transcripts for Undertaking, Refusals, etc.
Preparation of charts of Answers to Undertaking, etc.
Prepare memos for/liaise with Court Filing Clerks
Conduct legal and technical research on various data bases
Liaison with clients
May 2007-March 2010 Law Clerk, Dimock Stratton LLP
Management of high-volume of Trade-Mark litigation files
Preparation of various forms of originating processes in accordance with court
Preparation of pleadings (Motion Record, Notice of Appeal, etc.) for filing
Preparation of Answers to Undertaking
Conduct filings with the Federal Court of Canada
Conduct legal and technical research on various data bases
Liaison with clients and experts
Maintain, input and update files in Summation
Assist with the preparation and filing of Trade-Mark Opposition matters
February 2006-February 2007 IP Coordinator, Gowling Lafleur Henderson
LLP (Calgary)
Review incoming correspondence from CIPO and the USPTO
Update Intellectual Property in-house data base re: filing deadlines received from
both CIPO and the USPTO
Prepare reporting letters to clients regarding
Prepare correspondence to client re: various filing requirements, reminders of
impending deadlines, and reporting Office Action from CIPO and the USPTO
Forwarding to clients Notice of Advertisement, Allowance and Registered Patent
and Trade-Mark documents
Preparation of on-line Trade-Mark Applications, Revised Application and
Review of the Trade-Mark Journal on a weekly basis for Advertised Trade-
Preparation of Correspondence to CIPO to pay filing fees, file Assignment
documents and payment of Maintenance Fees
August 2003 - February 2006 Intellectual Property Law Clerk, Kestenberg
Siegal Lipkus LLP
Management of high-volume of Trade-Mark infringement files
Preparation of Motion Records, Statements of Claim and Default Judgments
Conduct filings with the Federal Court of Canada
Liaison with clients, investigators in the field and dealing various accounting
Attending on enforcement actions to preserve clients intellectual property
September 2001  August 2003 Intellectual Property Law Clerk, Hitchman
& Sprigings LLP
Preparation of various forms of originating processes in accordance with court
Preparation of pleadings (Motion Record, Notice of Appeal, etc.) for filing
Preparation of Answers to Undertaking
Conduct searches for Patents, Trade-Marks, Industrial Designs and Trade-Mark
file histories through the Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Conduct legal and technical research on various data bases
Liaison with clients and experts
2001 Litigation Law Clerk (Contract Position), Ministry of the Attorney
General-Crown Law Office
Assisting in the compilation and preparation of extensive Affidavits of
2001 Member, Document Review Team Re: Walkerton Inquiry (Contract
Position), Ontario Clean Water Agency
Reviewing and redacting sensitive materials in preparation for public release

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  • 1. PATRICK TAYLOR 51 Northvale Road, Markham, Ontario L6B 1H3 Home Phone (905) 554-3592 Cell Phone (647) 232-7978 pat_c_taylor@hotmail.com QUALIFICATIONS Excellent knowledge of the Rules of Civil Procedure, Court of Appeal, Divisional Court and Federal Court Rules Excellent knowledge of Quicklaw & related research data bases Excellent knowledge of PC Law Pro, docketing and account preparation Proficient in the use and maintenance of the Summation database Ability to work with large volumes of documents within tight deadlines Proficient on Microsoft Word and Word Perfect Applications, familiar with Power Point, Excel and Isis Draw (chemical drawing program) Hard working, resourceful, with superior communication and inter personal skills Organized, focused, confident, adaptable, self-motivated and enthusiastic Striving to improve knowledge and work efficiently through taking part in seminars and courses offered by the firm Involved in firm sponsored events, activities and functions EDUCATION O.S.G.D. Riverdale Collegiate Institute Law Clerk Certificate (Estates), George Brown College Law Clerk Certificate (Corporate), George Brown College Law Clerk Certificate (Real Estate), George Brown College Law Clerk Certificate (Litigation), George Brown College Law Clerk Diploma, Toronto School of Business PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP Ordinary Member, The Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario
  • 2. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY April 2012-Present Law Clerk, Papazian Heisey Myers LLP Management of multiple types of insurance litigation files Preparation of various forms of pleadings in accordance with court rules Preparation of Affidavit of Documents, Statement of Issues and Pre-Trial Briefs Reviewing Transcripts and completing Undertaking, Refusals, etc. Prepare Memos for/liaise with external clients Working together with counsel and corporate clients in managing litigation involving the corporate clients both in Ontario and across Canada January 2011-February 2012 Law Clerk, Sun Life Financial (Mat. Leave Contract) Management of multiple types of insurance litigation files Preparation of various forms of pleadings in accordance with court rules Preparation of Affidavit of Documents, Mediation and Pre-Trial Briefs Reviewing Transcripts and completing Undertaking, Refusals, etc. Prepare Memos for/liaise with internal clients Working together with in-house counsel and outside counsel managing litigation involving the company both in Ontario and across Canada June 2010- December 2010 Law Clerk, WeirFoulds LLP (Six Month Contract) Management of multiple types of litigation files Preparation of various forms of originating processes in accordance with court rules Preparation of pleadings for filing Maintain, input and update files in Summation Reviewing Transcripts for Undertaking, Refusals, etc. Preparation of charts of Answers to Undertaking, etc. Prepare memos for/liaise with Court Filing Clerks Conduct legal and technical research on various data bases Liaison with clients May 2007-March 2010 Law Clerk, Dimock Stratton LLP Management of high-volume of Trade-Mark litigation files Preparation of various forms of originating processes in accordance with court rules Preparation of pleadings (Motion Record, Notice of Appeal, etc.) for filing Preparation of Answers to Undertaking Conduct filings with the Federal Court of Canada Conduct legal and technical research on various data bases Liaison with clients and experts Maintain, input and update files in Summation Assist with the preparation and filing of Trade-Mark Opposition matters
  • 3. February 2006-February 2007 IP Coordinator, Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP (Calgary) Review incoming correspondence from CIPO and the USPTO Update Intellectual Property in-house data base re: filing deadlines received from both CIPO and the USPTO Prepare reporting letters to clients regarding Prepare correspondence to client re: various filing requirements, reminders of impending deadlines, and reporting Office Action from CIPO and the USPTO Forwarding to clients Notice of Advertisement, Allowance and Registered Patent and Trade-Mark documents Preparation of on-line Trade-Mark Applications, Revised Application and Responses Review of the Trade-Mark Journal on a weekly basis for Advertised Trade- Marks Preparation of Correspondence to CIPO to pay filing fees, file Assignment documents and payment of Maintenance Fees August 2003 - February 2006 Intellectual Property Law Clerk, Kestenberg Siegal Lipkus LLP Management of high-volume of Trade-Mark infringement files Preparation of Motion Records, Statements of Claim and Default Judgments Conduct filings with the Federal Court of Canada Liaison with clients, investigators in the field and dealing various accounting issues Attending on enforcement actions to preserve clients intellectual property September 2001 August 2003 Intellectual Property Law Clerk, Hitchman & Sprigings LLP Preparation of various forms of originating processes in accordance with court rules Preparation of pleadings (Motion Record, Notice of Appeal, etc.) for filing Preparation of Answers to Undertaking Conduct searches for Patents, Trade-Marks, Industrial Designs and Trade-Mark file histories through the Canadian Intellectual Property Office Conduct legal and technical research on various data bases Liaison with clients and experts 2001 Litigation Law Clerk (Contract Position), Ministry of the Attorney General-Crown Law Office Assisting in the compilation and preparation of extensive Affidavits of Documents 2001 Member, Document Review Team Re: Walkerton Inquiry (Contract Position), Ontario Clean Water Agency Reviewing and redacting sensitive materials in preparation for public release