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Enduring Hearts
A non-profit dedicated to making heart transplants last
enduringhearts.orgRegistered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
Our Mission
造 The Enduring Hearts mission is to fund important and
innovative research to increase the longevity of pediatric
heart transplants, and improve the quality of life for
transplant recipients.
造 We give priority to clinical research projects and new
emerging technologies that focus on understanding the
cause, development, and prevention of human
transplantation diseases, including organ injury and
rejection, viral infection, and late graft deterioration.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
Important Facts
造 Children who received a heart
transplant have a 1-in-4 chance
of needing another transplant in
5 years.
造 4,208 candidates are awaiting a
heart. 150 of those need a
repeat transplant.
造 A person is added to the
national organ transplant waiting
list every 10 minutes.
造 An average of 21 people die
each day because the organs
they need are not donated in
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
Research is Important
造 Pediatric Heart Transplant
longevity research is
extremely underfunded.
造 Enduring Hearts is the only
non-profit that focuses on
funding these important
research projects.
造 Through our research
funding, we can help
improve the lives of
transplant children and their
families around the world.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
Funding Alignment Strategy
造 Enduring Hearts has worked to increase the overall
allocation of annual awarded grants in our research area.
造 Larger organizations such as the American Heart Association
and the International Society for Heart & Lung
Transplantation have modified their granting behavior due
to Enduring Hearts influence.
造 Our co-funding alignments with these organizations have
allowed us to amplify the impact of our donor dollars.
造 For every donor dollar received, we have been able to
generate more than a dollar going towards our research
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
Funding Alignments:
The American Heart Association
造 As of June 29, 2015, EH has an ongoing research grant-
making alignment program with the American Heart
Association (AHA) to establish the AHA/Enduring Hearts
Foundation Research Award.
造 Award is dedicated to investigators who are interested in
conducting research specific to improving solid organ
transplantation longevity, with priority for pediatric heart
造 Enduring Hearts has committed a minimum of $250,000 over
the period of the award to the American Heart Association,
who will provide a similar level of funding towards the
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
Funding Alignments:
International Society for Heart & Lung Transplantation
造 The Boards of Directors of Enduring Hearts and ISHLT have
approved a strategic grant-making partnership with
Enduring Hearts to co-fund pediatric transplant longevity
research for a combined $500,000 of grants annually.
造 This partnership significantly increases the level of
research grant funding across the focus area of pediatric
transplant longevity.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
Finding Meritorious Research
造 The Enduring Hearts Scientific
Advisory Committee
biannually evaluates new
innovative ideas from
researchers around the
造 Constantly seeking strategic
opportunities to further the
mission of significantly
increasing life-expectancies
and quality of life.
造 We anticipate a growing
number of high-quality
submissions through our
alignment with AHA and
ISHLT, as well as through the
Enduring Hearts direct
granting program.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
Projects we are Funding
1. Duke University Medical Center, Prevention of homograft induced cardiac
allograft vasculopathy in pediatric heart transplantation. Total award is
$249,480 (co-funded by AHA). Enduring Hearts is funding $134,720 in three
equal installments 2016, 2017 and 2018. Lay Person Description: Chronic
rejection of a heart transplant, which leads to the narrowing of the hearts
blood vessels, is a major obstacle preventing long-term survival of the organ.
This research will look closely at antibodies created by the transplant
recipients that is considered to have a casual effect on the development of
chronic rejection.
2. University of Chicago, Reduced avidity endogenous graft-specific T cells in
transplantation tolerance. Total award is $28,080 (co-funded by AHA).
Enduring Hearts is funding $15,164 in 2016. Lay Person Description: Transplant
patients are required to be on immunosuppresive therapies to prevent organ
transplant rejection. As a side effect, these therapies reduce immunity of
tumors and infections.This research is to determine if certain short-term
therapies could be used to target precise reactions that are responsible for
organ transplant rejection without the consequence of inhibiting immunity to
tumors and infections.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
Projects we are Funding
3. University of Calgary, Validation of a novel non-invasive assay for the
detection of heart rejection. Total award is $24,741, entirely funded by
Enduring Hearts in 2016. Lay Person Description: This research will look at a
technique of using cell-free DNA to detect rejection in heart transplant
patients as an improvement over taking small biopsies of the heart to detect
rejection that is used today.
4. University of Michigan, Decision making in adolescents and young adults pre
and post heart transplantation, Total award is $12,000 (co-funded by ISHLT).
Enduring Hearts is funding $6,000 in 2016, Lay Person Description: This research
will aim to characterize decision making preferences and involvement of
young adults who are pre or post heart transplantation and examine
associations between their decision making involvement and health-related
quality of life.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
Projects we are Funding
5. Columbia University Medical Center, Contribution of innate-like B cells to
human cardiac allograft vasculopathy. Total award is $40,000 (co-funded
by ISHLT). Enduring Hearts is funding $20,000 in 2016, Lay Person Description:
This research aims to determine if B cells are the majorly contributing factor to
cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV), the leading cause of mortality
following the first year of transplantation.
6. University of Illinois at Chicago,Novel tolerogenic CD34/MSC di--chimeric
cell therapy in vascularized composite allograft and heart transplant. Total
award is $174,960, entirely funded by Enduring Hearts with $87,480 in 2016.
Lay Person Description: This research aims to develop a new less--toxic stem
cell--based therapy, which will extend heart transplant survival without the
need for life-long immunosuppression therapies (anti-rejections medication).
7. Vanderbilt University, 2D speckle tracking echocardiography for non-
invasive surveillance of rejection and coronary disease in pediatric heart
transplant recipients. Total award is $68,030, entirely funded by Enduring
Hearts with $34,015 in 2016. Lay Person Description: This research aims to
assess the ability of 2D speckle tracking to provide earlier identification of
both rejection and coronary disease in pediatric heart transplant patients.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
Enduring Hearts Funding
造 Funding comes from individual donations, fundraising,
investment income, and contributions from other
造 We have pledged over $2 million in grant awards over
the next two years.
造 By 2020, EH hopes to raise over $100,000,000.
造 Enduring Hearts does not compensate staff members or
executives. In-house staffing and labor are 100%
donated, in-kind by generous corporate partners. This
allows for maximum program impact from donor dollars.
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
EH Revenue
2013 2014 2015 2016
Fundraising event
Investment Income
In-kind revenue
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
Fiscal Responsibility
造 Key FY2015 Efficiency Metrics:
造 Program Expenses: 92.4%
造 Administrative Expenses: 3.5%
造 Fundraising Expenses: 4.1%
造 Fundraising Efficiency: $0.01 spent per $1.00 raised
造 Raised $1.947M in 2015 but only spent $20,000 on fundraising.油
造 Year/Year Primary Revenue Growth  740%
造 ~$263,000 of primary revenue in 2014
造 ~$1,947,000 in 2015
造 Year/Year Program Expense Growth  425% (Money for the Mission)
造 ~$107,000 in Program Expense in 2014
造 ~$455,000 in 2015
造 Working Capital Ratio - 3.25
造 ~$1,600,000 in current assets
造 2015 spending rate was ~$492,000
造 More financial information can be inspected on our website:
造 https://www.enduringhearts.org/site/financials-reporting/
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
造 The funding of heart transplant longevity research is extremely important.
This research can improve the lives of transplant patients around the world.
造 Enduring Hearts is unique:
造 Only charity that specifically focuses on this endeavor.
造 Extremely efficient operating structure, with minimal G&A overhead, and zero staff/
executive compensation (staff time donated by supporting corporations).
造 We depend on public support to continue funding research.
造 As we grow our donor support base, we will be able to do more to help
pediatric transplant patients and their families.
造 Thank you for considering Enduring Hearts as a recipient of your support!
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
How can you support?
Registered 501(c)(3)
EIN #: 46-2665745
≒ Donate online at www.enduringhearts.org/donate or via
Enduring Hearts
3600 Dallas Highway
Suite 230-350
Marietta, GA 30064
≒ For major gift, legacy gift, bequests, remainder trust and
estate giving, please contact:
Ankur Chatterjee
President & Executive Director
+1 (678) 612-5033  mobile

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20160801 - Enduring Hearts Intro (inc. updated 2015 KPIs)

  • 1. Enduring Hearts A non-profit dedicated to making heart transplants last longer. enduringhearts.orgRegistered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 2. Our Mission 造 The Enduring Hearts mission is to fund important and innovative research to increase the longevity of pediatric heart transplants, and improve the quality of life for transplant recipients. 造 We give priority to clinical research projects and new emerging technologies that focus on understanding the cause, development, and prevention of human transplantation diseases, including organ injury and rejection, viral infection, and late graft deterioration. Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 3. Important Facts 造 Children who received a heart transplant have a 1-in-4 chance of needing another transplant in 5 years. 造 4,208 candidates are awaiting a heart. 150 of those need a repeat transplant. 造 A person is added to the national organ transplant waiting list every 10 minutes. 造 An average of 21 people die each day because the organs they need are not donated in time. Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 4. Research is Important 造 Pediatric Heart Transplant longevity research is extremely underfunded. 造 Enduring Hearts is the only non-profit that focuses on funding these important research projects. 造 Through our research funding, we can help improve the lives of transplant children and their families around the world. Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 5. Funding Alignment Strategy 造 Enduring Hearts has worked to increase the overall allocation of annual awarded grants in our research area. 造 Larger organizations such as the American Heart Association and the International Society for Heart & Lung Transplantation have modified their granting behavior due to Enduring Hearts influence. 造 Our co-funding alignments with these organizations have allowed us to amplify the impact of our donor dollars. 造 For every donor dollar received, we have been able to generate more than a dollar going towards our research mission. Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 6. Funding Alignments: The American Heart Association 造 As of June 29, 2015, EH has an ongoing research grant- making alignment program with the American Heart Association (AHA) to establish the AHA/Enduring Hearts Foundation Research Award. 造 Award is dedicated to investigators who are interested in conducting research specific to improving solid organ transplantation longevity, with priority for pediatric heart transplants. 造 Enduring Hearts has committed a minimum of $250,000 over the period of the award to the American Heart Association, who will provide a similar level of funding towards the award. Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 7. Funding Alignments: International Society for Heart & Lung Transplantation 造 The Boards of Directors of Enduring Hearts and ISHLT have approved a strategic grant-making partnership with Enduring Hearts to co-fund pediatric transplant longevity research for a combined $500,000 of grants annually. 造 This partnership significantly increases the level of research grant funding across the focus area of pediatric transplant longevity. Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 8. Finding Meritorious Research 造 The Enduring Hearts Scientific Advisory Committee biannually evaluates new innovative ideas from researchers around the world. 造 Constantly seeking strategic opportunities to further the mission of significantly increasing life-expectancies and quality of life. 造 We anticipate a growing number of high-quality submissions through our alignment with AHA and ISHLT, as well as through the Enduring Hearts direct granting program. Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 9. Projects we are Funding 1. Duke University Medical Center, Prevention of homograft induced cardiac allograft vasculopathy in pediatric heart transplantation. Total award is $249,480 (co-funded by AHA). Enduring Hearts is funding $134,720 in three equal installments 2016, 2017 and 2018. Lay Person Description: Chronic rejection of a heart transplant, which leads to the narrowing of the hearts blood vessels, is a major obstacle preventing long-term survival of the organ. This research will look closely at antibodies created by the transplant recipients that is considered to have a casual effect on the development of chronic rejection. 2. University of Chicago, Reduced avidity endogenous graft-specific T cells in transplantation tolerance. Total award is $28,080 (co-funded by AHA). Enduring Hearts is funding $15,164 in 2016. Lay Person Description: Transplant patients are required to be on immunosuppresive therapies to prevent organ transplant rejection. As a side effect, these therapies reduce immunity of tumors and infections.This research is to determine if certain short-term therapies could be used to target precise reactions that are responsible for organ transplant rejection without the consequence of inhibiting immunity to tumors and infections. Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 10. Projects we are Funding 3. University of Calgary, Validation of a novel non-invasive assay for the detection of heart rejection. Total award is $24,741, entirely funded by Enduring Hearts in 2016. Lay Person Description: This research will look at a technique of using cell-free DNA to detect rejection in heart transplant patients as an improvement over taking small biopsies of the heart to detect rejection that is used today. 4. University of Michigan, Decision making in adolescents and young adults pre and post heart transplantation, Total award is $12,000 (co-funded by ISHLT). Enduring Hearts is funding $6,000 in 2016, Lay Person Description: This research will aim to characterize decision making preferences and involvement of young adults who are pre or post heart transplantation and examine associations between their decision making involvement and health-related quality of life. Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 11. Projects we are Funding 5. Columbia University Medical Center, Contribution of innate-like B cells to human cardiac allograft vasculopathy. Total award is $40,000 (co-funded by ISHLT). Enduring Hearts is funding $20,000 in 2016, Lay Person Description: This research aims to determine if B cells are the majorly contributing factor to cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV), the leading cause of mortality following the first year of transplantation. 6. University of Illinois at Chicago,Novel tolerogenic CD34/MSC di--chimeric cell therapy in vascularized composite allograft and heart transplant. Total award is $174,960, entirely funded by Enduring Hearts with $87,480 in 2016. Lay Person Description: This research aims to develop a new less--toxic stem cell--based therapy, which will extend heart transplant survival without the need for life-long immunosuppression therapies (anti-rejections medication). 7. Vanderbilt University, 2D speckle tracking echocardiography for non- invasive surveillance of rejection and coronary disease in pediatric heart transplant recipients. Total award is $68,030, entirely funded by Enduring Hearts with $34,015 in 2016. Lay Person Description: This research aims to assess the ability of 2D speckle tracking to provide earlier identification of both rejection and coronary disease in pediatric heart transplant patients. Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 12. Enduring Hearts Funding 造 Funding comes from individual donations, fundraising, investment income, and contributions from other foundations. 造 We have pledged over $2 million in grant awards over the next two years. 造 By 2020, EH hopes to raise over $100,000,000. 造 Enduring Hearts does not compensate staff members or executives. In-house staffing and labor are 100% donated, in-kind by generous corporate partners. This allows for maximum program impact from donor dollars. Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 13. EH Revenue 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 450000 500000 2013 2014 2015 2016 (projected) Foundations Donations Fundraising event Investment Income realized In-kind revenue Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 14. Fiscal Responsibility 造 Key FY2015 Efficiency Metrics: 造 Program Expenses: 92.4% 造 Administrative Expenses: 3.5% 造 Fundraising Expenses: 4.1% 造 Fundraising Efficiency: $0.01 spent per $1.00 raised 造 Raised $1.947M in 2015 but only spent $20,000 on fundraising.油 造 Year/Year Primary Revenue Growth 740% 造 ~$263,000 of primary revenue in 2014 造 ~$1,947,000 in 2015 造 Year/Year Program Expense Growth 425% (Money for the Mission) 造 ~$107,000 in Program Expense in 2014 造 ~$455,000 in 2015 造 Working Capital Ratio - 3.25 造 ~$1,600,000 in current assets 造 2015 spending rate was ~$492,000 造 More financial information can be inspected on our website: 造 https://www.enduringhearts.org/site/financials-reporting/ Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 15. Conclusion 造 The funding of heart transplant longevity research is extremely important. This research can improve the lives of transplant patients around the world. 造 Enduring Hearts is unique: 造 Only charity that specifically focuses on this endeavor. 造 Extremely efficient operating structure, with minimal G&A overhead, and zero staff/ executive compensation (staff time donated by supporting corporations). 造 We depend on public support to continue funding research. 造 As we grow our donor support base, we will be able to do more to help pediatric transplant patients and their families. 造 Thank you for considering Enduring Hearts as a recipient of your support! Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745
  • 16. How can you support? Registered 501(c)(3) EIN #: 46-2665745 ≒ Donate online at www.enduringhearts.org/donate or via mail: Enduring Hearts 3600 Dallas Highway Suite 230-350 Marietta, GA 30064 ≒ For major gift, legacy gift, bequests, remainder trust and estate giving, please contact: Ankur Chatterjee President & Executive Director +1 (678) 612-5033 mobile ankur@enduringhearts.org enduringhearts.org