This document provides an agenda for a class on social norms and their role in regulating new media. The class will discuss the hacker ethic, moral panics, and how social norms, architecture, law, and markets work together to shape regulation online. It asks students for feedback on the class and their thoughts on whether individuals have a right to access their own personal data. Finally, it poses a debate question on whether the internet is inherently a democratic force.
> discuss social norms
> recap four modes of regulation
> your help needed: ami and feedback
> practice debate
3. FYI
> legal counsel of the guardian, tomorrow 230-4pm,
multipurpose room NA library
> received your essays & reading them
4. BY NOW ...
> architecture
> law
> market
> norms <-- this week
> what is it?
> why is it important for the development of the
8. > access to knowledge, information should be free
> allow sharing and improve efficiency
> mistrust authority and promote decentralization
> judge on merits, not labels
> computers can change life for the better