Professor Dr. Y. M. Haddad, P. Eng. (MY ANNUAL REPORT - LINKED IN VERSION)Yehia Haddad
This curriculum vitae outlines the academic and professional background of Professor Dr. Yehia Haddad. It details his educational background including degrees from Cairo University and McGill University. It provides an employment history highlighting his role as founder and president of Advanced Engineering Solutions and as a professor at the University of Ottawa. The CV also lists academic awards, scholarly activities, graduate and undergraduate courses taught, research funding, publications, and international journals and conference proceedings edited.
This second version of the report Nanoscience & Nanotechnology in Spain provides insights by identifying R&D directions and priorities in Spain. Moreover, it aims to be a valid source of guidance, not only for the scienti鍖c community but also for the industry.
This report covers a wide range of interdisciplinary areas of research and development, such as Graphene, Nanochemistry, Nanomedicine, Carbon
Nanotubes, Nanomaterials for Energy, Modelling, etc., and provides insights in these areas, currently very active worldwide and particularly in Spain. It
also provides an outlook of the entire Spanish nanotechnology system, including nearly 250 research institutions and over 50 companies.
Expected impact of initiative s suc h a s this document is to enhance visibility, ommunication and networking between specialists in several
鍖elds, facilitate rapid information 鍖ow, look for
areas of common ground between di鍖erent technologies and therefore shape and consolidate the Spanish and European research communities.
This document is a resume for Francisco J. Pedraza III, who is pursuing a PhD in Physics from the University of Texas at San Antonio with an expected graduation date of May 2017. His dissertation focuses on the synthesis and application of biocompatible multifunctional nanoparticles in medical diagnostics and therapy. He has extensive experience in nanoparticle synthesis and characterization techniques. Pedraza also has a strong record of research, publications, presentations, leadership, teaching, and community service.
Baishakhi Mazumder is an Indian citizen currently pursuing a PhD in physics at the University of Rouen in France. Her thesis focuses on understanding the physics of field evaporation of poor conducting materials using laser assisted atom probe tomography. She has over 7 years of experience in materials characterization and nanoscience research. Her work involves characterization techniques including atom probe tomography, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy.
As with all materials, if you work with nanoparticles a few minutes of thought about safety will help you avoid problems later. Dr. Dominick Fazarro of the University of Texas at Tyler discusses nanoparticle safety. This talk provides a reasonable discussion of the potential hazards of nanoparticles and steps that can be taken to reduce these hazards.
This talk is useful for those who work with nanoparticles or manage a facility that handles nanoparticles.
Este documento presenta los objetivos y resultados de una jornada cient鱈fica sobre nanociencia e imanes permanentes con bajo contenido de tierras raras. Se describen los avances en el desarrollo de nuevos materiales magn辿ticos compuestos y en el estudio de redes ordenadas de microhilos magn辿ticos y sus interacciones con ondas electromagn辿ticas. Tambi辿n se muestran los resultados preliminares de un sistema de telemetr鱈a inal叩mbrica para el seguimiento de procedimientos vasculares basado en microhilos magn辿ticos.
The summary discusses the work of the Theoretical Chemistry Group at the Universidad Aut坦noma de Madrid (UAM). The group studies several topics including self-assembly of molecules on surfaces, graphene on metal surfaces, NO catalysis, fullerenes, and antimonene. Specific projects mentioned include studying the controlled self-assembly of TCNQ and TTF molecules on Cu(111) and Ag(111) surfaces, graphene intercalated with sulfur on Ru(0001) surfaces, and predicting the structures and stabilities of charged fullerene molecules.
1) Graphene has potential for spintronics applications due to its long spin diffusion length and ability to manipulate spin. Intercalating graphene with Pb on an Ir substrate induces a giant spin-orbit coupling that splits graphene's bands.
2) Depositing molecules like TCNQ on graphene can induce a Kondo effect and long-range magnetic order. TCNQ forms nearly flat, half-filled bands predicted to have a ferromagnetic ground state.
3) Pb intercalated graphene on Ir has properties resembling Landau levels without a magnetic field, with quantized resistance and possible applications in topological insulators.
This document summarizes research on improving the magnetic and electrical properties of type-II superconductors through nanostructured hybrids. It discusses using nanostructured defects like dots of materials like nickel to enhance pinning of vortices in the mixed state and reduce resistance. Arrays of magnetic dots on niobium films allow controlling the remanent magnetic state of the dots to realize three-state memory function and ratchet effects influencing voltage outputs. The compensation field and matching fields where resistance is minimized depend on sample design.
The document describes the current and future facilities for very high magnetic field scanning tunneling microscopy (VHT-STM) at the Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas at the Universidad Aut坦noma de Madrid. The current facilities include a dilution refrigerator STM that can reach temperatures as low as 7 mK combined with magnetic fields up to 9T. A new dilution refrigerator STM is under construction that will be capable of reaching 7 mK and applying a 17T magnetic field. Future facilities planned include a dilution refrigerator STM that can apply 22T at 7 mK and a hybrid magnet STM that can generate over 30T. The VHT-STM will allow scientists to visualize electronic correlations and perform Landau
This document discusses magnetic nanowires and microwires. It describes how cylindrical nanowires of various compositions, diameters, and geometries have been synthesized using electrochemical methods. These include uniform nanowires, nanowires with modulated diameters, and multisegmented nanowires. Characterization of individual nanowires reveals correlation between their crystal structure, composition, and magnetic properties. Modulated nanowires have been shown to exhibit tailored reversal behavior compared to uniform nanowires. Various techniques including Lorentz microscopy and photoemission electron microscopy with x-ray magnetic circular dichroism have provided insights into spin configurations in these artificial nanowire systems.
Wepresent the localizationandhostgalaxyofFRB20190208A, arepeatingsourceof fast radiobursts (FRBs) discoveredusingCHIME/FRB.Aspartof thePinpointingREpeatingChImeSourceswithEVNdishesrepeater localizationprogramon theEuropeanVLBINetwork (EVN),wemonitoredFRB20190208Afor 65.6hr at 1.4GHzanddetectedasingleburst,whichledtoitsverylongbaselineinterferometrylocalizationwith260mas uncertainty(2).Follow-upopticalobservationswiththeMMTObservatory(i25.7mag(AB))foundnovisible hostattheFRBposition.SubsequentdeeperobservationswiththeGranTelescopioCanarias,however,revealedan extremelyfaintgalaxy(r=27.32賊0.16mag),verylikely(99.95%)associatedwithFRB20190208A.Giventhe dispersionmeasureoftheFRB(580pccm3),eventhemostconservativeredshiftestimate( ~ z 0.83 max )implies TheAstrophysicalJournalLetters,977:L4(17pp),2024December10 息2024.TheAuthor(s).PublishedbytheAmericanAstronomicalSociety. 30BantingFellow. 31McGillSpaceInstituteFellow. 32 FRQNTPostdoctoralFellow. Originalcontent fromthisworkmaybeusedunder theterms of theCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0licence.Anyfurther distributionofthisworkmustmaintainattributiontotheauthor(s)andthetitle of thework, journalcitationandDOI. 1The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 977:L4 (17pp), 2024 December 10 Hewitt et al. that this is the lowest-luminosity FRB host to date (108 Le), even less luminous than the dwarf host of FRB20121102A. We investigate how localization precision and the depth of optical imaging affect host association and discuss the implications of such a low-luminosity dwarf galaxy. Unlike the other repeaters with low-luminosity hosts, FRB 20190208A has a modest Faraday rotation measure of a few tens of rad m2, and EVN plus Very Large Array observations reveal no associated compact persistent radio source. We also monitored FRB20190208A for 40.4hr over 2yr as part of the Extragalactic Coherent Light from Astrophysical Transients repeating FRB monitoring campaign on the Nan巽ay Radio Telescope and detected one burst. Our results demonstrate that, in some cases, the robust association of an FRB with a host galaxy will require both high localization precision and deep optical follow-up. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Radio bursts (1339); Radio transient sources (2008); Very long baseline interferometry (1769); Dwarf galaxies (416)
How could modern LA research address data-related ethics issues in informal and situated professional learning? I will identify in this talk three relevant insights based on field studies around workplace LA interventions: Firstly, in informal and situated learning, data isnt just about the learners. Secondly, the affordances of manual and automatic data tracking for learning are very different, with manual tracking allowing a high degree of learner control over data. Thirdly, learning is not necessarily a shared goal in workplaces. These can be translated into seeing a potential for systems endowed with sufficient natural-language-processing capability (now seemingly at our fingertips with LLMs), and socio-technical design and scenario-based data collection analysis as design and research methods.
(February 25th, 2025) Real-Time Insights into Cardiothoracic Research with In...Scintica Instrumentation
s a major gap - these methods can't fully capture how cells behave in a living, breathing system.
That's where Intravital Microscopy (IVM) comes in. This powerful imaging technology allows researchers to see cellular activity in real-time, with incredible clarity and precision.
But imaging the heart and lungs presents a unique challenge. These organs are constantly in motion, making real-time visualization tricky. Thankfully, groundbreaking advances - like vacuum-based stabilization and motion compensation algorithms - are making high-resolution imaging of these moving structures a reality.
What You'll Gain from This Webinar:
- New Scientific Insights See how IVM is transforming our understanding of immune cell movement in the lungs, cellular changes in heart disease, and more.
- Advanced Imaging Solutions Discover the latest stabilization techniques that make it possible to capture clear, detailed images of beating hearts and expanding lungs.
- Real-World Applications Learn how these innovations are driving major breakthroughs in cardiovascular and pulmonary research, with direct implications for disease treatment and drug development.
- Live Expert Discussion Connect with experts and get answers to your biggest questions about in vivo imaging.
This is your chance to explore how cutting-edge imaging is revolutionizing cardiothoracic research - shedding light on disease mechanisms, immune responses, and new therapeutic possibilities.
- Register now and stay ahead of the curve in in vivo imaging!
The Solar Systems passage through the Radcliffe wave during the middle MioceneS辿rgio Sacani
As the Solar System orbits the Milky Way, it encounters various Galactic environments, including dense regions of the
interstellar medium (ISM). These encounters can compress the heliosphere, exposing parts of the Solar System to the ISM, while also
increasing the influx of interstellar dust into the Solar System and Earths atmosphere. The discovery of new Galactic structures, such
as the Radcliffe wave, raises the question of whether the Sun has encountered any of them.
Aims. The present study investigates the potential passage of the Solar System through the Radcliffe wave gas structure over the past
30 million years (Myr).
Methods. We used a sample of 56 high-quality, young (30 Myr) open clusters associated with a region of interest of the Radcliffe
wave to trace its motion back and investigate a potential crossing with the Solar Systems past orbit.
Results. We find that the Solar Systems trajectory intersected the Radcliffe wave in the Orion region. We have constrained the timing
of this event to between 18.2 and 11.5 Myr ago, with the closest approach occurring between 14.8 and 12.4 Myr ago. Notably, this
period coincides with the Middle Miocene climate transition on Earth, providing an interdisciplinary link with paleoclimatology. The
potential impact of the crossing of the Radcliffe wave on the climate on Earth is estimated. This crossing could also lead to anomalies
in radionuclide abundances, which is an important research topic in the field of geology and nuclear astrophysics.
Este documento presenta los objetivos y resultados de una jornada cient鱈fica sobre nanociencia e imanes permanentes con bajo contenido de tierras raras. Se describen los avances en el desarrollo de nuevos materiales magn辿ticos compuestos y en el estudio de redes ordenadas de microhilos magn辿ticos y sus interacciones con ondas electromagn辿ticas. Tambi辿n se muestran los resultados preliminares de un sistema de telemetr鱈a inal叩mbrica para el seguimiento de procedimientos vasculares basado en microhilos magn辿ticos.
The summary discusses the work of the Theoretical Chemistry Group at the Universidad Aut坦noma de Madrid (UAM). The group studies several topics including self-assembly of molecules on surfaces, graphene on metal surfaces, NO catalysis, fullerenes, and antimonene. Specific projects mentioned include studying the controlled self-assembly of TCNQ and TTF molecules on Cu(111) and Ag(111) surfaces, graphene intercalated with sulfur on Ru(0001) surfaces, and predicting the structures and stabilities of charged fullerene molecules.
1) Graphene has potential for spintronics applications due to its long spin diffusion length and ability to manipulate spin. Intercalating graphene with Pb on an Ir substrate induces a giant spin-orbit coupling that splits graphene's bands.
2) Depositing molecules like TCNQ on graphene can induce a Kondo effect and long-range magnetic order. TCNQ forms nearly flat, half-filled bands predicted to have a ferromagnetic ground state.
3) Pb intercalated graphene on Ir has properties resembling Landau levels without a magnetic field, with quantized resistance and possible applications in topological insulators.
This document summarizes research on improving the magnetic and electrical properties of type-II superconductors through nanostructured hybrids. It discusses using nanostructured defects like dots of materials like nickel to enhance pinning of vortices in the mixed state and reduce resistance. Arrays of magnetic dots on niobium films allow controlling the remanent magnetic state of the dots to realize three-state memory function and ratchet effects influencing voltage outputs. The compensation field and matching fields where resistance is minimized depend on sample design.
The document describes the current and future facilities for very high magnetic field scanning tunneling microscopy (VHT-STM) at the Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas at the Universidad Aut坦noma de Madrid. The current facilities include a dilution refrigerator STM that can reach temperatures as low as 7 mK combined with magnetic fields up to 9T. A new dilution refrigerator STM is under construction that will be capable of reaching 7 mK and applying a 17T magnetic field. Future facilities planned include a dilution refrigerator STM that can apply 22T at 7 mK and a hybrid magnet STM that can generate over 30T. The VHT-STM will allow scientists to visualize electronic correlations and perform Landau
This document discusses magnetic nanowires and microwires. It describes how cylindrical nanowires of various compositions, diameters, and geometries have been synthesized using electrochemical methods. These include uniform nanowires, nanowires with modulated diameters, and multisegmented nanowires. Characterization of individual nanowires reveals correlation between their crystal structure, composition, and magnetic properties. Modulated nanowires have been shown to exhibit tailored reversal behavior compared to uniform nanowires. Various techniques including Lorentz microscopy and photoemission electron microscopy with x-ray magnetic circular dichroism have provided insights into spin configurations in these artificial nanowire systems.
Wepresent the localizationandhostgalaxyofFRB20190208A, arepeatingsourceof fast radiobursts (FRBs) discoveredusingCHIME/FRB.Aspartof thePinpointingREpeatingChImeSourceswithEVNdishesrepeater localizationprogramon theEuropeanVLBINetwork (EVN),wemonitoredFRB20190208Afor 65.6hr at 1.4GHzanddetectedasingleburst,whichledtoitsverylongbaselineinterferometrylocalizationwith260mas uncertainty(2).Follow-upopticalobservationswiththeMMTObservatory(i25.7mag(AB))foundnovisible hostattheFRBposition.SubsequentdeeperobservationswiththeGranTelescopioCanarias,however,revealedan extremelyfaintgalaxy(r=27.32賊0.16mag),verylikely(99.95%)associatedwithFRB20190208A.Giventhe dispersionmeasureoftheFRB(580pccm3),eventhemostconservativeredshiftestimate( ~ z 0.83 max )implies TheAstrophysicalJournalLetters,977:L4(17pp),2024December10 息2024.TheAuthor(s).PublishedbytheAmericanAstronomicalSociety. 30BantingFellow. 31McGillSpaceInstituteFellow. 32 FRQNTPostdoctoralFellow. Originalcontent fromthisworkmaybeusedunder theterms of theCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0licence.Anyfurther distributionofthisworkmustmaintainattributiontotheauthor(s)andthetitle of thework, journalcitationandDOI. 1The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 977:L4 (17pp), 2024 December 10 Hewitt et al. that this is the lowest-luminosity FRB host to date (108 Le), even less luminous than the dwarf host of FRB20121102A. We investigate how localization precision and the depth of optical imaging affect host association and discuss the implications of such a low-luminosity dwarf galaxy. Unlike the other repeaters with low-luminosity hosts, FRB 20190208A has a modest Faraday rotation measure of a few tens of rad m2, and EVN plus Very Large Array observations reveal no associated compact persistent radio source. We also monitored FRB20190208A for 40.4hr over 2yr as part of the Extragalactic Coherent Light from Astrophysical Transients repeating FRB monitoring campaign on the Nan巽ay Radio Telescope and detected one burst. Our results demonstrate that, in some cases, the robust association of an FRB with a host galaxy will require both high localization precision and deep optical follow-up. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Radio bursts (1339); Radio transient sources (2008); Very long baseline interferometry (1769); Dwarf galaxies (416)
How could modern LA research address data-related ethics issues in informal and situated professional learning? I will identify in this talk three relevant insights based on field studies around workplace LA interventions: Firstly, in informal and situated learning, data isnt just about the learners. Secondly, the affordances of manual and automatic data tracking for learning are very different, with manual tracking allowing a high degree of learner control over data. Thirdly, learning is not necessarily a shared goal in workplaces. These can be translated into seeing a potential for systems endowed with sufficient natural-language-processing capability (now seemingly at our fingertips with LLMs), and socio-technical design and scenario-based data collection analysis as design and research methods.
(February 25th, 2025) Real-Time Insights into Cardiothoracic Research with In...Scintica Instrumentation
s a major gap - these methods can't fully capture how cells behave in a living, breathing system.
That's where Intravital Microscopy (IVM) comes in. This powerful imaging technology allows researchers to see cellular activity in real-time, with incredible clarity and precision.
But imaging the heart and lungs presents a unique challenge. These organs are constantly in motion, making real-time visualization tricky. Thankfully, groundbreaking advances - like vacuum-based stabilization and motion compensation algorithms - are making high-resolution imaging of these moving structures a reality.
What You'll Gain from This Webinar:
- New Scientific Insights See how IVM is transforming our understanding of immune cell movement in the lungs, cellular changes in heart disease, and more.
- Advanced Imaging Solutions Discover the latest stabilization techniques that make it possible to capture clear, detailed images of beating hearts and expanding lungs.
- Real-World Applications Learn how these innovations are driving major breakthroughs in cardiovascular and pulmonary research, with direct implications for disease treatment and drug development.
- Live Expert Discussion Connect with experts and get answers to your biggest questions about in vivo imaging.
This is your chance to explore how cutting-edge imaging is revolutionizing cardiothoracic research - shedding light on disease mechanisms, immune responses, and new therapeutic possibilities.
- Register now and stay ahead of the curve in in vivo imaging!
The Solar Systems passage through the Radcliffe wave during the middle MioceneS辿rgio Sacani
As the Solar System orbits the Milky Way, it encounters various Galactic environments, including dense regions of the
interstellar medium (ISM). These encounters can compress the heliosphere, exposing parts of the Solar System to the ISM, while also
increasing the influx of interstellar dust into the Solar System and Earths atmosphere. The discovery of new Galactic structures, such
as the Radcliffe wave, raises the question of whether the Sun has encountered any of them.
Aims. The present study investigates the potential passage of the Solar System through the Radcliffe wave gas structure over the past
30 million years (Myr).
Methods. We used a sample of 56 high-quality, young (30 Myr) open clusters associated with a region of interest of the Radcliffe
wave to trace its motion back and investigate a potential crossing with the Solar Systems past orbit.
Results. We find that the Solar Systems trajectory intersected the Radcliffe wave in the Orion region. We have constrained the timing
of this event to between 18.2 and 11.5 Myr ago, with the closest approach occurring between 14.8 and 12.4 Myr ago. Notably, this
period coincides with the Middle Miocene climate transition on Earth, providing an interdisciplinary link with paleoclimatology. The
potential impact of the crossing of the Radcliffe wave on the climate on Earth is estimated. This crossing could also lead to anomalies
in radionuclide abundances, which is an important research topic in the field of geology and nuclear astrophysics.
PROTEIN DEGRADATION via ubiquitous pathawayKaviya Priya A
Protein degradation via ubiquitous pathway In general science, a ubiquitous pathway refers to a biochemical or metabolic pathway that is:
1. *Widely present*: Found in many different organisms, tissues, or cells.
2. *Conserved*: Remains relatively unchanged across different species or contexts.
Examples of ubiquitous pathways include:
1. *Glycolysis*: The process of breaking down glucose for energy, found in nearly all living organisms.
2. *Citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle)*: A key metabolic pathway involved in energy production, present in many cells.
3. *Pentose phosphate pathway*: A metabolic pathway involved in energy production and antioxidant defenses, found in many organisms.
These pathways are essential for life and have been conserved across evolution, highlighting their importance for cellular function and survival.
Detection of ferrihydrite in Martian red dust records ancient cold and wet co...S辿rgio Sacani
Iron oxide-hydroxide minerals in Martian dust provide crucial insights into
Mars past climate and habitability. Previous studies attributed Mars red color
to anhydrous hematite formed through recent weathering. Here, we show that
poorly crystalline ferrihydrite (Fe5O8H 揃 nH2O) is the dominant iron oxidebearing phase in Martian dust, based on combined analyses of orbital, in-situ,
and laboratory visible near-infrared spectra. Spectroscopic analyses indicate
that a hyperfine mixture of ferrihydrite, basalt and sulfate best matches Martian dust observations. Through laboratory experiments and kinetic calculations, we demonstrate that ferrihydrite remains stable under present-day
Martian conditions, preserving its poorly crystalline structure. The persistence
of ferrihydrite suggests it formed during a cold, wet period on early Mars
under oxidative conditions, followed by a transition to the current hyper-arid
environment. This finding challenges previous models of continuous dry oxidation and indicates that ancient Mars experienced aqueous alteration before
transitioning to its current desert state.
Variation and Natural Selection | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of variation and natural selection for IGCSE Biology. It covers key concepts such as genetic and environmental variation, types of variation (continuous and discontinuous), mutation, evolution, and the principles of natural selection. The presentation also explains Darwins theory of evolution, adaptation, survival of the fittest, selective breeding, antibiotic resistance in bacteria, and speciation. With illustrative diagrams, real-life examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
Drugs and Their Effects | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explores drugs and their effects on the human body, covering medicinal drugs, recreational drugs, and drug abuse. Learn about the impact of stimulants, depressants, painkillers, hallucinogens, and performance-enhancing drugs, as well as the dangers of alcohol, nicotine, and illegal substances. Ideal for Cambridge IGCSE students looking to understand this important topic for exams!
Prof. Farkhad Aliev
PhD. student Antonio Lara (FPU-UAM till Oct 2016)
PhD. student Isidoro Martinez (Contratado MAT2012)
Master student Pablo Andres (Beca IFIMAC)
Undergrad. student Javier Robledo (3/4 de grado, beca INC)
Undergrad. student Daniel Vidal (TFG)
Dr. Juan Pedro Cascales (posdoc MIT, Boston, EEUU)
TOOLS: Broadband FMR, Noise, Lateral photovoltaic effect, micromagnetic simulations.
Prof. Juan Jose Palacios
Prof. Jose Vicente Alvarez
PhD. student Carlos Salgado (Contratado FIS2013)
PhD. student Wendel Silva Paz (becario internacional Brasil)
PhD. student Acharya Kandala (Contratado FIS2013)
PhD. student Sahar Pakdel (visitor)
Undergrad. student Fernando Llorente (beca de colaboraci坦n)
TOOLS: Theory, Atomistic Simulations, Model Hamiltonians
3. Lara, et al., Scientific Reports, 5, 9187 (2015) A. Lara
Young scientist research award
INC (2015)
A. Lara
Invited talk GEFES-2016
Microwave stimulated superconductvity due to presence of vortices
with KU Leuven
4. Superpoissonian shot noise in MTJs with organic barriers
Cascales et al., Appl. Phys. Lett.
105, 233302 (2014);
Collaboration with M-T. Lin group,
Supported by UAM-Santander project
J.P. Cascaces
Best poster award
Reunion anual de Jovenes
investigadores INC
(Diciembre de 2015)
5. Low frequency vs. high frequency noise correlation in spin torque devices
Collaboration with
CEA-Grenoble and
Hitachi GS, USA
6. Low frequncy noise spectroscopy of topoligic insulator based magnetic tunnel junctions
J.P. Cascaces
3th Best poster award
INC2015 School
Collaboration with J. Moodera
MIT, Boston, USA