Enduring Hearts is a non-profit organization that funds research to increase the longevity of pediatric heart transplants. Their mission is to fund clinical research projects and emerging technologies focusing on organ rejection and deterioration. Key facts include that 1 in 4 children needing a repeat heart transplant within 5 years, and over 4,000 people are on the waiting list for heart transplants with 150 needing a repeat. Enduring Hearts funds multiple research projects each year at universities around the world through individual donations and partnerships with other organizations. Their goal is to improve quality of life for transplant recipients through innovative research.
This study analyzed data from over 30,000 patients with heart failure (HF) to identify predictors of adverse outcomes based on left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Patients were categorized as having preserved LVEF (50%), borderline LVEF (41-49%), or reduced LVEF (40%). Over a median follow up of 1.8 years, 26.8% of patients died, 26.9% were hospitalized for HF, and 67.4% were hospitalized for any reason. Multivariable models found that nearly all tested predictors, such as demographics, medical history, and comorbidities, performed similarly for predicting death and hospitalization across the different LVEF
This document discusses the impact of drug-eluting stents on Medicare and other stakeholders. It introduces drug-eluting stents as a major breakthrough for treating heart disease. While these stents are more effective than traditional treatments, they also significantly increase costs. For Medicare, the short-term cost of each procedure reimbursed rises by $2,800, increasing total Medicare expenditures by around $400 million. However, drug-eluting stents may save $2,500 per patient annually by reducing future procedures. Hospitals face short-term losses from lower reimbursements compared to costs for each stent procedure. Long-term, hospitals could see declines in more profitable bypass surgeries as stents are increasingly used.
American Red Cross Campaign Strategy PresentationNoah Wilson
Developed a campaign strategy for the American Red Cross to address severe blood shortages that occur every year. Also formulated specific message, media and promotional plans. To accomplish this goal, we extensively researched the problem and current efforts to address it, as well as analyzed consumer behavior.
The document discusses the Intensive Care Foundation (ICF), which coordinates over 70% of UK intensive care research. The ICF was established 10 years ago by the Intensive Care Society (ICS) to promote critical care study and research. While the ICS currently provides most funding, the ICF's long-term focus is becoming self-funded through diverse income streams like other medical charities. The ICF has established an important role in the critical care community by funding quality research projects through a competitive peer review process.
Given the significant role of NIH in supporting health research in US universities, the Trump Administrations proposed 20% cuts in NIH funding may result in :
1) Less support for developing life-saving disease treatments.
2) Reduced funding options for emerging companies.
3) Fewer bioscience jobs
Bioscience Americas is raising $15 million through an investment offering to build three stem cell treatment centers in South America. Stem cell therapy uses a patient's own cells and has helped millions suffering from degenerative diseases. Investors will receive ownership units projected to provide a 31% average annual return over five years and a potential 10 times return on investment. The company is partnered with respected research institutions to advance regenerative treatments using stem cells.
Pump It Up: Inova Heart and Vascular Institute's bold new vision to save more...Jane Langille
In this cover story for INOVA Magazine, I profiled a patient with congestive heart failure who lived for many months with two ventricular assist devices (VADs) before he finally received a heart transplant. Expertise matters! INOVA is one of the few centers in the U.S. that can implant two VADs in one procedure and also performs the highest number of heart transplants in the mid-Atlantic region. Strong leadership at the Inova Heart and Vascular Insitute is setting a bold new course for the future to meet growing demand for heart failure patients, including new monitoring technologies, state-of-the-art interventional procedures and a new strategic plan that includes building a cardiac dream team of specialists.
Founded in 2016, the Glioblastoma Foundation. stands as the premier nonprofit organization in the United States, committed to battling organization of a terminal stage 4 brain tumor. Located at 2451 Croasdaile Farm Parkway, Suite 109 in Durham, NC, the foundation has a national presence, supporting patients from coast to coast while also financing groundbreaking research for a cure.
This presentation partners with the video and is for participants attending ConC 2012 - it is presented by Camille Bonta for the workshops she will lead at the Fight Colorectal Cancer conference. This is the 3rd part in preparing ConC 2012 participants to talk with Members of Congress about Funding for Colorectal Rectal Cancer Research
The S.T.A.R. Initiative Knowledge Exchange and Engagement Program Touring Exh...Regina Greer-Smith LFACHE
The Knowledge Exchange and Engagement Exhibit is a year-long traveling exhibit to engage patients, researchers, caregivers, and stakeholders to foster collaboration and discussion of the benefits of research for better health outcomes and shared-decision making
PurpleStride Charlotte 2015 Celebration Party Mark Weber
The Charlotte Affiliate of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network shared this presentation at our PurpleStride Charlotte 2015 celebration party on October 3, 2015 to show the success that our organization is making in rewriting the future of pancreatic cancer.
Stevie JoEllie's Cancer Care Fund's First Annual Thyroid and Endocrine Health & Wellness Fair Sponsorship Proposal.
For More Information Call 407-234-1744 or
Email sjccfthynet@gmail.com
2011 First Annual Spring Health Fair and Celebration of Life Brunch Sponsorsh...Wilma Colon-Ariza
Stevie JoEllie's Cancer Care Fund's first annual thyroid health expo and celbration of life brunch is a two day event hightlighting thyroid cancer awareness, long term health and wellness strategies for thyroid cancer patients and survivors but that can be applied to the community at large. This is our official event sponsorship proposal package. For more information email founder@sjccf.org
The 2015 annual report for the Swedish Heart & Vascular Institute highlights developments in three key areas:
1) A shift to cardiologist subspecialization to provide more focused care for complex cardiac conditions.
2) Growth of the cardiac surgery program with over 50,000 surgeries performed and continued increase in patient volumes.
3) Advancements in cardiac imaging that provide critical details to guide minimally invasive procedures and improve outcomes.
The Bee Foundation Fiscal Year 2015 Medical Research Grant ApplicationChristine M. Doherty
The Bee Foundation is soliciting grant proposals for medical research focused on brain aneurysms, with priority given to early detection, pathophysiology, genetics, and treatment. The $50,000 total funding can support multiple applicants, with individual requests up to $50,000. Proposals should involve novel approaches to early detection or prevention of ruptured cerebral aneurysms, excluding device therapies. Multidisciplinary and translational research is encouraged. The application deadline is April 22, 2015.
- A national program has significantly increased the publicly available cord blood inventory but demand has been declining, which threatens the sustainability of public cord blood banks.
- Cord blood transplantation provides lifesaving treatment and is especially important for populations that have difficulty finding matches through other sources. However, it has disadvantages like a longer recovery time.
- While the inventory has grown, the number of high-quality cord blood units is still relatively small. Future investment in the system could help address this issue and ensure continued access to cord blood transplantation.
Bio banking involves collecting and storing biological samples like body fluids and tissues for use in research to improve health and disease. Other data like height, weight, and health history are also recorded. Samples are stored long-term in bio banks, which must carefully protect privacy, access, and sample integrity. Bio banks are classified by purpose and design, such as disease-oriented banks near hospitals or population-based banks. Bio banking enables analysis of rare diseases and high quality tissue collection for research markers and potential therapies. Stem cell banking of umbilical cord blood is also discussed as a rich source of stem cells for transplants and therapeutics. Various ethical, legal and governance issues regarding informed consent, data privacy, and diversity in
- CVD is the leading cause of death in the US and costs over $650 billion annually. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) improves outcomes but participation is low at around 30%.
- Wearable sensors show promise to increase CR participation, effectiveness, and reduce costs by enabling remote monitoring. Existing products have limitations but new technologies like the Intel Edison platform could help integrate multiple sensors into convenient form factors.
- For wearable sensors to enable remote CR, challenges around data standards, processing, and addressing doctors' needs for actionable data must be overcome. Widespread adoption may also require changes to the healthcare payment system to compensate doctors for remote services.
The Canadian Blood Services is facing an increasing demand for blood products that is outpacing population growth. Currently, only 4% of eligible Canadians donate blood, compared to over 5% in countries like Sweden, Australia, and England. To meet demand, CBS needs to increase both new donors and donor retention. This marketing plan evaluates alternatives to address the problem, including an advertising campaign promoting the personal health benefits of donating blood, and requiring elective medical procedures to supply their own blood donations. After analyzing the alternatives and market, the plan recommends a combination of the advertising campaign and the latter alternative to boost both first-time and repeat donations.
The document discusses various legislative priorities and funding requests related to colorectal cancer screening and research. It advocates increasing funding for the CDC's Colorectal Cancer Control Program to $70 million, removing Medicare cost-sharing requirements for screening colonoscopies, and increasing funding for the DoD peer-reviewed cancer research program, NIH, and NCI. It also provides details on bill H.R. 893 to establish a colorectal cancer semipostal stamp to raise funds for research.
Organ transplantation is a medical advancement that has improved lives, but organ shortage remains a challenge globally. In India, the deceased organ donation rate is only 0.34 per million people compared to higher rates in other countries. Cultural and religious beliefs influence decisions around organ donation in India. Lack of awareness, religious beliefs, and lack of trust in the healthcare system are major reasons families refuse consent for organ donation. Efforts are ongoing to increase rates through education, organizational support, and legislation.
The Neurosurgery Research and Education Foundation (NREF) had a productive year in 2015. The NREF supported numerous educational courses for neurosurgery residents and fellows, funded research grants for young investigators, and provided clinical fellowships with support from industry partners. Donations to the NREF increased in 2015, allowing the foundation to continue and expand its efforts in neurosurgery education and research.
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) and Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics (CFFT) are non-profit organizations that fund research to cure cystic fibrosis. They invest $73.2 million annually in research. CFFT operates a drug development program that has brought 9 therapies to market and has 13 drugs in clinical trials. Funding comes primarily from donations and the sale of intellectual property rights, and is used to support research grants, fellowships, and drug discovery efforts through matching awards to researchers and a network of clinical centers. This model has yielded successful treatments for cystic fibrosis and billions in returns through drug approvals that are reinvested into further research.
The document discusses Be The Match, an organization that connects patients with blood cancers to donors for life-saving bone marrow or umbilical cord blood transplants. It discusses how Be The Match recruits donors to add to their registry to help patients find matches. Over 70% of patients needing a transplant do not have a matching donor in their family. Be The Match supports the entire transplant process and helps advance transplant science through research. Their goal is to help 10,000 patients receive transplants annually by 2015.
1 3Organ TransplantCamellia C LittleENG2005202019.docxoswald1horne84988
Organ TransplantCamellia C LittleENG/200
5/20/2019Organ Transplant
Modern medicine has come a long way when it comes to saving human life. Organ transplant is one of the most important inventions in medicine. Organ transplant was developed to give hope to patients whose organs have failed to function. Organ shortage is the greatest challenge facing the field of organ transplantation today. More funding should be spent on the creation of artificial organs, like 3-D bioprinting, using stem cells to grow the organs in a lab and artificial pumps. Level One Heading
Replace the level one heading with the words for your heading. The heading must be in bold font. Headings help your audience track the sub-topics discussed in the body of the essay or report. Begin a new heading for each sub-topic.
Be sure to indent the first line of each paragraph between five and seven spaces by pressing the Tab key one time on the keyboard. In addition, remember to double space the entire paper using the double space functionality in Word. This template is already formatted for double spacing. Read more: Center for Writing Excellence>Tutorials and Guides>Software Tutorials and Guides>Formatting Tutorial for APA.
In addition, keep in mind an academic essay should contain at least five paragraphs, which includes the introduction (introductory paragraph), the body (which is generally at least 3 paragraphs), and the conclusion (generally one paragraph). Most well-developed paragraphs contain at least 3-5 sentences, one of which is the topic sentence. Limit each body paragraph to one main idea.
The closing paragraph is designed to bring the reader to your way of thinking if you are writing a persuasive essay, to understand relationships if you are writing a comparison/contrast essay, or simply to value the information you provide in an informational essay. The closing paragraph summarizes the key points from the supporting paragraphs without introducing any new information.
This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, triple click your mouse on this line of text and replace the information with your reference entry. You can use the Reference and Citation Examples (Center for Writing Excellence>Tutorials and Guides>Reference and Citation Examples) to help format your source information into a reference entry.
The reference page always begins on the top of the next page after the conclusion.
Week 2 Argument Paper Outline Template
ENG/200 Version 2
Organ TransplantCamellia LittleENG/200
Jennifer Kubach
Organ Transplant
More funding should be spent on the creation of artificial organs, like 3-D bioprinting, using stem cells to grow the organs in a lab and artificial pumps. 3-D Bioprinting
3-D bioprinting has a great potential to solve the increasing global organ shortage that we face in the healthcare field.
揃 Bioprinting could replace organ donors
揃 This technology has the potential to replace organ .
Founded in 2016, the Glioblastoma Foundation. stands as the premier nonprofit organization in the United States, committed to battling organization of a terminal stage 4 brain tumor. Located at 2451 Croasdaile Farm Parkway, Suite 109 in Durham, NC, the foundation has a national presence, supporting patients from coast to coast while also financing groundbreaking research for a cure.
This presentation partners with the video and is for participants attending ConC 2012 - it is presented by Camille Bonta for the workshops she will lead at the Fight Colorectal Cancer conference. This is the 3rd part in preparing ConC 2012 participants to talk with Members of Congress about Funding for Colorectal Rectal Cancer Research
The S.T.A.R. Initiative Knowledge Exchange and Engagement Program Touring Exh...Regina Greer-Smith LFACHE
The Knowledge Exchange and Engagement Exhibit is a year-long traveling exhibit to engage patients, researchers, caregivers, and stakeholders to foster collaboration and discussion of the benefits of research for better health outcomes and shared-decision making
PurpleStride Charlotte 2015 Celebration Party Mark Weber
The Charlotte Affiliate of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network shared this presentation at our PurpleStride Charlotte 2015 celebration party on October 3, 2015 to show the success that our organization is making in rewriting the future of pancreatic cancer.
Stevie JoEllie's Cancer Care Fund's First Annual Thyroid and Endocrine Health & Wellness Fair Sponsorship Proposal.
For More Information Call 407-234-1744 or
Email sjccfthynet@gmail.com
2011 First Annual Spring Health Fair and Celebration of Life Brunch Sponsorsh...Wilma Colon-Ariza
Stevie JoEllie's Cancer Care Fund's first annual thyroid health expo and celbration of life brunch is a two day event hightlighting thyroid cancer awareness, long term health and wellness strategies for thyroid cancer patients and survivors but that can be applied to the community at large. This is our official event sponsorship proposal package. For more information email founder@sjccf.org
The 2015 annual report for the Swedish Heart & Vascular Institute highlights developments in three key areas:
1) A shift to cardiologist subspecialization to provide more focused care for complex cardiac conditions.
2) Growth of the cardiac surgery program with over 50,000 surgeries performed and continued increase in patient volumes.
3) Advancements in cardiac imaging that provide critical details to guide minimally invasive procedures and improve outcomes.
The Bee Foundation Fiscal Year 2015 Medical Research Grant ApplicationChristine M. Doherty
The Bee Foundation is soliciting grant proposals for medical research focused on brain aneurysms, with priority given to early detection, pathophysiology, genetics, and treatment. The $50,000 total funding can support multiple applicants, with individual requests up to $50,000. Proposals should involve novel approaches to early detection or prevention of ruptured cerebral aneurysms, excluding device therapies. Multidisciplinary and translational research is encouraged. The application deadline is April 22, 2015.
- A national program has significantly increased the publicly available cord blood inventory but demand has been declining, which threatens the sustainability of public cord blood banks.
- Cord blood transplantation provides lifesaving treatment and is especially important for populations that have difficulty finding matches through other sources. However, it has disadvantages like a longer recovery time.
- While the inventory has grown, the number of high-quality cord blood units is still relatively small. Future investment in the system could help address this issue and ensure continued access to cord blood transplantation.
Bio banking involves collecting and storing biological samples like body fluids and tissues for use in research to improve health and disease. Other data like height, weight, and health history are also recorded. Samples are stored long-term in bio banks, which must carefully protect privacy, access, and sample integrity. Bio banks are classified by purpose and design, such as disease-oriented banks near hospitals or population-based banks. Bio banking enables analysis of rare diseases and high quality tissue collection for research markers and potential therapies. Stem cell banking of umbilical cord blood is also discussed as a rich source of stem cells for transplants and therapeutics. Various ethical, legal and governance issues regarding informed consent, data privacy, and diversity in
- CVD is the leading cause of death in the US and costs over $650 billion annually. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) improves outcomes but participation is low at around 30%.
- Wearable sensors show promise to increase CR participation, effectiveness, and reduce costs by enabling remote monitoring. Existing products have limitations but new technologies like the Intel Edison platform could help integrate multiple sensors into convenient form factors.
- For wearable sensors to enable remote CR, challenges around data standards, processing, and addressing doctors' needs for actionable data must be overcome. Widespread adoption may also require changes to the healthcare payment system to compensate doctors for remote services.
The Canadian Blood Services is facing an increasing demand for blood products that is outpacing population growth. Currently, only 4% of eligible Canadians donate blood, compared to over 5% in countries like Sweden, Australia, and England. To meet demand, CBS needs to increase both new donors and donor retention. This marketing plan evaluates alternatives to address the problem, including an advertising campaign promoting the personal health benefits of donating blood, and requiring elective medical procedures to supply their own blood donations. After analyzing the alternatives and market, the plan recommends a combination of the advertising campaign and the latter alternative to boost both first-time and repeat donations.
The document discusses various legislative priorities and funding requests related to colorectal cancer screening and research. It advocates increasing funding for the CDC's Colorectal Cancer Control Program to $70 million, removing Medicare cost-sharing requirements for screening colonoscopies, and increasing funding for the DoD peer-reviewed cancer research program, NIH, and NCI. It also provides details on bill H.R. 893 to establish a colorectal cancer semipostal stamp to raise funds for research.
Organ transplantation is a medical advancement that has improved lives, but organ shortage remains a challenge globally. In India, the deceased organ donation rate is only 0.34 per million people compared to higher rates in other countries. Cultural and religious beliefs influence decisions around organ donation in India. Lack of awareness, religious beliefs, and lack of trust in the healthcare system are major reasons families refuse consent for organ donation. Efforts are ongoing to increase rates through education, organizational support, and legislation.
The Neurosurgery Research and Education Foundation (NREF) had a productive year in 2015. The NREF supported numerous educational courses for neurosurgery residents and fellows, funded research grants for young investigators, and provided clinical fellowships with support from industry partners. Donations to the NREF increased in 2015, allowing the foundation to continue and expand its efforts in neurosurgery education and research.
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) and Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics (CFFT) are non-profit organizations that fund research to cure cystic fibrosis. They invest $73.2 million annually in research. CFFT operates a drug development program that has brought 9 therapies to market and has 13 drugs in clinical trials. Funding comes primarily from donations and the sale of intellectual property rights, and is used to support research grants, fellowships, and drug discovery efforts through matching awards to researchers and a network of clinical centers. This model has yielded successful treatments for cystic fibrosis and billions in returns through drug approvals that are reinvested into further research.
The document discusses Be The Match, an organization that connects patients with blood cancers to donors for life-saving bone marrow or umbilical cord blood transplants. It discusses how Be The Match recruits donors to add to their registry to help patients find matches. Over 70% of patients needing a transplant do not have a matching donor in their family. Be The Match supports the entire transplant process and helps advance transplant science through research. Their goal is to help 10,000 patients receive transplants annually by 2015.
1 3Organ TransplantCamellia C LittleENG2005202019.docxoswald1horne84988
Organ TransplantCamellia C LittleENG/200
5/20/2019Organ Transplant
Modern medicine has come a long way when it comes to saving human life. Organ transplant is one of the most important inventions in medicine. Organ transplant was developed to give hope to patients whose organs have failed to function. Organ shortage is the greatest challenge facing the field of organ transplantation today. More funding should be spent on the creation of artificial organs, like 3-D bioprinting, using stem cells to grow the organs in a lab and artificial pumps. Level One Heading
Replace the level one heading with the words for your heading. The heading must be in bold font. Headings help your audience track the sub-topics discussed in the body of the essay or report. Begin a new heading for each sub-topic.
Be sure to indent the first line of each paragraph between five and seven spaces by pressing the Tab key one time on the keyboard. In addition, remember to double space the entire paper using the double space functionality in Word. This template is already formatted for double spacing. Read more: Center for Writing Excellence>Tutorials and Guides>Software Tutorials and Guides>Formatting Tutorial for APA.
In addition, keep in mind an academic essay should contain at least five paragraphs, which includes the introduction (introductory paragraph), the body (which is generally at least 3 paragraphs), and the conclusion (generally one paragraph). Most well-developed paragraphs contain at least 3-5 sentences, one of which is the topic sentence. Limit each body paragraph to one main idea.
The closing paragraph is designed to bring the reader to your way of thinking if you are writing a persuasive essay, to understand relationships if you are writing a comparison/contrast essay, or simply to value the information you provide in an informational essay. The closing paragraph summarizes the key points from the supporting paragraphs without introducing any new information.
This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, triple click your mouse on this line of text and replace the information with your reference entry. You can use the Reference and Citation Examples (Center for Writing Excellence>Tutorials and Guides>Reference and Citation Examples) to help format your source information into a reference entry.
The reference page always begins on the top of the next page after the conclusion.
Week 2 Argument Paper Outline Template
ENG/200 Version 2
Organ TransplantCamellia LittleENG/200
Jennifer Kubach
Organ Transplant
More funding should be spent on the creation of artificial organs, like 3-D bioprinting, using stem cells to grow the organs in a lab and artificial pumps. 3-D Bioprinting
3-D bioprinting has a great potential to solve the increasing global organ shortage that we face in the healthcare field.
揃 Bioprinting could replace organ donors
揃 This technology has the potential to replace organ .
1. Enduring Hearts
A non-profit dedicated to making heart transplants last
enduringhearts.orgRegistered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
2. Our Mission
造 The Enduring Hearts mission is to fund important and
innovative research to increase the longevity of pediatric
heart transplants, and improve the quality of life for
transplant recipients.
造 We give priority to clinical research projects and new
emerging technologies that focus on understanding the
cause, development, and prevention of human
transplantation diseases, including organ injury and
rejection, viral infection, and late graft deterioration.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
3. Important Facts
造 Children who received a heart
transplant have a 1-in-4 chance
of needing another transplant in
5 years.
造 4,208 candidates are awaiting a
heart. 150 of those need a
repeat transplant.
造 A person is added to the
national organ transplant waiting
list every 10 minutes.
造 An average of 21 people die
each day because the organs
they need are not donated in
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
4. Research is Important
造 Pediatric Heart Transplant
longevity research is
extremely underfunded.
造 Enduring Hearts is the only
non-profit that focuses on
funding these important
research projects.
造 Through our research
funding, we can help
improve the lives of
transplant children and their
families around the world.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
5. Funding Alignment Strategy
造 Enduring Hearts has worked to increase the overall
allocation of annual awarded grants in our research area.
造 Larger organizations such as the American Heart Association
and the International Society for Heart & Lung
Transplantation have modified their granting behavior due
to Enduring Hearts influence.
造 Our co-funding alignments with these organizations have
allowed us to amplify the impact of our donor dollars.
造 For every donor dollar received, we have been able to
generate more than a dollar going towards our research
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
6. Funding Alignments:
The American Heart Association
造 As of June 29, 2015, EH has an ongoing research grant-
making alignment program with the American Heart
Association (AHA) to establish the AHA/Enduring Hearts
Foundation Research Award.
造 Award is dedicated to investigators who are interested in
conducting research specific to improving solid organ
transplantation longevity, with priority for pediatric heart
造 Enduring Hearts has committed a minimum of $250,000 over
the period of the award to the American Heart Association,
who will provide a similar level of funding towards the
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
7. Funding Alignments:
International Society for Heart & Lung Transplantation
造 The Boards of Directors of Enduring Hearts and ISHLT have
approved a strategic grant-making partnership with
Enduring Hearts to co-fund pediatric transplant longevity
research for a combined $500,000 of grants annually.
造 This partnership significantly increases the level of
research grant funding across the focus area of pediatric
transplant longevity.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
8. Finding Meritorious Research
造 The Enduring Hearts Scientific
Advisory Committee
biannually evaluates new
innovative ideas from
researchers around the
造 Constantly seeking strategic
opportunities to further the
mission of significantly
increasing life-expectancies
and quality of life.
造 We anticipate a growing
number of high-quality
submissions through our
alignment with AHA and
ISHLT, as well as through the
Enduring Hearts direct
granting program.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
9. Projects we are Funding
1. Duke University Medical Center, Prevention of homograft induced cardiac
allograft vasculopathy in pediatric heart transplantation. Total award is
$249,480 (co-funded by AHA). Enduring Hearts is funding $134,720 in three
equal installments 2016, 2017 and 2018. Lay Person Description: Chronic
rejection of a heart transplant, which leads to the narrowing of the hearts
blood vessels, is a major obstacle preventing long-term survival of the organ.
This research will look closely at antibodies created by the transplant
recipients that is considered to have a casual effect on the development of
chronic rejection.
2. University of Chicago, Reduced avidity endogenous graft-specific T cells in
transplantation tolerance. Total award is $28,080 (co-funded by AHA).
Enduring Hearts is funding $15,164 in 2016. Lay Person Description: Transplant
patients are required to be on immunosuppresive therapies to prevent organ
transplant rejection. As a side effect, these therapies reduce immunity of
tumors and infections.This research is to determine if certain short-term
therapies could be used to target precise reactions that are responsible for
organ transplant rejection without the consequence of inhibiting immunity to
tumors and infections.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
10. Projects we are Funding
3. University of Calgary, Validation of a novel non-invasive assay for the
detection of heart rejection. Total award is $24,741, entirely funded by
Enduring Hearts in 2016. Lay Person Description: This research will look at a
technique of using cell-free DNA to detect rejection in heart transplant
patients as an improvement over taking small biopsies of the heart to detect
rejection that is used today.
4. University of Michigan, Decision making in adolescents and young adults pre
and post heart transplantation, Total award is $12,000 (co-funded by ISHLT).
Enduring Hearts is funding $6,000 in 2016, Lay Person Description: This research
will aim to characterize decision making preferences and involvement of
young adults who are pre or post heart transplantation and examine
associations between their decision making involvement and health-related
quality of life.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
11. Projects we are Funding
5. Columbia University Medical Center, Contribution of innate-like B cells to
human cardiac allograft vasculopathy. Total award is $40,000 (co-funded
by ISHLT). Enduring Hearts is funding $20,000 in 2016, Lay Person Description:
This research aims to determine if B cells are the majorly contributing factor to
cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV), the leading cause of mortality
following the first year of transplantation.
6. University of Illinois at Chicago,Novel tolerogenic CD34/MSC di--chimeric
cell therapy in vascularized composite allograft and heart transplant. Total
award is $174,960, entirely funded by Enduring Hearts with $87,480 in 2016.
Lay Person Description: This research aims to develop a new less--toxic stem
cell--based therapy, which will extend heart transplant survival without the
need for life-long immunosuppression therapies (anti-rejections medication).
7. Vanderbilt University, 2D speckle tracking echocardiography for non-
invasive surveillance of rejection and coronary disease in pediatric heart
transplant recipients. Total award is $68,030, entirely funded by Enduring
Hearts with $34,015 in 2016. Lay Person Description: This research aims to
assess the ability of 2D speckle tracking to provide earlier identification of
both rejection and coronary disease in pediatric heart transplant patients.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
12. Enduring Hearts Funding
造 Funding comes from individual donations, fundraising,
investment income, and contributions from other
造 We have pledged over $2 million in grant awards over
the next two years.
造 By 2020, EH hopes to raise over $100,000,000.
造 Enduring Hearts does not compensate staff members or
executives. In-house staffing and labor are 100%
donated, in-kind by generous corporate partners. This
allows for maximum program impact from donor dollars.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
14. Fiscal Responsibility
造 Key FY2015 Efficiency Metrics:
造 Program Expenses: 92.4%
造 Administrative Expenses: 3.5%
造 Fundraising Expenses: 4.1%
造 Fundraising Efficiency: $0.01 spent per $1.00 raised
造 Raised $1.947M in 2015 but only spent $20,000 on fundraising.油
造 Year/Year Primary Revenue Growth 740%
造 ~$263,000 of primary revenue in 2014
造 ~$1,947,000 in 2015
造 Year/Year Program Expense Growth 425% (Money for the Mission)
造 ~$107,000 in Program Expense in 2014
造 ~$455,000 in 2015
造 Working Capital Ratio - 3.25
造 ~$1,600,000 in current assets
造 2015 spending rate was ~$492,000
造 More financial information can be inspected on our website:
造 https://www.enduringhearts.org/site/financials-reporting/
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
15. Conclusion
造 The funding of heart transplant longevity research is extremely important.
This research can improve the lives of transplant patients around the world.
造 Enduring Hearts is unique:
造 Only charity that specifically focuses on this endeavor.
造 Extremely efficient operating structure, with minimal G&A overhead, and zero staff/
executive compensation (staff time donated by supporting corporations).
造 We depend on public support to continue funding research.
造 As we grow our donor support base, we will be able to do more to help
pediatric transplant patients and their families.
造 Thank you for considering Enduring Hearts as a recipient of your support!
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
16. How can you support?
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
≒ Donate online at www.enduringhearts.org/donate or via
Enduring Hearts
3600 Dallas Highway
Suite 230-350
Marietta, GA 30064
≒ For major gift, legacy gift, bequests, remainder trust and
estate giving, please contact:
Ankur Chatterjee
President & Executive Director
+1 (678) 612-5033 mobile