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Document Processing Lifecycle (DPL)Document Processing Lifecycle (DPL)Document Processing Lifecycle (DPL)Document Processing Lifecycle (DPL)
e-Matrix Consulting Sdn Bhd (594935-W)
No. 56-2, Jalan Wangsa Delima 6,
Seksyen 5, Pusat Bandar Wangsa Maju, 53300 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.
Tel: +603-4149 0639 Fax: +603-4149 0539
11th May 2016
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Solution OverviewSolution OverviewSolution OverviewSolution Overview
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle (DPL) SystemDocument Processing Lifecycle (DPL) SystemDocument Processing Lifecycle (DPL) SystemDocument Processing Lifecycle (DPL) System
 An end-to-end solution for electronic ISO document processing and control
Draft a document
Revise a document
Review a document
Approve or reject a document
Publish a document
 Also manages document expiry alerts for pro-active notification
Send e-mail alerts prior to document expiration
User-driven parameters for alerts distribution
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Who Will Benefit?Who Will Benefit?Who Will Benefit?Who Will Benefit?
 Organization looking to automate ISO document control process
 Organization looking automate any document control process regardless of
document type
 Organization looking for proactive automated document expiry monitoring
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Key Modules Components Target Users/Customers
ISO Document Control Customized ECB features and workflow for automatic
ISO document processing, approval and repository.
ISO-certified organizations which handles ISO documents
processing manually.
Document Expiry Monitoring Customized background service which monitors
document expiry date in a document library and send
out email alerts as needed prior to the expiration.
 Legal department in an organization.
 Users managing maintenance contract or other time-
based contracts.
 ISO document controllers
Collaboration Departmental team site, announcement, calendar,
document library, photo library, tasks list, issue
tracking list, survey, promoted sites, search, etc (out-
of-the box).
 Users seeking basic Document Management System
(DMS) functionalities to replace existing file server.
 Users looking for a centralized repository for digital assets.
 Improve efficiency
Shorten processing time
Centralized document progress tracking
 A web-based solution
Access via favorite browser  Chrome, Firefox, Mozilla
Accessible from anywhere and at anytime
Can be on premise or cloud
 Flexible application
Modular-based design allows for additional modules development to address new business needs
Can be customized for other relevant purposes/needs (ie; legal document control)
Integration module can be built for integration with 3rd party system
Common methods - Web Services, Secure FTP, XML
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Modular FeaturesModular FeaturesModular FeaturesModular Features
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Departmental Collaboration SiteDepartmental Collaboration SiteDepartmental Collaboration SiteDepartmental Collaboration Site
 Area for collaborating among peers
Latest announcement
Upcoming events
Shared document library
Discussion group
Team blog
Tasks tracking
 Ready with document expiry monitoring library
Document expiry-enabled document library
Flexible alerts managed by users
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Area For Collaboration Among PeersArea For Collaboration Among PeersArea For Collaboration Among PeersArea For Collaboration Among Peers
communication andcommunication andcommunication andcommunication and
information sharinginformation sharinginformation sharinginformation sharing
from onefrom onefrom onefrom one----stopstopstopstop centercentercentercenter
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Expiry Monitored LibraryDocument Expiry Monitored LibraryDocument Expiry Monitored LibraryDocument Expiry Monitored Library
No more worries forNo more worries forNo more worries forNo more worries for
expiring contracts!expiring contracts!expiring contracts!expiring contracts!
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
ISO Document TemplateISO Document TemplateISO Document TemplateISO Document Template
 Collection of approved
ISO document templates
Consistent format and
version control
Readily available to users
 Fully managed by
Document Controller
Only published version are
made available
Single repository for all ISO
document templates
No more inconsistent format
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Send To Document ControllerSend To Document ControllerSend To Document ControllerSend To Document Controller
 No more document
routing via e-mail
Send document directly
from user document
Document Controllers
will be alerted via e-mail
 Single click delivery
Simply right click
document item and
select action
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Process DocumentProcess DocumentProcess DocumentProcess Document  Revise/Review/Approve/RejectRevise/Review/Approve/RejectRevise/Review/Approve/RejectRevise/Review/Approve/Reject
 Single document workspace
per document
 E-mail notification for tasks
 Automatic permission
assignment and revocation
 Remarks form for completed
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Single Document Workspace Per DocumentSingle Document Workspace Per DocumentSingle Document Workspace Per DocumentSingle Document Workspace Per Document
location forlocation forlocation forlocation for
processing aprocessing aprocessing aprocessing a
single documentsingle documentsingle documentsingle document
by multiby multiby multiby multi----partypartypartyparty
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
EEEE----mail Notification For Tasks Assignmentmail Notification For Tasks Assignmentmail Notification For Tasks Assignmentmail Notification For Tasks Assignment
notification fornotification fornotification fornotification for
assignment asassignment asassignment asassignment as
well otherwell otherwell otherwell other
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Intelligent Permission Assignment And RevocationIntelligent Permission Assignment And RevocationIntelligent Permission Assignment And RevocationIntelligent Permission Assignment And Revocation
User only have access while workingUser only have access while workingUser only have access while workingUser only have access while working
on the documenton the documenton the documenton the document
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Remarks For Completed TaskRemarks For Completed TaskRemarks For Completed TaskRemarks For Completed Task
User will be prompted to key inUser will be prompted to key inUser will be prompted to key inUser will be prompted to key in
remarks for completed taskremarks for completed taskremarks for completed taskremarks for completed task 
automatically updated inautomatically updated inautomatically updated inautomatically updated in
document workspacedocument workspacedocument workspacedocument workspace
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Published Documents RepositoryPublished Documents RepositoryPublished Documents RepositoryPublished Documents Repository
 Central repository for all
published ISO documents
User have READ-only access
All documents are latest
published version
PDF format
 Easily customizable view
Default is by Document Type
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Create Document WorkspaceCreate Document WorkspaceCreate Document WorkspaceCreate Document Workspace
 Single-click auto creation of
individual document
Initiated by Document Controller
Create workspace
Copy document and metadata to
Attach custom workflow
 Template-based workspace
 Single virtual area for
multi-party working on a
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
TemplateTemplateTemplateTemplate----based Workspacebased Workspacebased Workspacebased Workspace
Customizable template to suiteCustomizable template to suiteCustomizable template to suiteCustomizable template to suite
document processing needsdocument processing needsdocument processing needsdocument processing needs
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Single Virtual Area For MultiSingle Virtual Area For MultiSingle Virtual Area For MultiSingle Virtual Area For Multi----party Document Processingparty Document Processingparty Document Processingparty Document Processing
Reviser, Reviewer andReviser, Reviewer andReviser, Reviewer andReviser, Reviewer and
Approver converged to aApprover converged to aApprover converged to aApprover converged to a
single virtual area tosingle virtual area tosingle virtual area tosingle virtual area to
process an ISO documentprocess an ISO documentprocess an ISO documentprocess an ISO document
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Task AssignmentTask AssignmentTask AssignmentTask Assignment
 Flexible tasks list
Can have unlimited number or
Revisers and Reviewers
But only single Approver
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
 Integrated with Active Directory
Users pick up from Active Directory
Single sign-on
 Assignment handles by
intelligent workflow
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Master ListMaster ListMaster ListMaster List
 Central dashboard for
document tracking
Document progress updated by
intelligent workflow
Multiple flexible views to suit
 Include register for
published documents
No more Excel worksheet for
manual tracking
Document Reference Number
and Revision updated
automatically when document is
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Central Dashboard For Document TrackingCentral Dashboard For Document TrackingCentral Dashboard For Document TrackingCentral Dashboard For Document Tracking
TabTabTabTab----based views forbased views forbased views forbased views for
multiple filtering and statusmultiple filtering and statusmultiple filtering and statusmultiple filtering and status
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Include Register For Published DocumentsInclude Register For Published DocumentsInclude Register For Published DocumentsInclude Register For Published Documents
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Synchronize DocumentSynchronize DocumentSynchronize DocumentSynchronize Document
 One step synchronization with
Approved document
Document Controller sync with
Document Workspace
User sync with Document Controller
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Publish DocumentsPublish DocumentsPublish DocumentsPublish Documents
 Single click publishing
Custom feature
Send to centralized repository
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
ReleasedReleasedReleasedReleased DocumentsDocumentsDocumentsDocuments
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Expiry MonitoringDocument Expiry MonitoringDocument Expiry MonitoringDocument Expiry Monitoring
 Basic expiration monitoring
Customizable alert parameters
Flexible to monitor selected
document libraries only
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
EEEE----mail Alertmail Alertmail Alertmail Alert
 Built-in alert system
E-mail alert for
document processing
Alert staffs on tasks
Alert owners on
 Customizable email
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
One server hardware for DPL 2013 System
Single Quad-core Xeon CPU
2x300GB (RAID-1)  OS
4x300GB (RAID-10)  BIN/Indexing
6x450GB (RAID-10)  DATA (~1.2TB usage data or increase/reduce depending on customer data size
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition (For DPL 2013 server)
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Standard Edition and SQL CALs (For DPL 2013 databases)
***It is assumed that Active Directory (required by DPL 2013 System) directory service is already
deployed in customers environment, therefore Windows CALs is assumed to be readily
For further information of the solution, please do not hesitate to reach
us as per details below:
Azharim Abdul Aziz
Sales & Marketing Director
+6017 381 1125 (Mobile/Whatsapps/SMS)
+603 4149 0639 (Office)
+603 4149 0539 (Fax)
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
Document Processing Lifecycle System
Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.

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  • 1. Document Processing Lifecycle (DPL)Document Processing Lifecycle (DPL)Document Processing Lifecycle (DPL)Document Processing Lifecycle (DPL) SystemSystemSystemSystem e-Matrix Consulting Sdn Bhd (594935-W) No. 56-2, Jalan Wangsa Delima 6, Seksyen 5, Pusat Bandar Wangsa Maju, 53300 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. Tel: +603-4149 0639 Fax: +603-4149 0539 11th May 2016 Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 2. Solution OverviewSolution OverviewSolution OverviewSolution Overview Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 3. Document Processing Lifecycle (DPL) SystemDocument Processing Lifecycle (DPL) SystemDocument Processing Lifecycle (DPL) SystemDocument Processing Lifecycle (DPL) System An end-to-end solution for electronic ISO document processing and control Draft a document Revise a document Review a document Approve or reject a document Publish a document Also manages document expiry alerts for pro-active notification Send e-mail alerts prior to document expiration User-driven parameters for alerts distribution Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 4. Who Will Benefit?Who Will Benefit?Who Will Benefit?Who Will Benefit? Organization looking to automate ISO document control process Organization looking automate any document control process regardless of document type Organization looking for proactive automated document expiry monitoring Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish. Key Modules Components Target Users/Customers ISO Document Control Customized ECB features and workflow for automatic ISO document processing, approval and repository. ISO-certified organizations which handles ISO documents processing manually. Document Expiry Monitoring Customized background service which monitors document expiry date in a document library and send out email alerts as needed prior to the expiration. Legal department in an organization. Users managing maintenance contract or other time- based contracts. ISO document controllers Collaboration Departmental team site, announcement, calendar, document library, photo library, tasks list, issue tracking list, survey, promoted sites, search, etc (out- of-the box). Users seeking basic Document Management System (DMS) functionalities to replace existing file server. Users looking for a centralized repository for digital assets.
  • 5. Why?Why?Why?Why? Improve efficiency Shorten processing time Centralized document progress tracking A web-based solution Access via favorite browser Chrome, Firefox, Mozilla Accessible from anywhere and at anytime Can be on premise or cloud Flexible application Modular-based design allows for additional modules development to address new business needs Can be customized for other relevant purposes/needs (ie; legal document control) Integration-ready Integration module can be built for integration with 3rd party system Common methods - Web Services, Secure FTP, XML Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
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  • 13. ISO Document TemplateISO Document TemplateISO Document TemplateISO Document Template Collection of approved ISO document templates Consistent format and version control Readily available to users Fully managed by Document Controller Only published version are made available Single repository for all ISO document templates No more inconsistent format headache Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 14. USER MODULE: SEND TO DOCUMENT CONTROLLER Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 15. Send To Document ControllerSend To Document ControllerSend To Document ControllerSend To Document Controller No more document routing via e-mail Send document directly from user document library Document Controllers will be alerted via e-mail Single click delivery Simply right click document item and select action Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 16. USER MODULE: PROCESS DOCUMENT REVISED/REVIEW/APPROVE/REJECT Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 17. Process DocumentProcess DocumentProcess DocumentProcess Document Revise/Review/Approve/RejectRevise/Review/Approve/RejectRevise/Review/Approve/RejectRevise/Review/Approve/Reject Single document workspace per document E-mail notification for tasks assignment Automatic permission assignment and revocation Remarks form for completed task Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 18. Single Document Workspace Per DocumentSingle Document Workspace Per DocumentSingle Document Workspace Per DocumentSingle Document Workspace Per Document CentralizedCentralizedCentralizedCentralized location forlocation forlocation forlocation for processing aprocessing aprocessing aprocessing a single documentsingle documentsingle documentsingle document by multiby multiby multiby multi----partypartypartyparty Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 19. EEEE----mail Notification For Tasks Assignmentmail Notification For Tasks Assignmentmail Notification For Tasks Assignmentmail Notification For Tasks Assignment TemplateTemplateTemplateTemplate---- basedbasedbasedbased customizablecustomizablecustomizablecustomizable emailemailemailemail notification fornotification fornotification fornotification for tasktasktasktask assignment asassignment asassignment asassignment as well otherwell otherwell otherwell other processes.processes.processes.processes. Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 20. Intelligent Permission Assignment And RevocationIntelligent Permission Assignment And RevocationIntelligent Permission Assignment And RevocationIntelligent Permission Assignment And Revocation User only have access while workingUser only have access while workingUser only have access while workingUser only have access while working on the documenton the documenton the documenton the document Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 21. Remarks For Completed TaskRemarks For Completed TaskRemarks For Completed TaskRemarks For Completed Task User will be prompted to key inUser will be prompted to key inUser will be prompted to key inUser will be prompted to key in remarks for completed taskremarks for completed taskremarks for completed taskremarks for completed task automatically updated inautomatically updated inautomatically updated inautomatically updated in document workspacedocument workspacedocument workspacedocument workspace Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 22. USER MODULE: PUBLISHED DOCUMENTS REPOSITORY Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 23. Published Documents RepositoryPublished Documents RepositoryPublished Documents RepositoryPublished Documents Repository Central repository for all published ISO documents User have READ-only access All documents are latest published version PDF format Easily customizable view Default is by Document Type Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 24. PROCESSING MODULE: CREATE DOCUMENT WORKSPACE Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 25. Create Document WorkspaceCreate Document WorkspaceCreate Document WorkspaceCreate Document Workspace Single-click auto creation of individual document workspace Initiated by Document Controller Create workspace Copy document and metadata to workspace Attach custom workflow Template-based workspace Single virtual area for multi-party working on a document Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 26. TemplateTemplateTemplateTemplate----based Workspacebased Workspacebased Workspacebased Workspace Customizable template to suiteCustomizable template to suiteCustomizable template to suiteCustomizable template to suite document processing needsdocument processing needsdocument processing needsdocument processing needs Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 27. Single Virtual Area For MultiSingle Virtual Area For MultiSingle Virtual Area For MultiSingle Virtual Area For Multi----party Document Processingparty Document Processingparty Document Processingparty Document Processing Reviser, Reviewer andReviser, Reviewer andReviser, Reviewer andReviser, Reviewer and Approver converged to aApprover converged to aApprover converged to aApprover converged to a single virtual area tosingle virtual area tosingle virtual area tosingle virtual area to process an ISO documentprocess an ISO documentprocess an ISO documentprocess an ISO document PaperPaperPaperPaper----less!!!less!!!less!!!less!!! Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 28. PROCESSING MODULE: TASK ASSIGNMENT Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 29. Task AssignmentTask AssignmentTask AssignmentTask Assignment Flexible tasks list Can have unlimited number or Revisers and Reviewers But only single Approver Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish. Integrated with Active Directory Users pick up from Active Directory Single sign-on Assignment handles by intelligent workflow
  • 30. PROCESSING MODULE: MASTER LIST Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 31. Master ListMaster ListMaster ListMaster List Central dashboard for document tracking Document progress updated by intelligent workflow Multiple flexible views to suit needs Include register for published documents No more Excel worksheet for manual tracking Document Reference Number and Revision updated automatically when document is published Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 32. Central Dashboard For Document TrackingCentral Dashboard For Document TrackingCentral Dashboard For Document TrackingCentral Dashboard For Document Tracking TabTabTabTab----based views forbased views forbased views forbased views for multiple filtering and statusmultiple filtering and statusmultiple filtering and statusmultiple filtering and status trackingtrackingtrackingtracking Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 33. Include Register For Published DocumentsInclude Register For Published DocumentsInclude Register For Published DocumentsInclude Register For Published Documents Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 34. PROCESSING MODULE: SYNCHRONIZE DOCUMENT Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 35. Synchronize DocumentSynchronize DocumentSynchronize DocumentSynchronize Document One step synchronization with Approved document Document Controller sync with Document Workspace User sync with Document Controller Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 36. PROCESSING MODULE: PUBLISH DOCUMENTS Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 37. Publish DocumentsPublish DocumentsPublish DocumentsPublish Documents Single click publishing Custom feature Send to centralized repository Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 38. ReleasedReleasedReleasedReleased DocumentsDocumentsDocumentsDocuments Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 39. PROCESSING MODULE: DOCUMENT EXPIRY MONITORING Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 40. Document Expiry MonitoringDocument Expiry MonitoringDocument Expiry MonitoringDocument Expiry Monitoring Basic expiration monitoring Customizable alert parameters Flexible to monitor selected document libraries only Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 41. PROCESSING MODULE: EMAIL ALERT Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 42. EEEE----mail Alertmail Alertmail Alertmail Alert Built-in alert system E-mail alert for document processing actions Alert staffs on tasks assignment Alert owners on document approval/rejection Customizable email templates Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 43. REQUIREMENTS!REQUIREMENTS!REQUIREMENTS!REQUIREMENTS! Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish. One server hardware for DPL 2013 System Single Quad-core Xeon CPU 32GB RAM 2x300GB (RAID-1) OS 4x300GB (RAID-10) BIN/Indexing 6x450GB (RAID-10) DATA (~1.2TB usage data or increase/reduce depending on customer data size estimates) Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition (For DPL 2013 server) Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Standard Edition and SQL CALs (For DPL 2013 databases) ***It is assumed that Active Directory (required by DPL 2013 System) directory service is already deployed in customers environment, therefore Windows CALs is assumed to be readily procured.
  • 44. CONTACT US!CONTACT US!CONTACT US!CONTACT US! For further information of the solution, please do not hesitate to reach us as per details below: Azharim Abdul Aziz Sales & Marketing Director azharim@e-matrix.com.my +6017 381 1125 (Mobile/Whatsapps/SMS) +603 4149 0639 (Office) +603 4149 0539 (Fax) Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.
  • 45. Document Processing Lifecycle System Draft. Revise. Review. Approve. Publish.