Технологии рекламыVi_presentationsПрезентация Антона Петухова, технического директора сети Vi, на конференции «Развитие ОТТ услуг в России – OTT Russia 2016»
London Behaviour Summit 2009 Robert ConwayThe University of NorthamptonThis event provided an opportunity for a diverse group to consider ways in which teacher training courses in England can best meet the needs of trainees on matters relating to the behaviour of pupils. The day will be spent discussing ideas (both conceptual and practical) offered by our three keynote presenters and how these might be of benefit to both trainers and trainees.
Meat’s Carbon HoofprintanimalrightsadvocatesBarry Brook and Geoff Russell reveal why a family’s meat consumption can contribute more to global warming than their four-wheel drive vehicle.
Genares BrochurelolagraceGenares is a leading provider of central reservation services for the hospitality industry. It was founded in the 1990s to provide reservation services for hotel brands and has since expanded to serve over 4,000 hotels worldwide. Genares prides itself on innovative technology, such as its booking engine, and comprehensive customer service to help hotels maximize revenue. It aims to be a global leader in electronic distribution and provide end-to-end solutions for hoteliers.
The Vegan Mag Interview With Gary FrancioneanimalrightsadvocatesGary Francione argues that animal welfare is misguided and will not lead to the abolition of animal exploitation. He believes animal rights requires recognizing that animals should not be treated as property and advocates for veganism. While some groups campaign for better treatment of farm animals, Francione rejects this as it suggests exploitation can be acceptable if humane. He also disagrees with those who say animals only care about suffering, not life, and believes they have a right to not be used as commodities like humans.
Recruiting Pundits Corporate Presentationamitgupta30Recruiting Pundits was formed in 2005 by individuals wanting to make an impact in the staffing industry. They operate out of Americas, India, and Australia. Their services include research-driven competition analysis and sourcing the best fit candidates. Their recruiting process involves customer analysis, a centralized resource center, and delivering new hires. They conduct most research internally but also utilize industry ties and internet resources. Their goal is to identify the best 2 candidates for each position through a multi-level evaluation process.
РИФ 2016, КОД, ЛЮДИ, ПРОДУКТЫ: Процессы проектирования, принятые в NotamediaТарасов КонстантинАлексей БОРОДКИН, Notamedia
Руководитель отдела аналитики и проектирования
The state of uma 2014 11-03kantarainitiativeThe document summarizes progress on the User-Managed Access (UMA) specification for standardized authorization as a service. It discusses specification development, ongoing interoperability testing of implementations, planned standardization timelines, relevant use cases across multiple domains, integration with other standards like OAuth and OpenID Connect, and how UMA can contribute to conversations around privacy and consent for personal data sharing.
Meat’s Carbon HoofprintanimalrightsadvocatesBarry Brook and Geoff Russell reveal why a family’s meat consumption can contribute more to global warming than their four-wheel drive vehicle.
Genares BrochurelolagraceGenares is a leading provider of central reservation services for the hospitality industry. It was founded in the 1990s to provide reservation services for hotel brands and has since expanded to serve over 4,000 hotels worldwide. Genares prides itself on innovative technology, such as its booking engine, and comprehensive customer service to help hotels maximize revenue. It aims to be a global leader in electronic distribution and provide end-to-end solutions for hoteliers.
The Vegan Mag Interview With Gary FrancioneanimalrightsadvocatesGary Francione argues that animal welfare is misguided and will not lead to the abolition of animal exploitation. He believes animal rights requires recognizing that animals should not be treated as property and advocates for veganism. While some groups campaign for better treatment of farm animals, Francione rejects this as it suggests exploitation can be acceptable if humane. He also disagrees with those who say animals only care about suffering, not life, and believes they have a right to not be used as commodities like humans.
Recruiting Pundits Corporate Presentationamitgupta30Recruiting Pundits was formed in 2005 by individuals wanting to make an impact in the staffing industry. They operate out of Americas, India, and Australia. Their services include research-driven competition analysis and sourcing the best fit candidates. Their recruiting process involves customer analysis, a centralized resource center, and delivering new hires. They conduct most research internally but also utilize industry ties and internet resources. Their goal is to identify the best 2 candidates for each position through a multi-level evaluation process.
РИФ 2016, КОД, ЛЮДИ, ПРОДУКТЫ: Процессы проектирования, принятые в NotamediaТарасов КонстантинАлексей БОРОДКИН, Notamedia
Руководитель отдела аналитики и проектирования
The state of uma 2014 11-03kantarainitiativeThe document summarizes progress on the User-Managed Access (UMA) specification for standardized authorization as a service. It discusses specification development, ongoing interoperability testing of implementations, planned standardization timelines, relevant use cases across multiple domains, integration with other standards like OAuth and OpenID Connect, and how UMA can contribute to conversations around privacy and consent for personal data sharing.
3. Системы спутникового и кабельного
Сервисы, обеспечивающие доставку ТВ
до зрителей ( в т.ч. ОТТ)
Материальный уровень потребителей ТВ-
Технологический уровень (потенциал) гос-ва
Господдержка технологической отрасли
Традиционное ТВ
Производители и вещатели