This company provides consulting services for mobile engagement and payments solutions to help retailers and payment providers improve customer experience and accelerate adoption of mobile payments. It has expertise in areas like reducing card acceptance costs, embracing digital channels, innovation and technology strategies, customer engagement, payment market transformations, and mobile app development. The company aims to serve the needs of card issuers, retailers, merchant processors, payment service providers, and mobile payment providers.
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2015-11-30 Mobile Engagement and Payments
1. Mobile Engagement and Payments
We design m-commerce solutions for retailers and the payment industry
to improve your customer experience and accelerating m-payment
2. Our Areas Of Expertise
Take advantage of a comprehensive analysis of your
credit and debit card cost and identify specific
actions that will create significant margin
improvements when implemented.
Embrace digital channels and bring greater
transparency and control to the way you
communicate and engage delivering a
differentiated service experience.
Reduce Card Acceptance Cost Embrace Digital Channels
We believe a consulting firm should be more than an adviser.So we put ourselves in our clients shoes,
selling outcomes, not projects.We align our incentives with our clients by linking our fees to their results
and collaborate to unlock the full potential of their business.
3. Our Areas Of Expertise
Learn how consumers will interact with banks and
merchants that will drive how they pay. Mobile use
will reinvent commerce, reduce points of friction
and the user experience.
Get the inside scoop on EMV acceptance to make
informed decisions before your invest in new EMV
POS terminals and any required system changes.
Innovation &Technology EMV Strategy and Planning
We believe a consulting firm should be more than an adviser.So we put ourselves in our clients shoes,
selling outcomes, not projects.We align our incentives with our clients by linking our fees to their results
and collaborate to unlock the full potential of their business.
4. Our Areas Of Expertise
The concept and practice of online customer
engagement enables organizations to respond to
the fundamental changes in customer behavior, as
well as to the increasing ineffectiveness of the
traditional broadcast model of advertising..
Learn how mobile marketing can provide customers
with personalized information that promotes goods,
services, and events. By adding predictive behavior
modeling and analytics you can take a quantum leap
in promotion acceptance.
Customer Engagement Strategies Mobile Marketing Relevancy
We believe a consulting firm should be more than an adviser.So we put ourselves in our clients shoes,
selling outcomes, not projects.We align our incentives with our clients by linking our fees to their results
and collaborate to unlock the full potential of their business.
5. Our Areas Of Expertise
While continuing to focus on customer-facing
innovation, payment services providers (PSPs) must
transform their payments processing to keep pace
with the changes taking place at the customer-
facing end of the payments.
Results by Design develops enterprise-class
platforms for mobile app development to build
enterprise-grade apps that can be quickly and
continuously improved in response to market
dynamics and changes.
Payment MarketTransformation Mobile APP Development
We believe a consulting firm should be more than an adviser.So we put ourselves in our clients shoes,
selling outcomes, not projects.We align our incentives with our clients by linking our fees to their results
and collaborate to unlock the full potential of their business.
6. Card Issuers
Financial institutions must differentiate themselves, refine their strategies, and raise
execution game if they want to remain competitive in the payments market. We have
programs specific for card issuers to work with them to innovate new solutions
engage their consumers and integrate online payments functions. Talk to uswe can
Drive incremental sales while protecting margins and reducing payment acceptance
costly mistakes by understanding the facts about EMV liabilities, EVM terminal
payments, Mobile POS, and apps designed for improving your customer experience.
industry expertise to your full advantage in this rapidly changing payment world and
your card processing costs are as low as possible.
Merchant Processors
Identify new value added services to increase revenue and margins while creating
differentiation. Accurately understanding how the market payment systems eco-
change and the opportunities these shifts will create is of utmost importance for your
and budgeting. Leverage our global payment expertise to seize market share.
Markets We Serve
We offer financial institutions, retailers, payment service providers, POS integration
businesses and mobile payment providers custom designed strategies and product
designs that consist of an array of revenue enhancing applications and cost reduction
7. ISV - VARS - POS Integrators
The complexity and liability issues of card processing have become enormous over
several years. Tokenization, Encryptions, PCI Compliance, Multiple Mobile Payments
EMV terminal upgrades, Least cost payment routing schemes, consumer P2P and
help you and your clients navigate through these issues saving time and money.
Mobile Payments Providers
Driving Value and Market Adoption of Mobile PaymentsValue is best when
power of the value added Apps and the Wallet. Consumers move toward digital
demanding that products and services be made faster, deliver more intelligence and
around a better customer experience. There is no turning back.
Markets We Serve
We offer financial institutions, retailers, payment service providers, POS integration
businesses and mobile payment providers custom designed strategies and product
designs that consist of an array of revenue enhancing applications and cost reduction
8. Experience - Our associates have in-depth experience in all phases of the retail
point of sale and payments industries, including a working relationship with most
involved in the mobile payments and commerce space, globally.
Passion - We share the insight and vision that translates into the heartbeat of the
payments industry. The teams strength covers the dynamics necessary in
relevant innovation to the payment and retail worlds.
Insight - We know security; the economic impact of payments cost; vertical market
differences; dynamics of social networking; and impact of technology on the retail
Industry Connections - Our members are vested with major banks; card
associations; leading global and regional merchants; and with the movers and
internet taking leadership in the mobile payments and commerce revolution.
Leadership - All of our associates are former executives from blue-chip banks, tech
companies, card & merchant processors and management consultancies. We have
done that been there experience to guide our clients.
About Us
Our working approach combines human-centered design, lean startup methods and agile
software development techniques in carrying out market and consumer research, and in
developing our prototype digital services and technology development efforts.
9. Who Weve Helped
Results by Design has the blend of technical, business, creative and industry
connections to bring your mobile commerce strategy to life quickly and
10. Seattle - 425-931-4665
San Francisco - 678-428-1666
Atlanta - 678-428-1420
Tampa - 813-335-3018
Contact Us