The written records of the revelation of the God of the Bible in the form of the 66 books were given by God progressively. He gave Moses the first five books and possibly Job as well. This presentation attempts to show that the first word of in the Hebrew version of Genesis 1 is the cornerstone word of the 66 books. It also implied the most unique nature of the three Gods -- Elohim Et in Genesis 1:1, Ruah Elohim in Genesis 1:2, and Elohim in Genesis 1:3 -- ever-living, original, not created, not made, not born, not issue, not borrowed, not part of someone else.
The Norwegian Competence Reform - Background, measures, results and lessons EduSkills OECD
The Norwegian Competence Reform from 1999-2003 aimed to provide lifelong learning for adults. Its main goals were to give individuals, enterprises, and society the skills needed and to serve as both a workplace and educational reform. It targeted all adults, both employed and unemployed, and had a broad definition of learning. Key measures included tax exemptions for employer-paid training, statutory rights to study leave and free primary/secondary education for adults. While participation in adult education initially declined, Norway now ranks high in employer-paid training. Lessons learned indicate policies need to address enterprise demands and incentives to invest in learning.
Difendersi dal Bail In è IMPOSSIBILE (se non sai come farlo)Giacomo Saver
Se non sai come farlo difendersi dal Bail In è IMPOSSIBILE. In queste slides vedrai come proteggere i tuoi soldi (ed investirli in modo redditizio) grazie ad un semplice strumento e ad un accorgimento "smart"
The written records of the revelation of the God of the Bible in the form of the 66 books were given by God progressively. He gave Moses the first five books and possibly Job as well. This presentation attempts to show that the first word of in the Hebrew version of Genesis 1 is the cornerstone word of the 66 books. It also implied the most unique nature of the three Gods -- Elohim Et in Genesis 1:1, Ruah Elohim in Genesis 1:2, and Elohim in Genesis 1:3 -- ever-living, original, not created, not made, not born, not issue, not borrowed, not part of someone else.
The Norwegian Competence Reform - Background, measures, results and lessons EduSkills OECD
The Norwegian Competence Reform from 1999-2003 aimed to provide lifelong learning for adults. Its main goals were to give individuals, enterprises, and society the skills needed and to serve as both a workplace and educational reform. It targeted all adults, both employed and unemployed, and had a broad definition of learning. Key measures included tax exemptions for employer-paid training, statutory rights to study leave and free primary/secondary education for adults. While participation in adult education initially declined, Norway now ranks high in employer-paid training. Lessons learned indicate policies need to address enterprise demands and incentives to invest in learning.
Difendersi dal Bail In è IMPOSSIBILE (se non sai come farlo)Giacomo Saver
Se non sai come farlo difendersi dal Bail In è IMPOSSIBILE. In queste slides vedrai come proteggere i tuoi soldi (ed investirli in modo redditizio) grazie ad un semplice strumento e ad un accorgimento "smart"
The new invisibles — a look into the changing face of designSami Niemel?
The coming of age is taking design into new places. How does this new maturity affect the craft and the output of design, and how can we design behavior at a corporate scale?
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Kangaroo care involves extended skin-to-skin contact between a parent and their baby. It has benefits for both babies and parents such as easier breathing and sleep for babies, improved brain development, and increased milk production and bonding for mothers. Kangaroo care is done by placing the baby in an upright position against the parent's chest so as much skin is in contact as possible. It should be done for at least 30 minutes to 2 hours at a time to receive the full benefits.
The document summarizes the Lord's move in Vietnam from October 2016 to September 2017. It reports on gospel results including baptisms, home meetings, and small groups established in various cities. It also describes training for teenagers, students, families and children during this period. Specific activities included perfecting saints for preaching, home meetings, blending, summer gospel camps and God-man family training. Contacting and baptizing people resulted in over 70 baptisms total across multiple cities. Literature work focused on translating works of Witness Lee and the New Testament recovery version into Vietnamese.
The document summarizes the propagation of the gospel in Turkey. It describes how a family moved to Istanbul in 2007 and established the church there in 2010. Full-timers were later sent to Izmir and then moved to Istanbul for propagation. Gospel preaching involves contacting individuals, internet promotion, campus work, literature distribution, and a Facebook page with Turkish gospel videos and messages. There are now 36 saints across Turkey, with the main church located in Istanbul. Goals include expanding campus and small group work and strengthening internet and literature outreach. Prayer is needed for gaining local Turkish people, the literature distribution work, and the health and safety of the saints.
This document provides statistics and plans for the propagation of churches in Sri Lanka from 2016-2017. It outlines the current state with 14 local churches and 494 saints, with goals to increase to 17 churches and 650 saints by 2018. It describes the establishment of 3 new churches in 2017 in Vavuniya, Kotte, and Trincomalee. Training conferences and gospel preaching efforts aim to further spread the churches across Sri Lanka's largest cities and districts. The prayer requests focus on practicing the truths among the saints and increasing the number of believers through daily gospel preaching and small group meetings.
This document summarizes church propagation in Nepal from October 2016 to September 2017. It reports that there were churches established in 5 cities with a total of 247 saints. The goals of propagation were to build up normal church life, perfect pillars, and raise up the young generation. Statistics on the number of gospel visits, group meetings, and Lord's day meetings were provided for the churches in Lalitpur and Pokhara, along with goals for baptism and meetings in 2017. Methods of propagation included daily gospel preaching, shepherding saints, and helping gospel friends remain in the church. Local saints were learning to function through activities such as prayer meetings, gospel preaching, shepherding, and prophesying. National train
The Lord's move in Laos from 2016-2017 is summarized as follows:
1) The number of saints grew from 191 to 301 through preaching the gospel in daily life and intensified gospel campaigns.
2) Literature work expanded with the translation of Matthew's gospel and training of local saints.
3) Training strengthened the churches through perfecting new and core members in church life.
4) International blending occurred through visits from Korean and Taiwanese saints and participation in Thailand conferences.
The Lord is moving in Cambodia in the following ways:
1) Spreading the gospel through various means such as campus gospel, children's gospel, gospel moves, and community gospel.
2) Strengthening the believers through home meetings, literature distribution, hymn translations, and trainings.
3) Blending the saints through annual conferences that bring together local and foreign saints.
4) The number of saints and churches in Cambodia is growing according to targets set by the church. The Lord is blessing His move in Cambodia.
This document summarizes the Lord's work in Bangladesh over the past decade. It began with preaching the gospel at Dhaka University in 2008, gaining 2 students. In 2009, a house was rented for 7 students to live together and preach on campus. Since proclaiming the church in Dhaka in December 2009, the Lord's recovery has spread nationwide. A training center was established in 2017 to help local churches develop a proper church life through short-term training. There are now over 10,000 saints in 138 churches across Bangladesh. Needs include expanding the training center facilities, publishing gospel literature, and conducting more short-term trainings.
1) The document discusses using instant messaging apps like WhatsApp and WeChat to strengthen shepherding and build relationships with new believers.
2) It proposes setting up different IM groups for various functions like prayer, perfecting, and gospel preaching. Content from the website can be posted in bite-sized portions.
3) Maps are provided showing the route of relationships with new ones and content that should be fed to them like milk, congee and solid food as they progress from gospel friends to disciples.
This document provides information about localities in Germany associated with saints or churches, along with two large cities suitable for beginning church life. It also lists three websites with information - one about spring follow-up trips, one about autumn blending and Bible distribution, and one about emigration.