[독서노트] 김재규 평전-바람없는 천지에 꽃이 피겠나Benjamin Chang-Kwon Chung비록 박정희와 육사 동기지만 5.16에 가담하지 않았고 유신체제에 대한 비판의식이 있었던 김재규. 그는 재판에서도 박정희에 대한 ‘각하' 호칭을 사용하는 등의 한계가 있었지만 민주주의에 대한 확고한 역사관 철학으로 네 번째 저격으로 뜻을 이뤘다. 혼란스러운 과도기에 전두환은 치밀하고 신속하게 정권을 찬탈했다. 박정희와 그 옹호 세력들이 일을 처리하는 방식은 큰 충격을 준다.
ashraf cv SalesAshraf AliAshraf Ali Gomaa is seeking a new position and has over 15 years of experience in sales, customer service, and event planning. He holds a degree from Cairo University and is proficient in English, Arabic, Microsoft Office, and general computer skills. His career includes positions in medical sales, customer service, call center management, real estate, and event planning. He has a proven track record of achieving sales targets and providing excellent customer service.
Lets Plan AheadDelroy V.W. MukungatuThis document discusses several ideas related to strategic planning in businesses:
- Strategic planning should involve employees at all levels of a company and become part of the company culture, not just a task for top officials.
- Successful companies like Google and Facebook use an open concept that allows employees to pitch ideas directly to leadership.
- Companies should make use of all their resources, including ideas from employees at all levels, as these employees may have solutions the company has not considered.
- Entry-level employees from colleges can provide innovative ideas through mentorship programs.
- Managing human resources and ideas well can improve strategic planning by generating more ideas for the company's future.
Traduccion de clase 2ray831104This document discusses personal protective equipment (PPE) recommendations for safe power tool use. It notes that power tools present more hazards than hand tools due to their higher speeds. Eye protection like safety glasses is essential, and certain tools may require a face shield as well to protect from hot metal particles. Gloves can protect hands from minor cuts but not moving blades, so operators should keep hands on tool handles. Safety footwear with steel toes is advised, and ear protection may be needed for high noise levels. Proper clothing like tied back hair is also important for safety.
Blog Interview Meredith KahnThis document summarizes guidelines for choosing hay for hunter and jumper horses. It recommends selecting hay of mid maturity, as more mature hays are less digestible but easier keepers do well on mature hay. Legumes are generally higher quality than grasses if baled at similar maturity levels. The ideal amount of grain for average hunters and jumpers performing moderate work is 14.4 lbs of concentrate and 9.6 lbs of forage daily for a 1,200 lb horse, split into multiple meals. The ideal body condition score for hunters and jumpers according to the Henneke system is a 5 out of 9.
Materi kelas 9zuhrotunnisa95Seni budaya lokal yang islami di Indonesia berupa seni arsitektur, ukir, kaligrafi, tari, musik, pertunjukkan, dan sastra. Tradisi Islam di Nusantara merupakan perpaduan antara ajaran agama Islam dengan adat setempat seperti halal bihalal, kupatan, dugderan, sekaten, kerobok maulid, dan grebek besar.
FINALIZED REPORT_Rev1Dawa JungThe Senate Task Force on the Delivery of Social Services in New York City held a public forum on April 16, 2015 to discuss the state of the social services delivery system. Commissioner Steve Banks testified about the services provided by the Human Resources Administration, including cash assistance, SNAP benefits, Medicaid, child support services, homeless prevention assistance, and employment programs. Concerns raised included homelessness, work sanction policies, language access issues, services for children, funding for nonprofits, services for seniors, and work/training opportunities. Technological improvements and streamlining processes were discussed as ways to address issues around applications getting lost in the system.
Resume-2Cheyenne JacksonCheyenne Jackson has over 12 years of experience in the United States Air Force, progressing from an Aircraft Armament System Apprentice to an Aircraft Armament System Craftsman. He has comprehensive experience in maintenance, troubleshooting, problem solving, and leadership. His career highlights include identifying issues that saved hundreds of thousands of dollars and training over 50 personnel. He maintains a high level of performance and a strong record of accomplishment.
Rpp smtr 1 fikihmaksudikedungkelorRencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran ini membahas tentang mengenal ketentuan zakat, khususnya zakat maal dan zakat fitrah. Materi pembelajaran meliputi pengertian, hukum, tata cara menunaikan, dan golongan penerima zakat. Siswa diajak mempraktekkan menyerahkan zakat fitrah secara langsung dan mendiskusikan hikmah di baliknya.
thesisAddie EvansThis thesis examines the use of phylogenetic invariants and inequalities to infer small phylogenetic trees from genetic data. The author tests the effectiveness of these algebraic statistics methods over a broad range of simulated data for trees with 3 to 5 taxa. Additionally, the author analyzes real genetic data from 3 and 4 taxa to evaluate the performance of phylogenetic invariants and inequalities. Key results include an analysis of how performance varies with the number of genetic sites, branch lengths, and evolutionary models. This research helps establish the utility of algebraic statistics approaches for phylogenetic tree inference.
ashraf cv SalesAshraf AliAshraf Ali Gomaa is seeking a new position and has over 15 years of experience in sales, customer service, and event planning. He holds a degree from Cairo University and is proficient in English, Arabic, Microsoft Office, and general computer skills. His career includes positions in medical sales, customer service, call center management, real estate, and event planning. He has a proven track record of achieving sales targets and providing excellent customer service.
Lets Plan AheadDelroy V.W. MukungatuThis document discusses several ideas related to strategic planning in businesses:
- Strategic planning should involve employees at all levels of a company and become part of the company culture, not just a task for top officials.
- Successful companies like Google and Facebook use an open concept that allows employees to pitch ideas directly to leadership.
- Companies should make use of all their resources, including ideas from employees at all levels, as these employees may have solutions the company has not considered.
- Entry-level employees from colleges can provide innovative ideas through mentorship programs.
- Managing human resources and ideas well can improve strategic planning by generating more ideas for the company's future.
Traduccion de clase 2ray831104This document discusses personal protective equipment (PPE) recommendations for safe power tool use. It notes that power tools present more hazards than hand tools due to their higher speeds. Eye protection like safety glasses is essential, and certain tools may require a face shield as well to protect from hot metal particles. Gloves can protect hands from minor cuts but not moving blades, so operators should keep hands on tool handles. Safety footwear with steel toes is advised, and ear protection may be needed for high noise levels. Proper clothing like tied back hair is also important for safety.
Blog Interview Meredith KahnThis document summarizes guidelines for choosing hay for hunter and jumper horses. It recommends selecting hay of mid maturity, as more mature hays are less digestible but easier keepers do well on mature hay. Legumes are generally higher quality than grasses if baled at similar maturity levels. The ideal amount of grain for average hunters and jumpers performing moderate work is 14.4 lbs of concentrate and 9.6 lbs of forage daily for a 1,200 lb horse, split into multiple meals. The ideal body condition score for hunters and jumpers according to the Henneke system is a 5 out of 9.
Materi kelas 9zuhrotunnisa95Seni budaya lokal yang islami di Indonesia berupa seni arsitektur, ukir, kaligrafi, tari, musik, pertunjukkan, dan sastra. Tradisi Islam di Nusantara merupakan perpaduan antara ajaran agama Islam dengan adat setempat seperti halal bihalal, kupatan, dugderan, sekaten, kerobok maulid, dan grebek besar.
FINALIZED REPORT_Rev1Dawa JungThe Senate Task Force on the Delivery of Social Services in New York City held a public forum on April 16, 2015 to discuss the state of the social services delivery system. Commissioner Steve Banks testified about the services provided by the Human Resources Administration, including cash assistance, SNAP benefits, Medicaid, child support services, homeless prevention assistance, and employment programs. Concerns raised included homelessness, work sanction policies, language access issues, services for children, funding for nonprofits, services for seniors, and work/training opportunities. Technological improvements and streamlining processes were discussed as ways to address issues around applications getting lost in the system.
Resume-2Cheyenne JacksonCheyenne Jackson has over 12 years of experience in the United States Air Force, progressing from an Aircraft Armament System Apprentice to an Aircraft Armament System Craftsman. He has comprehensive experience in maintenance, troubleshooting, problem solving, and leadership. His career highlights include identifying issues that saved hundreds of thousands of dollars and training over 50 personnel. He maintains a high level of performance and a strong record of accomplishment.
Rpp smtr 1 fikihmaksudikedungkelorRencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran ini membahas tentang mengenal ketentuan zakat, khususnya zakat maal dan zakat fitrah. Materi pembelajaran meliputi pengertian, hukum, tata cara menunaikan, dan golongan penerima zakat. Siswa diajak mempraktekkan menyerahkan zakat fitrah secara langsung dan mendiskusikan hikmah di baliknya.
thesisAddie EvansThis thesis examines the use of phylogenetic invariants and inequalities to infer small phylogenetic trees from genetic data. The author tests the effectiveness of these algebraic statistics methods over a broad range of simulated data for trees with 3 to 5 taxa. Additionally, the author analyzes real genetic data from 3 and 4 taxa to evaluate the performance of phylogenetic invariants and inequalities. Key results include an analysis of how performance varies with the number of genetic sites, branch lengths, and evolutionary models. This research helps establish the utility of algebraic statistics approaches for phylogenetic tree inference.
1. 인권에는 양보가 없습니다!
442-844 수원시 팔달구 행궁로 28 2층 전화/213-2105 팩스/215-4395 http://www.rights.or.kr
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수 신 언론사 사회부 담당자 앞
제 목 복면금지법 발의, 민주노총 경기도본부 압수수색 규탄 새누리당 기자회견
담 당 010-5608-0288 안은정 (다산인권센터), 010-7163-7296 김한민 (민주노총 경기본부)
날 짜 2015. 12. 1 (화)
보 도 자 료
기자회견 순서
헌법에 보장된 집회시위의 자유를 가로막는
박근혜 정권과 새누리당이 불법세력이다.
일시 : 2015년 12월 1일 화요일 오전 11시 새누리당 경기도당 앞
1. 여는 발언 : 경기 민주언론연합 민진영 사무처장
2. 복면금지법 및 집회시위의 자유 통제 관련 규탄 발언 : 다산인권센터 안은정
3. 민주노총 경기도본부 압수수색 규탄 발언 : 민주노총 경기도본부 부본부장 안종기
4. 기자회견문 낭독
항의서한 전달
2. 인권에는 양보가 없습니다!
442-844 수원시 팔달구 행궁로 28 2층 전화/213-2105 팩스/215-4395 http://www.rights.or.kr
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헌법에 보장된 집회시위의 자유를 가로막는
박근혜 정권과 새누리당이 불법세력이다.
지난 11월 14일 민중총궐기 이후 박근혜 정권과 새누리당은 시민들의 목소리를 불법으
로 통제하며 원색적인 비난을 쏟아내고 있다. 공권력의 과잉진압으로 생사를 헤매는 농
민에게 사과의 말 한마디 없이 오히려 박근혜 대통령은 시위대가 입장을 관철하기 위해
폭력을 사용하는 점은 IS와 다르지 않다는 막말을 하고 있다. 이에 발맞춰 새누리당 의
원들 역시도 복면금지법을 발의하고, 시위대 실명제를 실시해야 한다며 집회시위의 자
유를 통제하려 하고 있다. 시민들이 거리로 나온 이유를 들으려 하지 않고, 불법/폭력으
로만 치부하고 집회시위의 자유마저도 통제하려는 박근혜 정권과 새누리당의 저의는 무
박근혜 정권과 새누리당의 입막음은 21일 민주노총 압수수색에 이어, 27일 민주노총
경기도본부 압수수색으로 이어졌다. 폭력시위의 물품을 찾겠다는 압수수색은 폭력시위의
근절이 목표가 아니라, 말하고자 하는 이들을 틀어막기 위한 공권력 남용의 다른 이름
이었다. 또한 불법세력의 배후로 민주노총 한상균 위원장을 지목하면서, 조계사에 대한
공권력 투입을 예고하고 있다. 노동개악, 역사교과서 국정화, 세월호 참사 진상 규명등
문제를 제기하는 이들에 대한 압수수색과 표적 탄압은 유신시절과 크게 다르지 않은 모
박근혜 정권 초기부터 자행되는 역사 되돌리기는 많은 시민들의 분노를 자아내고 있다.
304명의 국민이 사라져간 세월호 참사, 노동하는 이들의 권리마저 박탈하려는 노동개
악, 역사를 마음대로 주무르려는 역사교과서 국정화 문제등 일방적이고, 폭력적인 결정
과정은 민주주의의 역사를 역행하는 과정이었다. 민주주의의 기본은 말할 자유와 자유
롭게 모일 수 있는 권리를 기반으로 한다. 어떠한 시민도 이에 차별 받고, 통제 받아서
는 안 되는 것이 인권의 기본원칙이다. 이런 인권의 기본원칙마저도 무시하는 박근혜
정권과 새누리당이 무슨 인권과 민주주의를 말할 자격이 있는가? 박근혜 대통령과 새누
리당의 IS 발언에 전 세계가 주목하며 우려를 표하고 있다. 자국민을 테러범으로 모는
정권이 과연 국민을 위한 정권과 정당인가?
12월 5일 2차 총궐기가 준비되고 있다. 박근혜 정권과 새누리당은 ‘폭력집회로 개최될
가능성이 크다며’ 금지통보를 했다. 집회시위의 자유라는 헌법적 권리마저도 임의로 차
단하고, 부정하는 박근혜 정권과 새누리당에게 묻는다. 과연 누가 불법인가? 불법과 폭
력의 이분법 속에 집회시위의 자유와 민주주의를 가두지 마라! 통제와 억압으로 자유와
민주주의를 굴복시킬 수 없다.
3. 인권에는 양보가 없습니다!
442-844 수원시 팔달구 행궁로 28 2층 전화/213-2105 팩스/215-4395 http://www.rights.or.kr
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경기시민사회단체 연대회의, 경기민권연대, 경기 민언련, 고용복지경기센터, 수원평화포
럼, 노동자계급정당 경기추진위, 노동당 수원/오산/화성 당원협의회, 다산인권센터, 수원
목회자연대, 수원 여성회, 수원 일하는 여성회, 수원 의료사회적 협동조합, 수원진보연
대, 수원청년회, 수원환경운동연합, 알바노조 수원지부 (준), 역사와 진실 , 인권교육 온
다, 전국 학교 비정규직노동조합 수원지부, 정의당 수원지역위원회, 풍물굿패 삶터, 한국
민주노총 경기본부, 수원용인오산화성지부, 평택안성지부, 안산지부, 부천시흥김포지부,
경기중부지부,성남하남광주지부, 이천여주양평지부, 경기북부지부, 고양파주,건설노조 수
도권 남부본부, 공공운수노조ㆍ연맹 경기본부, 금속노조 경기지부, 농협노조 경인본부,
민주일반연맹 경기본부, 보건의료노조 경기본부, 전교조 경기지부, 공무원노조 경기본부,
농협노조경기본부,화학섬유연맹 수도권본부, 서비스연맹