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Tracie Elizabeth Rezzelle
NAME: Tracie Rezzelle
TITLE: Educator
ADDRESS: 6020 NW Gower Circle
Kansas City, MO 64151
TELEPHONE: 816-729-8555
E-MAIL: tracie.rezzelle@gmail.com
WEBSITE: http://tracierezzelle.com
2009 Kansas State University
ESL (English as Second Language) Certification
2008 Northwest Missouri State University
Master of Science in Education-Reading
2003 San Francisco State University
Early Childhood/Urban Education Certification
2000 University of Maryland-College Park
Bachelor of Arts-Communication
May 2013 - Kansas City, KS Public School District  USD500 (KCKPS)
Aug 2003 Second/Third Grade/ESL Looping Teacher
 Standards driven instruction to whole/small group settings
 Guided reading to varied reading levels, often ESL and low language
 Researched and implemented oral language development under the
leadership of Dr. Diana Geisler, ESL consultant Bueno Group
 Was a school role model for oral language development, modeled and
presented during staff development
 Worked closely with school team to strengthen language development
of students
 Following training directly from TERC, used Math Investigations as
mathematics curriculum for ten years
 Trained in Writers Workshop through district development with
instructional coaches
 Participated in statewide SIT (Student Intervention Team) process for
supporting students with special needs
May 2010- SLS Tutoring Service-Kansas City, KS
Sep 2005 Tutor
Worked with small groups during reading tutoring, implementing reading
strategies as well as oral language development
Aug 2009- Kansas City, KS Public School District  USD500 (KCKPS)
Jun 2005 Summer School Teacher
01/11/16 1
Tracie Elizabeth Rezzelle
Taught students kindergarten through fourth grade during summer school
Sep 2003- Berkeley Arts Magnet-Berkeley, CA
Jun 2003 Student Teacher
Worked with Master Teacher in a Kindergarten classroom; began the year with
observation, ended by leading most classes
Jun 2003- JFK Pre School- Daly City, CA
Dec 2002 Volunteer/Observation Reading Buddy
Read with pre-k students building early reading and language skills
May 2002- Jewish Coalition for Literacy-Oakland, CA
May 2001 Volunteer Reading Buddy for Early Elementary Students
Read with students of the coalition, once a week
Aug 2002- Score! Education Centers-Livermore, CA
Jan 2000 Educational Director
 Held conferences with students and families to establish baselines and
set progress standards
 Helped students develop study plans to achieve their goals
 Led computer based after school tutoring
 Managed staff of tutors
 Community outreach to share the program goals to encourage
May 1999- Prince Georges Developmental Clinic-College Park, MD
Jan 1999 Volunteer Tutor
Worked with young children with developmental delays focusing on social and
academic skills
2012 May Staff Development Douglass Elementary: Presentation on using sentence stems
during instruction and how effective they are in promoting academic language.
2012 Feb Staff Development Douglass Elementary: I created a presentation as a part of
our school improvement plan leading staff development on bullying.
2011 Aug Staff Development Douglass Elementary: Presentation revealing the research
and results of my oral language projects (one with Dr. Geisler and one
independent study). As a result many teachers implemented the plan in their
own classrooms. Through the year, I supported, observed and modeled for some
of the teachers.
2008 Oct Staff Development Whittier Elementary: Presentation on building academic
language to prepare students for state testing.
2008 Feb Staff Development Whittier Elementary: Shared my experience with building
oral language skills during instruction and the effect of improving reading.
2008 Apr Staff Development Whittier Elementary: Presentation on using Reciprocal
Teaching with and the success I had with my students.
01/11/16 2
Tracie Elizabeth Rezzelle
2007 Sep Staff Development Whittier Elementary: Presentation sharing the summer
reading program I had implemented and the success I had with my students. As
a school we decided to adopt the program for the following summer.
2011-2012 New Teacher Interview Committee Member
2011-2012 School Improvement Team-Douglass Elementary
2009 (Apr) Literacy Night Committee Organizer-Whittier Elementary
2008-2009 SIT Team Coordinator
2008-2009 School Improvement Team-Whittier Elementary
2008-2009 Oral Language Development Research and Development Team for Whittier
2007-2008 New Teacher Interview Committee Member
May 2009 Kansas State University ESL certification, passed the Praxis in 2009
2010-2011 In 2010 I moved to a new school, Douglass Elementary. At Douglass there were
ELL students, however there was a higher African American population, than
Whittier (where I had moved from). Though the African American students
were native English speakers, their language skills were low. I decided to apply
my findings from the oral language research with Dr. Geisler and Dr. Donnell. I
administered a similar vocabulary and language assessment with my class. I
used the same oral language strategies I used at Whittier during our research.
After a month I gave another assessment. The scores improved. We continued to
use the same language building, and oral language practice, and after another
month, the scores again increased and reading levels began to improve. I used
the oral language, and fluency program all year. In May the students, many of
whom were struggling readers, made significant growth.
2007-2009 Under the leadership of Diana Geisler and Wendy Donnell, we researched and
implemented the effect language has on reading and overall success with ESL
and low language students. In almost every situation, by supporting a students
language through rich, oral language development, their reading improved.
2007 As a portion of my reading masters program during a research methods class, I
studied the impact of summer reading on a students progress, or in most cases
regression, from an absence of reading during the summer. I researched and
implemented my plan with a small group of students from my class. Because the
results were both statistically sound and frightening from a real-world
perspective, after presenting my findings to my team, we used the data to spring
board into a summer reading program for the entire school, the following
2012-2013 Lemov, Doug (2010) Teach Like a Champion (1st
edition) San Francisco:
01/11/16 3
Tracie Elizabeth Rezzelle
The purpose of using this text was to study the techniques employed by those
teachers considered to be champions of our field. We stove to improve our
teaching and we found success in many ways. My goal has been and will always
continue to be building strategies to prepare my students to be the best learners
they could be; and to share these strategies with all whom they may help.
2011-2012 Harwood, Nigel (2010) English Language Teaching Materials: Theory and
Practice (illustrated ed) Cambridge University Press
As we worked together as a staff to meet the needs of our ELL population, we
used this book to understand language acquisition, and best practice to support
our students.
2010-2011 Delpit, Lisa D (2006) Other Peoples Children (New ed) New York: New
The purpose of reading this book was to gain sensitivity and understanding of
our students. We undertook this study in my seventh year as an educator in an
urban setting and while I had long since developed a deep respect for those
engaged in triad of urban education: student, parent, teacher -- I was reminded
of the importance of understanding the culture of the children we work with on a
daily basis.
2010-2011 Anderson, Lorin W (2009) A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and
Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
(abridged ed.) New York: Longman
As a staff we realized the importance of asking high level thinking questions,
similar to what students are required to answer during assessments. We chose
this book to strengthen and explore our knowledge of Blooms Taxonomy. The
book was helpful in our planning of Blooms questioning.
2009-2010 Atwell, Nancie (2007) The Reading Zone (1st
ed) New York: Scholastic
During this school year, we were exploring using Readers Workshop, in
addition to Guided Reading. This book helped to reinforce reading in high
volume, and strategies to get students to think critically.
2003-2013 Every Wednesday we had staff development through KCKPS. During those two
hours, we would evaluate the needs of our school and plan our development
based on those needs. During the ten years as a teacher, we researched, learned,
and facilitated many subjects. Typically the topics we covered were school
improvement; biggest areas of need, how can we support those areas, reading
and language development, math development, and behavioral needs.
2012-2013 KCKPS Mentor Training
2011-2012 Attended training session with ENI consulting, to evaluate ways to improve
student success.
2010-2011 KCKPS Mentor Training
2008 Jun Kansas Reading Academy
2006 Jun Kansas Student Intervention Team Training
01/11/16 4
Tracie Elizabeth Rezzelle
2005-2006 Reading First Development
2005 Sep Writers Workshop Training, Instructor: Lucy Calkins
2004 Summer TERC Math Investigations Training Workshop
2011-2012 Kansas City, KS USD 500 -- Star Teacher for Douglass Elementary for School
Year 2011-12
2009-2010 Douglass Dolphin Award-School Award for Dedication to Education
2008-2009 Whittier Teacher of the Month-Awarded for Outstanding Staff Development for
Reading and Oral Language.
My experience working in urban education has made me aware of the vast inequalities for students
of low income, urban schools. I see amazing students overcome adversity every day and prove that
circumstance is not the only predictor of outcome. I wonder often, though, how many students
cant overcome the inequalities that fall outside of their control. I have great passion for
researching social, political, and economic issues within the context of urban education. I would
like to use this passion to attain a PhD in Urban Education and to continue to change our world.
Alan Schlichting(Former KCKPS Principal)
Director, Student Support Services
5050 Barranca Parkway
Irvine, CA 92604
Wendy Johnson Donnell, Ph.D (Former KCKPS Literacy and Language Coach)
Assistant Professor for Literacy
School of Education
Avila University
Amy Culey (Former KCKPS Colleague-Team Teacher)
1220 Orville
Kansas City, KS 66102
(913) 634-0985
01/11/16 5
Tracie Elizabeth Rezzelle
2005-2006 Reading First Development
2005 Sep Writers Workshop Training, Instructor: Lucy Calkins
2004 Summer TERC Math Investigations Training Workshop
2011-2012 Kansas City, KS USD 500 -- Star Teacher for Douglass Elementary for School
Year 2011-12
2009-2010 Douglass Dolphin Award-School Award for Dedication to Education
2008-2009 Whittier Teacher of the Month-Awarded for Outstanding Staff Development for
Reading and Oral Language.
My experience working in urban education has made me aware of the vast inequalities for students
of low income, urban schools. I see amazing students overcome adversity every day and prove that
circumstance is not the only predictor of outcome. I wonder often, though, how many students
cant overcome the inequalities that fall outside of their control. I have great passion for
researching social, political, and economic issues within the context of urban education. I would
like to use this passion to attain a PhD in Urban Education and to continue to change our world.
Alan Schlichting(Former KCKPS Principal)
Director, Student Support Services
5050 Barranca Parkway
Irvine, CA 92604
Wendy Johnson Donnell, Ph.D (Former KCKPS Literacy and Language Coach)
Assistant Professor for Literacy
School of Education
Avila University
Amy Culey (Former KCKPS Colleague-Team Teacher)
1220 Orville
Kansas City, KS 66102
(913) 634-0985
01/11/16 5

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2015-6-7 -Tracie Rezzelle CV

  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE Tracie Elizabeth Rezzelle NAME: Tracie Rezzelle TITLE: Educator ADDRESS: 6020 NW Gower Circle Kansas City, MO 64151 TELEPHONE: 816-729-8555 E-MAIL: tracie.rezzelle@gmail.com WEBSITE: http://tracierezzelle.com EDUCATION: 2009 Kansas State University ESL (English as Second Language) Certification 2008 Northwest Missouri State University Master of Science in Education-Reading 2003 San Francisco State University Early Childhood/Urban Education Certification 2000 University of Maryland-College Park Bachelor of Arts-Communication EXPERIENCE: May 2013 - Kansas City, KS Public School District USD500 (KCKPS) Aug 2003 Second/Third Grade/ESL Looping Teacher Standards driven instruction to whole/small group settings Guided reading to varied reading levels, often ESL and low language students Researched and implemented oral language development under the leadership of Dr. Diana Geisler, ESL consultant Bueno Group Was a school role model for oral language development, modeled and presented during staff development Worked closely with school team to strengthen language development of students Following training directly from TERC, used Math Investigations as mathematics curriculum for ten years Trained in Writers Workshop through district development with instructional coaches Participated in statewide SIT (Student Intervention Team) process for supporting students with special needs May 2010- SLS Tutoring Service-Kansas City, KS Sep 2005 Tutor Worked with small groups during reading tutoring, implementing reading strategies as well as oral language development Aug 2009- Kansas City, KS Public School District USD500 (KCKPS) Jun 2005 Summer School Teacher 01/11/16 1
  • 2. CURRICULUM VITAE Tracie Elizabeth Rezzelle Taught students kindergarten through fourth grade during summer school Sep 2003- Berkeley Arts Magnet-Berkeley, CA Jun 2003 Student Teacher Worked with Master Teacher in a Kindergarten classroom; began the year with observation, ended by leading most classes Jun 2003- JFK Pre School- Daly City, CA Dec 2002 Volunteer/Observation Reading Buddy Read with pre-k students building early reading and language skills May 2002- Jewish Coalition for Literacy-Oakland, CA May 2001 Volunteer Reading Buddy for Early Elementary Students Read with students of the coalition, once a week Aug 2002- Score! Education Centers-Livermore, CA Jan 2000 Educational Director Held conferences with students and families to establish baselines and set progress standards Helped students develop study plans to achieve their goals Led computer based after school tutoring Managed staff of tutors Community outreach to share the program goals to encourage participation May 1999- Prince Georges Developmental Clinic-College Park, MD Jan 1999 Volunteer Tutor Worked with young children with developmental delays focusing on social and academic skills INSTRUCTION PROVIDED: 2012 May Staff Development Douglass Elementary: Presentation on using sentence stems during instruction and how effective they are in promoting academic language. 2012 Feb Staff Development Douglass Elementary: I created a presentation as a part of our school improvement plan leading staff development on bullying. 2011 Aug Staff Development Douglass Elementary: Presentation revealing the research and results of my oral language projects (one with Dr. Geisler and one independent study). As a result many teachers implemented the plan in their own classrooms. Through the year, I supported, observed and modeled for some of the teachers. 2008 Oct Staff Development Whittier Elementary: Presentation on building academic language to prepare students for state testing. 2008 Feb Staff Development Whittier Elementary: Shared my experience with building oral language skills during instruction and the effect of improving reading. 2008 Apr Staff Development Whittier Elementary: Presentation on using Reciprocal Teaching with and the success I had with my students. 01/11/16 2
  • 3. CURRICULUM VITAE Tracie Elizabeth Rezzelle 2007 Sep Staff Development Whittier Elementary: Presentation sharing the summer reading program I had implemented and the success I had with my students. As a school we decided to adopt the program for the following summer. COMMITTEES: 2011-2012 New Teacher Interview Committee Member 2011-2012 School Improvement Team-Douglass Elementary 2009 (Apr) Literacy Night Committee Organizer-Whittier Elementary 2008-2009 SIT Team Coordinator 2008-2009 School Improvement Team-Whittier Elementary 2008-2009 Oral Language Development Research and Development Team for Whittier Elementary 2007-2008 New Teacher Interview Committee Member CERTIFICATIONS: May 2009 Kansas State University ESL certification, passed the Praxis in 2009 RESEARCH PROJECTS: 2010-2011 In 2010 I moved to a new school, Douglass Elementary. At Douglass there were ELL students, however there was a higher African American population, than Whittier (where I had moved from). Though the African American students were native English speakers, their language skills were low. I decided to apply my findings from the oral language research with Dr. Geisler and Dr. Donnell. I administered a similar vocabulary and language assessment with my class. I used the same oral language strategies I used at Whittier during our research. After a month I gave another assessment. The scores improved. We continued to use the same language building, and oral language practice, and after another month, the scores again increased and reading levels began to improve. I used the oral language, and fluency program all year. In May the students, many of whom were struggling readers, made significant growth. 2007-2009 Under the leadership of Diana Geisler and Wendy Donnell, we researched and implemented the effect language has on reading and overall success with ESL and low language students. In almost every situation, by supporting a students language through rich, oral language development, their reading improved. 2007 As a portion of my reading masters program during a research methods class, I studied the impact of summer reading on a students progress, or in most cases regression, from an absence of reading during the summer. I researched and implemented my plan with a small group of students from my class. Because the results were both statistically sound and frightening from a real-world perspective, after presenting my findings to my team, we used the data to spring board into a summer reading program for the entire school, the following summer. PROFESSIONAL BOOK STUDIES: 2012-2013 Lemov, Doug (2010) Teach Like a Champion (1st edition) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass 01/11/16 3
  • 4. CURRICULUM VITAE Tracie Elizabeth Rezzelle The purpose of using this text was to study the techniques employed by those teachers considered to be champions of our field. We stove to improve our teaching and we found success in many ways. My goal has been and will always continue to be building strategies to prepare my students to be the best learners they could be; and to share these strategies with all whom they may help. 2011-2012 Harwood, Nigel (2010) English Language Teaching Materials: Theory and Practice (illustrated ed) Cambridge University Press As we worked together as a staff to meet the needs of our ELL population, we used this book to understand language acquisition, and best practice to support our students. 2010-2011 Delpit, Lisa D (2006) Other Peoples Children (New ed) New York: New Press The purpose of reading this book was to gain sensitivity and understanding of our students. We undertook this study in my seventh year as an educator in an urban setting and while I had long since developed a deep respect for those engaged in triad of urban education: student, parent, teacher -- I was reminded of the importance of understanding the culture of the children we work with on a daily basis. 2010-2011 Anderson, Lorin W (2009) A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (abridged ed.) New York: Longman As a staff we realized the importance of asking high level thinking questions, similar to what students are required to answer during assessments. We chose this book to strengthen and explore our knowledge of Blooms Taxonomy. The book was helpful in our planning of Blooms questioning. 2009-2010 Atwell, Nancie (2007) The Reading Zone (1st ed) New York: Scholastic During this school year, we were exploring using Readers Workshop, in addition to Guided Reading. This book helped to reinforce reading in high volume, and strategies to get students to think critically. CONTINUING EDUCATION: 2003-2013 Every Wednesday we had staff development through KCKPS. During those two hours, we would evaluate the needs of our school and plan our development based on those needs. During the ten years as a teacher, we researched, learned, and facilitated many subjects. Typically the topics we covered were school improvement; biggest areas of need, how can we support those areas, reading and language development, math development, and behavioral needs. 2012-2013 KCKPS Mentor Training 2011-2012 Attended training session with ENI consulting, to evaluate ways to improve student success. 2010-2011 KCKPS Mentor Training 2008 Jun Kansas Reading Academy 2006 Jun Kansas Student Intervention Team Training 01/11/16 4
  • 5. CURRICULUM VITAE Tracie Elizabeth Rezzelle 2005-2006 Reading First Development 2005 Sep Writers Workshop Training, Instructor: Lucy Calkins 2004 Summer TERC Math Investigations Training Workshop PROFESSIONAL AWARDS AND RECOGNITION: 2011-2012 Kansas City, KS USD 500 -- Star Teacher for Douglass Elementary for School Year 2011-12 2009-2010 Douglass Dolphin Award-School Award for Dedication to Education 2008-2009 Whittier Teacher of the Month-Awarded for Outstanding Staff Development for Reading and Oral Language. FUTURE PLANS: My experience working in urban education has made me aware of the vast inequalities for students of low income, urban schools. I see amazing students overcome adversity every day and prove that circumstance is not the only predictor of outcome. I wonder often, though, how many students cant overcome the inequalities that fall outside of their control. I have great passion for researching social, political, and economic issues within the context of urban education. I would like to use this passion to attain a PhD in Urban Education and to continue to change our world. REFERENCES: Alan Schlichting(Former KCKPS Principal) Director, Student Support Services 5050 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 92604 Aschlich@iusd.org Wendy Johnson Donnell, Ph.D (Former KCKPS Literacy and Language Coach) Assistant Professor for Literacy School of Education Avila University 816-501-3667 Wendy.Doneell@avila.edu Amy Culey (Former KCKPS Colleague-Team Teacher) 1220 Orville Kansas City, KS 66102 (913) 634-0985 ajculey@hotmail.com 01/11/16 5
  • 6. CURRICULUM VITAE Tracie Elizabeth Rezzelle 2005-2006 Reading First Development 2005 Sep Writers Workshop Training, Instructor: Lucy Calkins 2004 Summer TERC Math Investigations Training Workshop PROFESSIONAL AWARDS AND RECOGNITION: 2011-2012 Kansas City, KS USD 500 -- Star Teacher for Douglass Elementary for School Year 2011-12 2009-2010 Douglass Dolphin Award-School Award for Dedication to Education 2008-2009 Whittier Teacher of the Month-Awarded for Outstanding Staff Development for Reading and Oral Language. FUTURE PLANS: My experience working in urban education has made me aware of the vast inequalities for students of low income, urban schools. I see amazing students overcome adversity every day and prove that circumstance is not the only predictor of outcome. I wonder often, though, how many students cant overcome the inequalities that fall outside of their control. I have great passion for researching social, political, and economic issues within the context of urban education. I would like to use this passion to attain a PhD in Urban Education and to continue to change our world. REFERENCES: Alan Schlichting(Former KCKPS Principal) Director, Student Support Services 5050 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 92604 Aschlich@iusd.org Wendy Johnson Donnell, Ph.D (Former KCKPS Literacy and Language Coach) Assistant Professor for Literacy School of Education Avila University 816-501-3667 Wendy.Doneell@avila.edu Amy Culey (Former KCKPS Colleague-Team Teacher) 1220 Orville Kansas City, KS 66102 (913) 634-0985 ajculey@hotmail.com 01/11/16 5