This document discusses the Katowice Problem, which asks whether two sets X and Y must have the same cardinality if the power sets modulo finite sets P(X)/fin and P(Y)/fin are isomorphic as rings. It presents two results showing that P(1)/fin and P(2)/fin are not isomorphic, leaving open the question of whether P(0)/fin and P(1)/fin could ever be isomorphic. It then shows that if P(0)/fin and P(1)/fin were isomorphic, it would imply the existence of a non-trivial automorphism of P(0)/fin.
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The Katowice Problem
1. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
The Katowice Problem
T卒a sc卒eil卒脹n agam
K. P. Hart
Faculty EEMCS
TU Delft
Amsterdam, 5 October, 2016: 16:00 16:45
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2. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
Easy exercise one
Let X and Y be two sets and f : X Y a bijection.
Make a bijection between P(X) and P(Y ).
Solution: A f [A] does the trick.
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3. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
The hard exercise
Let X and Y be two sets and F : P(X) P(Y ) a bijection.
Make a bijection between X and Y .
Solution: cant be done.
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4. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
How can that be?
But, if we have sets with the same number of subsets then they
have the same number of points.
For if 2m = 2n then m = n.
True, for natural numbers m and n.
But that was not (really) the question.
The proof for m and n does not produce a bijection.
It does not use bijections at all.
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5. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
On to in鍖nity
We have a scale to measure sets by: 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .
0 refers to countable.
1 refers to the next in鍖nity
and so on . . .
I teach this stu鍖 every Friday afternoon in SP 904 (C1.112)
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6. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
On to in鍖nity
Remember Cantors Continuum Hypothesis?
It says: 20 = 1: the number of subsets of N is the smallest
possible uncountable in鍖nity.
When Cohen showed that the Continuum Hypothesis is
unprovable, his method actually showed that 20 = 21 = 2 does
not lead to contradictions.
This is a situation with a bijection between P(X) and P(Y ) but
no bijection between X and Y .
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7. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
Easy exercise two
Let X and Y be two sets and F : P(X) P(Y ) a bijection that is
also an isomorphism for the relation .
Make a bijection between X and Y .
Solution: if x X then {x} is an atom (nothing between it
and ), hence so is F {x} .
But then F {x} = {y} for some (unique) y Y .
Theres your bijection.
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8. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
Some algebra
We can consider P(X) as a group, or a ring.
Addition: symmetric di鍖erence
Multiplication: intersection
A -isomorphism is also a ring-isomorphism.
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9. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
There is a nice ideal in the ring P(X):
the ideal, 鍖n, of 鍖nite sets.
You can see where this is going . . .
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10. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
The problem
The Katowice Problem
Let X and Y be sets and assume P(X)/鍖n and P(Y )/鍖n are
Is there a bijection between X and Y ?
Equivalently . . .
If the Banach algebras (X)/c0 and (Y )/c0 are isomorphic
must there be a bijection between X and Y ?
Equivalently . . .
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11. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
The problem
. . . the original version
The Katowice Problem
If X and Y are homeomorphic must X and Y have the same
Our sets carry the discrete topology and X = 硫X X, where
硫X is the Cech-Stone compacti鍖cation.
Actually: X is also the structure space of (X)/c0 and the
maximal-ideal space of P(X)/鍖n.
So it all hangs together.
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12. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
Two results
Theorem (Frankiewicz 1977)
The minimum cardinal 虜 (if any) such that P(虜)/鍖n is isomorphic
to P(了)/鍖n for some 了 > 虜 must be 0.
Theorem (Balcar and Frankiewicz 1978)
P(1)/鍖n and P(2)/鍖n are not isomorphic.
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13. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
If 1 虜 < 了 then P(虜)/鍖n and P(了)/鍖n are not isomorphic, and
if 2 了 then P(0)/鍖n and P(了)/鍖n are not isomorphic.
So we are left with
Are P(0)/鍖n and P(1)/鍖n ever isomorphic?
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14. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
Why ever?
The Continuum Hypothesis implies that P(0)/鍖n and P(1)/鍖n
are not isomorphic?
So, we can not prove that they are isomorphic.
But, can we prove they they are not isomorphic?
The are they ever translates to:
is there a model of Set Theory where P(0)/鍖n and P(1)/鍖n are
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15. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
We want P(0)/鍖n and P(1)/鍖n are isomorphic to be false.
We have many consequences.
But not yet 0 = 1.
Heres a nice one . . .
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16. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
An automorphism of P(0)/鍖n
Work with the set D = Z 1 so we assume
粒 : P(D)/鍖n P(0)/鍖n is an isomorphism.
De鍖ne 裡 : D D by 裡(n, 留) = n + 1, 留 .
Then = 粒 裡 粒1 is an automorphism of P(0)/鍖n.
In fact, is non-trivial, i.e., there is no bijection : a b between
co鍖nite sets such that (x) = [x a] for all subsets x of
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17. Two easy exercises and a hard one
The Katowice Problem
A non-trivial automorphism
Light reading
K. P. Hart,
De ContinuumHypothese, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 10,
nummer 1, (2009), 3339
D. Chodounsky, A. Dow, K. P. Hart and H. de Vries
The Katowice problem and autohomeomorphisms of ,
(arXiv e-print 1307.3930)
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