Gary Wenneker is a Dutch strategic SharePoint architect and .NET software architect with over 15 years of experience working with SharePoint. He has extensive experience designing and implementing SharePoint solutions for organizations across various industries. Some of his recent projects include building public portals and intranets for municipalities, developing a digital reference guide for cancer patients, and designing a compliance portal for Rabobank. Gary is proficient in technologies like SharePoint, .NET, AngularJS, and Elasticsearch. He specializes in conceptual strategic work as well as hands-on development and implementation of SharePoint solutions.
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1. Profile of Gary Wenneker Page 1 Confidential
Gary Wenneker
Strategic SharePoint Architect /
.NET Software Architect
City Houten
Nationality Dutch
Telephone +31 (0) 30 241 61 58
Mobile +31(0) 654 630 703
Gary Wenneker is a senior SharePoint professional, working
ambitiouslywith SharePoint from the very first release.
As an experienced .Net developer and architect he provides
value with every SharePoint challenge, both on a
conceptual/strategic level and by developing and
implementing solutions. His experience areas in SharePoint
projects and SharePoint related problem solving include:
hardware, networking, security, search and of course
straightforward implementation. In his more recent
assignments Garyacted mostlyas a senior SharePoint
consultant/architect. His excellent communication skills
guarantee good results even in complex or politicallysensitive
2. Profile of Gary Wenneker Page 2 Confidential
August 2015 February 2016
The steeringcommittee KankerNL, a Digital Reference Guide Oncology(DVO) to be developedby
me. The workinggroupDVO participate KWF, Dutch Federationof Cancer Organisations (NFK),
Comprehensive Cancer Centre of the Netherlands (IKNL), VU / VUmc (research together living
with cancer, OncoKompas) FoundationALSO (Optimal Support inCancer) and the Dutch
Association for Psychosocial Oncology(NVPO).
The challenge
Researchbythe research group"Together living withcancer" at the Free University/ VU
UniversityMedical Center shows that it is not always clear to patients that supportive therapy
and counselingis available. There is a great need for a timelyandreliable overview of healthcare
providers whooffer supportive treatment andsupport for people with cancer.
The solution
Rural DigitalReference Guide Oncologyleads to a more visible andreliable, timelyandaccessible
overview ofsupportive treatment andsupport for cancer patients and referrers. It gives patients
the abilityto take control ofthe direction and to seek solutions to the problems theyface as a
result of their illness.
My role
Buildinga websolution working withhtml/css, Angular andWebAPI withmyown developed
platform providingrecords management ina newway
SharePoint 2013, ASP.NET, AngularJS, WWF, AJAX, jQuery, VS2010, C#, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, TFS, MVVM, ElasticSearch
November 2014October 2015
The municipalityNieuwegeinworks for the three transitions;Jeugdhulp, EMEA andparticipation
in redesigningandshaping the social domain. An important part ofthe transformationof the
socialdomainis the integralbroadaccess which include an online public portal is deployed.
The challenge
The purpose of the social mapis to increase the self-sufficiencyof citizens ofNieuwegein. This is
done byinforming the social map, share knowledge and, where necessary, to refer. Ci tizens,
volunteers andprofessionalsfindin the social mapanswers to their questions on all social
domains at district andcommune levels. The social cardunlocks for themthe opportunitiesthat
promotes self-reliance as solutions in the present field. It supports professionals, volunteers in
helping andreferring clients. The municipalityalso wants to introduce itselfto management in
cooperationwith external management Geynwijs public portal.
The solution
I createda portal basedon myowndeveloped platform runningon Angular, WebAPI and
ElasticSearch. Coupledwithnational texts informs the public portal, citizens andprofessionalson
organizations and their supplyintheir ownmunicipalityor region. The recordedrural texts canbe
adaptedto make them specific municipality. Citizens, volunteers andprofessionalson Geynwijs
find answers to their questions like; "What support amI entitled?" And"what mealfacilitiesare
in mychurch." You can searchbypostcode to level to offer nearby.
SharePoint 2013, ASP.NET, AngularJS, WWF, AJAX, jQuery, VS2010, C#, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, TFS, MVVM, ElasticSearch
3. Profile of Gary Wenneker Page 3 Confidential
SharePoint Architect
April 2015September 2015
Grontmij is a leadingEuropeanconsultancyandengineering firm withextensive expertise in the
fieldof energy, highways and roads, sustainable buildings andwater. Sustainable designis the
foundationof the work. Thisenables Grontmij able to support their customers inthe
development of the environment.
The challenge
The goal Grontmij withEnergyManagement Administrationwants to achieve, is to displaythe
energyconsumptionresulting from(smart)meters per connected client. For this purposeshould
be gatheredall data fromrelevant sources, per customer to be aggregatedbefore being displayed
in individual Grontmij customer environments. Besides the customers also have different internal
groups to aggregate the data.
The solution
I developeda hybrid SharePoint and Orange Hill Scarabenvironment. The relevant data is
collected inmyown created platform which sits onElasticsearch. Several aggregation levels are
provided allowingbothemployees and customers canview Grontmij data that are important to
them. The abilityto unlockthe aggregatedinformation via a customer dashboard(SharePoint) is
being developed.
SharePoint 2013, ASP.NET, AngularJS, WWF, AJAX, jQuery, VS2010, C#, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, TFS, MVVM, ElasticSearch
SharePoint Architect
january 2015April2015
Vimpelcomis one ofthe world's largest integratedtelecommunications services operators.
The challenge
Vimpelcomhandled manycontracts dailyandneeds a functionto processthem faster andeasier.
This functionalityis calledContract Manager and be part ofthe internationalVimpelcom
SharePoint infrastructure.
The solution
For Vimpelcom we have realized a customized contract environment in SharePoint 2013 in close
cooperationwith Entopic.
My role
Designingthe infrastructure and customconcepts of the application as wellbuildingthe complete
SharePoint 2013, ASP.NET, WWF, AJAX, jQuery, VS2010, C#, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, TFS, MVVM, Excel
4. Profile of Gary Wenneker Page 4 Confidential
SharePoint Architect
GGD Flevoland
June 2014 December 2014
GGD Flevolandis a commonorganization ofthe six municipalities of Almere, Dronten, Lelystad,
Noordoostpolder Urk andZeewolde. GGD Flevoland has branchesinall six municipalities.
The challenge
When changing our GGD Flevolandcommunicationgoalshas become clear that the public
website no longer fits. GGD wants to positionitself more among its target groups. Fragmented
informationis centralized among other prevention. Visitors - bothprofessionals andresidents of
the province - must see at a glance where the GGD stands for.
The solution
From a highlyvisualdesigndevelopedpublic site that instantlyprofessionals andresidents an
overview ofthe municipal health services. There has been a lot of attentionto simplicityand
overview. Typically, the colorful designandthe clever interactionthe visitor logicallyguides the
audience area.
My role
Architect andimplementation specialist
SharePoint 2013, ASP.NET, WWF, AJAX, jQuery, VS2010, C#, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, TFS, MVVM, Excel
SharePoint Architect
Veiligheidsregio IJsselland
June 2013 June 2014Zwolle
Social, corporate intranets andfive bundledpublic websites
Netherlands is divided into25 securityregions. IJssellandis one of them. IJssellandcovers 11
municipalities. Withinthe safety, municipalities, fire brigade, medical assistance and police
together. Where necessary, other partners deployedas defense, utilitiesand the Water Board.
The challenge
The merger of different organizations createsa newdynamic that we want to positionfirmly
towards our professionals and the public.
Internalintranet with a focus onworkingtogether and discovering newcolleagues. Outwardly
directed to the neworganization.
In addition, the components of the new organizationmust be able to communicate separately
with different audiences.
The solution
SharePoint 2013 intranet internallyhosted withanemphasis onbringing together new
colleagues. For audiences developeda comprehensive SharePoint 2013 public site whichis
hosted withinthe organization. The public area is characterizedbya collectionof five separate
environments that are presented withina whole. Eachwithits own designandmanagement.
The sites combines articles frombothenvironments the applications are set upthe wayFacebook
behaves, small updatable areas in the webpage makingit unnecessaryto reloadthe pages. For
data transport andnext generation SharePoint UI a combinationof jQuery, KnockoutJSand
WebServices are used. The pages are not refreshedwhenupdating, onlythe items changed are
passed onto the server. This saved time for the user andbandwidth footprint is reducedto a
large extend. To make all informationretrievable in a very fast waya connector is built betweena
generic webservice and the SharePoint SearchService Provider.
My role
As an architect collecting all the informationfrom the client. Makingarchitecturaldesign
decisions, building the application, implementingpartial updates onthe interfaces, installation
and configuration ofthe SharePoint Farm.
SharePoint 2013, ASP.NET, WWF, AJAX, jQuery, VS2010, C#, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, TFS, MVVM, Excel
5. Profile of Gary Wenneker Page 5 Confidential
SharePoint Architect
Rabobank Nederland
September 2012 July 2013Utrecht
Because of changing regulations onthe financial market Rabobankdecided to invest inbuildinga
Compliance Portal. This portal runningas a SharePoint 2010 Applicationhasa central portal for
defining all neededquestions, checks whichare publishedto all local banks. Fromthere all
reports are filledinandExcel and Word reportingis generatedautomaticallyand postedbackto
the central portal. Technicallythe application uses de standardAPI of SharePoint. For the
SharePoint Content Model an MVVMpattern is usedto have persistent objects boundbyeasyto
use forms andviews for the questions. For data transport andnext generation SharePoint UI a
combination ofjQuery, KnockoutJS andWebServicesare used. Thiscreates the same behaviour
as you woulduse Facebook. The pagesare not refreshedwhenupdating, onlythe items changed
are passedon to the server. Thissavedtime for the user andbandwidthfootprint is reducedto a
large extend.
My role inthe project:
SharePoint architect, makingarchitecturaldesign decisions, buildingthe application, designing
the html layouts, implementingpartial updates onthe interfaces.
SharePoint 2010, ASP.NET, WWF, AJAX, jQuery, VS2010, C#, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, TFS, MVVM, Excel
SharePoint Architect
June 2012 august2012Utrecht
Rijkswaterstaat switches to SharePoint for process information ConstructionProjects andhas
chosen for its entire project management anddocumentation to be associatedwitha system.
Therefore, Rijkswaterstaat commissionedthe constructionof the Construction Portal, a process-
orientedportal for all employees whoare involvedina constructionproject (thinkof planning
and constructionof roads, waterways, bridges, locks, etc.). Basedonmyproof ofconcept, I have
independentlydeveloped thisportal. Besides standardSharePoint components contains the
portal bymanyOrangehill developed customizedcomponents suchas anintegritycheckon all
hyperlinks andthe abilityto create snapshots of all (at anytime applicable) documents (so-called
baselines). For the employeesof RWS this portal andthe onlycomplete resource for all excel
sheets, documents, products, tasks, roles, andother project related information.
SharePoint 2010, ASP.NET, WWF, AJAX, jQuery, VS2010, C#, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, TFS, Excel
SharePoint Architect
September 2011 may 2012 Arnhem
Supporting Capgemini in building the TenneT intranet. I joined the team at the time whenthey
were dealing withtime pressure andsome serious issuesthat were threatening successful
completionof the project and neededthe assistance ofa senior consultant. The client
requirements resultedina verycomplex solution;variations in3 languages, andmetadata
connections for user profiles, pagesand search. Client alsorequiredmigrationfrom the old
SharePoint 2007 environment to the new intranet - with a new site structure.
My role inthe project:
SharePoint architect, leadingand coachingthe team members, sparring partner for project
manager andclient. Maintainingproject planning and estimates. Furthermore I developeda
generic SharePoint provisioning system for Capgemini for a distinct persistent one-touch
SharePoint 2010, MOSS2007, ASP.NET, WWF, AJAX, jQuery, VS2010, C#, Infopath, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, Silverlight, TFS
6. Profile of Gary Wenneker Page 6 Confidential
SharePoint Architect / SharePoint Consultant
GGD Flevoland
July 2011December 2011Lelystad
GGD intendedto introduce a SharePoint platform for hosting numerous public websites for a
number of regional GGDorganisations, enabling these sitesto use multiple applications and
external andinternal information sources such as xml andExcel through Excel Services. Important
requirement for these SharePoint websites is that theyhave to consist of validating HTML.
My role:
SharePoint Architect for the development of the platform andthe new public websites. Using
PixelPerfect byBuildingBlocks to generate validatingHTML-pages for the non-SharePoint user
SharePoint 2010, Pixel Perfect, ASP.NET, AJAX, jQuery, Visual Studio, C#, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, TFS, Excel
SharePoint Consultant
May 2011 June 2011Lijnden
SharePoint developer as anadded resource for severalprojects/clients, analyzing andfixing
various problems andsupporting team members.
SharePoint 2010, ASP.NET, AJAX, jQuery, Visual Studio, C#, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, TFS
SharePoint Architect
Macaw / Centraal Beheer ACHMEA
August 2010April 2011 Apeldoorn
Development of the newwebsite of (the newandpublic part of the
My role: Building generic platforms inSharePoint 2007 and 2010 for numerous insurance
websites usingcustombuilt workflows (WWF3). Dealing withfluent strategic vision from
management andrequirements that were changing frequently.
SharePoint 2010, MOSS 2007, ASP.NET, Windows Workflow Foundation, AJAX, jQuery, VS, C#, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, TFS
SharePoint Architect / SharePoint Consultant
AFM - AutoriteitFinanci谷leMarkten
October 2009 August2010Amsterdam
Implementinga fullybrandedintranet using various components like MOSS FacetedSearch,
includinga strict SharePoint Governance. All content pages are rolled upthrough search,
guaranteeing highperformance. During the project I trainedkeyusers andapplication
My Role:
Sole SharePoint Consultant for the project, developing the entire brandedwebsite. Analyzingall
companyprocessesand buildingworkflows for them. Programming custom webparts inASP.NET,
Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript andXML) andjQuery. Creating applications to retrieve information
from legacysystems. Leadingthe team ofusers during the project and teachingthem to work
with SharePoint. Setting upa governance planfor incorporationof the basic rules withinthe
organisation. Assisting applicationandsystemengineers and trainingthem to manage the
complex environment.
SharePoint 2010, MOSS2007, ASP.NET, AJAX, jQuery, Visual Studio, C#, Infopath, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, Silverlight
7. Profile of Gary Wenneker Page 7 Confidential
SharePoint Architect
September 2010 September 2010 Pijnacker
Thermon wasusing a SharePoint installationmanagedbythe US headquarters andraninto
urgent problems during the implementation and configurationof anLMS e -learning system.
My role:
SharePoint Consultant. Incooperationwith headquarters I adjusted settings resulting in a fully
operationalsystem. Furthermore I realised full brandingof the entire site andconfiguredthe ISA
server firewallsto publishthe sitesto the extranet.
SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2007, ASP.NET, AJAX, jQuery, Visual Studio, C#, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, TFS
SharePoint Architect
Royal BAM Group
April 2008August 2009 Bunnik
Implementation ofMOSS, service client withnew SharePoint applications. Settingup governance
to complywithclients highdemands for availabilityand qualityfor the platform servicingBAM
companies all over the world24/7 withhundreds of sites andmore than13.000 users.
My role:
SharePoint Consultant. Setting uptwo SharePoint farms, one farm for internet access, the second
farm specificallyfor usage withinthe companynetwork. Settingup an extensive governance plan
with specific rulesto maintain qualityandmanagabilityof the environment. Creatingapplications
and webparts for the bussiness units ofthe company. Helping users and teachthem to use
SharePoint ina smart way.
ASP.NET, C#, Visual Studio, AJAX, jQuery, XML, XSLT, BDC, SharePoint, InfoPath, ISA Server, Governance, Branding
SharePoint Architect
April 2008August 2009 Amsterdam
The client neededa specialist as soon as possibleto fix the problems theyhadat that moment:
just before the deadline, the environment crashedevery30 minutes.
My role:
SharePoint Consultant. Troubleshooting in production environment to ensure stabilitywithing the
Microsoft SharePoint Office Server Farm. Findingthe cause of the problem wasthe real challenge
in this case.
SharePoint Server 2007, SQL Server
SharePoint Architect
February 2008 July 2008 Vianen
As a teamleadbuilding the website to give steamer ovencustomers log in
access to a wealthof informationabout the product, recipes and billing information after their
SharePoint Consultant. Implementationand provisioning of MOSS 2007. Creating standards for
deployment andconfigurationof SharePoint solutions andbrandingof the website., C#, Visual Studio, SQL Server, SharePoint Server 2007, XML, XSLT, BDC, SAP Connector
8. Profile of Gary Wenneker Page 8 Confidential
SharePoint Architect
January 2008 July 2008Arnhem
Settingup a new intranet withmanycustom built elements.
My role:
SharePoint Consultant. Implementationand provisioning of MOSS 2007, entirelycreatedfrom
site definitions, fullybranded. The site containedmultiple custom forms for input of information,
as the out of the box functionalitydidnt meet the requirements of the client. Creating multiple
Infopath forms to embedin the intranet. Technicallyleading the entire development team,
coachingjunior developers to keepthemup to speedduring the short periodof time. Setting up
governance andfall back scenarios withapplication and system engineers.
ASP.NET, C#, Visual Studio, SharePoint Server 2007, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, Infopath, BDC
SharePoint Architect
February 2008 February2008Utrecht
Performing an audit on a SharePoint environment that was suffering fromserious performance
SharePoint Consultant. Troubleshooting in productionenvironment to locate a performance issue
in the SharePoint environment andcustom applications running in SharePoint.
I locatedanddocumentedthe issue quicklyandsuggesteda solution. Capgemini was able to
resolve the issue sothe environment was able to meet the performance requirements.
ASP.NET, C#, Visual Studio, SharePoint Server 2007, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, Infopath, BDC
9. Profile of Gary Wenneker Page 9 Confidential
SharePoint Architect
December 2007January 2008
Implementation and provisioningof MOSS 2007
Settingup branding for the FloraHolland website. Setting upa framework for easy deployment of
future updates withinthe system.
Provisioning, C#, SharePoint Server 2007, Visual Studio, SQL Server
Senior .NET Architect / Team leader
Lead architect for a UWV applicationto consolidate all base informationsystems to one general
data warehouse.
C#, ASP.NET, Webservices, XML, XSLT, SQL Server, Visual Studio
Senior .NET Architect / Team leader
Buildingvarious applications for a pharmaceutical companybasedin the Netherlands. Setting up
a development street in India during a fewweeks. Assisting the development team inIndiafor a
few weeks to meet the project standards. Creating/designing an application framework and
guidelinesfor the applications.
ASP.NET, SharePoint, Visual Studio, Cruise Control Build Server, TFS, XML, XSLT, CSS, AJAX
Senior .NET Architect / Team leader
The Future Group
January 2003 January 2007
Worked for various client onmanyprojects. Most of themwere either .NET Architectural projects
or SharePoint projects.
Those projects are listedinmyLinkedin profile.
ASP.NET, SharePoint, Visual Studio, Cruise Control Build Server, TFS, XML, XSLT, CSS, AJAX
.NET Architect
Developer, creating a cross platform applicationto manage gamingservers from a client machine.
C#, ASP.NET, Remoting, XML, XSLT, Webservices, Visual Studio
Lead .NET Developer
Commodore International Corp
ASP.NET and Windows Forms development, buildingapplications for media center equipment.
C#, ASP.NET, Windows Forms, AJAX, Remoting, Visual Studio
.NET Professional
2004 2005
Infrastructure Specialist. Auditing 3rd partysoftware at Getronics for UWV to make them fit in
the infrastructure.
C#, ASP.NET, Windows Forms, Remoting, Visual Studio, Networking, Security, Firewalls
Senior Architect
2000 2003
.NET architect and starting withSharePoint. Rolling out SharePoint for the Department of Justice.
Doingseveral other nice projects with these technologiesat clients:Intergas, Howards Home...
SharePoint 2001, C#, ASP.NET, Windows Forms, Remoting, Visual Studio
10. Profile of Gary Wenneker Page 10 Confidential
Expertise started expert intermediate novice
Computer languages
Visual Studio.Net 2000
SOAP 2000
ASP.NET 2000
VB.NET 2000
C# 2002
XML Webservices 2000
(D)COM(+) 1997
Active Server Pages (ASP 3.0) 1996
Jscript/JavaScript 1995
XML 1999
WWF 2009
Linq 2010
ADO.NET 2000
MS Access 1996
MS SQL Server 2008 and before 1997
MySql 1997
Oracle 2002
SQLite 2011
COM object model 1996
DCOM 1996
OO (Object Oriented Programming) 2000
UML 2000
Prince2 2001
DSDM 2000
RUP 2005
MSF 2000
RAD (Rapid Application Development) 1997
ITIL 1997
Scrum/Agile 2010
11. Profile of Gary Wenneker Page 11 Confidential
Expertises Started expert intermediate novice
SharePoint 2001
MicrosoftISA Server 2006
Office 1996
Visio 2001
IIS (4 t/m 7) 1996
Excel 1996
Continuous Integration
SVN 2005
CVS 2005
SVN 2005
Subversion 2005
Visual SourceSafe/ TFS 2001
TortoiseSVN 2005
AnkhSVN 2005
CruiseControl.NET 2005
12. Profile of Gary Wenneker Page 12 Confidential
Henri van Dijk, Projectmanager, Capgemini
Gary is a senior SharePoint consultant. Hands on, knowing all the sources and
more importantly the relationships, making tooling when needed, focused upon results,
with highly developed analytic capabilities, good communications skills, trustworthy,
trusted advisor for the project manager and customer. I recommend Gary without any
doubt for the next SharePoint project. Henri van Dijk March 28, 2012
Jan Tonkens, consultantand networkspecialist
I worked with Gary at the then starting broadband provider Gelrevision, now part
of UPC Netherlands and also worked with him at Plaza while he was a consultant at
Arcadis Nederland bv. His technical knowledge was outstanding and his current
knowledge and experience for Sharepoint projects is very high. If you consider
introduction Sharepoint in your organisation don't underestimate the impact for your
organisation. It needs more than installing the SharePoint server in your domain: you
need someone who can help you setup the SP sites and even more important knowledge
and experience in the organisational side of such a project. I can recommend Gary to
help you with this. Feel free to contact me for more information Jan Tonkens, support
engineer at Microsoft Professional Support services Platform Professional EMEA area
August 13, 2010
Marjon van der Born, IBM
Top qualities: Personable, Expert, Good Value
The intranet of a client collapsed every half our due to SharePoint problems.
As we did not have SharePoint one specialists available, we hired Gary.
Gary solved the problems within a day. October 25, 2008