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Phillip K. Chou
305 E Mill Plain Blvd #411
Vancouver, WA 98660
209-277-0042 (Mobile)
E-mail: 28proof@sbcglobal.net
Professional Experience
Managing Partner/Head Brewer
Dirty Hands Brewing Company
Vancouver, WA
-Cofounder of Dirty Hands Brewing Company.
-In collaboration with business partner was responsible for all aspects of business startup
including planning, licensing, site identification, brewery design, and construction.
-Created over 20 beer recipes that have been brewed and sold by the Brewery.
-Responsible for all aspects of beer production including materials procurement, brewhouse
operations, cellar operations, inventory, and product quality.
-Yearly production ranged between 145-200 bbl of craft beer per year.
-Developed standard operating procedures for all production operations.
-Trained volunteers and employees in brewing production.
-Educated front of the house employees in beer styles and tasting.
-Played primary role in outside beer sales. Duties included identifying, securing, and servicing
on-premise accounts.
-In charge of Brewery marketing. This included creative, content development, social media, and
supervision of outside consultants.
-Represented the Brewery at all outside events including festivals and industry conferences.
-Liaised with the Food Science Department at Oregon State University and Widmer Brothers
Brewing Company on beer chemical analysis. 
Senior Research Scientist
Chemistry Group
E&J Gallo Winery
Modesto, CA
-Worked cross-functionally to characterize the chemistry and develop metrics for all elements of
the winemaking process from raw materials to fermentation to final product.
-Developed new approach for the remediation of grape juice.
-Initiated and developed the application of new analytical technology for profiling aroma
compounds from grapes and fermenting wine.
-Played a major role in determining the cause and significantly reducing a significant off flavor
-Developed new methodology for the analysis of low level amounts of a negative wine flavor
-Active in transferring technology from R&D to Process Analytical Group.
-Initiated and led major cross functional effort towards the development of mouthfeel metrics.
-Increased chemical analysis throughput via the development of rapid chromatographic methods.
-Developed, lead, and implemented program to decrease costs and improve production
efficiencies through the evaluation of multiple wine production unit operations. 
-Major instrumentation utilized include GC, GC-MS, HPLC, HPLC-MS, UV-Vis.
-Managed a team that has consisted of up to 3 full time employees and 3 interns.
-Trained member of Wine Sensory Panel.
Senior Research Chemist
Brewing Research & Quality Assurance
Miller Brewing Company
Milwaukee, WI
-Responsible for new product development and product improvement, with a focus on beer flavor
-Actively involved in projects that seek to increase beer flavor stability and shelf life.
-Isolated and determined flavor effects of various hop flavor compounds.
-Played a significant role on a multidisciplinary team that conceived and developed a successful
new regional beer brand, Henry Weinhard's Northwest Trail Blonde Lager.
-Led a new product development team.
-Liaison between Miller Brewing Company and the hop industry. Communicated Miller's needs
and interests to hop vendors, growers, and research scientists. Acted as one of Miller's
representatives to the Hop Research Council.
-Technical skills applied to research projects included organic synthesis, flash chromatography,
analytical HPLC, preparative HPLC, HPLC-MS, ESR, non-brewing fermentations, and small scale
brewing (2 - 40 L brews).
-Trained member of Beer Sensory Panel.
Research Chemist
Applications Services Group
Great Lakes Chemical Corporation
West Lafayette, IN
-Responsible for the formulation and testing of flame retardant polymer systems in support of new
product development. 
-Experienced in a variety of techniques including twin/single screw extrusion, injection molding,
compression molding, epoxy laminate production and burn tests such as UL-94 and oxygen
-Participated in all phases of new product development from idea generation to product testing.
-Other functions include acting as a technical resource for the sales and marketing teams and as
a direct scientific contact for customers.
Research Chemist
Discovery R&D
Great Lakes Chemical Corporation
West Lafayette, IN
-Initiated new product development program geared toward the discovery of new flame retardant
additives for polymers. 
-Synthesized a variety of organic molecules (i.e. organobromine and organophosphorus
compounds) that were screened as possible flame retardant additives.
-Played a key role on the team that equipped and set up the Discovery laboratories.
-Identified, interviewed, and evaluated job candidates for the group during the period when it grew
from seven to sixteen people. 
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Purdue University
Advisor: Professor Hilkka I. Kentt辰maa
-Explored the structure, reactivity, kinetic behavior, and thermodynamics of reactive
intermediates. Emphasis was placed on the characterization of distonic radical cations (species
of spatially separate charge and radical sites). 
-Examples of species studied include the radical cations of trimethylenemethane, 2-
isopropylidene-cyclopentan-1,3-diyl, and dimethyleneketene, phosphorus and sulfur containing
distonic ions. 
-Synthesized reactive intermediate precursors.
-Utilized Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry as the primary
analytical tool. 
-Performed high level molecular orbital calculations in conjunction with experimental work.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
University of Pittsburgh
Advisor: Professor Paul Dowd
-Studied the formation and characterization of biradical anions and biradicals. 
-Generated the radical anion of tetramethyleneethane (TME) and determined its structure,
reactivity, and physical properties. 
-Designed and implemented the synthesis of deuterium labeled derivatives that were essential for
determining the structure of TME radical anion. 
-Other areas of research included synthetic studies directed towards the formation of precursors
to rigid, cyclic TME derivatives.
Ph.D., Chemistry
University of Minnesota
Advisor: Professor Steven R. Kass
Thesis: Reactive Species in the Gas Phase: A Variable Temperature Flowing Afterglow Study on
the Formation, Reactivity, and Stability of Carbanions and Radical Anions.
M.S. Chemistry
University of Wyoming
Advisor: Professor David A. Jaeger
Thesis: Surfactant Vesicles Based on the Ketal Group: Synthesis and Characterization.
B.S. Chemistry
University of Utah
Graduate School Research Highlights
University of Minnesota
-Devised new ways to generate gas phase carbanions species and examined their reactivity,
kinetic behavior, and thermochemistry. 
-Developed the first methods for the regio- and stereoselective synthesis and characterization of
carbanions in the gas phase. 
-Studied the thermally induced unimolecular rearrangements of a number of cyclopropyl anions. 
-Determined the first experimental heat of formation for bicyclobutene, the radical cation of
bicyclobutane, and other strained ring species. 
-Synthesized different classes of organic compounds such as cyclopropane derivatives,
bicyclobutane, bicyclobutyl derivatives, organosilanes, and organohalides.
University of Wyoming
-Developed the synthesis of a new surfactant that is easily cleaved into nonemulsion forming
-The vesicles formed from this surfactant were demonstrated to catalyze the epimerization of
selected ketones. 
-Studies were also conducted towards the controlled release properties of this and other vesicle
Diploma in Brewing, 2002, Institute of Brewing and Distilling
Honors and Activities
-E&J Gallo Technology & Quality Award for Teamwork 2005
-E&J Gallo Technology & Quality Award for Continuous Improvement & Innovation 2004
-Institute of Brewing and Distilling
-American Society of Brewing Chemists
-Master Brewers Association of the Americas
-American Chemical Society
-Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society
Citizenship: United States of America
Language Proficiency: English
Chyall, L. J.; Hodgen, H. A.; Vyverberg, F. J.; Chapman, R. W.; Chou, P. K. Intumescent Polymer
Compositions. US Patent 6,632,442, 2003.
"Picking Out the Tuba Player from the Rest of the Orchestra. Comments on the Similarities and
Differences Between Beer and Wine Flavor" Chou, P. K. World Brewing Congress 2004, San
Diego, CA, July 2004.
"New Flame Retardant Technology for Low Density Furniture Foam." Rose, R. S.; Chou, P. K.;
Orizondo, P. L.; Jacobs, P. 29th International Conference on Fire Safety, San Francisco, CA,
January 2000.
Reactivity of !CH2PH3+ and CH3PH2+!., Chou, P. K.; Schweighofer, A.; Nanayakkara, V. K.; Keck,
H.; Kuchen, W.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. 43rd American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference on
Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Atlanta, GA, June 1995.
The Reactivity and Thermochemistry of Distonic Ions Containing Second Row Elements., Chou,
P. K.; Smith, R. L.; Schweighofer, A.; Nanayakkara, V. K.; Keck, H.; Kuchen, W.; Kentt辰maa, H. I.
1995 Conference on Ion Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry, Lake Arrowhead, CA, January,
Probing the Structure and Reactivity of the Dimethyleneketene Radical Cation:, Chou, P. K.;
Kentt辰maa, H. I. 208th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington, D.C., August,
Secondary and Delocalized Radical Sites in Distonic Radical Cations. Two New Classes of
Stable Distonic Ions., Chou, P. K.; Smith, R. L.; Kentt辰maa, H. I., 42nd American Society for
Mass Spectrometry Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Chicago, IL, June,
Stereoisomeric Vinyl Anions in the Gas Phase: Preparation and Reactivity., Chou, P. K.; Kass,
S. R., 32nd National Organic Chemistry Symposium, Minneapolis, MN, June, 1991.
Unimolecular Rearrangements of Mono- and Disubstituted Cyclopropyl Anions in the Gas
Phase., Chou, P. K.; Kass, S. R., 201st American Chemical Society National Meeting, Atlanta,
GA, April, 1991.
Small Ring Radical Anions: A Route to Pyramidalized Olefins?, Chou, P. K.; Kass, S. R., 1990
Conference on Ion Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry, Lake Arrowhead, CA, February, 1990.
"Reactivity of the Gaseous Radical Cations of Trimethylenemethane and 2-
Isopropylidenecyclopentane-1,3-diyl" Chou, P. K.; Gao, L.; Painter, S. L.; Blackstock, S. C.;
Kentt辰maa, H. I. J. Phys. Chem. 2000, 104, 5530.
The Dimethyleneketene Radical Cation., Chou, P. K.; Thoen, K. K.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. J. Org.
Chem. 1998, 63, 4470.
Structure and Reactivity of Selected Distonic Radical Cations., Smith, R. L.; Chou, P. K.;
Kentt辰maa, H. I. In The Structure, Energetics, and Dynamics of Organic Ions: Experiments and
Theory; Baer, T.; Ng, C.-Y.; Powis, I., Ed.; John Wiley and Sons: New York, 1996; pp 197-261.
The Prototypical Organophosphorus Ylidion !CH2PH3+., Schweighofer, A.; Chou, P. K.;
Nanayakkara, V. K.; Thoen, K. K.; Keck, H.; Kuchen, W.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
1996, 118, 11893.
Methyl Propionate Radical Cation., Pakarinen, J. M. H.; Vainiotalo, P.; Stumpf, C. L.; Leeck, D.
T.; Chou, P. K.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 1996, 7, 482.
Reactivity of the Prototype Organosulfur Distonic Ion: !CH2SH2+, Chou, P. K.; Smith, R. L.;
Chyall, L. J.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1995, 117, 4374.
The Acyclic Distonic Isomer of Ionized Cyclopentanone: !CH2CH2CH2CH2CO+., Smith, R. L.;
Chyall, L. J.; Chou, P. K.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1994, 116, 781.
Anion-molecule Approaches to Non-Kekul辿 Molecules: The Radical Anion of
Tetramethyleneethane., Lee, J.; Chou, P. K.; Dowd, P.; Grabowski, J. J. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
1993, 115, 7902.
Unimolecular Rearrangements of Carbanions in the Gas Phase. 2. Cyclopropyl Anions., Chou,
P. K.; Dahlke, G. D.; Kass, S. R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115, 315.
Unimolecular Rearrangements in the Gas Phase. The Thermolysis of Bicyclobutyl and
Phenylcyclopropyl Anion., Chou, P. K.; Kass, S. R. Org. Mass Spectrom. 1991, 26, 1039.
(E-) and (Z-) Vinyl Anions. The Formation and Characterization of Regio- and Stereoisomers in
the Gas Phase., Chou, P. K.; Kass, S. R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1991, 113, 4357.
C4H4 Negative Ions: Formation of the Bicyclo[1.1.0.]but-1(3)-ene Radical Anion and an
Experimental Determination of the Heat of Formation of Bicyclo[1.1.0.]but-1(3)-ene., Chou, P. K.;
Kass, S. R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1991, 113, 697.
The Bicyclobutyl Anion: An Alkyl Carbanion., Kass, S. R.; Chou, P. K. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1988,
110, 7899.
Kinetics of Amphiphilic Ketone Epimerizations in Cleavable Surfactant Hosts., Jaeger, D. A.;
Chou, P. K.; Bolikal, D.; Ok, D.; Kim, K. Y.; Huff, J. B.; Yi, E.; Porter, N. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
1988, 110, 5123.
Available On Request

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  • 1. Phillip K. Chou 305 E Mill Plain Blvd #411 Vancouver, WA 98660 209-277-0042 (Mobile) E-mail: 28proof@sbcglobal.net Professional Experience 04/13-10/15 Managing Partner/Head Brewer Dirty Hands Brewing Company Vancouver, WA -Cofounder of Dirty Hands Brewing Company. -In collaboration with business partner was responsible for all aspects of business startup including planning, licensing, site identification, brewery design, and construction. -Created over 20 beer recipes that have been brewed and sold by the Brewery. -Responsible for all aspects of beer production including materials procurement, brewhouse operations, cellar operations, inventory, and product quality. -Yearly production ranged between 145-200 bbl of craft beer per year. -Developed standard operating procedures for all production operations. -Trained volunteers and employees in brewing production. -Educated front of the house employees in beer styles and tasting. -Played primary role in outside beer sales. Duties included identifying, securing, and servicing on-premise accounts. -In charge of Brewery marketing. This included creative, content development, social media, and supervision of outside consultants. -Represented the Brewery at all outside events including festivals and industry conferences. -Liaised with the Food Science Department at Oregon State University and Widmer Brothers Brewing Company on beer chemical analysis. 10/03-03/13 Senior Research Scientist Chemistry Group E&J Gallo Winery Modesto, CA -Worked cross-functionally to characterize the chemistry and develop metrics for all elements of the winemaking process from raw materials to fermentation to final product. -Developed new approach for the remediation of grape juice. -Initiated and developed the application of new analytical technology for profiling aroma compounds from grapes and fermenting wine. -Played a major role in determining the cause and significantly reducing a significant off flavor compound. -Developed new methodology for the analysis of low level amounts of a negative wine flavor chemical. -Active in transferring technology from R&D to Process Analytical Group. -Initiated and led major cross functional effort towards the development of mouthfeel metrics. -Increased chemical analysis throughput via the development of rapid chromatographic methods. -Developed, lead, and implemented program to decrease costs and improve production efficiencies through the evaluation of multiple wine production unit operations. -Major instrumentation utilized include GC, GC-MS, HPLC, HPLC-MS, UV-Vis. -Managed a team that has consisted of up to 3 full time employees and 3 interns. -Trained member of Wine Sensory Panel.
  • 2. 05/00-09/03 Senior Research Chemist Brewing Research & Quality Assurance Miller Brewing Company Milwaukee, WI -Responsible for new product development and product improvement, with a focus on beer flavor chemistry. -Actively involved in projects that seek to increase beer flavor stability and shelf life. -Isolated and determined flavor effects of various hop flavor compounds. -Played a significant role on a multidisciplinary team that conceived and developed a successful new regional beer brand, Henry Weinhard's Northwest Trail Blonde Lager. -Led a new product development team. -Liaison between Miller Brewing Company and the hop industry. Communicated Miller's needs and interests to hop vendors, growers, and research scientists. Acted as one of Miller's representatives to the Hop Research Council. -Technical skills applied to research projects included organic synthesis, flash chromatography, analytical HPLC, preparative HPLC, HPLC-MS, ESR, non-brewing fermentations, and small scale brewing (2 - 40 L brews). -Trained member of Beer Sensory Panel. 10/98-05/00 Research Chemist Applications Services Group Great Lakes Chemical Corporation West Lafayette, IN -Responsible for the formulation and testing of flame retardant polymer systems in support of new product development. -Experienced in a variety of techniques including twin/single screw extrusion, injection molding, compression molding, epoxy laminate production and burn tests such as UL-94 and oxygen index. -Participated in all phases of new product development from idea generation to product testing. -Other functions include acting as a technical resource for the sales and marketing teams and as a direct scientific contact for customers. 04/96-09/98 Research Chemist Discovery R&D Great Lakes Chemical Corporation West Lafayette, IN -Initiated new product development program geared toward the discovery of new flame retardant additives for polymers. -Synthesized a variety of organic molecules (i.e. organobromine and organophosphorus compounds) that were screened as possible flame retardant additives. -Played a key role on the team that equipped and set up the Discovery laboratories. -Identified, interviewed, and evaluated job candidates for the group during the period when it grew from seven to sixteen people. 07/93-04/96 Postdoctoral Research Associate Purdue University Advisor: Professor Hilkka I. Kentt辰maa -Explored the structure, reactivity, kinetic behavior, and thermodynamics of reactive
  • 3. intermediates. Emphasis was placed on the characterization of distonic radical cations (species of spatially separate charge and radical sites). -Examples of species studied include the radical cations of trimethylenemethane, 2- isopropylidene-cyclopentan-1,3-diyl, and dimethyleneketene, phosphorus and sulfur containing distonic ions. -Synthesized reactive intermediate precursors. -Utilized Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry as the primary analytical tool. -Performed high level molecular orbital calculations in conjunction with experimental work. 07/92-06/93 Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Pittsburgh Advisor: Professor Paul Dowd -Studied the formation and characterization of biradical anions and biradicals. -Generated the radical anion of tetramethyleneethane (TME) and determined its structure, reactivity, and physical properties. -Designed and implemented the synthesis of deuterium labeled derivatives that were essential for determining the structure of TME radical anion. -Other areas of research included synthetic studies directed towards the formation of precursors to rigid, cyclic TME derivatives. Education 09/86-06/92 Ph.D., Chemistry University of Minnesota Advisor: Professor Steven R. Kass Thesis: Reactive Species in the Gas Phase: A Variable Temperature Flowing Afterglow Study on the Formation, Reactivity, and Stability of Carbanions and Radical Anions. 09/84-08/86 M.S. Chemistry University of Wyoming Advisor: Professor David A. Jaeger Thesis: Surfactant Vesicles Based on the Ketal Group: Synthesis and Characterization. 09/79-06/84 B.S. Chemistry University of Utah Graduate School Research Highlights University of Minnesota -Devised new ways to generate gas phase carbanions species and examined their reactivity, kinetic behavior, and thermochemistry. -Developed the first methods for the regio- and stereoselective synthesis and characterization of carbanions in the gas phase. -Studied the thermally induced unimolecular rearrangements of a number of cyclopropyl anions. -Determined the first experimental heat of formation for bicyclobutene, the radical cation of bicyclobutane, and other strained ring species. -Synthesized different classes of organic compounds such as cyclopropane derivatives, bicyclobutane, bicyclobutyl derivatives, organosilanes, and organohalides. University of Wyoming -Developed the synthesis of a new surfactant that is easily cleaved into nonemulsion forming components.
  • 4. -The vesicles formed from this surfactant were demonstrated to catalyze the epimerization of selected ketones. -Studies were also conducted towards the controlled release properties of this and other vesicle systems. Qualifications Diploma in Brewing, 2002, Institute of Brewing and Distilling Honors and Activities -E&J Gallo Technology & Quality Award for Teamwork 2005 -E&J Gallo Technology & Quality Award for Continuous Improvement & Innovation 2004 -Institute of Brewing and Distilling -American Society of Brewing Chemists -Master Brewers Association of the Americas -American Chemical Society -Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society Citizenship: United States of America Language Proficiency: English Patents Chyall, L. J.; Hodgen, H. A.; Vyverberg, F. J.; Chapman, R. W.; Chou, P. K. Intumescent Polymer Compositions. US Patent 6,632,442, 2003. Presentations "Picking Out the Tuba Player from the Rest of the Orchestra. Comments on the Similarities and Differences Between Beer and Wine Flavor" Chou, P. K. World Brewing Congress 2004, San Diego, CA, July 2004. "New Flame Retardant Technology for Low Density Furniture Foam." Rose, R. S.; Chou, P. K.; Orizondo, P. L.; Jacobs, P. 29th International Conference on Fire Safety, San Francisco, CA, January 2000. Reactivity of !CH2PH3+ and CH3PH2+!., Chou, P. K.; Schweighofer, A.; Nanayakkara, V. K.; Keck, H.; Kuchen, W.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. 43rd American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Atlanta, GA, June 1995. The Reactivity and Thermochemistry of Distonic Ions Containing Second Row Elements., Chou, P. K.; Smith, R. L.; Schweighofer, A.; Nanayakkara, V. K.; Keck, H.; Kuchen, W.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. 1995 Conference on Ion Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry, Lake Arrowhead, CA, January, 1995. Probing the Structure and Reactivity of the Dimethyleneketene Radical Cation:, Chou, P. K.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. 208th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington, D.C., August, 1994. Secondary and Delocalized Radical Sites in Distonic Radical Cations. Two New Classes of Stable Distonic Ions., Chou, P. K.; Smith, R. L.; Kentt辰maa, H. I., 42nd American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Chicago, IL, June, 1994. Stereoisomeric Vinyl Anions in the Gas Phase: Preparation and Reactivity., Chou, P. K.; Kass, S. R., 32nd National Organic Chemistry Symposium, Minneapolis, MN, June, 1991.
  • 5. Unimolecular Rearrangements of Mono- and Disubstituted Cyclopropyl Anions in the Gas Phase., Chou, P. K.; Kass, S. R., 201st American Chemical Society National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April, 1991. Small Ring Radical Anions: A Route to Pyramidalized Olefins?, Chou, P. K.; Kass, S. R., 1990 Conference on Ion Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry, Lake Arrowhead, CA, February, 1990. Publications "Reactivity of the Gaseous Radical Cations of Trimethylenemethane and 2- Isopropylidenecyclopentane-1,3-diyl" Chou, P. K.; Gao, L.; Painter, S. L.; Blackstock, S. C.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. J. Phys. Chem. 2000, 104, 5530. The Dimethyleneketene Radical Cation., Chou, P. K.; Thoen, K. K.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. J. Org. Chem. 1998, 63, 4470. Structure and Reactivity of Selected Distonic Radical Cations., Smith, R. L.; Chou, P. K.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. In The Structure, Energetics, and Dynamics of Organic Ions: Experiments and Theory; Baer, T.; Ng, C.-Y.; Powis, I., Ed.; John Wiley and Sons: New York, 1996; pp 197-261. The Prototypical Organophosphorus Ylidion !CH2PH3+., Schweighofer, A.; Chou, P. K.; Nanayakkara, V. K.; Thoen, K. K.; Keck, H.; Kuchen, W.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, 11893. Methyl Propionate Radical Cation., Pakarinen, J. M. H.; Vainiotalo, P.; Stumpf, C. L.; Leeck, D. T.; Chou, P. K.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 1996, 7, 482. Reactivity of the Prototype Organosulfur Distonic Ion: !CH2SH2+, Chou, P. K.; Smith, R. L.; Chyall, L. J.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1995, 117, 4374. The Acyclic Distonic Isomer of Ionized Cyclopentanone: !CH2CH2CH2CH2CO+., Smith, R. L.; Chyall, L. J.; Chou, P. K.; Kentt辰maa, H. I. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1994, 116, 781. Anion-molecule Approaches to Non-Kekul辿 Molecules: The Radical Anion of Tetramethyleneethane., Lee, J.; Chou, P. K.; Dowd, P.; Grabowski, J. J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115, 7902. Unimolecular Rearrangements of Carbanions in the Gas Phase. 2. Cyclopropyl Anions., Chou, P. K.; Dahlke, G. D.; Kass, S. R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115, 315. Unimolecular Rearrangements in the Gas Phase. The Thermolysis of Bicyclobutyl and Phenylcyclopropyl Anion., Chou, P. K.; Kass, S. R. Org. Mass Spectrom. 1991, 26, 1039. (E-) and (Z-) Vinyl Anions. The Formation and Characterization of Regio- and Stereoisomers in the Gas Phase., Chou, P. K.; Kass, S. R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1991, 113, 4357. C4H4 Negative Ions: Formation of the Bicyclo[1.1.0.]but-1(3)-ene Radical Anion and an Experimental Determination of the Heat of Formation of Bicyclo[1.1.0.]but-1(3)-ene., Chou, P. K.; Kass, S. R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1991, 113, 697. The Bicyclobutyl Anion: An Alkyl Carbanion., Kass, S. R.; Chou, P. K. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1988, 110, 7899. Kinetics of Amphiphilic Ketone Epimerizations in Cleavable Surfactant Hosts., Jaeger, D. A.; Chou, P. K.; Bolikal, D.; Ok, D.; Kim, K. Y.; Huff, J. B.; Yi, E.; Porter, N. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1988, 110, 5123.