письмо нагорныхJulia KorkinaПисьмо Министерства спорта, туризма и молодёжной политики РФ от 7 июня 2010 г. № ЮН-01-10/2824
ГАРАНТ.РУ: http://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/98891/#ixzz4poW8cuYW
Ec2017 schedule 13072017Julia KorkinaThe European Muaythai Championships 2017 will take place from October 14-22 in Paris, France. The schedule includes team arrivals on October 14, an opening ceremony on October 16, preliminary bouts from October 16-18, quarterfinals and semifinals from October 19-20, and finals for men and women as well as a medal ceremony on October 21 before departures on October 22. Weigh-ins, medical checks, and referee/judge briefings will occur daily throughout the event.
№197, ип по пм 2Julia KorkinaОб участии сборных команд России
в Первенстве мира, которое состоится в период
с 03 по 11 августа 2017 года в г. Бангкок (Тайланд)
Ec2017 schedule 13072017Julia KorkinaThe European Muaythai Championships 2017 will take place from October 14-22 in Paris, France. The schedule includes team arrivals on October 14, an opening ceremony on October 16, preliminary bouts from October 16-18, quarterfinals and semifinals from October 19-20, and finals for men and women as well as a medal ceremony on October 21 before departures on October 22. Weigh-ins, medical checks, and referee/judge briefings will occur daily throughout the event.
№197, ип по пм 2Julia KorkinaОб участии сборных команд России
в Первенстве мира, которое состоится в период
с 03 по 11 августа 2017 года в г. Бангкок (Тайланд)