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Jornada científica NanoFrontMag
Prof. Farkhad Aliev
PhD. student Antonio Lara (FPU-UAM till Oct 2016)
PhD. student Isidoro Martinez (Contratado MAT2012)
Master student Pablo Andres (Beca IFIMAC)
Undergrad. student Javier Robledo (3/4 de grado, beca INC)
Undergrad. student Daniel Vidal (TFG)
Dr. Juan Pedro Cascales (posdoc MIT, Boston, EEUU)
TOOLS: Broadband FMR, Noise, Lateral photovoltaic effect, micromagnetic simulations.
Prof. Juan Jose Palacios
Prof. Jose Vicente Alvarez
PhD. student Carlos Salgado (Contratado FIS2013)
PhD. student Wendel Silva Paz (becario internacional Brasil)
PhD. student Acharya Kandala (Contratado FIS2013)
PhD. student Sahar Pakdel (visitor)
Undergrad. student Fernando Llorente (beca de colaboración)
TOOLS: Theory, Atomistic Simulations, Model Hamiltonians
Lara, et al., Scientific Reports, 5, 9187 (2015) A. Lara
Young scientist research award
INC (2015)
A. Lara
Invited talk GEFES-2016
Microwave stimulated superconductvity due to presence of vortices
with KU Leuven
Superpoissonian shot noise in MTJs with organic barriers
Cascales et al., Appl. Phys. Lett.
105, 233302 (2014);
Collaboration with M-T. Lin group,
Supported by UAM-Santander project
J.P. Cascaces
“Best poster award”
Reunion anual de Jovenes
investigadores INC
(Diciembre de 2015)
Low frequency vs. high frequency noise correlation in spin torque devices
Collaboration with
CEA-Grenoble and
Hitachi GS, USA
Low frequncy noise spectroscopy of topoligic insulator based magnetic tunnel junctions
J.P. Cascaces
3th Best poster award
INC2015 School
Collaboration with J. Moodera
MIT, Boston, USA
Magnetic state dependent lateral photovoltaic effect in FM/Oxide/Semiconductor structures
Other publications (NANOFRONTMAG)
Simulations of hydrogen induced magnetism in Graphene
Publications (acknowledgement NANOFRONTMAG):
12 (including 3APL, 4PRB, AIP Advances, Sci. Reports, Science)
8 Invited talks; 5 Orals; 9 Posters
SUMMARY / Hightlights
2 PhD Thesis (Juan Pedro Cascales - 2015, Maria Soriano- 2015)
Trabajos de Fin de Master (Abdeladil Elhadeir- 2015; Sergio
Graullera- 2015)
2 “best poster awards” , “Best young reseacher INC-2015” award
Divulgacion: Organización de XXII INC Summer School 2015
2 artículos de divulgación en WEBs (GEFES, IFIMAC)

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2016.06.21 magnetrans uam NanoFrontMag

  • 2. MAGNETRANS UAM Experiment Prof. Farkhad Aliev PhD. student Antonio Lara (FPU-UAM till Oct 2016) PhD. student Isidoro Martinez (Contratado MAT2012) Master student Pablo Andres (Beca IFIMAC) Undergrad. student Javier Robledo (3/4 de grado, beca INC) Undergrad. student Daniel Vidal (TFG) Dr. Juan Pedro Cascales (posdoc MIT, Boston, EEUU) TOOLS: Broadband FMR, Noise, Lateral photovoltaic effect, micromagnetic simulations. http://www.uam.es/gruposinv/magtran/ Theory Prof. Juan Jose Palacios Prof. Jose Vicente Alvarez PhD. student Carlos Salgado (Contratado FIS2013) PhD. student Wendel Silva Paz (becario internacional Brasil) PhD. student Acharya Kandala (Contratado FIS2013) PhD. student Sahar Pakdel (visitor) Undergrad. student Fernando Llorente (beca de colaboración) TOOLS: Theory, Atomistic Simulations, Model Hamiltonians
  • 3. Lara, et al., Scientific Reports, 5, 9187 (2015) A. Lara Young scientist research award INC (2015) A. Lara Invited talk GEFES-2016 Microwave stimulated superconductvity due to presence of vortices with KU Leuven Belgium
  • 4. Superpoissonian shot noise in MTJs with organic barriers Cascales et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 233302 (2014); Collaboration with M-T. Lin group, Taiwan Supported by UAM-Santander project J.P. Cascaces “Best poster award” Reunion anual de Jovenes investigadores INC (Diciembre de 2015)
  • 5. Low frequency vs. high frequency noise correlation in spin torque devices Collaboration with CEA-Grenoble and Hitachi GS, USA
  • 6. Low frequncy noise spectroscopy of topoligic insulator based magnetic tunnel junctions J.P. Cascaces 3th Best poster award INC2015 School Collaboration with J. Moodera MIT, Boston, USA
  • 7. Magnetic state dependent lateral photovoltaic effect in FM/Oxide/Semiconductor structures
  • 9. Simulations of hydrogen induced magnetism in Graphene
  • 10. Publications (acknowledgement NANOFRONTMAG): 12 (including 3APL, 4PRB, AIP Advances, Sci. Reports, Science) 8 Invited talks; 5 Orals; 9 Posters SUMMARY / Hightlights 2 PhD Thesis (Juan Pedro Cascales - 2015, Maria Soriano- 2015) Trabajos de Fin de Master (Abdeladil Elhadeir- 2015; Sergio Graullera- 2015) Reconocimientos: 2 “best poster awards” , “Best young reseacher INC-2015” award Divulgacion: Organización de XXII INC Summer School 2015 2 artículos de divulgación en WEBs (GEFES, IFIMAC)