Marcin Ewý is a Polish architect born in 1990. He received his Master's degree in Architecture from the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Kraków University in 2014. His master's project "Nowy Kleparz 2.0", a revitalization of the Nowy Kleparz marketplace in Kraków, won the BDA-SARP Award in 2015 and was nominated for another award. He has professional experience working in architectural firms and using Revit. He also creates 3D visualizations and has experience organizing architectural and cultural events.
Cv Maciej Lutomski EngomaciejoMaciej Lutomski is a graphic designer from Poland with over 20 years of experience in projects involving DTP, multimedia, web design, animation, and visual design. He has worked on projects for clients such as the National Theater in Warsaw, Bank Database Systems,, Galeco, Manus Media Group, Micromedia, Orange, Polish Card, and Design Front. Lutomski founded his own design studio, EM Studio, in 2006 and has since led projects involving 2D and 3D design, packaging, web design, animations, and more.
Workshop mit Narcissus Quagliatalenz2012Im September 2013 findet ein Workshop mit Glaskünstler Narcissus Quagliata bei DERIX Glasstudios in Taunusstein statt. Der weitgehend englischsprachige Workshop steht unter dem Titelmotto: "HOW TO MARKET, TO PRESENT AND TO SELL ARCHITECTURAL ART GLASS? LEARN IT!"
Präsentation Dalia Sabah Juni 2015 PLherbert1977The document summarizes Dalia Sabah's experience as an intern in Poland through the "azubi europa" program. Over 12 days, she visited Krakow and Gdansk, participating in workshops and visits to local companies and schools. In Krakow, she toured the Wieliczka Salt Mine and Auschwitz concentration camp. In Gdansk, she presented on the German education system and toured the Gdansk University of Technology. The internship provided opportunities for professional and cultural exchange, as well as personal growth through international travel.
Prueba tercera parcial de deontologiaDEYSITATIANAIBEl documento resume los resultados de un examen de 10 preguntas sobre deontología jurídica. El estudiante respondió correctamente a 9 de las 10 preguntas y obtuvo una calificación del 90%. Las preguntas cubrieron temas como el rol de los profesionales del derecho en la sociedad, la ética jurídica, y las características de la conciencia y la imparcialidad que deben guiar a los abogados.
Pythonic way of using BTRFS featuresIT61Голышев Евгений Константинович, backend-разработчик в TradingView,
В докладе речь пойдет о том, как правильно привлекать различные низкоуровневые возможности операционных систем для решения тех или иных задач, будет рассказываться о разработке модулей расширения и других способах взаимодействие с кодом, написанном на C, из программ, написанных на Python. В качестве примера рассматривается питоновский подход к использованию специфических для файловой системы BTRFS возможностей, таких как создание и удаление снапшотов.
Innovaciones para vivir bien en casa cuando las personas tienen una situación...Fundación Pilares para la autonomía personalPublicación que contiene experiencias y propuestas innovadoras provenientes de diferentes países de Europa (Países Nórdicos, Alemania, Francia, Gran Bretaña, España…), en relación con los servicios de atención en el domicilio y en el entorno, las ofertas de vivienda para toda la vida, programas de adaptación de viviendas, el papel de la tecnología y las TIC para vivir en el domicilio y experiencias y buenas prácticas de coordinación sociosanitaria.
Prueba cuarta parcial de ciencia de estadoDEYSITATIANAIBPrueba cuarta parcial de ciencia de estado
Herramientas web 2Ronny PilicitaPrezi es un programa de presentaciones basado en la nube que permite a los usuarios crear presentaciones no lineales con una interfaz gráfica de zoom, lo que les da la capacidad de acercarse y alejarse de diferentes secciones. Esta herramienta se usa comúnmente en entornos educativos para crear presentaciones dinámicas y no lineales.
REPL в Node.js: улучшаем быт разработчикIT61Что такое REPL, как он устроен и какие крутые возможности в нём заложены. Поговорим о выполнении кода в REPL и о том как работает автокомплит в динамических языках. Ответим на вопрос что такое vm.runInContext, перехватим парочку промисов, сделаем вывод результатов действительно приятным и даже узнаем как подгрузить нужные модули и не подать виду. В заключение рассмотрим потрясающие возможности, которые даёт нам инфраструктура npm и как это всё можно использовать в работе.
Доклад ориентирован на тех, кому небезынтересен мир Node.js, но будет доступен также и более широкому кругу JS-разработчиков. Надеюсь, для кого-нибудь этот доклад станет очередной ступенькой в изучении любимого языка.
CV_Rajiv_Sharmarajiv sharmaRajiv Sharma is seeking a challenging position that utilizes his 5-6 years of experience in quality and testing. He has a degree and diploma in electronics and telecommunications engineering. His experience includes quality documentation, testing cables and products, process validation, supplier meetings, and rejection analysis. He is proficient in quality tools like FMEA, SPC, and has worked at Huber+Suhner and Interface Micro System in quality engineering and testing engineering roles respectively.
Representative Partner PlacementsJohn JamesonThe document lists numerous representative placements of partners from one law firm to another. Specifically, it outlines over 50 instances of partners, counsel, and associates moving between various law offices in California, primarily in Los Angeles and Orange County. The placements span multiple practice areas, including litigation, corporate, real estate, labor/employment, and intellectual property law. Firms that saw notable influxes of lateral partners included Crowell & Moring, Manatt Phelps & Phillips, and Buchalter Nemer.
Trabajos segunda parcial de deontologiaDEYSITATIANAIBEste documento trata sobre la deontología jurídica. Define la deontología jurídica como la rama de la filosofía jurídica que determina cómo debe ser el derecho y cómo debe ser aplicado. También explica que la deontología se ocupa de los deberes de los profesionales como abogados hacia la sociedad, la profesión, clientes, colegas y jueces. Finalmente, discute si es necesaria la vocación para el ejercicio de la abogacía aunque reconoce que la vocación es importante pero su n
Album de fotografias sobre las redes socialesDEYSITATIANAIBAlbum de fotografias sobre las redes sociales presentacion en power point
DOCENTEFabiola Junco ChanganaquíEl documento describe los elementos clave de la narrativa, incluyendo su objetivo de presentar una serie de acciones que cambian a través del tiempo, su estructura común de introducción, nudo y desenlace, y sus elementos constitutivos como los personajes, acciones, tiempo y escenario. También propone una actividad en el aula donde los estudiantes crearán narrativas breves sobre sus vacaciones.
NEW_Curriculam_Vitae_AMITESHAmitesh MandalThis resume is for Amitesh Mandal, who has over 15 years of experience in fields like MIS, store operations, store management, dispatch, and invoicing. He has a science degree and is proficient in SAP, specifically the MM module. He is currently working as an executive in ductile pipe invoicing and dispatch monitoring outward material movement and stock levels.
Rendezvous Menu v4Wolfgang SterrThis document outlines the menu options for a cafe catering service. It describes the food and beverage offerings organized by station, including pastries, sandwiches, international cuisine like Mexican and Asian, soups and stews, kids meals, breakfast items, and grab-and-go options. It provides details on ingredients and recipes for each menu item.
Bonfire NightTres en líneaGuy Fawkes was part of a plot in 1605 to blow up the English parliament and kill King James I but was discovered before succeeding. To celebrate stopping the plot each year on November 5th, known as Bonfire Night in Britain, people hold fireworks displays and burn effigies of Guy Fawkes on big bonfires. Fourth level students at CEIP “Luis de Morales” learned about this British tradition by illustrating texts about Bonfire Night and its origins in the failed Gunpowder Plot.
Fall sensing 1_meeting_sft7fev2017Pedro de Jesus MendesO documento descreve o projeto FallSensing, que começou na Semana das Ciências Aplicadas à Saúde em 2015 pela Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra e Fraunhofer Portugal. O projeto visa avaliar e prevenir o risco de quedas através da avaliação multifactorial de fatores como equilíbrio, força muscular e problemas cognitivos. O projeto também não pretende se limitar a um produto, mas sim fornecer um serviço de prevenção e monitorização de risco de quedas para várias entidades de sa
Internationalisation of SMEsVeronica de RicqlThis document provides an introduction and overview of the internationalization of SMEs. It discusses how internationalization has become more differentiated in recent decades beyond just exporting. SMEs now engage in a variety of international activities along the value chain, including importing, partnerships, foreign investments, and cross-border clustering to access knowledge and technology. The document examines different forms of internationalization and their impact on competitiveness, as well as policies to support SME internationalization.
Trabajos tercera parcial de ciencias del estadoDEYSITATIANAIBEste documento presenta una introducción a la formación del estado. Explica que los estados primitivos se subdividen en estados primarios y primitivos propiamente dichos. Luego describe algunas teorías clave sobre el origen de los estados primarios, como la hipótesis hidráulica y la del materialismo cultural. También cubre teorías sobre la formación de estados primitivos y teorías como la de la formación voluntaria y la del conflicto. Finalmente, menciona otras teorías y aquellas que han sido desacreditadas.
AudienciaDEYSITATIANAIBLa estudiante Deysi Imbaquingo presenta un resumen sobre la audiencia para su curso de Introducción al Derecho en la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes sede Ibarra. El resumen fue entregado al Dr. Jorge Gómez el 16 de noviembre de 2015 como parte de los requisitos del primer nivel de la carrera de Jurisprudencia.
Presentation MBL Digital RightsRick RiccobonoThe document discusses the evolution of digital rights licensing for music. It provides a history of collecting management organizations (CMOs) and their role in licensing performance and mechanical rights. It describes the fragmentation in Europe's music publishing industry and licensing hubs proposed to consolidate licensing. It also examines the legislative landscape in Europe, differences between the US and EU systems, and updates on legal battles such as the one between ASCAP and Pandora.
Proposal of Mudra ManagementPRIYANKA BHATIAMudra Management is a financial consulting firm that has been operating for 10 years. They help clients obtain loans from banks and financial institutions. They provide various financial services including loan consultancy, document validation, and ethical trade practices. Mudra Management has the necessary permissions to be recognized as one of the best financial consultants in Madhya Pradesh. They prepare fair business dealings to gain long-term satisfied customers. Their experts assist with various finance products and customer service to provide professional and compliant services.
FuturebengxbbsFuture PLC is a large UK media company founded in 1985 that publishes over 30 magazines covering topics like video games, technology, films, and sports. It is the official publisher for magazines related to the PlayStation and Nintendo gaming consoles. Some of Future's popular publications include PC Gamer, Total Film, T3, Windows, and the official PlayStation magazine.
Apresentação Sensing Future TechnologiesPedro de Jesus MendesA empresa portuguesa Sensing Future Technologies desenvolve e implementa dispositivos médicos em Coimbra, Portugal. Fundada em 2012, a empresa tem 6 funcionários e trabalha em áreas como aquisição de dados, desenvolvimento de software e hardware e visão artificial para reabilitação neurológica. A empresa também participa em projetos europeus e tem parcerias internacionais.
robert_rochanski_resumeRobert SochanskiThe document outlines the qualifications and experience of Robert Sochanski, including his education, skills, experience, publications, and personal details. It lists his professional experience working on architectural projects and as an architect assistant. It also provides his education credentials, including a master's degree in architecture and urban planning, as well as his skills, software knowledge, and languages.
Creative Incubators: Potential for the Developmet of Citiesmind(21)factoryThe document summarizes an international seminar on creative incubators and their potential to develop cities. The seminar aims to introduce functioning incubator models from Europe and discuss strategies for establishing incubators and supporting small and medium enterprises. It will bring together local partners from Košice, Slovakia and speakers from Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Slovakia to discuss experiences from other cities and Košice's vision for creative industries as the 2013 European Capital of Culture. The half-day event will include lectures, panel discussions, and an open discussion on incubators and their role in developing creative economies.
Builder exclusive ovo wroclawShuckie OvadiahThe document discusses OVO Wrocław, a mixed-use development project in Wrocław, Poland. It includes interviews with the concept architect Asaf Gottesman and investor Ron Ben Shahar of Angel Poland Group. They discuss the vision and design evolution for OVO Wrocław, which aims to be a landmark development in Wrocław through its futuristic architectural style and variety of functions within one building.
REPL в Node.js: улучшаем быт разработчикIT61Что такое REPL, как он устроен и какие крутые возможности в нём заложены. Поговорим о выполнении кода в REPL и о том как работает автокомплит в динамических языках. Ответим на вопрос что такое vm.runInContext, перехватим парочку промисов, сделаем вывод результатов действительно приятным и даже узнаем как подгрузить нужные модули и не подать виду. В заключение рассмотрим потрясающие возможности, которые даёт нам инфраструктура npm и как это всё можно использовать в работе.
Доклад ориентирован на тех, кому небезынтересен мир Node.js, но будет доступен также и более широкому кругу JS-разработчиков. Надеюсь, для кого-нибудь этот доклад станет очередной ступенькой в изучении любимого языка.
CV_Rajiv_Sharmarajiv sharmaRajiv Sharma is seeking a challenging position that utilizes his 5-6 years of experience in quality and testing. He has a degree and diploma in electronics and telecommunications engineering. His experience includes quality documentation, testing cables and products, process validation, supplier meetings, and rejection analysis. He is proficient in quality tools like FMEA, SPC, and has worked at Huber+Suhner and Interface Micro System in quality engineering and testing engineering roles respectively.
Representative Partner PlacementsJohn JamesonThe document lists numerous representative placements of partners from one law firm to another. Specifically, it outlines over 50 instances of partners, counsel, and associates moving between various law offices in California, primarily in Los Angeles and Orange County. The placements span multiple practice areas, including litigation, corporate, real estate, labor/employment, and intellectual property law. Firms that saw notable influxes of lateral partners included Crowell & Moring, Manatt Phelps & Phillips, and Buchalter Nemer.
Trabajos segunda parcial de deontologiaDEYSITATIANAIBEste documento trata sobre la deontología jurídica. Define la deontología jurídica como la rama de la filosofía jurídica que determina cómo debe ser el derecho y cómo debe ser aplicado. También explica que la deontología se ocupa de los deberes de los profesionales como abogados hacia la sociedad, la profesión, clientes, colegas y jueces. Finalmente, discute si es necesaria la vocación para el ejercicio de la abogacía aunque reconoce que la vocación es importante pero su n
Album de fotografias sobre las redes socialesDEYSITATIANAIBAlbum de fotografias sobre las redes sociales presentacion en power point
DOCENTEFabiola Junco ChanganaquíEl documento describe los elementos clave de la narrativa, incluyendo su objetivo de presentar una serie de acciones que cambian a través del tiempo, su estructura común de introducción, nudo y desenlace, y sus elementos constitutivos como los personajes, acciones, tiempo y escenario. También propone una actividad en el aula donde los estudiantes crearán narrativas breves sobre sus vacaciones.
NEW_Curriculam_Vitae_AMITESHAmitesh MandalThis resume is for Amitesh Mandal, who has over 15 years of experience in fields like MIS, store operations, store management, dispatch, and invoicing. He has a science degree and is proficient in SAP, specifically the MM module. He is currently working as an executive in ductile pipe invoicing and dispatch monitoring outward material movement and stock levels.
Rendezvous Menu v4Wolfgang SterrThis document outlines the menu options for a cafe catering service. It describes the food and beverage offerings organized by station, including pastries, sandwiches, international cuisine like Mexican and Asian, soups and stews, kids meals, breakfast items, and grab-and-go options. It provides details on ingredients and recipes for each menu item.
Bonfire NightTres en líneaGuy Fawkes was part of a plot in 1605 to blow up the English parliament and kill King James I but was discovered before succeeding. To celebrate stopping the plot each year on November 5th, known as Bonfire Night in Britain, people hold fireworks displays and burn effigies of Guy Fawkes on big bonfires. Fourth level students at CEIP “Luis de Morales” learned about this British tradition by illustrating texts about Bonfire Night and its origins in the failed Gunpowder Plot.
Fall sensing 1_meeting_sft7fev2017Pedro de Jesus MendesO documento descreve o projeto FallSensing, que começou na Semana das Ciências Aplicadas à Saúde em 2015 pela Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra e Fraunhofer Portugal. O projeto visa avaliar e prevenir o risco de quedas através da avaliação multifactorial de fatores como equilíbrio, força muscular e problemas cognitivos. O projeto também não pretende se limitar a um produto, mas sim fornecer um serviço de prevenção e monitorização de risco de quedas para várias entidades de sa
Internationalisation of SMEsVeronica de RicqlThis document provides an introduction and overview of the internationalization of SMEs. It discusses how internationalization has become more differentiated in recent decades beyond just exporting. SMEs now engage in a variety of international activities along the value chain, including importing, partnerships, foreign investments, and cross-border clustering to access knowledge and technology. The document examines different forms of internationalization and their impact on competitiveness, as well as policies to support SME internationalization.
Trabajos tercera parcial de ciencias del estadoDEYSITATIANAIBEste documento presenta una introducción a la formación del estado. Explica que los estados primitivos se subdividen en estados primarios y primitivos propiamente dichos. Luego describe algunas teorías clave sobre el origen de los estados primarios, como la hipótesis hidráulica y la del materialismo cultural. También cubre teorías sobre la formación de estados primitivos y teorías como la de la formación voluntaria y la del conflicto. Finalmente, menciona otras teorías y aquellas que han sido desacreditadas.
AudienciaDEYSITATIANAIBLa estudiante Deysi Imbaquingo presenta un resumen sobre la audiencia para su curso de Introducción al Derecho en la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes sede Ibarra. El resumen fue entregado al Dr. Jorge Gómez el 16 de noviembre de 2015 como parte de los requisitos del primer nivel de la carrera de Jurisprudencia.
Presentation MBL Digital RightsRick RiccobonoThe document discusses the evolution of digital rights licensing for music. It provides a history of collecting management organizations (CMOs) and their role in licensing performance and mechanical rights. It describes the fragmentation in Europe's music publishing industry and licensing hubs proposed to consolidate licensing. It also examines the legislative landscape in Europe, differences between the US and EU systems, and updates on legal battles such as the one between ASCAP and Pandora.
Proposal of Mudra ManagementPRIYANKA BHATIAMudra Management is a financial consulting firm that has been operating for 10 years. They help clients obtain loans from banks and financial institutions. They provide various financial services including loan consultancy, document validation, and ethical trade practices. Mudra Management has the necessary permissions to be recognized as one of the best financial consultants in Madhya Pradesh. They prepare fair business dealings to gain long-term satisfied customers. Their experts assist with various finance products and customer service to provide professional and compliant services.
FuturebengxbbsFuture PLC is a large UK media company founded in 1985 that publishes over 30 magazines covering topics like video games, technology, films, and sports. It is the official publisher for magazines related to the PlayStation and Nintendo gaming consoles. Some of Future's popular publications include PC Gamer, Total Film, T3, Windows, and the official PlayStation magazine.
Apresentação Sensing Future TechnologiesPedro de Jesus MendesA empresa portuguesa Sensing Future Technologies desenvolve e implementa dispositivos médicos em Coimbra, Portugal. Fundada em 2012, a empresa tem 6 funcionários e trabalha em áreas como aquisição de dados, desenvolvimento de software e hardware e visão artificial para reabilitação neurológica. A empresa também participa em projetos europeus e tem parcerias internacionais.
robert_rochanski_resumeRobert SochanskiThe document outlines the qualifications and experience of Robert Sochanski, including his education, skills, experience, publications, and personal details. It lists his professional experience working on architectural projects and as an architect assistant. It also provides his education credentials, including a master's degree in architecture and urban planning, as well as his skills, software knowledge, and languages.
Creative Incubators: Potential for the Developmet of Citiesmind(21)factoryThe document summarizes an international seminar on creative incubators and their potential to develop cities. The seminar aims to introduce functioning incubator models from Europe and discuss strategies for establishing incubators and supporting small and medium enterprises. It will bring together local partners from Košice, Slovakia and speakers from Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Slovakia to discuss experiences from other cities and Košice's vision for creative industries as the 2013 European Capital of Culture. The half-day event will include lectures, panel discussions, and an open discussion on incubators and their role in developing creative economies.
Builder exclusive ovo wroclawShuckie OvadiahThe document discusses OVO Wrocław, a mixed-use development project in Wrocław, Poland. It includes interviews with the concept architect Asaf Gottesman and investor Ron Ben Shahar of Angel Poland Group. They discuss the vision and design evolution for OVO Wrocław, which aims to be a landmark development in Wrocław through its futuristic architectural style and variety of functions within one building.
Builder Exclusive OVO WroclawShuckie OvadiahThe document discusses the OVO Wrocław development project in Poland, a mixed-use building designed by Gottesman-Szmelcman Architecture that incorporates a hotel, retail, offices, apartments, and other functions. It includes interviews with the concept architect and investor discussing the vision and design evolution for the project, which draws on blobitecture and aims to be an inspiring urban landmark for Wrocław through its various functions within a single building. The document also features articles from contractors, manufacturers, and other partners involved in the development.
CV AND PORTFOLIOMateusz JędrzejewskiThis document provides biographical and professional details about an architect. It includes information on their education, including degrees earned in architecture and project management. Their professional experience spanning over a decade is outlined, including roles at various architecture firms where they worked on commercial, residential, and institutional projects in Poland and abroad. Their areas of expertise and skills are highlighted, as are honors and awards received. Personal interests and languages spoken are also listed.
Kulturdiplomat_ConnectingCulture 2013Pamela BartarConCult_Platform for contemporary art & culture started 10 years ago with exhibitions, workshops and collaborations with embassies and cultural institutes in Vienna. Over the past decade, the organization has organized numerous arts, performance and media projects focusing on young artists and the creative scene, often in collaboration with other cultural institutions. To celebrate its 10th anniversary, ConCult_ is looking back on selected past projects and inviting people to celebrate and remember these projects from the past 10 years of work.
PNEC presentation Kraków 09.10.2014consumerenergyThe Association of Municipalities Polish Network "Energie Cités" (PNEC) is a non-profit organization established in 1994 that supports Polish towns, cities, and districts in developing energy efficiency and renewable energy policies. As the official Supporter of the Covenant of Mayors since 2009, PNEC helps its members and other Polish municipalities meet Covenant commitments by providing expertise, assistance with developing Sustainable Energy Action Plans, and involvement in numerous European projects focused on climate protection and energy savings. PNEC has implemented over 50 national and international projects, organized hundreds of events, and published educational materials to advance its mission of promoting local energy policies and sustainable energy practices among Polish local governments.
MICE Portrait / study case KrakowAPIERKrakow is a city in Poland with a population of around 800,000. It is a cultural and tourism center known for its historic Old Town, which was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1978. Krakow hosts over 8 million visitors and nearly 9,000 business meetings per year. The city has many cultural events and over 300 venues for conferences. New facilities include the ICE Krakow Congress Centre and a sports and entertainment arena scheduled to open in 2014.
Katowice, by InesInes Ben HamzaKatowice is the capital city of the Silesian Voivodeship in southern Poland. It is an important cultural, academic and economic center, and the eleventh largest city in Poland. Katowice has excellent transportation access, being near three international airports and within five hours of major European capitals. The city is known for its creative industries, winning awards for its public spaces and cultural achievements. It has a thriving economy and has been recognized as one of the most business friendly and investor friendly cities in central Europe. The document provides information on places to visit in Katowice like museums, parks, and entertainment, as well as details on the weather and transportation options for getting to the city.
A.Mukovozova_portfolio2015_archAlexandra MukovozovaThis document contains Alexandra Mukovozova's portfolio from 2015. It includes information about her professional skills, education history, employment experience and languages. It also showcases several of her architectural projects from school including a Museum of Light project, an underground urban design project called "Hidden City", and a revitalization project of the Dusseldorf Grossmarkt wholesale market. The projects demonstrate her skills in CAD programs, research, rendering, and creating public spaces.
CV-En-MarcoRamos-2023_signed.pdfMarco RoqueteThe document summarizes the professional experience and qualifications of Marco Roquete Ramos. It states that from January to July, he worked as a Real Estate Consultant at ZOME PR1ME Cascais, a leading real estate company known for being the first in Europe to conduct a property transaction using Bitcoin. At the company, he tried to implement an initiative focused on providing accessible properties for people with reduced mobility. It then lists his academic qualifications and training, published papers, and relevant experiences.
Serba_Ilic CVSrboljub IlicThis 6-page document provides a summary of Serba Ilic's qualifications and experience. It includes personal information, educational background, professional licenses, work history managing architectural projects in Serbia and Canada, computer skills, and references. Serba has over 10 years of experience as an architect, project manager, and founder of her own design-build firm. She is currently pursuing a PhD in architectural management while working as a project manager on industrial and residential builds in Vancouver.
Anna-CellmercvAnna CellmerAnna Cellmer is a project manager and university worker from Poland with experience in European project coordination, teaching, and research focused on regional development, urban planning, and creative economy. She has a doctorate in technical sciences and has worked at the University of Warmia and Mazury coordinating the Erasmus program. In addition to her academic work, she is also an active poet, writer, and designer who manages several social media pages related to her creative interests.
Architect Portfolio Suyay Jara ProvosteThis document is a resume for an architect named Suyay Jara Provoste. The resume summarizes her education, skills, work experience, competitions, and publications. She has a master's degree in building engineering and architecture from the University of Salerno in Italy. Her professional skills include languages like English, Italian, and Spanish as well as design software such as Photoshop, SketchUp, and Revit. She has worked as an intern at an architecture firm in Argentina and participated in several design competitions. She also contributed to publications as part of her academic work on projects like a school of music and an urban mangrove park.
resume|SV|16Serena VaccariSerena Vaccari was born in Milan, Italy in 1985. She has over 10 years of experience in architecture, landscape and urban design. She holds a Master's Degree in Architecture from Politecnico di Milano and has worked in firms in Italy, Australia, Germany, and Portugal. She is proficient in several design and modeling software programs. Vaccari also has experience in workshops, competitions, and speaking several languages including English, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Vertical Studio ConceptIrfan UllahVertical Studio Concept
Regina Loukotová,
The importance of the Design Studio within
architectural education is constantly emphasized. Recently, this became the main topic of
the European Association for Architectural
Education Annual Conference, held in The
Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto,
under the title: Design Studio as laboratory
for interactions between architectural education and society.
There are two major models for the Design
Studio organization – a horizontal or vertical
system – where the horizontal one includes
the students from one year, while the vertical
system gathers together students from all
At ARCHIP, we follow the principle of the
“vertical studio” model in the organisation
of the Architectural Design studio. Within
the Vertical studio, all years cooperate on
and develop projects for a single site and
program, yet their scale, scope and aims are
different. By this, we believe we can simulate
the competiveness of real life architectural
There are in fact multiple independent
vertical studios at ARCHIP running in parallel: four independent studios for the undergraduate and graduate students. There are up
to 20 students per studio with each having
a similar number of first, second and third
year students.
While the project’s site and program are
the same for all studios, the specific design
approaches and methodologies within each
studio vary. Each is under the direction of
a different pair of studio leaders. After each
semester, students switch studios, to gain
exposure to the full range of practices and
ChIMERA International Conference and Investment Forum of Creative and Cultura...InformestThe Museum of Architecture and Design, established in 1972 and located at Fužine Castle in Ljubljana, is the national Slovene museum for architecture, town planning, industrial and graphic design, and photography.
Urban berlinLAZOVOYThe document announces an open call for projects to be included in an exhibition and events program called "Berlin Unlimited" taking place in Berlin in September 2014. It will explore Berlin through interdisciplinary works in arts/media, architecture/urban design, and theory/research. The program aims to reflect on how Berlin has been transformed through the 20th century in response to political and historical events. Berlin is described as a city of unlimited possibilities due to its history of disruption and abundant vacant spaces following reunification. The open call invites submissions that critically examine Berlin's past, present and future limits or lack thereof.
Aliya_Ibadova_CV.pdfAliyaIbadovaAliya Ibadova is an interior architect based in Baku, Azerbaijan with over 10 years of experience in commercial and residential interior design projects. She has expertise in project management and has designed public spaces such as the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val and the ZIL Cultural Centre. Her skills include AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, SketchUp, 3dsMax, Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop. She holds a BA in Interior Architecture and Design from the British Higher School of Art and Design in Moscow.
Introduction 2013Saikrishna SangaThe document discusses the concept of sustainable and densified cities. It advocates for carefully considering the use of land and integrating the notion of space as a scarce resource. The document proposes we conciliate diverse users and uses, densify cities to amplify their beauty and accessibility, hybridize functions in single places to invent new building types, and retrofit existing structures proudly without leaving a footprint. The official Danish contribution to the Venice Biennale promotes the "thinking city" concept, posing urban questions and presenting Copenhagen's answers.
Marcin Zygmunt Ewý
date of birth:
phone number:
+48 668 807 860
Poland, Kraków, 31-126
additional portfolio:
Master's project “Nowy Kleparz 2 .0” awarded BDA-SARP Award 2015
Bund Deutscher Architekten (BDA) & The Association of Polish
among the 18 nominated masters projects of 2014 from Poland and
among the 25 nominated masters projects of 2014 from Polish Schools of
work at “AJ Architekci” ( as an architectural
construction permit project & working drawings for multi-family building
Managementof “InternationalBiennaleofArchitectureKraków2015”
workon3dmappingproject“Duomo-Ignition”at DuomoArt
work at “Ingarden&Ewý Architekci” architectural studio (Kraków) making
organisationofstudents' conference“ArchitectureandPolitics”
participation in production of videoblog documenting Krakow Film
Festival (European Festival of documentary, animated and short fiction
participation in production of videoblog documenting OFF Plus
Camera 2014 (International Festival ofIndependentCinemainKraków)
University during annual student's holiday as an assistant director of
Master's of Architecture at The Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski
Kraków University
Akademia Multi Art
1 year studies & scholarship: Digital Postproduction,
specialization in VFX&Animation
Bachelor's of Architecture and City planning at The Andrzej Frycz
Modrzewski Kraków University
Member of a Student Council
half year residence in Spain and studies in Spanish at the
University of Seville (Erasmus Exchange Programme)
August Witkowski Fifth Secondary School in Kraków,
extended program of: Literature, History and Geography
Polish - native language
English - fluent (TOEFL (2013, 88 points), FCE, worked in England)
Spanish - fluent (studied in spanish at University of Seville)
German - communicative (B2 level)
ECDL Advanced Certificate
ECDL CAD Certificate
3ds Max 2012 Associate Certificate
knowledge and experience with architectural software
(Revit, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Blender, SketchUp)
AMA VFX&Animation Scholarship Certificate
trained in digital film postproduction (Adobe Premiere, After
Driving License (B and A category)
Certyficate Of Yacht Coastal Skipper
politics, economy, cinema, VFX, travelling
Hereby, I am giving my allowance for processing my personal
data for realisation the recruitment procedures in accordance with
the Act of Protecting Personal Data from 29.08.97 (Dz.U. nr 133,
poz. 883)
3. //2015/master’s project
Revitalisation project of the marketplace "Nowy
Kleparz" in Kraków awarded in the BDA-SARP
Award 2015 and nominated to the SARP Award
Nowy Kleparz – the marketplace with nearly a
hundred–year–old tradition, situated within the
boundaries of the historic city centre of Kraków, is
currently struggling with serious economic
problems. Given the examples of other open-air
markets that used to occupy public squares in this
city, Nowy Kleparz finds itself exposed to a
According to Max Weber, a marketplace was
one of five elements, which distinguished cities
from other settlements in medieval Europe. Since
the 13th century, marketplaces have been
significantly contributing to the municipal identity
and economic importance of Kraków. The idea of
preserving open-air market within the city centre is
the way to maintain not only the long-lasting
tradition, but, usually underestimated, sociological
and urbanistic values.The project Nowy Kleparz
2.0. attempts to find a new form for traditional
The project is based on the concept of
suspended stalls – lowered to the market level
during trading hours and lifted/hidden inside the
roofing for the rest of the day. The project also
includes the underground car park, which may
the structure with its flexible marketplace at
ground level, a pavilion above, and the
underground car park - provides the
multifunctional extension of public space, with
preservation of traditional trade as its main
4. //2014/4th year project
Project in the 4th year of architecture studies,
prepared in collaboration with Magdalena
Pączek and Paulina Senejko. An office building
in Kraków, next to Grzegórzeckie Roundabout.
5. //2013/3rd year project
Project in the 3rd year of architecture studies,
prepared in collaboration with Magdalena
Piaszczyk and Jan Żurek.The task was to design a
sport center at area next to Alley of 3rd May
(Kraków). Buildings of swimming pool and a gym's
hall are hidden under polygonal terrace with a
6. //2012/2nd year project
Project in the 2nd year of architecture studies.The
aim of the excersise was to design a residential
building at the corner of Piłsudski and Straszewski
Street (Kraków). My idea was to create an
accessible for residents green terrace at the top of
the building. It provides some kind of common
Town. The ground floor is designated for
7. //OTHER/Revit
Most of my projects presented in this portfolio
were created with Revit. Beside my university
projects, last year I worked profesionally in Revit
creating working drawings, including all sorts of
plans, schedules and details. I have a knowledge
of managing the central file and cooperating on
9. //OTHER/2014 duomo 3d-mapping show
In June 2014 I was offered a job at newly-created
Grzegorz Skórczewski Company to participate in
creating a 3d animation that was going to be video-
mapped on a 6x4m large model of Duomo
Cathedral. The whole concept was based on an
idea of animating the copperplate created by
Krzysztof Skórczewski. As a member of a 3D-
multimedia team, among Piotr Kisiel, Dawid
Niemojewska, Grzegorz Skorczewski, Jerzy
Sulikowski and Emilia Voit I have been working
over animation, lightning and texturing of a 3d
The Duomo Ignition show was presented at the
Krakow Film Music Festival in 2014 as a part of
GameOn concert dedicated to the Computer
Games Music presentation and at the DUOMO
Multimedia Concert performed in Villa Decius in
10. //OTHER/2012 Focus Forum
In 2012-2013 as a student I worked at a Focus
Forum Company which specialized in desgining
and producing commercial stands for shopping
centers and trade shows. I have a ability to create a
decent rendering of any furniture within an hour if
NETIA, Idea Bank and Manufaktura INFOstand
11. //OTHER/Events
Juwenalia KA 2013 - the annual students’ holiday. I
worked as an Assistant Director of the Concert
During my studies I organised the students’
conference on “Politics and Architecture” which
combined lectures prepared by students of
architecture, law, sociology, philosophy,
The International Biennale of Architecture in Kraków is a
regular event organised since 1985. The keynote of 2015
During 15th and 16th of October about 1200 people visited
the ICE Kraków Congress Centre to participate in Prize
Giving Ceremony of Biennale Competitions, visit the
Biennale Exhbitions, or listen to the lectures of special
guestes. As a Secretary for Organisational Managment I
was responsible for organisation of the whole event,
including online marketing, drafting contracts, and
coordination of external events happening during Biennale,
like UIA President's Meeting Kraków 2015. It has been
achieved thanks to the cooperation of the SARP Kraków