Lifeblood Consultation: An Alternative Vision of Water Managementfnfnlands
This document presents an Eh-Cho Dene and Dunne-Za perspective on water management and an alternative vision of reconciliation. It argues that water is the lifeblood that sustains all living and non-living things. The current approach to water management and reconciliation is not achieving its goals and has led to a steady erosion of indigenous land and water resources. It explores legal approaches to recognizing indigenous water rights and responsibilities, and identifies critical next steps such as articulating a new ethic around water, engaging more people, and creating strategic plans that align various groups working on indigenous water issues.
La robótica estudia el dise?o e implementación de robots que combinan mecánica, electrónica, informática, inteligencia artificial e ingeniería de control para crear máquinas automáticas con cierta inteligencia que imitan comportamientos humanos. El documento presenta la definición personal del alumno Alexsi Andres Souza sobre la robótica para su clase de Base del Conocimiento II impartida por el Ing. Freddy Jordan en la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo.